Determination 2018/02:

Remuneration and Allowances for Holders of Public Office

(i)                     Pursuant to subsections 7(3) and 7(4) of the Remuneration Tribunal Act 1973, the Remuneration Tribunal has inquired into the remuneration and allowances to be paid to certain holders of public office, and other matters significantly related thereto, and determines as set out below.

(ii) This determination commences the day after registration on the Federal Register of Legislation unless otherwise specified.




1.1                In this part, Determination Number 11 of 2017 (as amended) is referred to as the Principal Determination.

1.2                Table 2A of Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by replacing the current entry for the “Chief Executive Officer, Climate Change Authority” with the following and placing it after the entry for the “Deputy Chief Commissioner, ASQA”.

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Chief Executive Officer, Climate Change Authority

Effective 12 February 2018, refer Det 2018/02




1.3                Table 2A of Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by replacing the current entry for the “Director, Old Parliament House” with the following.

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Director, Old Parliament House

Effective 12 February 2018, refer Det 2018/02




1.4                The Additional Sub-clauses to Table 2A of the Principal Determination are amended by inserting “2.2.16 Old Parliament House, Director: Ms Daryl Karp will receive Tier 1 Travel for the remainder of her current appointment, until 31 March 2018”.

1.5                Clauses 1.2 to 1.4 commence on 12 February 2018.

1.6                Table 2A of Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by deleting “2.2.13” in Column 3 of the entry for the “Merit Protection Commissioner”.

1.7                Table 2A of Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting “2.2.13” in Column 3 of the entry for the “Chief Executive, National Capital Authority”.

1.8                The Additional Sub-clauses to Table 2A of the Principal Determination are amended by deleting the current Sub-clause for the “Merit Protection Commissioner” and replacing it with the following 2.2.13 National Capital Authority, Chief Executive: Ms Sally Barnes will receive an additional fixed loading of $55,380 for the initial term of her appointment, until 10 February 2023”. 

1.9                Clauses 1.6 to 1.8 commence on 12 February 2018.

1.10           Table 2A of Part 2 of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting “2.2.15” in Column 3 of the entry for the “Chief Executive Officer, Infrastructure Australia”.

1.11           The Additional Sub-clauses to Table 2A of the Principal Determination are amended by inserting “2.2.15 Infrastructure Australia: Mr Philip Davies will receive an additional fixed loading of $75,000 for the term of his appointment, until 20 April 2018.

1.12           Clauses 1.10 and 1.11 commence on 12 December 2017.

1.13           The Additional Sub-clauses to Table 2A of the Principal Determination are amended by replacing “2024” with “2022” in Clause 2.2.8.

1.14           Clause 1.13 commences on 12 February 2018.


2.1                In this part, Determination Number 10 of 2017 (as amended) is referred to as the Principal Determination.

2.2                Table A of Schedule A of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting the following after the entry for the “National Portrait Gallery of Australia”.

Old Parliament House Board

Effective 12 February 2018, refer Det 2018/02






2.3                Table D of Schedule D of the Principal Determination is amended by deleting the entry for the Clean Energy Regulator.

2.4                The Additional Sub-clauses to Table D of the Principal Determination are amended by deleting Clause “D.1”.

2.5                Table A of Schedule A of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting the following after the entry for the “Clean Energy Finance Corporation”.

Clean Energy Regulator

Effective 12 February 2018, refer Det 2018/02






2.6            Table A of Schedule A of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting the following after the entry for the Army and Air Force Canteen Service (AAFCANS)”.

Climate Change Authority

Effective 12 February 2018, refer Det 2018/02







2.7               The Additional Sub-clauses to Table A of the Principal Determination are amended by inserting “A18 Climate Change Authority: The Chair and Members of the Climate Change Authority appointed prior to 12 February 2018 will receive the fees set out in Table D, in lieu of the fees included in Table A of this Determination, for the duration of each office holder’s current term of appointment”.

2.8                Table D of Schedule D of the Principal Determination is amended by inserting “D.1” in Column 4 of the entry for theClimate Change Authority”.

2.9                The Additional Sub-clauses to Table D of the Principal Determination are amended by inserting ”D.1 Climate Change Authority: The fees set out in Table D apply only to the Chair and Members of the Climate Change Authority appointed prior to 12 February 2018,  for the duration of each office holder’s current term of appointment”.

2.10           Table B3 of Schedule B of the Principal Determination is amended by replacing the current entry for the “Climate Change Authority Associate Member” with the following.

Climate Change Authority Associate Member

Effective 12 February 2018, refer Det 2018/02






2.11           The Additional Sub-clauses to Table B3 of the Principal Determination are amended by inserting “B3.19 Climate Change Authority Associate Member:  An Associate Member of the Climate Change Authority appointed prior to 12 February 2018 will receive $897 in lieu of the fee included in Table B3 of this Determination for the duration of the office holder’s current term of appointment”.

2.12           Clauses 2.2 to 2.11 commence on 12 February 2018.








Signed on this 23 day of February 2018