Standards for VET Regulators (Amendment) 2017
I, Karen Andrews, Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, make the following instrument.
Dated: 31 March 2017
Karen Andrews
Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills
This is the Standards for VET Regulators (Amendment) 2017.
2. Commencement
This instrument commences on the day after it is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation.
3. Authority
This instrument is made under subsection 189(1) of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.
4. Definitions
In this instrument:
Act means the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.
2015 Standards means the instrument Standards for VET Regulators 2015 (F2014L01375).
5. Amendment of 2015 Standards
Standard 3.2 a) in Part 2 of the 2015 Standards is deleted and replaced with:
a) regulatory requirements, decisions and practice, including publishing, subject to any legal prohibition, information about decisions to impose a sanction on an RTO and the reasons for imposing the sanction;