Therapeutic Goods (Permissible Indications) Determination No.1 of 2018

made under subsection 26BF(1) of the

Therapeutic Goods Act 1989

I, Larry Kelly, a delegate of the Minister for Health for the purposes of section 26BF of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (the Act), HEREBY make the following determination specifying:

(i)                 indications for the purposes of paragraph 26BF(1)(a) of the Act; and

(ii)               requirements applying in relation to those indications for the purposes of paragraph 26BF(1)(b) of the Act.

Dated this 6th March 2018

(Signed by)

Larry Kelly

Delegate of the Minister for Health

1  Name of Determination

  This Determination is the Therapeutic Goods (Permissible Indications) Determination No.1 of 2018.

2  Commencement

  This Determination commences on the day after registration.

3  Interpretation

In this Determination:

Act means the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.

Code Tables are tables that can be accessed from the Therapeutic Goods Administration Business Service website at under the heading “Public TGA Information”, as at the commencement of this instrument.

Evidence guidelines means the TGA document titled Evidence guidelines: Guidelines on the evidence required to support indications for listed complementary medicines, published on the TGA’s website (, as at the commencement of this instrument.

Health practitioner has the same meaning as in the Act.

Indications has the same meaning as in the Act.

Label has the same meaning as in the Act.

Medically diagnosed, in relation to a disease, condition, ailment or defect, is where the disease, condition, ailment or defect has been diagnosed by a suitably qualified medical practitioner.

Medical practitioner means a person who is registered under the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law in the medical profession.

Register means the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods.

Regulations means the Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990, as in force from time to time.

Presentation has the same meaning as in the Act.

Scientific indication means an indication that is supported by scientific evidence, such as clinical studies or systematic reviews, as described in the Evidence guidelines.

Serious, in relation to a form of a disease, condition, ailment or defect, has the same meaning as in the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code.

TGA means the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code means the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code 2015, and any later Code made under section 42BAA of the Act, as in force from time to time.

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine (TAY) indication means a traditional indication that is based on traditional use in the Ayurvedic medicine paradigm.

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) indication means a traditional indication that is based on traditional use in the traditional Chinese medicine paradigm.

Traditional indication means an indication that is supported by evidence of traditional use, as described in the Evidence guidelines.

Traditional use has the same meaning as in the Regulations.

4  Permissible indications and requirements applying in relation to those indications

Permissible indications in Tables 1 to 15

(1)   The indications in column 2 of Tables 1 to 15 in Part 2 of Schedule 1 to this Determination are specified for the purposes of paragraph 26BF(1)(a) of the Act.             

(2)   The indications in column 2 of Tables 1 to 15 in Part 2 of Schedule 1 to this Determination when modified using the qualifying statements in the Code Tables under the headings:

(a)   “Traditional context qualifier;

(b)   Population qualifiers; 

(c)   “Time of use qualifiers; or

(d)   for TCM indications, “TCM pattern qualifiers;

  are also specified for the purposes of paragraph 26BF(1)(a) of the Act.

Requirements for permissible indications

 (3) For the purposes of paragraph 26BF(1)(b) of the Act, the indications specified under subsections 4(1) and 4(2) are subject to the following requirements:

 (a) they may only be used for a medicine if supported by the type of evidence specified in column 3 of Tables 1 to 15 in Part 2 of Schedule 1; and

 (b) they must comply with the requirements set out in column 4 of Tables 1 to 15 in Part 2 of Schedule 1; and

 (c) where:

(i)     the wording of an indication is varied on the label of a medicine; or

(ii)  where more than one indication is used and they are combined on the label of a medicine to form simple sentences where appropriate; or

(iii) both (i) and (ii);


(iv) the meaning of the indication must not be changed; and

(v)   the varied or combined indications must not infer or imply that a medicine is for the treatment of a serious disease, ailment, defect or injury; and

(vi) the varied or combined indications must not infer or imply that a medicine is for preventing or curing a disease, ailment, defect or injury;

 (d) where an indication in column 2 of Tables 1 to 15 in Part 2 of Schedule 1 to this Determination is modified using a qualifying statement in the Code Tables as mentioned in subsection 4(2) and where that indication, including as varied or combined with another indication, is used on the medicine’s label:

(i)     the qualifying statement must also be included on the medicine’s label; and

(ii)  the modified indication, including as varied or combined with another indication, must not infer or imply that a medicine is for the treatment of a serious disease, ailment, defect or injury;

 (e) traditional indications must also comply with the following requirements:

(i) the traditional indication must be qualified with an appropriate “Traditional context qualifier from the Code Tables; and

(ii) the “Traditional context qualifier from the Code Tables must be included on the label of the medicine.



Schedule 1Specified permissible indications and requirements applying to these indications when used for a medicine

(section 4)

Part 1Interpretation of Table 1




At Table 1:


Scientific means a scientific indication.

Traditional” means a traditional indication.

Traditional Chinese medicine means a traditional Chinese medicine indication.

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine” means a traditional Ayurvedic medicine indication.




Part 2




Table 1 – Indications relating to general health / body parts

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Aid/assist in the healing of minor body tissue injuries

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Aid/assist nail growth

Scientific or Traditional



Aid/assist/help/maintain healthy hair follicles

Scientific or Traditional



Aid/assist/helps connective tissue production/formation




Aids/assists abdominal fat loss


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Aids/assists body waste elimination

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Aids/assists body's natural channels of elimination

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Aids/assists excretion of metabolic waste products

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Aids/assists eye adaption to variations in light intensity/night vision

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Aids/assists gum development




Aids/assists gum healing

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Aids/assists head lice and egg removal

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to killing/eradicating/destroying lice, nits or eggs.


Aids/assists natural body cleansing/detoxification processes

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Aids/assists natural cleansing/detoxification processes of the gastrointestinal system/gut

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Aids/assists natural kidney cleansing/detoxification processes

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Aids/assists teeth development




Aids/assists with recovery from illness/convalescence

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to imply chronic fatigue syndrome.


Alterative/blood cleanser/depurative/purifier


Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Analgesic/Anodyne/relieve pain

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Anti-inflammatory/relieve inflammation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Antioxidant/Reduce free radicals formed in the body




Antipyretic/Antihydrotic/febrifuge/relieve mild fever/reduce body temperature/body cooling

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Label statement: Not to be used in children under 5 years.


Astringent/tightens tissues




Body tonic




Decrease/reduce bacteria in the mouth


Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious infections.


Decrease/reduce ear irritation/inflammation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce ear wax

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce hair loss/thinning

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious conditions associated with alopecia e.g. autoimmune disease, chemotherapy.


Decrease/reduce halitosis/bad breath

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce nail brittleness/splitting/chipping

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve cracks in the corner of the mouth

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to recurrent or persistent mouth lesions.


Decrease/reduce/relieve excessive perspiration/sweating

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve eye strain

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve gum soreness/pain/discomfort

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve itchiness associated with head lice infestation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to killing/eradicating/destroying lice, nits or eggs.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mouth/oral mucosa mild inflammation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve spontaneous sweating

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of  mild mouth ulcers

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to recurrent or persistent mouth lesions.

Product presentation must only refer to mild mouth ulcers.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of dehydration

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of jet lag

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild temporomandibular joint dysfunction diagnosed by a doctor or dentist

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist or worsen consult your medical practitioner.

Product presentation must only refer to mild temporomandibular joint dysfunction that is diagnosed by a doctor or dentist.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of soft tissue trauma

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve teething/tooth pain

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve tooth/teeth sensitivity

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve toothache

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve visual fatigue

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to vision correction, faults or serious eye disease e.g. macular degeneration.


