Migration Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2017

I, General the Honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Ret’d), GovernorGeneral of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following regulations.

Dated 02 November 2017

Peter Cosgrove


By His Excellency’s Command

Peter Dutton

Minister for Immigration and Border Protection





1 Name

2 Commencement

3 Authority

4 Schedules

Schedule 1—Health debts and health insurance arrangements

Migration Regulations 1994

Schedule 2—Integrity, identity and community protection amendments

Migration Regulations 1994

Schedule 3—Lodgement of partner and permanent parent visa applications

Migration Regulations 1994

Schedule 4—Repeals

Migration (Health Services) Charge Regulations

1  Name

  This instrument is the Migration Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2017.

2  Commencement

 (1) Each provision of this instrument specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.


Commencement information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3




1.  Sections 1 to 4 and anything in this instrument not elsewhere covered by this table

The day after this instrument is registered.

4 November 2017

2.  Schedule 1

18 November 2017.

18 November 2017

3.  Schedules 2 and 3

Immediately after the commencement of the provisions covered by table item 2.

18 November 2017

4.  Schedule 4

18 November 2017.

18 November 2017

Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this instrument as originally made. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of this instrument.

 (2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this instrument. Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in any published version of this instrument.

3  Authority

  This instrument is made under the Migration Act 1958.

4  Schedules

  Each instrument that is specified in a Schedule to this instrument is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this instrument has effect according to its terms.

Schedule 1Health debts and health insurance arrangements


Migration Regulations 1994

1  Regulation 1.03


adequate arrangements for health insurance means an arrangement to be covered by health insurance:

 (a) that meets requirements specified by the Minister under regulation 1.15K; or

 (b) if no such requirements are specified—that the Minister considers adequate in the circumstances.

outstanding public health debt means a debt relating to public health or aged care services that has been reported to the Department as outstanding:

 (a) by a Commonwealth, State or Territory health authority; and

 (b) under an agreement between the authority and the Department.

2  At the end of Division 1.2 of Part 1


1.15K  Adequate health insurance

  The Minister may, by legislative instrument, specify requirements for health insurance for the purposes of the definition of adequate arrangements for health insurance in regulation 1.03.

3  At the end of Division 188.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602 must be imposed.

4  At the end of Division 300.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602 must be imposed.

5  At the end of Division 400.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602 must be imposed.

6  Clause 403.211 of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia” (first occurring).

7  Clause 403.313 of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia” (first occurring).

8  At the end of Division 403.6 of Schedule 2



 (1) If clause 403.611 applies to the applicant, condition 8602 may be imposed.

 (2) Otherwise, condition 8602 must be imposed.

9  Subclause 405.227(5) of Schedule 2

Omit “health insurance cover in Australia”, substitute “arrangements for health insurance”.

10  Paragraphs 405.228(5)(a) and (b) of Schedule 2

Omit “health insurance cover in Australia”, substitute “arrangements for health insurance”.

11  Subclause 405.329(2) of Schedule 2

Omit “health insurance cover in Australia”, substitute “arrangements for health insurance”.

12  Subclauses 405.330(2) and (2A) of Schedule 2

Omit “health insurance cover in Australia”, substitute “arrangements for health insurance”.

13  Clause 405.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “and 8516”, substitute “, 8516 and 8602”.

14  Clause 407.216 of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia” (first occurring).

15  Clause 407.314 of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia” (first occurring).

16  At the end of Division 407.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602 must be imposed.

17  Clause 408.212 of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia” (first occurring).

18  Clause 408.314 of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia” (first occurring).

19  Paragraph 408.611(b) of Schedule 2

Omit “if the visa was granted on the basis that clause 408.229A (entertainment) applied”, substitute “in the case of a visa granted on the basis that clause 408.229A (entertainment) applies”.

20  At the end of Division 408.6 of Schedule 2



  In the case of a visa granted on the basis that one of the following applies to the primary applicant, condition 8602 may be imposed:

 (a) subparagraph 408.227(a)(ii) (staff exchange—a government agency);

 (b) subparagraph 408.227(a)(iii) (staff exchange—a foreign government agency);

 (c) clause 408.229 (Australian Government endorsed event).

Otherwise, condition 8602 must be imposed.

21  Clause 410.612 of Schedule 2 (note)

Repeal the note.

