COmmonwealth of Australia
Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1992
Seafarers rehabilitation and compensation (Prescribed Ship — Norfolk Island) Declaration 2016
I, Michaelia Cash, Minister for Employment, pursuant to section 3A of the Seafarers Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1992 (‘the Act’), hereby declare:
(1) That a ship:
(a) which is not a ship to which paragraphs 10(a) or (b) of the Navigation Act 1912 would apply if that Act had not been repealed; and
(b) which is not a ship to which subsections 19(1AA) or (1A) of the Act applies; and
(c) which is a ship to which paragraph 10(c) of the Navigation Act 1912 would apply if that Act had not been repealed; and
(d) either:
(i) of which the majority of the crew are residents of Norfolk Island; or
(ii) which is operated by any of the following (whether or not in association with any other person, firm or company, being a person, firm or company of any description), namely:
(A) a person who is a resident of, or has his or her principal place of business in, Norfolk Island;
(B) a firm that has its principal place of business in Norfolk Island; or
(C) a company that is incorporated, or has its principal place of business, in Norfolk Island; or
(iii) to which both (i) and (ii) apply;
is not a prescribed ship.
(2) This declaration takes effect on 1 July 2016.
(3) In this declaration:
Norfolk Island means the Territory of Norfolk Island, as described in Schedule 1 to the Norfolk Island Act 1979.
Dated: 3 May 2016