Decrease/reduce/relieve watery eyes/excessive lacrimation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieves bleeding gums

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Demulcent/soothe irritated tissues

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Enhance/improve/promote/increase hair growth

Scientific or Traditional



Enhance/improve/promote/increase hair health

Scientific or Traditional



Enhance/improve/promote/increase hair strength/thickness

Scientific or Traditional



Enhance/improve/promote/increase nail health/strength/thickness

Scientific or Traditional



Enhance/promote energy levels

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to imply chronic fatigue syndrome.


Enhance/promote weight gain




Enhance/promote/physical endurance/capacity/stamina

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to imply chronic fatigue syndrome.


Help maintain weight after weight loss


If product is indicated for weight loss, label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps convert (state food) into energy


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps decrease/reduce body weight


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps decrease/reduce build-up of dental plaque

Scientific or Traditional



Helps decrease/reduce/relieve cold sensations in the lower back


Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve heat sensations in the extremities


Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of nail mild fungal infection

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious infections.


Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase healthy body fat/muscle composition


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps enhance/promote body energy reserves

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to imply chronic fatigue syndrome.


Helps enhance/promote body tissue repair/regeneration

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote calorie burning


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps enhance/promote collagen formation




Helps enhance/promote connective tissue health

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote general health and wellbeing

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote gum health

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote healthy growth and development

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote healthy teeth enamel




Helps enhance/promote heat/energy production/thermogenesis


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps enhance/promote teeth health

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote teeth strength

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote/increase body fat loss


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps enhance/promote/increase lean body mass

Scientific or Traditional

If product is indicated for weight loss, label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps enhance/promote/increase vitality

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to imply chronic fatigue syndrome.


Helps enhance/promote/increase weight loss


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps improve/promote body metabolism/metabolic rate


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps in the maintenance of a healthy body weight


If product is indicated for weight loss, label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps in the maintenance of lean body mass


If product is indicated for weight loss, label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps maintain/support body's natural channels of elimination

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Helps maintain/support eye macula health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to vision correction, faults or serious eye disease e.g. macular degeneration.


Helps maintain/support eye retina health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to vision correction, faults or serious eye disease e.g. macular degeneration.


Helps maintain/support healthy acid/alkali balance in the body.




Helps maintain/support healthy Body Mass Index (BMI)


If product is indicated for weight loss, label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps maintain/support healthy eye development


Product presentation must not imply or refer to vision correction, faults or serious eye disease e.g. macular degeneration.


Helps maintain/support healthy vision development


Product presentation must not imply or refer to neurological conditions or developmental delays.


Helps maintain/support hearing development


Product presentation must not imply or refer to neurological conditions or developmental delays.


Helps prevent tooth decay/dental carries/cavities in conjunction with good oral hygiene

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of mouth ulcers

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of jet lag

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of teething/tooth pain

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps reduce/decrease free radical damage to body cells




Helps relieve excessive lacrimation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps restore body electrolyte balance




Helps temporarily relieve light sensitivity

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Longevity tonic




Maintain/support abdominal fat loss


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Maintain/support body electrolyte balance




Maintain/support body metabolism/metabolic rate


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Maintain/support body mucous membrane health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support body tissue repair/regeneration

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support body waste elimination

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Maintain/support calorie burning


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Maintain/support collagen formation




Maintain/support collagen health




Maintain/support connective tissue health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support dental/periodontal health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support ear health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support energy levels

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to imply chronic fatigue syndrome.


Maintain/support eye health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support general health and wellbeing

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support gum health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support hair growth

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support hair health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support hair strength/thickness

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy body fat/muscle composition


If product is indicated for weight loss, label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Maintain/support healthy body organ functions


Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.


Maintain/support healthy body tissues

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy ear function

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy eye function

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy eyesight/vision

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy growth and development

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy hearing

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy mouth flora

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy teeth

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support heat/energy production/thermogenesis


Label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Maintain/support nail health/strength/thickness

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support natural body cleansing/detoxification processes

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Maintain/support natural cleansing/detoxification processes of the body's five organs of elimination


Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Maintain/support natural cleansing/detoxification processes of the gastrointestinal system/gut

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Maintain/support natural kidney cleansing/detoxification processes

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Maintain/support natural liver cleansing/detoxification processes

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Maintain/support oral health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support oral mucous membrane health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support physical endurance/capacity/stamina

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to imply chronic fatigue syndrome.


Maintain/support scalp health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support spleen health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.


Maintain/support teeth enamel health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support teeth mineralisation




Maintain/support teeth strength

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support vitality

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to imply chronic fatigue syndrome.


Maintain/support waste elimination via the mucous membranes

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Maintain/support waste elimination via the skin

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.


Nourish the body

Scientific or Traditional



Nutritive tonic




Reduce risk of head lice attaching to hair

Scientific or Traditional



Regulate body water/fluid

Scientific or Traditional



Rejuvenating tonic




Relieve clammy/sweaty palms and soles

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve dry eyes

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve dry mouth

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve eye discomfort

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve eye redness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve eye soreness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve feelings of general malaise/general debility

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to imply chronic fatigue syndrome.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Relieve itchy ears

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve itchy eyes

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve mild tissue oedema

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve sore tongue

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve tongue dryness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve weariness/tiredness/fatigue/feeling of weakness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to imply chronic fatigue syndrome.


Restorative tonic




Restore body fluid balance

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild fluid retention.


Soften ear wax

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Soothe/relieve mouth/oral irritation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Sudorific/diaphoretic/enhance/promote sweating/perspiration

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Temporarily relieve mild fluid retention

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If fluid retention persists, seek medical advice (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must not imply or refer to cardiovascular or renal conditions.

Product presentation must only refer to mild fluid retention.


Trophorestorative/restore organ health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Table 2 – Indications relating to bone

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


A diet deficient in calcium can lead to osteoporosis in later life. Calcium may help prevent osteoporosis when dietary intake is inadequate


For medicines containing only calcium: the recommended daily dose of the medicine must provide at least 290 milligrams of elemental calcium.


Aids/assists healthy bone development/growth/building


Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mild joint aches and pains

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild joint symptoms.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mild joint inflammation/swelling

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.

Product presentation must only refer to mild joint symptoms.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mild joint pain/soreness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.

Product presentation must only refer to mild joint symptoms.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mild joint stiffness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.

Product presentation must only refer to mild joint symptoms.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mild rheumatic aches and pains

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild rheumatic aches/pains.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild arthritis/mild osteoarthritis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild joint symptoms.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of occasional episodes of gout

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, worsen or episodes become more frequent consult your medical practitioner.


Help maintain/support bone mineralisation


Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Helps enhance/promote bone healing/repair

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Helps enhance/promote bone health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Helps enhance/promote bone mass/density


Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Helps enhance/promote bone mineralisation


Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Helps enhance/promote bone strength

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Helps enhance/promote healthy joint function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Helps enhance/promote joint health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Helps enhance/promote/increase metabolism of (state mineral) in bones


Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Helps maintain/support healthy joint cartilage growth/development/production


Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Helps reduce the occasional occurrence of symptoms of gout

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, worsen or episodes become more frequent consult your medical practitioner.


Maintain/support (state mineral) absorption in bones


Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Maintain/support bone healing/repair

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Maintain/support bone health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Maintain/support bone mass/density/integrity


Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Maintain/support bone strength

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Maintain/support joint health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Maintain/support joint mobility/flexibility

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to bone disease or disorders e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile arthritis, debilitating osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.


