Instrument number CASA EX71/17

I, SHANE PATRICK CARMODY, Director of Aviation Safety, on behalf of CASA, make this instrument under the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 and the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998.

[Signed S. Carmody]

Shane Carmody
Director of Aviation Safety

26 June 2017

Permission, directions and exemptions aerotowing operations (Gliding Federation of Australia)

1 Duration

 This instrument:

(a) commences on the day after registration; and

(b) is repealed at the end of 31 May 2020.

2 Definitions

Note    In this instrument, certain terms and expressions have the same meaning as they have in the Civil Aviation Act 1988 and the regulations. These include: CAR, CASR, glider, glider towing, pilot in command and powered aircraft.

 In this instrument:

Aerotowing Manual means the Aerotowing Manual published by The Gliding Federation of Australia Inc., ARN 217932 (the GFA), with the GFA Document ID OPS 0008, as approved by CASA from time to time.

Note   At the commencement of this instrument, the Aerotowing Manual can be viewed in the Document and Form Library of the GFA’s website (

aerotowing operation means the towing of a glider or gliders by a powered aircraft.

CAO 29.5 means the Civil Aviation Amendment Order (No. R25) 2004 as in force from time to time.

Glider Towing Certificate has the same meaning as in the Aerotowing Manual.

3 Application

 This instrument applies to a pilot that:

(a) holds a valid Glider Towing Certificate issued in accordance with the Aerotowing Manual; and

(b) is the pilot in command of an aircraft engaged in aerotowing operations.

4 Permission and direction

 (1)For paragraph 149 (5) (a) of CAR, a pilot to whom this instrument applies is permitted to engage in aerotowing operations.

 (2) For paragraph 149 (5) (b) of CAR, CASA directs the pilot to conduct the aerotowing operations in accordance with the processes and procedures mentioned in the Aerotowing Manual.

5 Directions

 (1)For paragraph 150 (2) (a) of CAR, CASA gives the following directions for a pilot to which this instrument applies to drop a rope or fitting used for towing a glider:

(a) the pilot must drop the rope or fitting in accordance with the Aerotowing Manual;

(b) the pilot must drop the rope or fitting so as to minimise hazard to persons, animals or property.

 (2)CASA directs the GFA to amend the Aerotowing Manual only in accordance with the prior written approval of CASA.

6 Exemptions

 (1)For regulation 11.160 of CASR, a pilot to whom this instrument applies is exempt from compliance with CAO 29.5.

 (2)For regulation 11.160 of CASR, a pilot to whom this instrument applies is exempt from compliance with subregulation 166A (1) of CAR to the extent that the subregulation requires compliance with the rules in:

(a) paragraph 166A (2) (d) of CAR; and

(b) paragraph 166A (2) (e) of CAR; and

(c) paragraph 166A (2) (f) of CAR.

7 Conditions on exemptions

 (1) For regulation 11.205 of CASR, it is a condition of the exemption in paragraphs 6 (2) (a) and (b) that the pilot must ensure safe separation from other aircraft and persons on the ground:

(a) after taking off from the runway; and

(b) while flying in the circuit pattern for the aerodrome; and

(c) after joining the circuit pattern for landing at the aerodrome.

 (2) For regulation 11.205 of CASR, it is a condition of the exemption in paragraph 6 (2) (c) that the pilot may only change the track of the tow aircraft while the aircraft is less than 500 feet above the terrain to the extent necessary to keep the tow aircraft and glider in tow within gliding distance of terrain that is suitable for landing.

8 Transitional

 (1) This section applies to a permission or direction given under subregulation 149 (5) or 150 (2) of CAR by a person who was not a CASA officer at the time the permission or direction was given.

 (2)The permission or direction ceases to have effect on 24 December 2017.