I, Professor Ian Young AO, Vice-Chancellor of the Australian National University, make the following rule.
Dated: 11 December 2015
Professor Ian Young AO
1 Name, commencement and authority
6 Powers of prescribed authority
7 Powers of and action by Vice-Chancellor
10 Findings and penalties: prescribed authority
11 Findings and penalties: Vice-Chancellor
16 Failure to meet obligations by due date
17 Re-enrolment following suspension
18 Liability of persons financially supported by third parties
19 Sanctions against persons who fail to meet obligations
20 Review by the Appeals Committee
21 Vice-Chancellor may call in a case
[Note: Under section 50(3) of the Australian University Act 1991 a statute may empower any authority or officer of the University to make rules or orders. Section 9.5 of the Vice-Chancellorship Statute authorises the Vice-Chancellor to make rules and orders for a number of statutes, including the Discipline Statute.]
conduct of a sexual nature includes the making of a statement of a sexual nature to, or in the presence of, a person, whether the statement is made orally or in writing.
course means a subject of scholarly study, whether it is taught:
(a) in a connected series of classes or demonstrations; or
(b) by means of practical work, including, for example, the production by students of essays, theses or case studies or the attendance and participation by students in seminars or workshops; or
(c) by clinical or professional practice; or
(d) in another way or in a combination of ways.
discrimination includes unfair or inequitable treatment on the basis of a person’s race, colour, sex, sexual preference or orientation, marital status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, status as carer, age, disability, ethnic or national origin, breastfeeding requirements, religious, political or union affiliation, or any other attributes applied by or set out in any Commonwealth, State, Territory or University legislation that applies in relation to a University activity.
document includes:
examination includes:
(a) a task required to be performed or undertaken by a student for the assessment of the student’s performance in a program of study or course in which the student is admitted or enrolled; and
(b) a thesis, dissertation, minor thesis, research project, written report, assignment or essay undertaken for the assessment of the student’s performance for an award offered by the University; and
(c) a task required to be performed or undertaken by a person for the purpose of enabling the person to qualify for admission as a student in a program in the University.
exercise a function includes perform the function.
function includes duty and power.
harassment includes behaviour, comments or images that are unwelcome, offensive, humiliating or intimidating to a person, and that, in the circumstances, a reasonable person should have expected would be offensive or intimidating, and also includes sexual harassment.
inquiry means an inquiry mentioned in Part 4.
misconduct has the meaning given in section 3.
obligation includes:
(a) a non-monetary obligation; and
(b) a monetary penalty; and
(c) compensation;
(whether to be made or payable to the University or another person) under a statute (other than the Parking and Traffic Statute) or under any rule or order made under such a statute, and also includes:
(d) a monetary obligation (such as a fee or charge for accommodation, board or a related service) payable to the University or to a Hall of Residence or affiliated College under a contract or agreement.
prescribed authority:
property includes real and personal property and intellectual property including data and information.
sexual harassment includes:
student means a person who is or was enrolled in, or seeking enrolment in, a program or course offered by the University, or who is or was given permission by the University to audit a course offered by the University.
victimisation includes any unfavourable treatment, including adverse changes to a person’s work or study environment, denial of access to resources, work opportunities or training, or ostracism of a person as a consequence of the person’s involvement in a grievance under any grievance procedures applicable in the University.
working day means a day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday, a public holiday in the Australian Capital Territory, or a University holiday.
(a) wilfully obstructs or disrupts an activity or proceeding of the University; or
(b) wilfully or negligently destroys, damages, defaces, loses, removes or otherwise interferes with, or makes unauthorised use of, any property of the University or any other person; or
(c) enters any place in the University that the student is not permitted to enter; or
(d) fails to comply with any reasonable order or direction of an officer or employee of the University or a person acting with the lawful authority of the University; or
(e) fails to comply with a provision of a statute, or of a rule, order or direction made under a statute, rule or order; or
(f) acts dishonestly or unfairly, in connection with:
(i) any assessment for admission to the University; or
(ii) the preparation or presentation of any assignment or material in support of an application for admission to the University; or
(g) subjects another person to harassment, victimisation or other discrimination; or
(h) behaves in an intimidating manner to another person or creates a hostile working or studying environment; or
(i) makes a statement to the University or to an officer or employee of the University that the student knows to be false (including the provision of a falsified medical certificate or falsified academic transcript); or
(j) engages in, or is party to, conduct intended to deceive the University (including the provision of a falsified medical certificate or falsified academic transcript); or
(k) fails to comply with the University’s instructions to students at, or in relation to, an examination; or
(l) negligently or recklessly causes risk or danger to the health or safety of another person.