Supports bone flexibility.

Scientific or Traditional



Vitamin D helps calcium absorption (or words of like intent) and a diet deficient in calcium can lead to osteoporosis in later life


Medicines containing vitamin D only.The medicines may only contain a maximum recommended daily dose of 25 micrograms or less of vitamin D and as a minimum, also contain at least 25% of the RDI in the recommended daily dose of vitamin D.

Table 3 – Indications relating to the cardiovascular system

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Aid/assist healthy red blood cell production


Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Aid/assist/helps in the maintenance of blood levels of oxygen


Product presentation must not imply or refer to heart disease.


Aid/assist/helps oxygen transport to body tissues


Product presentation must not imply or refer to heart disease.


Blood tonic/Enhance blood health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Cardiotonic/strengthen heart


Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Decrease/reduce appearance of mild varicose veins

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild varicose veins.


Decrease/reduce/relieve aching/tired legs/leg heaviness associated with mild varicose veins

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild varicose veins.


Decrease/reduce/relieve discomfort associated with haemorrhoids

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve itching associated with haemorrhoids

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve itchy legs associated with mild varicose veins

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild varicose veins.


Decrease/reduce/relieve leg swelling associated mild varicose veins

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild varicose veins.


Decrease/reduce/relieve minor bleeding associated with haemorrhoids

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve pain associated with mild varicose veins

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild varicose veins.


Decrease/reduce/relieve swelling associated with haemorrhoids

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of  haemorrhoids

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild varicose veins

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild varicose veins.


Helps decrease/reduce occurrence of nose bleeds

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Helps enhance/improve/promote blood circulation to the peripheral areas of the body (legs, hands and feet)

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Helps enhance/promote artery health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to circulatory disorders/diseases/conditions e.g. thrombosis.


Helps enhance/promote blood capillary health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Helps enhance/promote blood vessel health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to circulatory disorders/diseases/conditions e.g. thrombosis.


Helps enhance/promote healthy blood circulation

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Helps enhance/promote red blood cell health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Helps in the maintenance of healthy blood lipids/blood fats


Product presentation must not imply or refer to lowering blood lipids, blood fats and triglycerides.


Helps maintain/support haemoglobin formation/synthesis


Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Helps maintain/support healthy blood sugar/glucose


Product presentation must not imply or refer to lowering or raising blood sugar/glucose levels from outside of the normal healthy range.


Helps maintain/support healthy cholesterol


Product presentation must not imply or refer to lowering or raising blood cholesterol levels from outside of the normal healthy range


Helps maintain/support healthy heart function


Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Helps maintain/support transport of oxygen in the body


Product presentation must not imply or refer to heart disease.


Helps maintain/support vasodilator/ blood vessel dilation

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to circulatory disorders/diseases/conditions e.g. thrombosis.


Helps reduce intestinal absorption of cholesterol from dietary sources


Product presentation must not imply or refer to lowering or raising blood cholesterol levels from outside of the normal healthy range


Helps reduce occurrence of haemorrhoids

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce/decrease/relieve mild nose bleeds

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild nose bleed.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Maintain/support artery health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to circulatory disorders/diseases/conditions e.g. thrombosis.


Maintain/support blood capillary health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to circulatory disorders/diseases/conditions e.g. thrombosis.


Maintain/support blood circulation/flow to the peripheral areas of the body (legs, hands and feet)

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Maintain/support blood health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Maintain/support blood vessel health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to circulatory disorders/diseases/conditions e.g. thrombosis.


Maintain/support cardiovascular system health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Maintain/support healthy blood capillary health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Maintain/support healthy blood circulation

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Maintain/support healthy cardiovascular system function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Maintain/support healthy lymphatic system

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Maintain/support heart health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Maintain/support red blood cell health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Nourish the heart


Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.


Relieve cold hands and feet/limbs

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Rubefaciant/stimulate blood flow to skin

Scientific or Traditional


Table 4 – Indications relating to the endocrine system

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Aid/assist thyroid hormone production


Product presentation must not imply or refer to any thyroid related diseases.


Maintain/support adrenal gland health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to any adrenal related diseases.


Maintain/support healthy adrenal gland function


Product presentation must not imply or refer to any adrenal related diseases.


Maintain/support healthy pancreatic function


Product presentation must not imply or refer to any pancreas related diseases.


Maintain/support healthy thyroid gland function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to any thyroid related diseases.


Maintain/support healthy thyroid gland health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to any thyroid related diseases.


Maintain/support healthy thyroid hormones


Product presentation must not imply or refer to any thyroid related diseases.


Thyroid tonic


Product presentation must not imply or refer to any thyroid related diseases.

Table 5 – Indications relating to the gastrointestinal system

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Aid/assist digestion of glucose/sugar/carbohydrates


Product presentation must not imply or refer to lowering or raising blood sugar/glucose levels from outside of the normal healthy range.


Aid/assist digestion of lactose

Scientific or Traditional



Aid/assist digestion/breakdown of dietary fat

Scientific or Traditional

If product is indicated for weight loss, label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Aid/assist expulsion of intestinal gas


Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Aid/assist fat distribution and assimilation in the digestive system


Product presentation must not imply or refer to lowering blood lipids, blood fats and triglycerides.


Aid/assist fat emulsification in the digestive system


Product presentation must not imply or refer to lowering blood lipids, blood fats and triglycerides.


Aid/assist healthy liver regeneration


Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.


Aid/assist/helps digestion of (state nutrient)




Aid/assist/helps digestion of fats/fatty acids/triglycerides/lipid


Product presentation must not imply or refer to lowering blood lipids, blood fats and triglycerides.


Aid/assist/helps elimination of dietary fat

Scientific or Traditional

If product is indicated for weight loss, label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Aid/assist/helps in the management of carbohydrate cravings

Scientific or Traditional

If product is indicated for weight loss, label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Aid/assist/helps in the management of food cravings

Scientific or Traditional

If product is indicated for weight loss, label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Aid/assist/helps in the management of sugar cravings

Scientific or Traditional

If product is indicated for weight loss, label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Aids/assists repair of gastrointestinal/gut wall lining

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Antacid/reduces stomach acid


Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).


Antiemetic/Decrease/reduce/relieve vomiting

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.



Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).

Label statement for stimulant laxatives: Prolonged use may cause serious bowel problems.

Label statement: Do not use when abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are present or if you develop diarrhoea. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding - seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking this product (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must not refer to or imply weight loss.


Bitter tonic/stimulate gastric secretions




Bowel Tonic




Carminative/Decrease/reduce/relieve flatulence

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Cholagogue/promote bile flow from gall bladder


Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.


Choleretic/promote bile flow from liver


Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.


Decrease/reduce carbohydrate cravings

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to eating disorders.


Decrease/reduce food stagnation associated with poor or sluggish digestion

Scientific or Traditional



Decrease/reduce loose stools

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Seek medical advice if diarrhoea persists for more than: 6 hours in infants under 6 months, 12 hours in children under 3 years, 24 hours in children aged 3 to 6 years or 48 hours in adults and children over 6 years (or words to that effect).


Decrease/reduce sweet taste recognition on the tongue

Scientific or Traditional



Decrease/reduce/relieve abdominal bloating/distention

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).


Decrease/reduce/relieve abdominal cramping

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve abdominal feeling of fullness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve abdominal griping pain

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve abdominal pain/discomfort

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).


