Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017




Higher Education Support Act 2003



I, SIMON BIRMINGHAM, Minister for Education and Training, pursuant to section 238-10 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (“the Act”) revoke the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2012 dated
3 December 2012 and make the attached Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017 for the purposes of section 46-20 of the Act.


Dated 30 September 2016







Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham

Minister for Education and Training



Part 1  Preliminary


1                     Name of Guidelines

These Guidelines may be cited as the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017.


2                       Commencement

These Guidelines commence on the day after they are registered.


3                       Authority

These Guidelines are made under section 238-10 of the Act for the purposes of Part 2-4 of the Act.


4                       Revocation

The Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2012 dated 3 December 2012 (F2012L02535) are revoked.


5                       Transitional Arrangements

The revocation of the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2012 dated 3 December 2012 does not affect the validity of a payment or decision made under those guidelines.


A decision made under those guidelines is taken to continue to have effect as if it were made under these Guidelines.



Part 2  Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017




Higher Education Support Act 2003




i.i      PURPOSE



1.1  Purpose


1.2  Description

1.3  Objectives

1.4  RTP Grant Amounts

1.4.1  Determination of Grants and Indexation

1.4.5  Basic Grant Amount

1.4.10  Weightings applying to HDR student completions

1.4.15  Grant Amounts for 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 Grant Years

1.4.20  Grant Amounts for 2021 and future Grant Years

1.5  Student Eligibility Requirements

1.6  Conditions that Apply to RTP Grant Amounts

1.6.1  Expenditure of RTP Grant Amounts

1.6.5  Period of Support

1.6.10  RTP Stipend Base and Maximum Value

1.6.15  Leave Entitlements for RTP Stipend recipients

1.6.20  Additional Conditions for RTP Stipends

1.6.25  Additional Conditions for RTP Fees Offset

1.6.30  Additional Conditions for Overseas Students

1.6.35  Offers for RTP Scholarships

1.6.40  Termination of RTP Scholarship

1.6.45  RTP Scholarship Policy

1.6.50  Arrangements for Continuing Students

1.6.55  Acknowledgement of RTP Scholarship

1.7  High-Cost and Low-Cost Fields of Education


The purpose of these Guidelines is to provide for Commonwealth Scholarships under Part 2-4 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003.

i.v.i Unless the contrary intention appears, the terms used within the Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017 have the same meaning as in the Act.

i.v.ii The following terms are defined specifically for these Guidelines:

the Act    means the Higher Education Support Act 2003

AQF  means the Australian Qualifications Framework Second Edition January 2013

ASCED  means the Australian Standard Classification of Education - 1272.0 - 2001 specified by the Australian Bureau of Statistics

Australian ADI  has the same meaning as defined in the Corporations Act 2001

Category 1  is Australian competitive grants research income in HERDC

Category 2  is other public sector research income in HERDC

Category 3  is industry and other research income in HERDC

Category 4  is Cooperative Research Centre research income in HERDC

continuing student  means either:

  a student whose period of support under the Research Training Scheme, International Postgraduate Research Scholarships or Australian Postgraduate Awards would terminate on or after 1 January 2017


  a student who has received an offer of support by a HEP under the Research Training Scheme, International Postgraduate Research Scholarships or Australian Postgraduate Awards, and accepted this offer of support, and whose offer of support was scheduled to commence on or after 1 January 2017

course of study  means an accredited HDR course leading to a Research Doctorate or a Research Masters

the department  means the Commonwealth Department of Education and Training

domestic student    has the same meaning as defined in the Act

FOE  means a Field of Education code specified in the ASCED

Full-time student load in respect of a course of study, is at least 75 per cent of an equivalent full-time student load in the period for which RTP Scholarship support is received

Funding Pool  is the total amount of funding available to the department for a given Grant Year for the RTP

Grant Year  means the year in respect of which the grant is made, and of which the department has notified the relevant HEP

Guidelines  means these Commonwealth Scholarships Guidelines (Research) 2017

HDR  means a higher degree by research which is a Research Doctorate or Research Masters course for which at least two-thirds of the student load for the course is required as research work

HEP  means a higher education provider as specified in section 16-15 of the Act (Table A Providers) or section 16-20 of the Act (Table B Providers)

HERDC  means the Higher Education Research Data Collection maintained by the department

