Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

(confidentiality) determination No.17 of 2015


Information provided by locally-incorporated banks and foreign ADIs under Reporting Standard ARS 320.0



Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998




I, Juanita Hoare, delegate of APRA:


(a)     under section 57 of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998 (the Act) and subsection 33(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, REVOKE:



(b)          under paragraph 57(2)(b) of the Act, DETERMINE that a reporting document or part of a reporting document of a kind specified in Parts 1 and 2 of the Schedule does not contain confidential information.


This instrument has effect on the date of registration on FRLI.


Note:  The effect of this instrument is that the non-confidential information may be published under subsection 56(5C) of the Act.



Dated: 28 September 2015






Juanita Hoare

Senior Manager

Supervisory Support Division




In this determination:

ADI means an Australian-owned bank, a branch of a foreign bank or a foreign subsidiary bank.

APRA means the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.

ARF 320.0 means reporting form ARF 320.0 Statement of Financial Position (Domestic Books), or another reporting form in substantially the same terms replacing it, which forms part of ARS 320.0.

ARS 320.0 means ARS 320.0 Statement of Financial Position (Domestic Books), or another reporting standard in substantially the same terms replacing it, made under s 13 of the Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001.

Australian-owned bank, branch of a foreign bank and foreign subsidiary bank have the meanings given to those expressions in ARS 320.0.

FRLI means the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments established under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003.

Reporting document means a reporting document within the meaning of section 13 of the Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001.



Part 1 (Reporting documents covered by this determination)


This determination applies to a reporting document received by APRA under ARS 320.0, other than an item of information specified in Part 2 of this Schedule, where a period of at least 14 days has elapsed from the date the ADI was required to provide the information under ARS 320.0.



Part 2 (Parts of reporting documents not covered by this determination)




Reporting form

This determination does not apply to the items of information specified below

ARF 320.0


-          Share capital/ ordinary shares

-          Share capital/ Preference shares

-          Share capital/ other

-          Total share capital

-          Reserves/ General reserves

-          Reserves/ Capital profits reserves

-          Reserves/ Assets revaluation reserve/ Owner-occupied property

-          Reserves/ Assets revaluation reserve/ Plant and equipment

-          Reserves/ Assets revaluation reserve/ Intangibles revaluation surplus

-          Reserves/ Assets revaluation reserve/ Investment in subsidiaries

-          Reserves/ Assets revaluation reserve/ Investments in associates/share of associates

-          Reserves/ Assets revaluation reserve/ Relating to non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale

-          Reserves/ Assets revaluation reserve/ Other

-          Total asset revaluation reserve

-          Foreign currency translation reserve

-          Reserves/ Available for sale reserve/ Marketable securities

-          Reserves/ Available for sale reserve/ Other

-          Reserves/ Cash flow hedge reserve

-          Reserves/ Share based payments reserve

-          Other reserves

-          Total reserves

-          Retained profits/accumulated losses at the end of the period

-          Total shareholders’ equity

-          Total income tax liability

-          Total provisions