Commonwealth of Australia
Migration Regulations 1994
(subclause 457.223(11))
I, PETER DUTTON, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, acting under subclause 457.223(11) of Schedule 2 to the Regulations make the following instrument.
Dated: 15 April 2016
Peter Dutton
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection
Part 1 – Preliminary
2. Commencement
3. Authority
4. Schedules
Schedule 1 – Amendments
IMMI 15/028 - Tests, Scores, Period, Level of Salary and Exemptions to the English Language Requirements for Subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled)) Visas 2015
Repeal the paragraph 7(b) and substitute:
(b) an applicant who:
(i) has completed a minimum of five years of full-time study in a secondary and/or higher education institution where the instruction was delivered in English.
2. After Paragraph 7(c)
(ca) An applicant who:
(i) is nominated in an occupation that requires:
(A) registration, licensing or membership; and
(B) the applicant to demonstrate a level of English language competency for grant of the registration, licence or membership and that level of English language competency is:
(I) equivalent to, or better than, the level of English language proficiency that is required to achieve a score specified in paragraph 3 of this instrument in one of the tests specified in paragraph 2 of this instrument; and
(ii) has been granted the registration, licence or membership specified in paragraph (ca)(i) of this instrument.