22  At the end of Division 410.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602 must be imposed.

23  Clause 417.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “and 8548”, substitute “, 8548 and 8602”.

24  Clause 457.223B of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia” (first occurring).

25  Clause 457.324D of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia” (first occurring).

26  At the end of clause 457.611 of Schedule 2


 (4) Condition 8602 must be imposed.

27  At the end of Division 461.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602 must be imposed.

28  Clause 462.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “and 8548”, substitute “, 8548 and 8602”.

29  At the end of Division 476.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602 must be imposed.

30  Subclauses 485.215(1) and (2) of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia”.

31  Subclauses 485.312(1) and (2) of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia”.

32  Clause 485.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8501”, substitute “Conditions 8501 and 8602”.

33  At the end of Division 489.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602 must be imposed.

34  Clause 500.215 of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia” (first occurring).

35  Clause 500.314 of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia” (first occurring).

36  Paragraph 500.611(1)(a) of Schedule 2

Omit “and 8533”, substitute “, 8533 and 8602”.

37  Paragraph 500.612(1)(a) of Schedule 2

Omit “and 8516”, substitute “, 8516 and 8602”.

38  Clause 590.217 of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia” (first occurring).

39  Clause 590.313 of Schedule 2

Omit “in Australia” (first occurring).

40  At the end of Division 590.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602 must be imposed.

41  At the end of Division 600.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602 must be imposed.

42  Clause 601.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “and 8528”, substitute “, 8528 and 8602”.

43  At the end of Division 602.6 of Schedule 2



 (1) If the requirements set out in subclause 602.212(6) are met in relation to the applicant, condition 8602 may be imposed.

 (2) Otherwise, condition 8602 must be imposed.

44  Clause 651.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “and 8528”, substitute “, 8528 and 8602”.

45  At the end of Division 676.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602 must be imposed.

46  Clause 771.612 of Schedule 2

Omit “and 8201”, substitute “, 8201 and 8602”.

47  At the end of Division 773.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602 must be imposed.

48  At the end of Division 988.6 of Schedule 2



  Condition 8602.

49  At the end of Schedule 8


8602  The holder must not have an outstanding public health debt.

50  In the appropriate position in Schedule 13


Part 67Amendments made by the Migration Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2017


6701  Operation of Schedule 1

 (1) The amendments of these Regulations made by Schedule 1 to the Migration Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2017 apply in relation to an application for a visa made on or after 18 November 2017.

 (2) Despite the amendments made to paragraph 405.228(5)(a) and subclause 405.330(2) by items 10 and 12 of Schedule 1 to the Migration Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2017, the paragraph and subclause, as in force immediately before the commencement of those items, continue to apply in relation to visas granted before the commencement of those items.

 (3) Clause 8602 of Schedule 8, as inserted by item 49 of Schedule 1 to the Migration Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2017, does not apply in relation to a debt incurred before that clause commenced.

Schedule 2Integrity, identity and community protection amendments


Migration Regulations 1994

1  Subparagraph 1128(3)(d)(i) of Schedule 1

Omit “, under subsection 135(1) of the Act,”, substitute “under the Act”.

2  Subparagraphs 1128(3)(d)(iii) and (e)(i) of Schedule 1

Omit “section 134 of”.

3  Subparagraph 1216(3)(c)(i) of Schedule 1

Omit “, under subsection 135(1) of the Act,”, substitute “under the Act”.

4  Subparagraphs 1216(3)(c)(iii) and (d)(i) of Schedule 1

Omit “section 134 of”.

5  Paragraph 1305(3)(f) of Schedule 1

Omit “8564 or”.

6  After paragraph 1305(3)(f) of Schedule 1


 (fa) The applicant has not previously held a visa that has been cancelled by reason of a failure to comply with condition 8303 or 8564.

7  Paragraph 1305(3)(g) of Schedule 1

Omit “2.43(1)(p)”, substitute “2.43(1)(oa), (p)”.

8  At the end of subitem 1305(3) of Schedule 1


 (h) The applicant has not previously held a visa that has been cancelled because the Minister was satisfied that a ground mentioned in paragraph 116(1)(e) of the Act applied to the person.

9  Subclause 010.611(1) of Schedule 2

Omit “Nil”, substitute “condition 8304”.

10  Subclause 010.611(2) of Schedule 2

Repeal the subclause, substitute:

 (2) In the case of a visa granted to a noncitizen who applies for a protection visa and satisfies the criterion in subclause 010.211(3):

 (a) condition 8304; and

 (b) if condition 8101 applied to the last visa held by the holder—condition 8101.