Decrease/reduce/relieve abdominal spasm

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).


Decrease/reduce/relieve bowel discomfort

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve colic (wind/gas pain)

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve constipation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).

Label statement for stimulant laxatives: Prolonged use may cause serious bowel problems.

Label statement: Do not use when abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are present or if you develop diarrhoea. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding - seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking this product (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must not refer to or imply weight loss.


Decrease/reduce/relieve diarrhoea

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Seek medical advice if diarrhoea persists for more than: 6 hours in infants under 6 months, 12 hours in children under 3 years, 24 hours in children aged 3 to 6 years or 48 hours in adults and children over 6 years (or words to that effect).


Decrease/reduce/relieve digestive spasms

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).


Decrease/reduce/relieve excess intestinal gas

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve gastrointestinal pain

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).


Decrease/reduce/relieve hiccups

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve loss of appetite

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to eating disorders.


Decrease/reduce/relieve nausea

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms associated with occasional overindulgence

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to excess consumption of alcohol or other toxic substances.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of heartburn

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of indigestion/dyspepsia

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of lactose intolerance

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of motion/travel/sea sickness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of nervous indigestion

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of stomach upsets

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Digestive tonic/Improve digestive weakness


Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Enhance the assimilation/transportation of nutrients

Scientific or Traditional



Enhance/improve/promote/increase bowel regularity

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).

Label statement for stimulant laxatives: Prolonged use may cause serious bowel problems.

Label statement: Do not use when abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are present or if you develop diarrhoea. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding - seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking this product (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must not refer to or imply weight loss.


Enhance/improve/promote/increase bowel waste elimination

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).

Label statement for stimulant laxatives: Prolonged use may cause serious bowel problems.

Label statement: Do not use when abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are present or if you develop diarrhoea. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding - seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking this product (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must not refer to or imply weight loss.


Enhance/promote healthy digestion

Scientific or Traditional



Help reduce occurrence of symptoms of medically diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, worsen or episodes become more frequent consult your medical practitioner.

Product presentation must only refer to medically diagnosed IBS.


Helps balance brain-gut interaction




Helps decrease/reduce dietary fat absorption in digestive system

Scientific or Traditional

If product is indicated for weight loss, label statement: When used in conjunction with a program of reduced intake of dietary calories and increased physical activity.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve brain-gut interaction




Helps decrease/reduce/relieve mild gastrointestinal tract inflammation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of infant colic

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist or worsen consult your medical practitioner.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild gastritis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist or worsen consult your medical practitioner.

Product presentation must only refer to mild gastritis.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of occasional hangovers

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to excess consumption of alcohol or other toxic substances.

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of traveller's diarrhoea

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Seek medical advice if diarrhoea persists for more than: 6 hours in infants under 6 months, 12 hours in children under 3 years, 24 hours in children aged 3 to 6 years or 48 hours in adults and children over 6 years (or words to that effect).


Helps delay stomach (gastric) emptying

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve/promote taste sensation

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase bile secretion/flow

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase healthy digestive system flora/good bacteria growth

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase intestinal good/beneficial/friendly bacteria growth




Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase intestinal transit time

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote gallbladder health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.


Helps enhance/promote gastrointestinal system health

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote gastrointestinal system mucosa health

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote healthy colon function

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote healthy digestive system function

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote healthy gallbladder function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.


Helps enhance/promote healthy liver function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.


Helps enhance/promote healthy small intestine function

Scientific or Traditional



Helps maintain/support bile secretion/flow

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of abdominal bloating

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of abdominal spasm

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of constipation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).

Label statement for stimulant laxatives: Prolonged use may cause serious bowel problems.

Label statement: Do not use when abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are present or if you develop diarrhoea. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding - seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking this product (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must not refer to or imply weight loss.


Helps reduce occurrence of diarrhoea

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Seek medical advice if diarrhoea persists for more than: 6 hours in infants under 6 months, 12 hours in children under 3 years, 24 hours in children aged 3 to 6 years or 48 hours in adults and children over 6 years (or words to that effect).


Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of indigestion/dyspepsia

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to gastro oesophageal reflux disease (GORD).


Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of motion/travel/sea sickness

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of traveller's diarrhoea

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Seek medical advice if diarrhoea persists for more than: 6 hours in infants under 6 months, 12 hours in children under 3 years, 24 hours in children aged 3 to 6 years or 48 hours in adults and children over 6 years (or words to that effect).


Helps regulate appetite

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to eating disorders.


Helps restore  good/beneficial/friendly intestinal/gut/bowel flora

Scientific or Traditional



Helps stimulate/increase digestive enzymes




Hepatoprotectant/protect the liver


Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to excess consumption of alcohol or other toxic substances.


Increase bowel movements by increasing stool bulk

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must not refer to or imply weight loss.


Liver tonic/Enhance liver health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.


Maintain/support bile production

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support bowel regularity

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).

Label statement for stimulant laxatives: Prolonged use may cause serious bowel problems.

Label statement: Do not use when abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are present or if you develop diarrhoea. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding - seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking this product (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must not refer to or imply weight loss.


Maintain/support bowel regularity by increasing stool bulk

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).

Label statement: Do not use when abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are present or if you develop diarrhoea. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding - seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking this product (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must not refer to or imply weight loss.


Maintain/support digestion/assimilation of nutrients

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support digestive system health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support gallbladder function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.


Maintain/support gallbladder health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.


Maintain/support gastrointestinal mucosal membrane health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support gastrointestinal system health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support good/beneficial/friendly bacteria adherence to intestinal mucosa




Maintain/support healthy appetite

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to eating disorders.


Maintain/support healthy bowel/colon function

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy digestion

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy digestive system function

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy gastrointestinal function

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy liver function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.


Maintain/support healthy liver regeneration


Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.


Maintain/support healthy mucous linings of the digestive system

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy small intestine function

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support intestinal good/beneficial/friendly flora




Maintain/support intestinal health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support intestinal transit time

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support liver health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.


Maintain/support small intestine  health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support small intestine good/beneficial/friendly  flora




Maintain/support smell sensation

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support stomach function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.


Maintain/support stomach health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.


Maintain/support taste sensation

Scientific or Traditional



Nourish  good/beneficial/friendly intestinal flora




Orexigenic/improve/promote healthy appetite

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to eating disorders.


Promote/enhance feeling of satiety

Scientific or Traditional



Promote/increase bowel evacuation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).

Label statement for stimulant laxatives: Prolonged use may cause serious bowel problems.

Label statement: Do not use when abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are present or if you develop diarrhoea. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding - seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking this product (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must not refer to or imply weight loss.


Reduce occurrence of excess intestinal wind/gas

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Reduce occurrence of nausea/vomiting

Scientific or Traditional



Reduce/decrease/supress hunger/appetite

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to eating disorders.


Relief of symptoms of medically diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist or worsen consult your medical practitioner.

Product presentation must only refer to medically diagnosed IBS.


Relieve digestive discomfort

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve dry stools

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).


Relieve excessive belching

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Sialagogue/promote saliva production




Softens stool to ease bowel motions

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).


Soothe gastro-intestinal tract mucous membranes

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Stimulant laxative

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).

Label statement for stimulant laxatives: Prolonged use may cause serious bowel problems.

Label statement: Do not use when abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are present or if you develop diarrhoea. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding - seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking this product (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must not refer to or imply weight loss.


Stimulates/increases digestive gastric hydrochloric acid secretion

Scientific or Traditional



Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish liver


Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.


