Commonwealth of Australia
Migration Regulations 1994
(paragraph 2.72B(3)(b))
I, PETER DUTTON, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, acting under paragraph 2.72B(3)(b) of the Migration Regulations 1994, make the following instrument.
Dated: 16 November 2016
Peter Dutton
Minister for Immigration and Border Protection
Part 1 – Preliminary
2. Commencement
3. Authority
4. Schedules
Schedule 1 – Amendments
IMMI 16/059 – Specification of Occupations, a Person or Body, a Country or Countries 2016/059
Repeal the chapeau, substitute:
I, PETER DUTTON, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, acting under regulation 1.03, subregulation 1.15I(1) and 2.26B(1), paragraphs 2.72(10)(aa) and 2.72B(3)(b), sub-subparagraph 5.19(4)(h)(i)(A), Item 4(a) of the table in subitem 1137(4), Item 4(a) of the table in subitem 1138(4) and Item 4(a) of the table in subitem 1230(4), paragraph 1229(3)(k) and paragraph 186.234(2)(a) of the Migration Regulations 1994 (the Regulations):
2. Item 8
Repeal the item, substitute:
8. SPECIFY for the purposes of paragraph 2.72B(3)(b) of the Regulations, the occupations and their corresponding 6-digit code listed in Columns A and B of Schedule 1 and Columns A and B of Schedule 2 to this Instrument, in relation to the nominated occupational training in relation to an application made on or after 19 November 2016 for a Subclass 407 (Training) visa;