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Food Standards (Proposal P1025 – Code Revision) Variation



The Board of Food Standards Australia New Zealand gives notice of the making of this standard under section 92 of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991. The Standard commences on 1 March 2016.


Dated 25 March 2015

Standards Management Officer

Delegate of the Board of Food Standards Australia New Zealand








This Standard will be published in the Commonwealth of Australia Gazette No. FSC 96 on 10 April 2015.


Standard 2.5.7 Dried milk, evaporated milk and condensed milk

Note 1 This instrument is a standard under the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 (Cth). The standards together make up the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. See also section 1.1.1—3.

Note 2 The provisions of the Code that apply in New Zealand are incorporated in, or adopted under, the Food Act 2014 (NZ). See also section 1.1.1—3.

Note 3 In Australia, dairy products must be processed in accordance with Standard 4.2.4.

2.5.7—1 Name

  This Standard is Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code Standard 2.5.7 Dried milk, evaporated milk and condensed milk.

 Note Commencement:
This Standard commences on 1 March 2016, being the date specified as the commencement date in notices in the Gazette and the New Zealand Gazette under section 92 of the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991 (Cth). See also section 93 of that Act.

2.5.7—2 Definitions

Note In this Code (see section 1.1.2—3):

 adjusted milk, in relation to condensed milk, dried milk or evaporated milk, means milk:

 (a) that is to be used to make the product concerned; and

 (b) to which milk components have been added, or from which they have been withdrawn, in order for the product to comply with requirements of Standard 2.5.7; and

 (c) that has the same whey protein to casein ratio as the original milk.

 condensed milk means:

 (a) a food obtained by the partial removal of water from milk or adjusted milk, with the addition of sugars, and the possible addition of salt or water; or

 (b) a food of the same composition obtained by any other process.

 dried milk means a powdered food obtained by the partial removal of water from milk or adjusted milk.

 evaporated milk means:

 (a) a food obtained by the partial removal of water by heat from milk or adjusted milk, with the possible addition of one or more of the following:

 (i) salt;

 (ii) water; or

 (b) a food of the same composition obtained by any other process.

2.5.7—3 Requirement for food sold as condensed milk

 (1) A food that is sold as condensed milk must:

 (a) be condensed milk; and

 (b) contain no less than 34% m/m milk protein in milk solids non-fat.

 (2) A food that is sold as condensed whole milk and derived from cow’s milk must contain:

 (a) no less than 8% m/m milkfat; and

 (b) no less than 28% m/m milk solids.

 (3) A food that is sold as condensed skim milk and derived from cow’s milk must contain:

 (a) no more than 1% m/m milkfat; and

 (b) no less than 24% m/m milk solids.

2.5.7—4 Requirement for food sold as dried milk

 (1) A food that is sold as dried milk must:

 (a) be dried milk; and

 (b) contain no less than 34% m/m milk protein in milk solids non-fat.

 (2) A food that is sold as dried whole milk and derived from cow’s milk must contain:

 (a) no less than 26% m/m milkfat; and

 (b) no more than 5% m/m water.

 (3) A food that is sold as dried skim milk and derived from cow’s milk must contain:

 (a) no more than 1.5% m/m milkfat; and

 (b) no more than 5% m/m water.

2.5.7—5 Requirement for food sold as evaporated milk

 (1) A food that is sold as evaporated milk:

 (a) be evaporated milk; and

 (b) contain no less than 34% m/m milk protein in milk solids non-fat.

 (2) A food that is sold as evaporated whole milk and derived from cow’s milk must contain:

 (a) no less than 7.5% m/m milkfat; and

 (b) no less than 25% m/m milk solids; and

 (3) A food that is sold as evaporated skim milk and derived from cow’s milk must contain:

 (a) no more than 1% m/m milkfat; and

 (b) no less than 20% m/m milk solids.
