Federal Financial Relations (National Health Reform PAYMENTS) Determination 2013-14

I, JOSEPH BENEDICT HOCKEY, Treasurer, make this Determination under Part 3A of the Federal Financial Relations Act 2009.




Dated: 26 February  2015


  1.           This determination is the Federal Financial Relations (National Health Reform Payments) Determination 2013-14.

2.             This determination commences on the day on which this determination is made.

3.             The following definitions are used throughout this determination:

Administrator means the Administrator of the National Health Funding Pool.

FFR Act means the Federal Financial Relations Act 2009.

State includes the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory.

4.             Subsection 15A(2) of the FFR Act provides that this determination is a legislative instrument, but section 42 (disallowance) of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 does not apply to this determination.

5.             Under the National Health Reform Agreement, national health reform funding arrangements commenced from 1 July 2012, replacing the former national healthcare specific purpose payments.  Clause A33 of the National Health Reform Agreement provides that for 2013-14, the Commonwealth will provide total funding equivalent to the amount that would otherwise have been payable through the former national healthcare specific purpose payment.

6.             In accordance with the functions of the Administrator under paragraph 238(1)(a) of the National Health Reform Act 2011, the Administrator has calculated and advised the amounts required to be paid by the Commonwealth into each State Pool Account of the National Health Funding Pool under the National Health Reform Agreement. These amounts include the reconciliation of actual service delivery in 2013-14, including cross-border services on a provider basis.

7.             Based on the Administrator’s advice and in accordance with subsection 15A(1) of the FFR Act, the amounts specified in Table 1 are to be paid for the 2013-14 financial year to the States specified in that table.

8.             In accordance with subsection 15A(3) of the FFR Act, the amounts specified in Table 1 are to be paid to the States on condition that the financial assistance is spent in accordance with the National Health Reform Agreement.