Vermifuge/helps remove intestinal threadworms/pinworms

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to other worms e.g.  roundworm, tapeworm, hookworm.

Table 6 – Indications relating to the immune system

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Decrease/reduce/relieve post nasal drip

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of hayfever

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of skin hives

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Enhance/improve/promote immune defence/immunity

Scientific or Traditional



Helps decrease/reduce/relieve facial tenderness associated with allergic rhinitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious allergic conditions such as anaphylaxis.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of food intolerance

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious allergic conditions such as anaphylaxis.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild allergies

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious allergic conditions such as anaphylaxis.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of seasonal allergies

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious allergic conditions such as anaphylaxis.


Helps enhance/improve/promote immune system function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious immunological diseases.


Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of food intolerance/allergies

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious allergic conditions such as anaphylaxis.


Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of mild allergies

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious allergic conditions such as anaphylaxis.


Helps stimulate a healthy immune system response

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious immunological diseases.


Maintain/support healthy gastrointestinal immune function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious immunological diseases.


Maintain/support healthy immune system function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious immunological diseases.


Maintain/support immune system health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious immunological diseases.


Maintain/support immune system to fight illness

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious immunological diseases.


Soothes/relieves swelling/welts associated with hives

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious allergic conditions such as anaphylaxis.

Table 7 – Indications relating to muscles

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Aid/assist muscle development

Scientific or Traditional



Aid/assist muscle growth

Scientific or Traditional



Aid/assist/helps in the healing of minor muscle injuries

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Aid/assist/helps in the management of muscle sprain/strain

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Aid/assist/helps post exercise recovery

Scientific or Traditional




Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious musculoskeletal or neurological conditions.


Decrease/reduce/relieve muscle cramps

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious musculoskeletal or neurological conditions.


Decrease/reduce/relieve muscle pain/ache/soreness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve muscle tension/stiffness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve muscle tiredness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild tennis elbow

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild tennis elbow.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of muscle injury/ailments

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of whiplash

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Enhance/improve/promote/increase muscle relaxation

Scientific or Traditional



Helps decrease/reduce protein breakdown in the muscles




Helps decrease/reduce/relieve leg cramps

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve mild muscle spasms/twitches

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of medically diagnosed fibromyalgia/fibrositis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist or worsen consult your medical practitioner.

Product presentation must only refer to medically diagnosed fibromyalgia/fibrositis.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild medically diagnosed tenosynovitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist or worsen consult your medical practitioner.

Product presentation must only refer to medically diagnosed tenosynovitis.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of muscle sprain/strain

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps enhance/improve muscle recovery time

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase healthy muscle tone

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase muscle fuel burning efficiency

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase muscle performance/endurance/stamina

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase muscle strength

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase muscle strength to improve balance/stability

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase physical/exercise performance

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote healthy muscle function

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote healthy muscle mass

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of muscle cramp

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of muscle tension/stiffness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Maintain/support healthy ligaments

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy muscle contraction function

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy neuromuscular system/function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious musculoskeletal or neurological conditions.


Maintain/support muscle fuel burning efficiency

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support muscle function

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support muscle health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support muscle mass

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support muscle performance/endurance/stamina

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support muscle protein stores




Maintain/support muscle relaxation

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support muscle strength

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support muscle strength to reduce strain on joints

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support muscle tone

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support tendon health

Scientific or Traditional



Reduce/decrease mild muscle inflammation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Table 8 – Indications relating to the nervous system

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Adaptogen/Help body adapt to stress


Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Aid/assist/helps mind relaxation

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Aid/assist/helps synthesis of neurotransmitters




Aids/assists the body to cope with environmental stress

Scientific or Traditional



Brain tonic/Enhance brain health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Calmative/nervous system relaxant


Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Calms the mind

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Decrease/reduce duration of mild migraine

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild migraine.


Decrease/reduce headache duration

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce mental/cognitive fatigue

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Decrease/reduce time to fall asleep

Scientific or Traditional



Decrease/reduce/relieve disturbed/restless sleep

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve headache symptoms

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve hot flushes associated with mild anxiety

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.

Product presentation must only refer to mild anxiety.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mental overactivity

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mild dizziness/vertigo

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild vertigo.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mild migraine symptoms

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild migraine.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mild nerve pain/neuralgia

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild nerve pain/neuralgia.


Decrease/reduce/relieve nervous tension/unrest

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Decrease/reduce/relieve restlessness/excess nervous energy

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Decrease/reduce/relieve sleeplessness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild anxiety

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.

Product presentation must only refer to mild anxiety.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild sciatica

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild sciatica.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of stress

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Enhance/improve/promote learning ability/function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Enhance/improve/promote/increase body relaxation

Scientific or Traditional



Enhance/improve/promote/increase cognitive performance

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Enhance/improve/promote/increase memory/recall

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Enhance/improve/promote/increase mental alertness/wakefulness

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Enhance/improve/promote/increase mental endurance/stamina

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Enhance/improve/promote/increase mind relaxation

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Enhance/improve/promote/increase short term memory

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Enhance/improve/promote/increase sleep quality/deep sleep

Scientific or Traditional



Enhance/promote body adaptation to stress

Scientific or Traditional



Enhance/promote/increase healthy sleep patterns

Scientific or Traditional



Enhance/promote/increase refreshing sleep

Scientific or Traditional



Help establish/restore/reset  sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm)

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Help maintain/support emotional wellbeing

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve frequent need to urinate associated with mild anxiety

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.

Product presentation must only refer to mild anxiety.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild tension headache

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of sensitivity to light/sound associated with mild migraine

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild migraine.


Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase attention span

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Helps enhance/promote healthy nerve conduction/transmission/neurotransmission




Helps maintain/support development of hand eye coordination


Product presentation must not imply or refer to neurological conditions or developmental delays.


Helps reduce occurrence of irritability

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of headaches

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of mild anxiety

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.

Product presentation must only refer to mild anxiety.


Maintain/support brain function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Maintain/support brain health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Maintain/support brain/central nervous system development


Product presentation must not imply or refer to neurological conditions or developmental delays.


Maintain/support cognitive development


Product presentation must not imply or refer to neurological conditions or developmental delays.


Maintain/support cognitive function/mental function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Maintain/support general mental wellbeing

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Maintain/support healthy sleeping patterns

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support learning and information processing

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Maintain/support memory/mental recall

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Maintain/support mental concentration/focus/clarity

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Maintain/support mental endurance/stamina

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Maintain/support nerve conduction


Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Maintain/support nervous system function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Maintain/support nervous system health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Maintain/support neuroendocrine function


Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Maintain/support neuromuscular function


Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Nerve stimulant/enhance nerve function


Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Nerve tonic


Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Nervine/support nervous system.


Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Nourish the brain


Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Nourish the nervous system


Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Relieve facial pallor associated with mild migraines

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild migraine.


Relieve irritability

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Soothe/calm nerves

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Soporific/induces sleep




Support healthy body stress recovery.

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Support healthy emotional/mood balance

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Support healthy stress response in the body

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.

Table 9 – Indications relating to nutrition

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Aid/assist/helps glucose/sugar/carbohydrate metabolism


Product presentation must not imply or refer to lowering or raising blood sugar/glucose levels from outside of the normal healthy range.


Aid/assist/helps metabolism of (state vitamin/mineral/nutrient)




Aid/assist/helps protein synthesis in the body




Aid/assist/helps synthesis of (insert vitamin) in the body


Label statement: Vitamins can only be of assistance if the dietary vitamin intake is inadequate OR Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet.


