Discipline Rule 2017


I, Professor Brian P. Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor, make the following rule.

Dated 13 September 2017

Professor Brian P. Schmidt AC FAA FRS





Part 1— Preliminary

1 Name, commencement and authority

2 Interpretation

Part 2— Misconduct

3 Misconduct

Part 3— Consequences of misconduct

4 Reporting misconduct

5 Prescribed authority’s role

6 Powers of prescribed authority

7 Powers of and action by Vice-Chancellor

8 Interim denial of access

Part 4— Inquiries

9 Inquiries

10 Findings and penalties: prescribed authority

11 Findings and penalties: Vice-Chancellor

12 Student undertakings

13 Notice of decisions etc.

14 Effect of denial of access

15 Exclusion of student

Part 5— Failure to meet obligations

16 Failure to meet obligations by due date

17 Re-enrolment following suspension

18 Liability of persons financially supported by third parties

19 Sanctions against persons who fail to meet obligations

Part 6— Appeals and call-in

20 Review by the Appeals Committee

21 Vice-Chancellor may call in a case

Part 7— Miscellaneous

22 Nominees for Vice-Chancellor and Registrar

23 Multiple processes

24 Extension of time

25 Service of notices etc.

26 Repeal etc.

27 Transitional


Part 1—Preliminary

conduct of a sexual nature includes the making of a statement of a sexual nature to, or in the presence of, a person, whether the statement is made orally or in writing.

course means a subject of scholarly study, whether it is taught:

discrimination includes unfair or inequitable treatment on the basis of a person’s race, colour, sex, sexual preference or orientation, marital status, pregnancy or potential pregnancy, status as carer, age, disability, ethnic or national origin, breastfeeding requirements, religious, political or union affiliation, or any other attributes applied by or set out in any Commonwealth, State, Territory or University legislation that applies in relation to a University activity.

document includes:

examination includes:

exercise a function includes perform the function.

function includes authority, duty and power.

harassment includes behaviour, comments or images that are unwelcome, offensive, humiliating or intimidating to a person, and that, in the circumstances, a reasonable person should have expected would be offensive or intimidating, and also includes sexual harassment.

inquiry means an inquiry mentioned in Part 4.

misconduct has the meaning given in section 3.

obligation includes:

prescribed authority means:

property includes real and personal property and intellectual property including data and information.

sexual harassment includes:

student means a person who is or was enrolled in, or seeking enrolment in, a program or course offered by the University, or who is or was given permission by the University to audit a course offered by the University.

victimisation includes any unfavourable treatment, including adverse changes to a person’s work or study environment, denial of access to resources, work opportunities or training, or ostracism of a person as a consequence of the person’s involvement in a grievance under any grievance procedures applicable in the University.

working day means a day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday, a public holiday in the Australian Capital Territory, or a University holiday.

Part 2—Misconduct

Part 3—Consequences of misconduct

[Note: If, in relation to information infrastructure or information services, a student has committed misconduct (however described) appropriate action may be taken under the Information Infrastructure and Services Rule.]

Part 4—Inquiries

If, under this instrument, a person is excluded from the University, the person ceases to be a student and, except with the permission of the Vice-Chancellor:

Part 5—Failure to meet obligations

A person whose enrolment as a student has been suspended may not re-enrol until the person pays any fees owed by the person under the Fees Rule (including late fees) and agrees to comply with any conditions that the Vice-Chancellor may impose in relation to the revived enrolment.

Part 6—Appeals and call-in

[Note: The Appeals Rule provides that a person who is affected by a reviewable decision may, within specified time limits, apply for review of that decision.]

Part 7—Miscellaneous

University official means: