Instrument number CASA EX116/15

I, MARK ALAN SKIDMORE, Director of Aviation Safety, on behalf of CASA, make this instrument under regulation 11.160 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR 1998).

[Signed Mark Skidmore AM]

Mark Skidmore AM
Director of Aviation Safety

23 July 2015

Exemption logging of time in flight for co-pilots on single-pilot certificated aircraft

1 Duration

 This instrument:

(a) commences on the day of registration; and

(b) expires at the end of June 2018, as if it had been repealed by another instrument.

2 Definitions

In this instrument:

flight time, in relation to a pilot (also referred to as flight time as a pilot), has the same meaning given in regulation 61.080 of CASR 1998.

Note   A person’s flight time as a pilot includes a person’s flight time as a co-pilot.

flight time, in relation to a co-pilot (also referred to as co-pilot flight time), has the same meaning given in regulation 61.085 of CASR 1998.

multi-pilot capable aircraft, for the purposes of this instrument is a single-pilot certificated aircraft which is being operated as a multi-pilot aircraft that:

(a) is not an aircraft that, under CASR 1998 and the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988, must be flown with a crew of at least 2 pilots; and

(b) is fitted with dual flight controls; and

(c) is fitted with flight instruments that are suitable for operation of the aircraft from either pilot station.

Note   Some examples of multi-pilot capable aircraft are Metro series aeroplanes, BE1900 aeroplanes, DO228 aeroplanes, AW139 helicopters and S-76 helicopters.

permissible co-pilot time means time that may be logged by a copilot:

(a) for the duration of multi-crew operations in a multi-pilot capable aircraft; and

(b) for duties in accordance with multi-crew procedures specified in the aircraft operator’s operations manual.

3 Application

 This instrument applies to each person who, as a co-pilot during multi-crew operations in a multipilot capable aircraft, wishes to log the duration of multicrew operations as permissible co-pilot time (the permitted co-pilot).

4 Exemptions

 (1) The permitted co-pilot is exempt from compliance with subregulation 61.360 (1) of CASR 1998.

 (2) The permitted co-pilot is exempt from compliance with paragraphs 61.705 (1) (a) and (b) of CASR 1998.

Note   The co-pilot will be able to submit permissible co-pilot time in support of his or her application for an air transport pilot licence (ATPL) with the aeroplane category rating.

 (3) The permitted co-pilot is exempt from compliance with paragraphs 61.710 (1) (a) and (b) of CASR 1998.

Note   The co-pilot will be able to submit permissible co-pilot time in support of his or her application for an ATPL with the helicopter category rating.

 (4)For a type rating for an aircraft — the permitted co-pilot is exempt from compliance with subregulation 61.775 (2) of CASR 1998.

 (5) For a type rating for a turbojet-powered aeroplane — the permitted co-pilot is exempt from compliance with paragraph 61.775 (3) (a) of CASR 1998.

 (6) For a type rating for a turboprop-powered aeroplane — the permitted co-pilot is exempt from compliance with paragraph 61.775 (3) (b) of CASR 1998.

 (7) For a type rating for a turbine-powered helicopter — the permitted co-pilot is exempt from compliance with paragraph 61.775 (3) (c) of CASR 1998.

 (8)For a night vision imaging system endorsement (helicopter) — the permitted copilot is exempt from subparagraph 61.1035 (4) (b) (i) of CASR 1988.

5 Conditions

 (1)Each exemption in subsection 4 (1) to subsection 4 (7) is subject to the condition mentioned for that exemption in Schedule 1.

 (2)The exemption in subsection 4 (8) is subject to the condition mentioned in Schedule 2.

 (3)The exemptions in section 4 are subject to the general conditions mentioned in Schedule 3.

Schedule 1 Conditions for the grant of an ATPL

 1 The exemption in subsection 4 (1) is subject to the condition that the permitted co-pilot must make an entry for all permissible co-pilot time into his or her personal logbook.

 2 The exemption in subsection 4 (2) is subject to the condition that the permitted co-pilot must log:

(a) at least 1 400 hours of one or the other, or any combination of:

 (i) flight time as a pilot;

 (ii) permissible co-pilot time; and

(b) at least 750 hours of one or the other, or any combination of:

 (i) flight time as pilot of an aeroplane;

 (ii) permissible co-pilot time in an aeroplane.

 3 The exemption in subsection 4 (3) is subject to the condition that the permitted co-pilot must log:

(a) at least 900 hours of one or the other, or any combination of:

 (i) flight time as a pilot;

 (ii) permissible co-pilot time; and

(b) at least 750 hours of one or the other, or any combination of:

 (i) flight time as pilot of a helicopter;

 (ii) permissible co-pilot time in a helicopter.

 4 The exemption in subsection 4 (4) is subject to the condition that the permitted co-pilot must log at least 25 hours of one or the other, or any combination of:

(a) flight time as pilot of an aircraft covered by the rating;

(b) permissible co-pilot time in an aircraft covered by the rating.

 5 The exemption in subsection 4 (5) is subject to the condition that the permitted co-pilot must log:

(a) at least 1 000 hours of one or the other, or any combination of:

 (i) flight time as pilot of a turbojet-powered aeroplane;

 (ii) permissible co-pilot time in a turbojet-powered aeroplane; or

(b) at least 2 000 hours of one or the other, or any combination of:

 (i) flight time as a pilot;

 (ii) permissible co-pilot time;

 including at least 500 hours of one or the other, or any combination of flight time as pilot of a turbojetpowered aeroplane and permissible co-pilot time in a turbojet-powered aeroplane.

 6 The exemption in subsection 4 (6) is subject to the condition that the permitted co-pilot must log:

(a) at least 1 000 hours of one or the other, or any combination of:

 (i) flight time as pilot of a turboprop-powered aeroplane;

 (ii) permissible co-pilot time in a turboprop-powered aeroplane; or

(b) at least 2 000 hours of one or the other, or any combination of:

 (i) flight time as a pilot;

 (ii) permissible co-pilot time;

 including at least 500 hours of one or the other, or any combination of flight time as pilot of a turboprop-powered aeroplane and permissible co-pilot time in a turboprop-powered aeroplane.

 7 The exemption in subsection 4 (7) is subject to the condition that the permitted co-pilot must log:

(a) at least 1 000 hours of one or the other, or any combination of:

 (i) flight time as pilot of a turbine-powered helicopter;

 (ii) permissible co-pilot time in a turbine-powered helicopter; or

(b) at least 2 000 hours of one or the other, or any combination of:

 (i) flight time as a pilot;

 (ii) permissible co-pilot time;

 including at least 500 hours of one or the other, or any combination of flight time as pilot of a turbine-powered helicopter and permissible co-pilot time in a turbinepowered helicopter.

Schedule 2 Condition for grant of night vision imaging system endorsement (helicopter)

  The exemption in subsection 4 (8) is subject to the condition that the permitted co-pilot must have completed at least 250 hours of one or the other, or any combination of:

(a) flight time as pilot of a helicopter;

(b) permissible co-pilot time in a helicopter.

Schedule 3 General conditions

 1 The permitted co-pilot must only log, as permissible co-pilot time, the time that he or she performed co-pilot duties in a multi-pilot capable aircraft operating in accordance with multi-crew procedures contained in the operations manual of an Air Operator’s Certificate holder (the operator) under whose AOC the relevant flight is conducted.

 2 As soon as practicable after completing each flight, the permitted co-pilot must record the permissible co-pilot time in his or her logbook.

 3 Before taking advantage of this exemption, the permitted co-pilot must ensure that a copy of this instrument is included in the operator’s operations manual.