HESDC  means the Higher Education Student Data Collection maintained by the department

Indigenous student  means a HDR student who identifies herself or himself as being of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent and is reported as such in the HESDC

the Minister  means the Commonwealth Minister for Education and Training

non-Indigenous student means a HDR student who is not an Indigenous student

overseas student   has the same meaning as defined in the Act

part-time student load in respect of a course of study, is less than 75 per cent of an equivalent full-time student load in the period for which RTP Scholarship support is received

research  means Research and Experimental Development as defined in the Frascati Manual 2015 maintained by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

Research Doctorate  means a Level 10 Doctoral Degree (Research) qualification as described in the AQF

Research Masters  means a Level 9 Masters Degree (Research) qualification as described in the AQF

RTP   means the Research Training Program

RTP Allowance  is a type of RTP Scholarship to assist with ancillary costs incurred by a HDR student in undertaking a HDR

RTP Fees Offset  is a type of RTP Scholarship to assist with course fees that would otherwise be payable by a HDR student

RTP Scholarship  is a form of support awarded to a student in terms of support items listed in paragraph 1.6.1

RTP Scholarship Policy is a policy that specifies a HEP’s administrative rules that apply to RTP Scholarships in relation to items listed in paragraph 1.6.45.

RTP Stipend  is a type of RTP Scholarship to assist students with general living costs

suspension  means a period of time during which a scholarship holder is not receiving RTP Scholarship support, which has been approved in accordance with a HEP’s RTP Scholarship Policy

i.v.iii Unless stated otherwise, references to paragraphs refer to paragraphs in these Guidelines.


The purpose of this chapter is to specify:


(1)                    in accordance with subsection 46-20(1) of the Act, the RTP; and


(2)                    under subsection 46-20(2) of the Act, some other matters relevant to the RTP.

The RTP provides block grants, on a calendar year basis, to HEPs to support the research training of domestic students and overseas students undertaking HDRs. 


RTP Scholarships are postgraduate research scholarships in accordance with section 46-10(b) of the Act.

The objectives of the RTP are to:


(1)                    provide flexible funding arrangements to support the training of domestic students and overseas students undertaking HDRs at Australian HEPs;


(2)                    deliver graduates with the skills required to build careers in academia and other sectors of the labour market;


(3)                    support collaboration between HEPs and industry and other research end-users; and


(4)                    support overseas students undertaking HDRs at Australian HEPs.

The RTP Grant Amounts will be determined in accordance with the method set out in this Part 1.4.


Funding Pool amounts and RTP Stipends are indexed in accordance with
Part 5-6 of the Act.

The formula for calculating each HEP’s Basic Grant Amount for the Grant Year is:




Basic Grant Amount from the RTP for ith HEP in year y


Funding Pool in year y


Share of weighted HDR student completions for the ith HEP calculated according to the following formula:




Weighted HDR student completions specified in paragraph 1.4.10


Share of Category 1 income for ith HEP calculated according to the following formula:




Share of Category 2, Category 3 and Category 4 income for ith HEP calculated according to the following formula:




Year for which the grant is given


the most recent (y1) and second most recent (y2) years for which data is available


1...n, where n is the total number of HEPs

HDR student completions reported in the HESDC are to be weighted according to each student’s Indigenous or non-Indigenous status, the level of the HDR, and the cost type of the HDR. A HEP’s weighted student completions for a year is equal to the sum of the number of completions for each student type multiplied by the HDR cost type as specified in the following table:



non-Indigenous student

Indigenous student

High-cost Research Doctorate



High-cost Research Masters



Low-cost Research Doctorate



Low-cost Research Masters




High-cost and low-cost completions are determined in accordance with high-cost and low-cost fields of education identified in Part 1.7.

For the 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 Grant Years, the formula for calculating each HEP’s RTP Grant Amount is:





the share of RTP Grant Amount* for ith HEP in the year prior to the Grant Year calculated according to the following formula:


Year prior to the Grant Year *


Funding Pool in year y


Basic Grant Amount calculated in paragraph 1.4.5


* For the 2017 Grant Year only, each HEP’s RTP Grant Amount for the previous Grant Year is equal to the total of Grant Amounts received by that HEP in 2016 under the former Australian Postgraduate Awards, International Postgraduate Research Scholarships and Research Training Scheme programs.  