11  Subclause 010.611(3) of Schedule 2

Omit “Nil”, substitute “condition 8304”.

12  Subclause 010.611(3A) of Schedule 2

Omit “condition 8501”, substitute “conditions 8304 and 8501”.

13  Subclause 010.611(3B) of Schedule 2

Omit “nil”, substitute “condition 8304”.

14  Subclause 010.611(3C) of Schedule 2

Repeal the subclause, substitute:

 (3C) In the case of a visa granted to a person who meets the requirements of subclause 010.211(2) or (3) on the basis of:

 (a) making a valid application for a Subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled)) visa; and

 (b) holding a Subclass 457 visa (the first visa) at the time of making the application mentioned in paragraph (a);

the following conditions:

 (c) condition 8304;

 (d) if condition 8107 applied to the first visa—condition 8107;

 (e) if condition 8501 applied to the first visa—condition 8501.

15  Subclause 010.611(4) of Schedule 2

After “case:”, insert “condition 8304 and”.

16  Subclause 020.611(1) of Schedule 2

Omit “Nil”, substitute “condition 8304”.

17  Subclause 020.611(2) of Schedule 2

Repeal the subclause, substitute:

 (2) In the case of a visa granted to a noncitizen who applies for a protection visa and satisfies the criterion in subclause 020.212(3):

 (a) condition 8304; and

 (b) if condition 8101 applied to the last visa held by the holder—condition 8101.

18  Subclause 020.611(3) of Schedule 2

Omit “condition 8501”, substitute “conditions 8304 and 8501”.

19  Subclause 020.611(4) of Schedule 2

Omit “nil”, substitute “condition 8304”.

20  Subclause 020.611(4A) of Schedule 2

Repeal the subclause, substitute:

 (4A) In the case of a visa granted to a person on the basis of:

 (a) making a valid application for a Subclass 457 (Temporary Work (Skilled)) visa; and

 (b) holding a Subclass 457 visa (the first visa) at the time of making the application mentioned in paragraph (a);

the following conditions:

 (c) condition 8304;

 (d) if condition 8107 applied to the first visa—condition 8107;

 (e) if condition 8501 applied to the first visa—condition 8501.

21  Subclause 020.611(5) of Schedule 2

After “case—”, insert “condition 8304 and”.

22  Clause 030.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “Nil”, substitute “condition 8304”.

23  Clause 030.612 of Schedule 2

Repeal the clause, substitute:


In the case of a visa granted to a noncitizen who applies for a protection visa and meets the requirements of subclause 030.212(5):

 (a) condition 8304; and

 (b) if condition 8101 applied to the last visa held by the holder—condition 8101.

24  Clause 030.613 of Schedule 2

Omit “nil”, substitute “condition 8304”.

25  Clause 030.614 of Schedule 2

Omit “condition 8101”, substitute “conditions 8101 and 8304”.

26  Clause 040.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8101”, substitute “Conditions 8101 and 8304”.

27  Clause 041.611 of Schedule 2

After “8101”, insert “, 8304”.

28  Clause 050.611 of Schedule 2

Repeal the clause, substitute:

 (1) In the case of a visa granted to a noncitizen who:

 (a) either:

 (i) applied for a substantive visa at the same time and on the same form as he or she applied for the bridging visa; or

 (ii) applied for a substantive visa in respect of which the bridging visa is granted under regulation 2.21B; and

 (b) is not in immigration detention; and

 (c) held a Bridging E (Class WE) visa at the time he or she made the application for the substantive visa;

the following conditions:

 (d) condition 8304;

 (e) whichever of conditions 8101, 8104, 8201, 8207, 8401, 8402, 8505, 8506 and 8548 apply to the Bridging E (Class WE) visa mentioned in paragraph (c).

 (2) Condition 8303 may be imposed.

29  Paragraph 050.611B(a) of Schedule 2

Omit “condition 8401”, substitute “conditions 8304 and 8401”.

30  Paragraph 050.611B(b) of Schedule 2

After “8207,”, insert “8303,”.

31  Clause 050.612 of Schedule 2

After “8201,”, insert “8303, 8304,”.

32  Subclause 050.612A(2) of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8101”, substitute “Conditions 8101 and 8304”.

33  Subclause 050.612A(3) of Schedule 2

After “8207,”, insert “8303,”.