Enhance/improve/promote/increase (state vitamin/mineral/nutrient) levels in the body




Enhance/improve/promote/increase nutrient uptake

Scientific or Traditional



Helps decrease/reduce homocysteine levels




Helps enhance/promote/increase absorption of dietary (state vitamin/mineral/nutrient)


Label statement: Vitamins and minerals can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate OR Vitamin and/or mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.


Helps enhance/promote/increase body utilisation of (state mineral/vitamin/nutrient)


Label statement: Vitamins and minerals can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate OR Vitamin and/or mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.


Helps maintain/support cellular uptake of (state vitamin/mineral/nutrient)




Helps prevent dietary (state vitamin/mineral/nutrient) deficiency


Label statement: Vitamins and minerals can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate OR Vitamin and/or mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.


Maintain/support (state vitamin/mineral) within normal range


Label statement: Vitamins and minerals can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate OR Vitamin and/or mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.


Maintain/support (state vitamin/mineral/nutrient) levels in the body




Maintain/support absorption of dietary (state vitamin/mineral/nutrient)


Label statement: Vitamins and minerals can only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate OR Vitamin and/or mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.

Table 10 – Indications relating to the reproductive system

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Aid/assist prepare uterus for childbirth


Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.


Aphrodisiac/Enhance/improve/promote healthy libido

Scientific or Traditional



Decrease/reduce feelings of aggression/irritability associated with pre-menstrual tension

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce heavy menstruation/periods

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve aggression/irritability associated with menopause

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve breast pain/tenderness associated with pre-menstrual tension

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve excessive breast milk flow

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your baby, please consult with your healthcare practitioner.


Decrease/reduce/relieve hot flushes associated with menopause

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve menstrual cycle irregularity/irregular periods

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve menstrual spasms/cramps

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve menstruation pain/dysmenorrhoea

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mood changes/mood swings associated with pre-menstrual tension

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve moodiness/mood swings associated with menopause

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve morning sickness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of menopause

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of premenstrual tension

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve vaginal discomfort

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve vaginal dryness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Enhance/promote healthy foetal development


Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.


Galactogogue/lactogogue/Enhance/improve/ promote/increase breast milk production

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your baby, please consult with your healthcare practitioner.


Haemagogue/emmenagogue/promotes menstrual flow


Product presentation must not imply or refer to abortifacient action.


Help decrease/reduce/relieve confusion associated with premenstrual tension/syndrome

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.


Help maintain/support healthy prostate function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious genitourinary conditions like Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, erectile dysfunction or hormone therapy.


Help to prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida and/or anencephaly


For medicines containing only folic acid: the recommended daily dose of the medicine must provide a minimum of 400 micrograms of folic acid. Product presentation referring to the prevention of neural tube defects must include at least one of the following label statements: when trying to conceive and during the first trimester of pregnancy, and/or when taken at least four weeks before conception and during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve mild vaginal itch

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve night sweats associated with menopause

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps enhance/promote maternal health

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your baby, please consult with your healthcare practitioner.

Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.


Helps enhance/promote maternal postnatal health

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your baby, please consult with your healthcare practitioner.


Helps enhance/promote preconception health

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to infertility.


Helps enhance/promote prostate health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious genitourinary conditions like Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, erectile dysfunction or hormone therapy.


Helps enhance/promote uterine health

Scientific or Traditional



Helps maintain/support healthy vaginal pH




Helps maintain/support testosterone formation/synthesis




Helps prepare the body for labour


Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.


Helps prepare the body for pregnancy

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to infertility.


Helps reduce occurrence of menopausal symptoms

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps reduce occurrence of pre-menstrual tension symptoms

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps temporarily decrease/reduce/relieve excessive vaginal discharge

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps temporarily decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild vaginitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild vaginitis.


Improve menstrual flow

Scientific or Traditional



Lactifuge/reduce breast milk production




Maintain/support breast milk production/lactation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your baby, please consult with your healthcare practitioner.


Maintain/support female healthy hormonal balance




Maintain/support female healthy hormonal balance during the reproductive cycle




Maintain/support female reproductive system health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy female hormonal balance during menopause




Maintain/support healthy libido

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy pregnancy

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.


Maintain/support healthy reproductive hormones

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to hormone imbalances.


Maintain/support healthy sexual function

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support maternal health

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your baby, please consult with your healthcare practitioner.

Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.


Maintain/support oestrogen hormone levels




Maintain/support ovarian health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to ovarian disease.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to infertility.


Maintain/support placenta health/growth


Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.


Maintain/support preconception health


Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to infertility.


Maintain/support prostate health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious genitourinary conditions like Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, erectile dysfunction or hormone therapy.


Maintain/support reproductive system health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to infertility.


Maintain/support semen health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to infertility.


Maintain/support sperm health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to infertility.


Maintain/support sperm motility


Product presentation must not imply or refer to infertility.


Maintain/support sperm production


Product presentation must not imply or refer to infertility.


Maintain/support testosterone level




Maintain/support uterine health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support vaginal health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support vaginal healthy flora/microflora




Maintain/support/regulate healthy menstrual cycle

Scientific or Traditional



Maintains/support healthy foetal development


Label statement: Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester.


Male tonic




Ovarian tonic


Product presentation must not imply or refer to ovarian disease.


Post partum tonic

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your baby, please consult with your healthcare practitioner.


Relieves mid-cycle menstrual pain

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Soothes/relieves sore, cracked nipples

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Uterine tonic/Enhance uterine health



Table 11 – Indications relating to the respiratory system

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Antitussive/cough suppressant

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Decongestant/relieve nasal congestion

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce excess chest phlegm

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Decrease/reduce excess mucous

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Decrease/reduce/relieve bronchial mucous congestion

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Decrease/reduce/relieve chills associated with common cold

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve common cold duration

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Decrease/reduce/relieve cough

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Decrease/reduce/relieve itchy throat

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mild bronchial cough

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.

Product presentation must only refer to mild bronchitis.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mild bronchial irritation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.

Product presentation must only refer to mild bronchitis.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mild throat inflammation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Decrease/reduce/relieve mild upper respiratory tract congestion

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.

Respiratory tract infections must be qualified by 'mild'.


Decrease/reduce/relieve sneezing

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve snoring

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of common cold

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of common colds and flu

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of head cold

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of laryngitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild throat infection

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious infections.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild tonsillitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild tonsillitis.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of sinusitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Decrease/reduce/relieve the severity of common cold symptoms

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve the severity of symptoms of mild upper respiratory tract infections

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.

Respiratory tract infections must be qualified by 'mild'.


Decrease/reduce/relieve thirstiness associated with common cold

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve throat irritation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve throat mucous membrane irritation/inflammation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Enhance/improve/promote/increase cough productivity

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Expectorant/clear respiratory tract mucous

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Help reduce occurrence of symptoms of tonsillitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, worsen or episodes become more frequent consult your medical practitioner.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve mild swelling of the glands associated with common cold

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.

Product presentation must only refer to mild gland swelling.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve nasal itching

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve the severity of symptoms of common colds and flu

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Helps enhance/improve nose breathing

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Helps reduce occurrence of common colds

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Helps soothe respiratory tract

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Loosen chest phlegm

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Loosen respiratory tract mucous

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Lung tonic/Enhance lung health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Maintain/support healthy mucous membranes/mucous tissue of the respiratory tract

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Maintain/support lung health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Reduce duration of symptoms of laryngitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Reduce duration of symptoms of mild tonsillitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious infections.


