Commonwealth Government Crest


Determination 2015/15:

Members of Parliament Entitlements


(i)                 Pursuant to subsections 7(1), 7 (2) and 7(4) of the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973 (the Act), the Remuneration Tribunal has inquired into the remuneration and allowances to be paid to members of parliament, and matters significantly related thereto, and determines as set out below.

(ii)               Section 7(8AA) of the Act applies to this Determination, so that neither the disallowance provisions in section 7(8) of the Act nor in section 42 of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 apply to it.

(iii)             This Determination takes effect on and from Thursday 19 November 2015.


1.1            In this part, Determination Number 4 of 2012 (as amended) is referred to as the Principal Determination.

1.2            Part 3 of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting Clause 3.17A after Clause 3.17.

3.17A Once the entitlement to travel under clause 3.16 has been   exhausted, a breastfeeding senator or member travelling inter-state at Commonwealth expense on parliamentary, electorate or official business may be accompanied or joined by her spouse, nominee or designated person, to provide support while she continues to breastfeed her child.  Travel for this purpose is to be at economy class.

1.3 Part 3 of the Principal Determination is amended by replacing Clause 3.19 with the following:

3.19 For each year, if the entitlement to Canberra/intra-state travel (under                clause 3.13) is not fully spent, or all the inter-state trips (under clause                             3.16) are not used, the unused portion of the entitlement will not be added               to the entitlement for any later year.

Signed this 25th day of November 2015