National Radioactive Waste Management (Approval of Nominated Sites) Notice 2017

National Radioactive Waste Management Act 2012

I, Matt Canavan, Minister for Resources and Northern Australia, make this notice under section 9(5) of the National Radioactive Waste Management Act 2012.

Dated:        27  June  2017



Matt Canavan

Minister for Resources and Northern Australia


1 Name of Notice

  This is the National Radioactive Waste Management (Approval of Nominated Sites) Notice 2017.

2 Authority

 This notice is made under section 9(5) of the National Radioactive Waste Management Act 2012 (the Act).

3 Notice

  I give notice that I:

(a)   have received voluntary nominations for a potential site for a national radioactive waste management facility under section 7 of the Act; and

(b)   approve under section 9 of the Act the two land nominations made.

4 Approval

  This approval takes effect from the date this instrument is signed.

5 Land Nominations

(1)   The land nominations are:

(a)   Lyndhurst—South Australia 143 Bindawalla Gate Rd, Hundred of Moseley, County of Buxton, DC of Kimba

Coordinates 136.553018, -33.046678, Hundred Plan 500700, Parcel number 38.

(b)   Napandee—South Australia Larwood Road, Hundred of Pinkawillinie, County of Buxton, DC of Kimba

Coordinates 136.17759, -33.117021, Part of Certificate of Title Volume 5937 Folio 542.

(2)   Prior to declaration of a site as the site for a facility, approved sites will be subject to detailed assessments to determine their suitability. A site will be selected in accordance with the process set out in the Act.

6 Further Information

  For information on the project please:

(a)   visit;

(b)   contact: AusIndustry hotline 13 28 46; or

(c)   email