Instrument number CASA EX06/16

I, MARK ALAN SKIDMORE, Director of Aviation Safety, on behalf of CASA, make this instrument under regulation 11.160 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR 1998).

[Signed M. Skidmore]

Mark Skidmore AM
Director of Aviation Safety

20 January 2016

Exemption  GNSS-based RNAV 1 and RNAV 2 instead of RNP 1 and RNP 2  foreign registered aircraft

1 Duration

 This instrument:

(a) commences on the day of registration; and

(b) expires at the end of January 2018, as if it had been repealed by another instrument.

2 Definitions

 In this instrument:

applicable NAA, in relation to an aircraft, means the national aviation authority of the aircraft’s State of Registration or State of the Operator, as applicable.

GNSS means global navigation satellite system.

3 Application

 This instrument applies to a foreign registered aircraft:

(a) for which the operator has authorisations, issued by the applicable NAA, equivalent to RNAV 1 and RNAV 2 based on GNSS as the primary navigation sensor; and

(b) that is operating on an RNP 2 route or conducting an RNP 1 terminal instrument flight procedure into or out of, or within, the Brisbane or Melbourne Flight Information Regions.

4 Exemption

 The aircraft is exempt from compliance with paragraph 7.2 of Civil Aviation Order 20.91 (Instructions and directions for performance-based navigation) Instrument 2014 to the extent that it requires the aircraft to have authorisations equivalent to RNP 1 and RNP 2 issued by the applicable NAA.

5 Conditions

 The exemption is subject to the conditions mentioned in Schedule 1.

Schedule 1 Conditions

 1 The operator of the aircraft must ensure that the aircraft complies with the requirements of ICAO Doc 9613, Performance–based Navigation (PBN) Manual, 4th edition, Volume II Part B Chapter 3, Implementing RNAV 1 & RNAV 2 using GNSS.

 2 The operator of the aircraft must notify CASA, using Form 0667 - Notification to operate aircraft on RNP 2 routes and/or RNP 1 procedures using GNSS based RNAV 1 & RNAV 2, of its intention to operate on an RNP 2 route or conduct an RNP 1 terminal instrument flight procedure using RNAV 1 and RNAV 2 based on GNSS.

 3 The operator of the aircraft must ensure that the flight plan for each operation includes the following details at item 18 of the plan: RMK/CASA RNP AMC.

Note   If the operator has an operations specification that includes an authorisation to conduct RNAV 1 and RNAV 2 operations, or other equivalent authorisation acceptable to the applicable NAA, and the aircraft uses GNSS as a primary navigation sensor for RNAV 1 and RNAV 2, then, subject to the conditions above, this is an acceptable means of compliance with the requirement to have RNP 1 and RNP 2 authorisations. The operator may use the aircraft to operate on Australian RNP 2 routes and conduct RNP 1 procedures.