34  Clause 050.612B of Schedule 2

Repeal the clause, substitute:


 (1) In the case of a visa granted to an applicant who meets the requirements of subclause 050.212(4AAA) or (4AB): condition 8304.

 (2) Condition 8303 may be imposed.

35  Clause 050.613 of Schedule 2

Repeal the clause, substitute:


 (1) In the case of a visa granted to an applicant (whether or not the applicant is an applicant to whom another clause in this Division would otherwise apply) who meets the requirements of subclause 050.212(6A) or (8): condition 8304.

 (2) Any one or more of conditions 8201, 8207, 8303, 8401, 8505, 8506, 8507, 8508, 8510, 8511, 8512 and 8548 may be imposed.

36  Subclause 050.613A(1) of Schedule 2

Repeal the subclause, substitute:

 (1) In the case of a visa granted to an applicant (whether or not the applicant is an applicant to whom any other clause in this Division applies, other than clause 050.613 or 050.616A) who:

 (a) applies for a protection visa; and

 (b) is not in a class of persons specified by the Minister by instrument in writing for this paragraph;

the following conditions:

 (c) condition 8304;

 (d) unless condition 8116 is imposed—condition 8101.

37  Subclause 050.613A(2) of Schedule 2

After “8207,”, insert “8303,”.

38  Subclause 050.614(1) of Schedule 2

Repeal the subclause, substitute:

 (1) In the case of a visa granted to an applicant who:

 (a) is an applicant for a protection visa; and

 (b) meets the requirements of subclause 050.212(3A), (4), (4AA) or (4A);

the following conditions:

 (c) condition 8304;

 (d) if condition 8101 applied to the last visa held by the applicant—condition 8101;

 (e) if condition 8116 applied to the last visa held by the applicant—condition 8116.

39  Subclause 050.614(2) of Schedule 2

After “8207,”, insert “8303,”.

40  Subclause 050.615(1) of Schedule 2

Repeal the subclause, substitute:

 (1) In the case of a visa granted to an applicant who:

 (a) meets the requirements of subclause 050.212(5B) or (6); and

 (b) was not an unlawful noncitizen after the application for a substantive visa was finally determined up until the time of the request for the Minister:

 (i) to substitute a more favourable decision under section 345, 351 or 417 of the Act; or

 (ii) to make a determination under section 48B of the Act;

the following conditions:

 (c) condition 8304;

 (d) if condition 8101 applied to the last visa held by the applicant—condition 8101;

 (e) if condition 8116 applied to the last visa held by the applicant—condition 8116.

41  Subclause 050.615(2) of Schedule 2

After “8207,”, insert “8303,”.

42  Subclause 050.615A(1) of Schedule 2

Repeal the subclause, substitute:

 (1) In the case of a visa granted to an applicant who:

 (a) meets the requirements of subclause 050.212(5B) or (6); and

 (b) was an unlawful noncitizen for all or part of the period after the application for a substantive visa was finally determined until the time of the request for the Minister:

 (i) to substitute a more favourable decision under section 345, 351 or 417 of the Act; or

 (ii) to make a determination under section 48B of the Act;

the following conditions:

 (c) condition 8304;

 (d) unless condition 8116 is imposed—condition 8101.

43  Subclause 050.615A(2) of Schedule 2

After “8207,”, insert “8303,”.

44  Subclause 050.616(1) of Schedule 2

Repeal the subclause, substitute:

 (1) In the case of a visa granted to an applicant (whether or not the applicant is an applicant to whom another clause in this Division would otherwise apply) who meets the requirements of subclause 050.212(6B):

 (a) condition 8304; and

 (b) if condition 8101 applied to the last visa held by the holder—condition 8101.

45  Subclause 050.616(2) of Schedule 2

After “8207,”, insert “8303,”.

46  Subclause 050.616A(1) of Schedule 2

After “8207,”, insert “8303, 8304,”.

47  Subclause 050.617(1) of Schedule 2

Repeal the subclause, substitute:

 (1) In any other case:

 (a) condition 8304 must be imposed; and

 (b) any one or more of conditions 8101, 8104, 8116, 8201, 8207, 8303, 8401, 8402, 8505, 8506, 8507, 8508, 8510, 8511, 8512 and 8548 may be imposed.

48  Clause 051.611 of Schedule 2

After “8201,”, insert “8303, 8304,”.