Reduce the severity of symptoms of laryngitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve dry throat

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve dry unproductive cough

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Relieve hoarseness of voice

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve itchy throat

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve loss of voice

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve runny/dripping nose

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve symptoms of mild upper respiratory tract infections

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Relieve symptoms of sore throat/pharyngitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieves dry nose

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Soothe respiratory tract mucous membranes/mucous tissue

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Soothe/calm the chest

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.


Unblock/clear nasal passages

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Table 12 – Indications relating to skin

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Aids/assists healing of minor skin pressure sores (decubitus ulcers/bedsores)

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Antimicrobial for minor cuts and abrasions

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious infections.


Antipruritic/Relieves itchy skin

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Antiseptic for minor cuts and abrasions

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious infections.


Can aid in the prevention of premature skin ageing (sunscreen)


Label statement: Sunscreen products only.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


Can aid in the prevention of solar keratosis (sunscreen)


Use of the indication can only be used for sunscreen products with an SPF rating of 30 or higher.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


Can aid in the prevention of sunspots (sunscreen)


Use of the indication can only be used for sunscreen products with an SPF rating of 30 or higher.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


Cleanse minor skin wound/cuts/scratches/abrasions

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.






Decrease/reduce skin sensitivity

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve  burning/tingling associated with facial cold sores

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve blisters

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve bruise pain

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve bruise swelling

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve congested skin pores

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve itchy/prickling skin associated with mild eczema/dermatitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to  mild eczema.


Decrease/reduce/relieve numbness associated with chilblains

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve pimples

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve prickling sensation associated with chilblains

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve prickly heat skin rash

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve scalp flaking/scaling

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve scalp itching/irritation/redness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve skin burning/itching associated with athlete's foot/tinea

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve skin chafing

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve skin dryness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve skin irritation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve skin peeling/cracking

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve skin redness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve skin scaling/crusty skin

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of acne blackheads

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of athlete's foot/tinea

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of boils

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of chickenpox

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of chilblains

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of cradle cap

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of dandruff

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of facial cold sores

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of insect bite/sting

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of medically diagnosed shingles

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist or worsen consult your medical practitioner.

Product presentation must only refer to medically diagnosed shingles.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild eczema/dermatitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to  mild eczema.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild psoriasis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to  mild psoriasis


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of mild, superficial skin fungal infections

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must only refer to mild fungal infection.


Decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of nappy rash

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Enhance/improve healing of minor skin wound/cuts/scratches/abrasions

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Enhance/improve healthy skin flora

Scientific or Traditional



Enhance/improve/promote healing of bruises

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Enhance/improve/promote healing of facial cold sores

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Enhance/improve/promote skin healing

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Enhance/improve/promote skin repair/healing

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve swelling associated with chilblains

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps enhance/improve skin elasticity




Helps enhance/improve skin internal structure

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve skin strength

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase skin firmness

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/improve/promote/increase skin hydration

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote skin health

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote skin regeneration

Scientific or Traditional



Helps healing of mild skin burn/sunburns

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Immediate treatment of burns should be application of cold water for ten minutes (or words to that effect).

Label statement: Only to be used for minor burns after initial first aid treatment, medical advice should be sought for serious burns.

Product presentation must only refer to  'mild' burns.


Helps improve appearance of skin stretch marks

Scientific or Traditional



Helps protect skin elastin from breaking down




Helps reduce occurrence of blackheads

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of congested skin pores

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of facial cold sores

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of nappy rash

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of pimples

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of skin dryness

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps reduce occurrence of skin pressure sores/bedsores

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of skin scar tissue

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of skin stretch marks

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of acne

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of dandruff

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of symptoms of eczema/dermatitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Helps reduce/relieve warts

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Maintain/support healthy skin flora

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support skin elasticity

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support skin firmness

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support skin health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support skin hydration

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support skin integrity/structure

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support skin regeneration

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support skin repair/healing/regeneration

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support wound healing

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


May assist in preventing some skin cancers (sunscreen)


Use of the indication can only be used for sunscreen products with an SPF rating of 30 or higher.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


May reduce the risk of some skin cancers (sunscreen)


Use of the indication can only be used for sunscreen products with an SPF rating of 30 or higher.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


Reduce occurrence of skin chaffing

Scientific or Traditional



Reduce scar tissue

Scientific or Traditional



Relieve hot skin

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve minor skin eruptions

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve red skin rash

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Relieve symptoms of acne

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Soothe skin

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Soothe/relieve mild skin burn/sunburns

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: Immediate treatment of burns should be application of cold water for ten minutes (or words to that effect).

Label statement: Only to be used for minor burns after initial first aid treatment, medical advice should be sought for serious burns.

Product presentation must only refer to  'mild' burns.


Soothe/relieve skin inflammation

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Soothes/relieves heat rash

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


SPF 10 Broad spectrum low protection sunscreen


Label statement: Sunscreen products only.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


SPF 15 Broad spectrum medium/moderate protection sunscreen


Label statement: Sunscreen products only.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


SPF 20 Broad spectrum medium/moderate protection sunscreen


Label statement: Sunscreen products only.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


SPF 25 Broad spectrum high protection sunscreen


Label statement: Sunscreen products only.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


SPF 30 Broad spectrum high protection sunscreen


Label statement: Sunscreen products only.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


SPF 4 Broad spectrum low protection sunscreen


Label statement: Sunscreen products only.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


SPF 40 Broad spectrum high protection sunscreen


Label statement: Sunscreen products only.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


SPF 50 Broad spectrum high protection sunscreen


Label statement: Sunscreen products only.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


SPF 50 PLUS Broad spectrum very high protection sunscreen


Label statement: Sunscreen products only.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


SPF 6 Broad spectrum low protection sunscreen


Label statement: Sunscreen products only.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


SPF 8 Broad spectrum low protection sunscreen


Label statement: Sunscreen products only.

Label statement: Prolonged exposure to the sun should be avoided, it is important to wear protective clothing, hats and eyewear when exposed to the sun. Product should be kept out of the eyes.


Vulnerary/wound healing



Table 13 – Indications relating to the urinary system

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Aid/assist flushing of the urinary tract

Scientific or Traditional



Bladder tonic/Enhance bladder health




Decrease/reduce symptoms of medically diagnosed cystitis by reducing urinary PH

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If pain or irritation persists for more than 48 hours, consult your doctor. The presence of blood in the urine warrants immediate medical attention (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must only refer to medically diagnosed cystitis.


Decrease/reduce urinary odour

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious infections.


Enhance/promote/increase urine output

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve burning sensation upon urination associated with medically diagnosed cystitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If pain or irritation persists for more than 48 hours, consult your doctor. The presence of blood in the urine warrants immediate medical attention (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must only refer to medically diagnosed cystitis.


Helps decrease/reduce/relieve symptoms of medically diagnosed cystitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If pain or irritation persists for more than 48 hours, consult your doctor. The presence of blood in the urine warrants immediate medical attention (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must only refer to medically diagnosed cystitis.


Helps enhance/promote bladder health

Scientific or Traditional



Helps enhance/promote healthy urogenital flora

Scientific or Traditional



Helps reduce occurrence of medically diagnosed cystitis

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If pain or irritation persists for more than 48 hours, consult your doctor. The presence of blood in the urine warrants immediate medical attention (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must only refer to medically diagnosed cystitis.


