Legal Services Direction
I, GEORGE BRANDIS, Attorney-General, acting under subsection 55ZF(1) of the Judiciary Act 1903 and paragraphs 8.1 and 8.2 of the Legal Services Directions 2005, and in my capacity as First Law Officer of the Commonwealth give the following approval and direction:
referred to in this direction as a time-barred child abuse claim.
2. For the purposes of this approval and direction, ‘institution’ and ‘institutional context’ carry the same meaning as those terms in the Letters Patent establishing the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
3. This approval and direction does not apply to any proceeding in which a court has already determined (i) a defence to time-barred child abuse claim based on the expiry of a limitation period or (ii) an application for an extension of a limitation period in relation to a time-barred child abuse claim.
5. For the purposes of cl 8.2 of the Legal Services Directions 2005 I give approval to non-corporate Commonwealth entities to not oppose an application for an extension of a limitation period in relation to a time-barred child abuse claim.
6. I direct that Commonwealth agencies are not to plead a defence to a time-barred child abuse claim based on the expiry of an applicable limitation period in relation to that claim.
8. Paragraphs 4 to 7 above do not apply to a time-barred child abuse claim in any proceedings in which the Attorney-General or a delegate of the Attorney-General has given notice to the relevant Commonwealth agency to the effect that those paragraphs do not apply to that claim.
Timing for direction
9. This direction ceases to apply after 30 April 2019.
Dated: 4 May 2016
Senator the Hon George Brandis QC
Attorney-General of the Commonwealth
[1] Commonwealth agency is defined in paragraph 15 of the Legal Services Directions 2005.