49  Subclause 051.611A(1) of Schedule 2

Repeal the subclause, substitute:

 (1) In the case of a visa granted to an applicant (whether or not the applicant is an applicant to whom any other clause in this Division applies) who:

 (a) applies for a protection visa; and

 (b) has been in Australia for a period of 45 days or more, or for periods totalling 45 days or more, (not including any day for part of which the applicant was not in Australia) in the 12 months immediately before the date of that application; and

 (c) is not within a class of persons specified in a legislative instrument made by the Minister for the purposes of this paragraph;

the following conditions:

 (d) condition 8304;

 (e) unless condition 8116 is imposed—condition 8101.

50  Subclause 051.611A(3) of Schedule 2

After “8201,”, insert “8303,”.

51  Subclause 051.612(1) of Schedule 2

Repeal the subclause, substitute:

 (1) In any other case:

 (a) condition 8304 must be imposed; and

 (b) any one or more of conditions 8101, 8104, 8116, 8201, 8303, 8401, 8505, 8506, 8507, 8508, 8510, 8511 and 8512 may be imposed.

52  Clause 060.611 of Schedule 2

After “8101”, insert “, 8303, 8304”.

53  Clause 060.612 of Schedule 2

Omit “8401, 8505 and 8506”, substitute “8303, 8401, 8505, 8506 and 8564”.

54  At the end of Division 060.6 of Schedule 2



  In addition to any other provision of this Division, condition 8304 must be imposed.

55  Clause 070.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “8401, 8506, 8513, 8514, 8541, 8542 and 8543”, substitute “8304, 8401, 8506, 8513, 8514, 8541, 8542, 8543 and 8564”.

56  At the end of Subdivision 155.22 of Division 155.2 of Schedule 2



 (1) If the applicant is the holder of a permanent visa, the visa is not the subject of a notice under the Act proposing cancellation.

 (2) The most recent permanent visa (if any) held by the applicant has not been cancelled.

57  At the end of Subdivision 157.22 of Division 157.2 of Schedule 2



 (1) If the applicant is the holder of a permanent visa, the visa is not the subject of a notice under the Act proposing cancellation.

 (2) The most recent permanent visa (if any) held by the applicant has not been cancelled.

58  At the end of Subdivision 159.22 of Division 159.2 of Schedule 2



 (1) If the applicant is the holder of a permanent visa, the visa is not the subject of a notice under the Act proposing cancellation.

 (2) The most recent permanent visa (if any) held by the applicant has not been cancelled.

59  At the end of Division 160.6 of Schedule 2



  Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564.

60  At the end of Division 161.6 of Schedule 2



  Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564.

61  At the end of Division 162.6 of Schedule 2



  Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564.

62  At the end of Division 163.6 of Schedule 2



  Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564.

63  At the end of Division 164.6 of Schedule 2



  Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564.

64  At the end of Division 165.6 of Schedule 2



  Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564.

65  At the end of Division 173.6 of Schedule 2



  Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564.

66  Clause 188.614 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8602”, substitute “Conditions 8303, 8304, 8564 and 8602”.

67  Clause 300.616 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8602”, substitute “Conditions 8303, 8304, 8564 and 8602”.

68  At the end of Division 309.6 of Schedule 2



  Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564.

69  Clause 400.613 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8602”, substitute “Conditions 8304, 8564 and 8602”.

70  Subclauses 403.611(2), 403.612(2) and 403.613(2) of Schedule 2

Omit “8501 and 8516”, substitute “8304, 8501, 8516 and 8564”.

71  Subclause 403.614(2) of Schedule 2

Omit “8501 and 8503”, substitute “8304, 8501, 8503 and 8564”.

72  Clause 405.611 of Schedule 2

After “8104,”, insert “8303, 8304,”.

73  Clause 405.611 of Schedule 2

After “8516”, insert “, 8564”.

74  Clause 407.613 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8602”, substitute “Conditions 8304, 8564 and 8602”.

75  Paragraph 408.611(a) of Schedule 2

Omit “and 8303”, substitute “, 8303, 8304 and 8564”.

76  Paragraph 408.612(a) of Schedule 2

Omit “condition 8303”, substitute “conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564”.

77  Clause 410.612 of Schedule 2

Omit “8303,”.

78  Clause 410.613 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8602”, substitute “Conditions 8303, 8304, 8564 and 8602”.

79  Clause 417.611 of Schedule 2

After “Conditions”, insert “8303, 8304,”.

80  Clause 417.611 of Schedule 2

After “8548”, insert “, 8564”.