For the 2021 and future Grant Years, each HEP’s RTP Grant Amount is equal to that HEP’s Basic Grant Amount calculated in paragraph 1.4.5.


1.4.25  Rounding Process

The rounding process for RTP Grant Amounts is as follows:


(1)                   The amount allocated to each HEP under paragraphs 1.4.15 or 1.4.20 is rounded down to the nearest whole dollar. The difference in cents between a HEP’s rounded and unrounded RTP Grant Amount is its Remainder. The sum of all Remainders is the Unallocated Dollars.


(2)                   Each HEP is ranked in descending order based on its Remainder’s closeness to one hundred. One dollar is assigned to each HEP in order of ranking until all Unallocated Dollars are exhausted.


(3)                   Each HEP’s RTP Grant Amount is equal to the rounded amount calculated in subparagraph 1.4.25(1) plus any whole dollars assigned in subparagraph 1.4.25(2).

(1)                   To be eligible for a RTP Stipend, RTP Fees Offset or RTP Allowance a student must be a domestic student or an overseas student enrolled in an accredited HDR course of study at an Australian HEP.


(2)                   To be eligible for a RTP Stipend a student must not be receiving income from another source to support that student’s general living costs while undertaking their course of study if that income is greater than 75 per cent of that student’s RTP Stipend rate. Income unrelated to the student’s course of study or income received for the student’s course of study but not for the purposes of supporting general living costs is not to be taken into account.


(3)                   To be eligible for a RTP Fees Offset a student must not be receiving an equivalent award or scholarship from the Commonwealth designed to offset HDR fees.

A HEP must only spend its RTP Grant Amounts on costs incurred in providing one or more of the following types of support to a RTP Scholarship recipient:


(1)                   RTP Fees Offset paid to individual students by way of satisfaction of their liability for tuition fees;


(2)                   RTP Stipend to assist students with their living costs while undertaking a HDR;


(3)                   RTP Allowances to assist students with ancillary costs of a HDR including but not limited to:

a)      for overseas students, a standard Overseas Student Health Cover policy approved by the Commonwealth Department of Health and which covers the student and their spouse and dependants (if any);

b)     relocation costs to undertake a HDR; and

c)      HDR thesis printing and academic publication costs.

A HEP must only provide a student with the support specified in subparagraphs 1.6.1(1) and/or 1.6.1(2) for a course of study:


(1)                   for a minimum of three years and up to a maximum of four years at the discretion of the HEP if the student is undertaking an eligible Research Doctorate at a full-time student load or for a minimum of six years and up to a maximum of eight years at the discretion of the HEP for a part-time student load; or


(2)                   for a maximum of two years if the student is undertaking a Research Masters at a full-time student load or a maximum of four years for a part-time student load.


The student’s period of support will be increased for any periods of leave approved by a HEP in relation to subparagraphs 1.6.15(2), 1.6.15(3), 1.6.15(4) and 1.6.15(5). Any periods of suspension approved by a HEP do not contribute to the period of support.


The period of support is calculated from the course of study commencement date.

(1)                   RTP Stipend values are payable at the applicable rate from 1 January to
31 December for the relevant RTP Grant Year.


(2)                   For the 2017 Grant Year, the base full-time RTP Stipend rate is $26,682 and the maximum full-time RTP Stipend rate is $41,682.


(3)                   The base and maximum full-time RTP Stipend rates for any subsequent year are the same as the RTP Stipend rates for the preceding year, indexed in accordance with the method set out in Part 5-6 of the Act.


(4)                   The department will advise HEPs in writing of the value of the base full-time and maximum full-time RTP Stipend rates for a Grant Year by 1 October of the preceding year.

(1)                   Students are entitled to receive up to 20 working days’ paid recreation leave and ten working days’ paid sick leave for each year of the RTP Stipend. These leave entitlements may be accrued over the life of the RTP Stipend but will be forfeited when the RTP Stipend is terminated.


(2)                   Students are entitled to receive additional paid sick leave of up to a total of 60 working days during the duration of the RTP Stipend for periods of illness where the student has insufficient sick leave entitlements available under paragraph (1), provided that a medical certificate has been provided by the student to the HEP.


(3)                   Sick leave entitlements (including additional sick leave) may also be used to cover leave for students with family caring responsibilities, subject to the usual practice of the HEP.


