Amendment Statement of Principles


(Reasonable Hypothesis)

(No. 26 of 2017)

The Repatriation Medical Authority determines the following Amendment Statement of Principles under subsections 196B(2) and (8) of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986.


Dated 24 February 2017






The Common Seal of the
Repatriation Medical Authority
was affixed to this instrument
at the direction of:





Professor Nicholas Saunders AO





1 Name

2 Commencement

3 Authority

4 Application

5 Amendment


1               Name

This is the Amendment Statement of Principles concerning suicide and attempted suicide (Reasonable Hypothesis) (No. 26 of 2017).

2               Commencement

              This instrument commences on 27 March 2017.

3               Authority

This instrument is made under subsections 196B(2) and (8) of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986.

4               Application

This instrument applies to a claim to which section 120A of the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 or section 338 of the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 applies.

5               Amendment

The Statement of Principles concerning suicide and attempted suicide and death from attempted suicide No. 65 of 2016 is amended in the following manner:




Replace the existing factor in subsection 9(3) with the following:

experiencing a category 1A stressor before the suicide or the attempted suicide;

Note: category 1A stressor is defined in the Schedule 1 - Dictionary.             


Replace the existing factor in subsection 9(4) with the following:

experiencing a category 1B stressor before the suicide or the attempted suicide;

Note: category 1B stressor is defined in the Schedule 1 - Dictionary.             


Insert the following factor in subsection 9(11a):

experiencing a problem with a long-term relationship, including the break-up of a close personal relationship, the need for marital or relationship counselling, marital separation or divorce, the effects of which are chronic in nature and cause the person to feel ongoing distress, concern or worry, within the ten years before the suicide or the attempted suicide;

Schedule 1 – Dictionary

Replace the existing definition of "category 2 stressor" with the following:

category 2 stressor means one of the following negative life events, the effects of which are chronic in nature and cause the person to feel ongoing distress, concern or worry:

(a)                being socially isolated and unable to maintain friendships or family relationships, due to physical location, language barriers, disability, or medical or psychiatric illness;

(b)               having concerns in the work or school environment including ongoing disharmony with fellow work or school colleagues, perceived lack of social support within the work or school environment, perceived lack of control over tasks performed and stressful workloads, or experiencing bullying in the workplace or school environment;

(c)                experiencing serious legal issues including being detained or held in custody, ongoing involvement with the police concerning violations of the law, or court appearances associated with personal legal problems;

(d)               having severe financial hardship including loss of employment, long periods of unemployment, foreclosure on a property, or bankruptcy;

(e)                having a family member or significant other experience a major deterioration in their health; or

(f)                being a full-time caregiver to a family member or significant other with a severe physical, mental or developmental disability.