81  Division 445.6 of Schedule 2 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:



  Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564.

82  Clause 449.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8506”, substitute “Conditions 8303, 8304, 8506 and 8564”.

83  Subclause 457.611(3) of Schedule 2

Omit “8303,”.

84  Subclause 457.611(4) of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8602”, substitute “Conditions 8303, 8304, 8564 and 8602”.

85  Clause 461.612 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8602”, substitute “Conditions 8303, 8304, 8564 and 8602”.

86  Clause 462.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “8547, 8548”, insert “8303, 8304, 8547, 8548, 8564”.

87  Clause 476.612 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition”, substitute “Conditions 8303, 8304, 8564 and”.

88  Clause 485.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “8501”, substitute “8303, 8304, 8501, 8564”.

89  Clause 489.616 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition”, substitute “Conditions 8303, 8304, 8564 and”.

90  Paragraph 500.611(1)(a) of Schedule 2

After “8202,”, insert “8303, 8304,”.

91  Paragraph 500.611(1)(a) of Schedule 2

After “8533”, insert “, 8564”.

92  Paragraph 500.611(2)(b) of Schedule 2

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (b) condition 8534.

93  Paragraph 500.612(1)(a) of Schedule 2

After “8104,”, insert “8303, 8304,”.

94  Paragraph 500.612(1)(a) of Schedule 2

After “8516”, insert “, 8564”.

95  Subclause 500.612(2) of Schedule 2

Omit “conditions 8303 and”, substitute “condition”.

96  Clause 590.613 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8602”, substitute “Conditions 8303, 8304, 8564 and 8602”.

97  Clause 600.616 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8602”, substitute “Conditions 8303, 8304, 8564 and 8602”.

98  Clause 601.611 of Schedule 2

After “8201,”, insert “8303, 8304,”.

99  Clause 601.611 of Schedule 2

After “8528”, insert “, 8564”.

100  At the end of Division 602.6 of Schedule 2



  Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564 must be imposed.

101  Clause 651.611 of Schedule 2

After “8201,”, insert “8303, 8304,”.

102  Clause 651.611 of Schedule 2

After “8528”, insert “, 8564”.

103  Clause 676.614 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8602”, substitute “Conditions 8303, 8304, 8564 and 8602”.

104  Clause 771.612 of Schedule 2

After “8201”, insert “, 8303, 8304, 8564”.

105  Clause 785.611 of Schedule 2

Omit “8503, 8570 and 8565”, substitute “8303, 8304, 8503, 8564, 8565 and 8570”.

106  At the end of Division 786.6 of Schedule 2



 (1) Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564.

 (2) The conditions identified in subclause (1), and the conditions set out in clauses 786.611 and 786.612, do not limit each other.

107  Clause 790.611 of Schedule 2

After “Conditions”, insert “8303, 8304, 8564,”.

108  Division 820.6 of Schedule 2 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:



  Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564.

109  Division 884.6 of Schedule 2 (heading)

Repeal the heading, substitute:



  Conditions 8303, 8304 and 8564.

110  Clause 988.613 of Schedule 2

Omit “Condition 8602”, substitute “Conditions 8303, 8304, 8564 and 8602”.

111  Paragraph 4020(1)(b) of Schedule 4

Omit “in the period of 12 months”, substitute “, or applied for, in the period of 10 years”.

112  Clause 8303 of Schedule 8

Repeal the clause, substitute:

8303  The holder must not become involved in:

 (a) activities that endanger or threaten any individual; or

 (b) activities disruptive to, or violence threatening harm to, the Australian community or a group within the Australian community.

8304 (1) The holder must use the same name to identify himself or herself in all official Australian identity documents.

 (2) If the holder’s name changes, the holder must, as soon as practicable:

 (a) notify the change to the issuer of any official Australian identity document held by the holder; and

 (b) take all reasonable steps to ensure the change is given effect in relation to all official Australian identity documents held by the holder.

 (3) For the purposes of this clause, an official Australian identity document includes any document of identity issued by any of the following:

 (a) the Commonwealth or a State or Territory;

 (b) an authority of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory;

 (c) an employee or official of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory, or an authority of the Commonwealth or a State or Territory, who is acting in the course of his or her duties or functions as such an employee or official.

113  In the appropriate position in Part 67 of Schedule 13


6702  Operation of Schedule 2

 (1) The amendments of Schedules 1, 2 and 4 to these Regulations made by Schedule 2 to the Migration Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2017 apply in relation to an application for a visa made on or after 18 November 2017.