(4)                   Students who have completed 12 months of their RTP Stipend are entitled to a maximum of 60 working days paid maternity leave during the duration of the RTP Stipend. Subject to the usual practice of the HEP, paid leave may also be approved if the student has adopted a child.

(5)                   Students who are partners of women giving birth while receiving a RTP Stipend and who have completed 12 months of their RTP Stipend, may be entitled to a period of paid parenting leave at the time of the birth or adoption, subject to the usual practice of the HEP.

If a RTP Stipend is provided as part of a RTP Scholarship specified in subparagraph 1.6.1(2), the following additional conditions apply:


(1)                   A HEP must offer each student selected by the HEP to receive a RTP Stipend a stipend rate at least equal to the base full-time RTP Stipend rate and no more than the maximum full-time RTP Stipend rate as advised by the department according to subparagraph 1.6.10(4).


(2)                   If a student selected to receive a RTP Stipend is approved by a HEP to undertake a HDR on a part-time student load basis, the student’s part-time RTP Stipend rate will be 50 per cent of the student’s full-time RTP Stipend rate.


(3)                   Each year, a HEP must pay each student their full-time or part-time RTP Stipend rate in proportion to the period for which the student has been supported with a RTP Scholarship.


(4)                   A HEP must make fortnightly payments directly to students in respect of their RTP Stipend. To avoid doubt, payment into an account in the student’s name with an Australian ADI is considered to be a payment directly to the student.


(5)                   HEPs must only award RTP Stipends as a result of a competitive selection process. The nature of a competitive process is to be determined by a HEP.  For example, a HEP may wish to give priority to a class of students such as Indigenous students, low socioeconomic status (SES) students, students undertaking research in a particular discipline or emerging area of research strength, or students undertaking a HDR for the first time. Any competitive selection process conducted must accord with these Guidelines and the fairness requirements in Subdivision 19-D of Part 2-1 of the Act and be detailed in a HEP’s RTP Scholarship Policy.

If a RTP Fees Offset is provided as part of a RTP Scholarship specified in subparagraph 1.6.1(1), the following additional conditions apply:


(1)                   the RTP Fees Offset must only be used by the HEP to extinguish the liability of the student receiving the RTP Scholarship to pay tuition fees.


(2)                   HEPs may award RTP Fees Offsets to domestic students although the process used must accord with these Guidelines and the fairness requirements in Subdivision 19-D of Part 2-1 of the Act and be detailed in a HEP’s RTP Scholarship Policy.


(3)                   HEPs must only award RTP Fees Offsets to overseas students as a result of a competitive selection process. The nature of a competitive process is to be determined by a HEP although it must accord with these Guidelines and the fairness requirements in Subdivision 19-D of Part 2-1 of the Act, and be detailed in a HEP’s RTP Scholarship Policy.

A HEP may only expend up to a maximum of 10 per cent of its RTP Grant Amount on the provision of RTP Scholarships to overseas students.

A HEP must only offer a student a RTP Scholarship:


(1)                   as a result of a process specified in subparagraphs 1.6.20(5), 1.6.25(2) or 1.6.25(3); or


(2)                   in relation to a RTP Allowance, at the discretion of the HEP, provided the student meets the eligibility criteria in Part 1.5; or


(3)                   as a result of the HEP agreeing to continue RTP support for a student who is transferring to that HEP and currently receiving a RTP Scholarship; or


(4)                   if the student is a continuing student.


A HEP must offer a RTP Scholarship to a student (including continuing students) in writing and include advice of the types of assistance and support being offered, the conditions and period of support of the RTP Scholarship, and the estimated annual value of Australian Government support provided for each type of RTP Scholarship support.


A HEP must also advise a student receiving a RTP Scholarship of any changes to RTP Scholarship support provided by the HEP.

A HEP must terminate a student’s RTP Scholarship:


(1)                    if the student ceases to meet the eligibility criteria specified in Part 1.5 of these Guidelines, other than during a period in which a suspension has been approved; or


(2)                    on completion of the course of study; or


(3)                    if a HEP determines that the student has not complied with a requirement specified in its RTP Scholarship Policy in relation to subparagraph 1.6.45(9).

A HEP is responsible for the administration of RTP Scholarships and must make information about the processes, policies and conditions of scholarships readily and publicly available in a RTP Scholarship Policy. A HEP must make judgements, and provide support to students awarded RTP Scholarships, in accordance with its RTP Scholarship Policy.