(a) sets out the grounds, including a description of the alleged misconduct; and
(b) contains copies of any substantive material upon which the allegations were made; and
(c) informs the student that the allegations have been considered by the prescribed authority, who has determined that there are no adequate grounds for believing that the student has engaged in misconduct, or (as the case may be) has determined that the allegation is frivolous, vexatious or not made in good faith.
(a) decide to hold an inquiry into the matter; or
(b) if the matter was not referred to the prescribed authority under section 7(4)(a) and if the misconduct involved so warrants, refer the matter to the Vice-Chancellor.
(a) sets out the grounds, including a description of the alleged misconduct and contain copies of the substantive material upon which the allegations are based; and
(b) informs the student that the prescribed authority intends to hold an inquiry under Part 4 into the alleged misconduct; and
(c) advises the student of the name of the prescribed authority; and
(d) sets out the date, time and place fixed for the hearing of the inquiry; and
(e) contains a statement to the effect that:
(i) the purpose of the inquiry is to determine whether there has been misconduct by the student and that the powers of the prescribed authority include the power to make a finding that there has been such misconduct; and
(ii) the inquiry will be conducted in an informal manner; and
(iii) the student is entitled to appear in person at the inquiry; and
(iv) if the student does not appear at the time and place fixed for the hearing of the inquiry, the inquiry may proceed in the absence of the student; and
(v) the student is entitled to present to the inquiry oral statements or written statements (whether made by the student or another person); and
(vi) the student may, in addition to or instead of appearing in person at the inquiry, furnish to the inquiry a written statement in relation to the alleged misconduct (whether made by the student or another person); and
(vii) the student may be accompanied at the inquiry by another person who may observe the proceedings but not act as an advocate unless with the express approval of the prescribed authority; and
(viii) the prescribed authority is not bound by rules of evidence.
[Note: If, in relation to information infrastructure or information services, a student is to have committed misconduct (however described), appropriate action may be taken under the Information Infrastructure and Services Rule.]
(a) advise the student in writing of the action taken and the reasons for the action; and
(b) report the action taken and the circumstances relating to it to the Vice-Chancellor.
(a) sets out the grounds, including a description of the alleged misconduct; and
(b) contains copies of any substantive material upon which the allegations were made; and
(c) informs the student that:
(i) the allegations have been considered by the Vice-Chancellor; and
(ii) the Vice-Chancellor has determined that there are no adequate grounds for taking action against the student.
(a) refer the matter to a prescribed authority for inquiry and determination in accordance with section 6 and Part 4; or
(b) refer the matter for inquiry on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor by a panel of persons selected by the Vice-Chancellor; or
(c) conduct an inquiry into the matter.
(a) specify, in addition to the matters referred to in that subsection, the date, time and place fixed for the inquiry; and
(b) advise the student that the Vice-Chancellor is to conduct the inquiry or, if a panel is appointed under subsection (4)(b), of the names of the panel members; and
(c) contain a statement to the effect that:
(i) the purpose of the inquiry is to determine whether there has been misconduct by the student and that the powers of the Vice-Chancellor include the power to make a finding that there has been such misconduct; and
(ii) the inquiry will be conducted in an informal manner; and
(iii) the student is entitled to appear in person at the inquiry; and
(iv) if the student does not appear at the time and place fixed for the inquiry, the inquiry may proceed in the absence of the student; and
(v) the student is entitled to present to the inquiry oral statements or written statements (whether made by the student or another person); and
(vi) the student may, in addition to or instead of appearing in person at the inquiry, furnish to the inquiry a written statement in relation to the alleged misconduct (whether made by the student or another person); and
(vii) the student may be accompanied at the inquiry by another person who may observe the proceedings but not act as an advocate unless with the express approval of the Vice-Chancellor or Chair of the panel; and
(viii) the Vice-Chancellor or the panel is not bound by rules of evidence.
(a) observe the proceedings; and
(b) with the express approval of the person or panel holding the inquiry act as an advocate.