 (2) The amendments of Schedule 8 to these Regulations made by Schedule 2 to the Migration Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2017 apply in relation to a visa for which an application is made on or after 18 November 2017.

Schedule 3Lodgement of partner and permanent parent visa applications


Migration Regulations 1994

1  Subitem 1124(1) of Schedule 1

Repeal the subitem, substitute:

 (1) Form:   The approved form specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

2  Paragraphs 1124(3)(a) and (aa) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

 (a) An application must be made at the place, and in the manner, (if any) specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

3  Subitem 1124A(1) of Schedule 1

Repeal the subitem, substitute:

 (1) Form:   The approved form specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

4  Paragraph 1124A(3)(a) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (a) An application must be made at the place, and in the manner, (if any) specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

5  Paragraph 1124A(3)(bb) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph.

6  Subitem 1124B(1) of Schedule 1

Repeal the subitem, substitute:

 (1) Form:   The approved form specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

7  Paragraph 1124B(3)(a) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (a) An application must be made at the place, and in the manner, (if any) specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

8  Paragraph 1124B(3)(ca)

Repeal the paragraph.

9  Subparagraph 1124B(3)(e)(ii) of Schedule 1

Omit “an approved form 40SP or 40SP (Internet)”, substitute “the approved form specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this subparagraph under subregulation 2.07(5)”.

10  Subitem 1129(1) of Schedule 1

Repeal the subitem, substitute:

 (1) Form:   The approved form specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

11  Paragraphs 1129(3)(a) and (b) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

 (a) An application must be made at the place, and in the manner, (if any) specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

12  Paragraph 1129(3)(f) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph.

13  Subitem 1130(1) of Schedule 1

Repeal the subitem, substitute:

 (1) Form:   The approved form specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

14  Paragraphs 1130(3)(a) and (b) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:

 (a) An application must be made at the place, and in the manner, (if any) specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

15  Paragraph 1130(3)(c)

Omit all the words after “relevant applicant’s”, substitute “application may be made at the same time and place as, and combined with, the application made by the other applicant”.

16  Subitem 1130A(1) of Schedule 1

Repeal the subitem, substitute:

 (1) Form:   The approved form specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

17  Paragraph 1130A(3)(a) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (a) An application must be made at the place, and in the manner, (if any) specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

18  Paragraph 1130A(3)(ba) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph.

19  Subitem 1214C(1) of Schedule 1

Repeal the subitem, substitute:

 (1) Form:   The approved form specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

20  Paragraph 1214C(3)(b) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (b) An application must be made at the place, and in the manner, (if any) specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

21  Paragraph 1214C(3)(fa) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph.

22  Subitem 1215(1) of Schedule 1

Repeal the subitem, substitute:

 (1) Form:   The approved form specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

23  Paragraph 1215(3)(a) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (a) An application must be made at the place, and in the manner, (if any) specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

24  Subitem 1220A(1) of Schedule 1

Repeal the subitem, substitute:

 (1) Form:   The approved form specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

25  Paragraph 1220A(3)(a) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (a) An application must be made at the place, and in the manner, (if any) specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

26  Subitem 1221(1) of Schedule 1

Repeal the subitem, substitute:

 (1) Form:   The approved form specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

27  Paragraph 1221(3)(a) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (a) An application must be made at the place, and in the manner, (if any) specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

28  Paragraph 1221(3)(d) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph.

29  Subitem 1221A(1) of Schedule 1

Repeal the subitem, substitute:

 (1) Form:   The approved form specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

30  Paragraph 1221A(3)(a) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraph, substitute:

 (a) An application must be made at the place, and in the manner, (if any) specified by the Minister in a legislative instrument made for this item under subregulation 2.07(5).

31  Paragraphs 1221A(3)(da) and (e) of Schedule 1

Repeal the paragraphs.

32  In the appropriate position in Part 67 of Schedule 13


6703  Operation of Schedule 3

  The amendments of these Regulations made by Schedule 3 to the Migration Legislation Amendment (2017 Measures No. 4) Regulations 2017 apply in relation to an application for a visa made on or after 18 November 2017.

Schedule 4Repeals


Migration (Health Services) Charge Regulations

1  The whole of the instrument

Repeal the instrument.