A HEP’s RTP Scholarship Policy must specifically identify:


(1)                   a summary of the basic information for RTP Scholarships including, but not limited to, the information identified in these Guidelines in relation to eligibility criteria, types of support available, RTP Stipend rates and periods of support;


(2)                   the application, selection and offers processes for awarding RTP Scholarships, including any classes of students, and a requirement that the HEP publishes their process or processes for awarding RTP Scholarships;


(3)                   information on arrangements for continuing students, if applicable, in accordance with paragraph 1.6.50;


(4)                   supervision and facilities provisions, including but not limited to:

  1. the facilities and supervision that will be provided to each student awarded a RTP Scholarship; and
  2. a code of supervisory practice for students undertaking a HDR;


(5)                   provisions for suspensions;


(6)                   information on paid leave for RTP Stipends in accordance with subparagraph 1.6.15;


(7)                   provisions that identify the circumstances in which a HEP will approve a student awarded a RTP Scholarship undertaking work outside the HDR subject;


(8)                   provisions for changes in the nature of a RTP Scholarship student’s enrolment, including but not limited to:

  1. changes in a student’s fields of education;
  2. transferring to or from another HEP;
  3. changing from full-time to part-time or part-time to full-time;
  4. converting from a Research Masters to a Research Doctorate degree, or from a Research Doctorate to a Research Masters degree;


(9)                   the procedures for termination of a RTP Scholarship in accordance with paragraph 1.6.40, including any additional requirements in relation to subparagraph 1.6.40(3);


(10)               the grievance and review procedures for HDR students; and


(11)               arrangements for optional industry placements, research internships, professional practice activities or other similar enrichment activities undertaken as part of a HDR, including information on any impacts on duration in relation to subparagraph 1.6.5 and RTP Stipend rates in relation to subparagraph 1.6.10.

A HEP must offer each continuing student a RTP Scholarship in a form that does not disadvantage the continuing student and provides at least equivalent support to that provided, or that would have been provided, through predecessor Australian Government programs.


A HEP must offer a continuing student a RTP Scholarship as follows:


(1)                   Domestic students supported or offered support under the former Research Training Scheme must be offered RTP Fee Offset support for a period necessary to provide at least equivalent support to that which the student would have received under the Research Training Scheme.


(2)                   Overseas students supported or offered support under the former International Postgraduate Research Scholarships must be offered RTP Fee Offset and RTP Allowance support for a period necessary to provide at least equivalent support to that which the student would have received under the International Postgraduate Research Scholarships.


(3)                   Students supported or offered support under the former Australian Postgraduate Awards must be offered RTP Stipend and RTP Allowance support for a period necessary to provide at least equivalent support to that which the student would have received under the Australian Postgraduate Awards.


Periods of support specified in paragraph 1.6.5 apply for continuing students based on course of study commencement dates (not the commencement of the RTP Scholarship).


A HEP must ensure that the Commonwealth’s contribution is acknowledged when, at any time during or after completion of a HDR, the recipient of a RTP Scholarship, his/her supervisor or any other party, publishes or produces material such as books, articles, newsletters or other literary or artistic works which relate to the research project carried out by the recipient of RTP Scholarship.


A HEP must ensure that the Commonwealth’s contribution is acknowledged in a prominent place and in an appropriate form. The acknowledgement must include the mention of the student’s support through an “Australian Government Research Training Program Scholarship”.


The high-cost and low-cost fields of education for the purposes of RTP Grant Amounts are defined by the FOE. High-cost FOEs are those set out in the table below and low-cost FOEs are those not listed in the table.





Physics and Astronomy


Chemical Sciences


Earth Sciences


Biological Sciences


Other Natural and Physical Sciences


Manufacturing Engineering


Process and Resources Engineering


Automotive Engineering


Mechanical Engineering


Industrial Engineering


Civil Engineering


Geomatic Engineering


Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Technology


Electrical Engineering


Electronic Engineering


Computer Engineering


Communications Technologies


Aerospace Engineering


Aircraft Maintenance Engineering


Maritime Engineering


Environmental Engineering


Biomedical Engineering


Agriculture, Environmental and Related Studies


Medical Studies






Veterinary Studies


Human Movement