(a) decide to take no action;
(b) reprimand the student;
(c) deny the student access to all or any University facilities, to all University premises, any University premises or any part of University premises, or to all or any activities conducted by or on behalf of the University, for a specified period;
(d) impose on the student a monetary penalty not exceeding $500 for each occurrence of misconduct to which this instrument applies;
(e) if, as a result of the misconduct:
(i) any property is damaged; or
(ii) a person incurs expense;
order the student to pay to the owner of the property or the person incurring the expense, as the case requires, compensation as determined by the Vice-Chancellor;
(f) determine the conditions under which the student may attend classes or lessons or use any facility of the University;
(g) suspend the candidature or enrolment of the student in a program of study or course in which the student is admitted or enrolled and prohibit the resumption of candidature or enrolment for a period not exceeding 12 months;
(h) exclude the student from the University;
(i) accept an undertaking from the student to attend University Counselling (or another appropriate counselling provider) to address behavioural issues;
(j) notify any relevant professional, government or other organisation or agency of the decision;
(k) determine the conditions under which the student may attend classes or lessons or use any facility or otherwise continue in their studies or research program of the University;
(l) determine that the student should not be granted the relevant award for the program the student is studying;
(m) recommend to the Council that an award of the University (within the meaning of the Programs and Awards Statute) gained by the student be revoked;
(n) accept an undertaking from the student.
(a) if an appeal is not lodged under the Appeals Rule in relation to the finding giving rise to the liability—the date of the notice; or
(b) if an appeal is lodged under the Appeals Rule in relation to the finding giving rise to the liability—the day on which the decision is given in respect of the appeal.
(a) the prescribed authority or the Vice-Chancellor must ensure that a written copy of the undertaking is provided to the student and the Registrar; and
(b) if the student fails to comply with the undertaking, the prescribed authority or the Vice-Chancellor (as is appropriate) may impose a penalty for the misconduct.
(a) must inform the student that the allegations of misconduct have been considered by the prescribed authority or the Vice-Chancellor, as the case requires; and
(b) must detail the substantive material considered by the prescribed authority or Vice-Chancellor; and
(c) must, in the case of a decision under section 10(1), advise the student that no further action is to be taken in relation to the particular allegations of misconduct that were the subject of the inquiry; and
(d) must, in the case of a decision under section 11(1)(a), advise the student that no further action is to be taken in relation to the particular allegations of misconduct that were the subject of the inquiry.
(a) use any facility to which the student is denied access; or
(b) enter any premises, or the part of any premises, to which the student is denied access; or
(c) engage in any activity to which the student is denied access.
(a) must not be enrolled again; and
(b) must not use any University facility, or enter any University premises or any part of University premises, that the Vice-Chancellor determines the person must not use or enter; and
(c) must not engage in any activities conducted by or on behalf of the University at the University or at a place other than the University.
(a) within 10 working days after the due date determined in accordance with a statute or rule or by the Vice-Chancellor, as the case requires; or
(b) within any further period determined by the Vice-Chancellor.
(a) the person may not enrol or re-enrol in a program or course at the University; or
(b) the person may not be given a transcript of the person’s academic record; or
(c) the person may not be given the results of any assessment in a course or program; or
(d) the person may not receive a degree, diploma, certificate or other award of the University.
Part 6 APPEALS and Call-In
(a) a decision to deny a student access to facilities, premises or activities under section 6(1)(a);
(b) a finding by a prescribed authority under section 10(2) that a student has engaged in misconduct;
(c) a finding by the Vice-Chancellor, in accordance with section 11(1)(b), that a student has engaged in misconduct;
(d) a decision to impose a penalty for misconduct under section 10(2), 11(3) or 12(1)(b).
[Note: The Appeals Rule provides that a person who is affected by a reviewable decision may, within specified time limits, apply for review of that decision.]
(a) give a copy of the notice to the student; and
(b) give the student opportunity to be heard in relation to the reasons why the file has been called in.
(a) the Vice-Chancellor; or
(b) the Registrar; or
(c) a prescribed authority
(a) may be academic misconduct within the meaning of the Academic Misconduct Rule; and
(b) may be misconduct within the meaning of this instrument.
(a) a prescribed authority conducting an inquiry under this instrument may suspend that inquiry; or
(b) the Registrar or the Vice-Chancellor may suspend a process under this instrument.
(a) the reason why an extension is sought; and
(b) the period of extension; and
(c) the prejudice, if any, which will be caused by the granting of the extension.
(a) by giving it to the individual; or
(b) by sending it by prepaid post, addressed to the individual, to an address shown in the University’s records as the individual’s semester address, work address or permanent home address; or
(c) by emailing it to:
(i) if the individual is a student at the University—an email address provided by the University to the individual; or
(ii) if the individual is not a student at the University—an email address otherwise recorded by the University as the individual’s email address.