Kidney Tonic


Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.


Maintain/support bladder health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy bladder function

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support healthy urine output

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.


Maintain/support healthy urogenital flora

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.


Maintain/support kidney function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.


Maintain/support kidney health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.


Maintain/support urinary tract function

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.


Maintain/support urinary tract health

Scientific or Traditional



Maintain/support urogenital health

Scientific or Traditional

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.


Relieve urinary frequency

Scientific or Traditional

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.


Renal tonic/Enhance bladder health


Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.


Urinary alkaliser

Scientific or Traditional


Table 14 – Traditional Chinese medicine indications

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Activate meridians/channels

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Allay excitement

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Balance Yin and Yang

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Calm/soothe/nourish the liver

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Calm/soothe/nourish/balance spirit

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear Damp-Heat from liver

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/cool Blood Heat

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to circulatory disorders/diseases/conditions e.g. thrombosis.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/cool/drain/purge/empty Heat

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/dispel/transform Body Fluid

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/drain Damp Heat in Gall Bladder

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/drain Damp Heat in Large Intestine

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/drain Heat in Gall Bladder

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/dry/drain/eliminate/resolve/dry Dampness

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel Damp-Heat from  Spleen

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel Damp-Heat in  Bladder

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel Dampness transforming into Phlegm

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel Heat in Small Intestine

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel Heat-phlegm

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel muscle Heat

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel phlegm stasis obstructing the collaterals

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel stagnant Heat

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel Stomach Cold

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel Stomach Heat

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel Wind-Cold-Dampness obstruction

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel/dissolve/resolve Cold Phlegm

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Clear/expel/dissolve/resolve Phlegm

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Cool Blood aspect

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to circulatory disorders/diseases/conditions e.g. thrombosis.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Descend liver Yang

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Disinhibit Water

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear Damp-Cold

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear External Cold

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear External Heat

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear External Wind

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear Fire

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear Internal Heat

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear Lung Heat

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear stagnated blood

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear Stomach Damp

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear Wind

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear Wind Cold

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear Wind Damp

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear Wind Heat

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dispel/expel/extinguish/disperse/clear Wind-phlegm

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Disseminate Lung Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dissipate Cold

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Eliminate/reduce/remove/resolve/dissipate blood stasis

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Engender Fluid

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Enhance  generation/transformation of Nutritive Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Enrich/nourish/tonify kidney

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Generation of Blood

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Harmonise Intestines

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Harmonise middle burner (Spleen and Stomach)

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Harmonise/soothe the stomach

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Increase/augment protective Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Invigorate Heart Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to heart disease.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Invigorate/activate Blood

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Moisten Dryness

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Moisten Dryness in the Triple Burner

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Moisten intestines

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Moisten Lung

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Moisten/nourish Large Intestine Dryness

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Move/promote/increase/augment/generate/ promote Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Nourish Yin

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Nourish/tonify/replenish kidney Yin

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Nourish/tonify/replenish liver Blood

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Nourish/tonify/replenish liver Yin

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Nourish/tonify/warm/boost/invigorate kidney essence

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Open body orifices

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Open/relax bowels

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: If symptoms persist, seek the advice of a healthcare professional.

Label statement: Drink plenty of water (or words to that effect).

Label statement for stimulant laxatives: Prolonged use may cause serious bowel problems.

Label statement: Do not use when abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting are present or if you develop diarrhoea. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding - seek the advice of a healthcare professional before taking this product (or words to that effect).

Product presentation must not refer to or imply weight loss.


Promote flow of Blood

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Promote Qi transformation

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Promote Spleen Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Promote water metabolism

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Regulate Chong channels

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Regulate Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Regulate Ren channels

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Regulate spleen

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Regulate Stomach Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Release Exterior

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Release Exterior Wind-Cold

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Release/calm/stabilise/settle Shen

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Release/regulate flow of liver Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Relieve symptoms of aversion to Cold

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Relieve symptoms of aversion to wind

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Remove food stagnation

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Remove Heat toxin

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must only refer to detoxification in relation to natural body processes.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to drugs/alcohol.

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ, in particular the kidney or liver.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Replenish Essence

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Replenish/nourish body Fluid

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Resolve Damp phlegm

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Resolve liver stasis

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Resolve spleen weakness

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Settle fright

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Soften Hardness

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Soothe liver Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Soothe/descend Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Soothe/descend the flow of Stomach Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Stabilise Exterior

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Stabilise mind

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to mental illnesses, disorders or conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Stimulate stagnant Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Stimulate Yang functions of liver

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Strengthen/enrich/restore kidney Jing

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Subdue Yang

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Support protective QI.

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish Blood

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish gate of vitality

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish heart Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to heart disease.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish heart Yang

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to heart disease.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish heart Yin

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to heart disease.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish kidney Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish large intestine Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish lung Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish lung Yin

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish lungs

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious forms of respiratory disorders/diseases, such as: asthma, pneumonia, COAD, COPD, influenza.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish Shen

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish spleen

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish spleen Blood

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish spleen Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish spleen Yang

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish stomach Yin

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish superficial Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish Yang

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish/ invigorate heart Blood

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Tonify/nourish/strengthen/replenish/ invigorate liver Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to liver disease, such as cirrhosis, hepatitis.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Unblock/open/relax channels

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Unblock/open/relax collaterals

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Unblock/open/relax meridians

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Upraise/lift sunken middle Qi

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Warm and invigorate blood circulation

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to serious cardiovascular conditions.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Warm/nourish Cold-Phlegm

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Warm/nourish kidney

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to kidney disease.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Warm/nourish spleen

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Warm/nourish uterus

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Warm/nourish Yang

Traditional Chinese medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Warm/nourish/strengthen stomach

Traditional Chinese medicine

Product presentation must not imply or refer to disease in any body organ.

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a registered traditional Chinese medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.

Table 15 – Traditional Ayurvedic medicine indications

Column 1

Column 2



Column 3


Type of evidence

Column 4


Other requirements


Ama hara/breakdown undigested substances

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Anaha hara/anti flatulent

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Anala mandya hara/increase in appetite

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Asraghnam/purifies blood

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Asrajit/blood detoxification

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Asrakhara/purifies blood

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Asthiyuk/helps bone healing

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Asya roga hara/relieve oral complaints

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Atisara hara/ease diarrhoea

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.



Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Balance aggravated Vata

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Balance Kapha

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Balance Pitta

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Balance Vata

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Balya/improve body strength

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Balyam/increase energy utilisation

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Brimhana increase body mass and nourishing to the body

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Chakshushya/promote eye health

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Daha/pacify burning sensations

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Dantya/promote dental health

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Deepan/enhances digestive fire and absorption

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Guda Krimi hara/assists to expel thread worms

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Guru & Sangrahi/body nourishment and energy

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Help regulate Vata

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Hridya/supports heart health

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Increases Kapha

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Increases Pitta

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Increases Vata

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Kandu hara/relieves itching

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Kapha & Vata roga/relieve Kapaha & Vata disturbance

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Karna Roga hara/support ear health

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Kasa hara/relieve cough

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Katu poushtika/pungent nourisher

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Krimighna (anthelmintic)/assists to expel thread worms

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Kshatapaha/tissue healing

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Kushta hara/improves skin ailments

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Medha hita/promotes mental clarity, intelligence, wisdom, and prudence

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Medhya/brain tonic/improve memory and cognition

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Medohara/helps dissipation of fats and lipids

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Meha hara/helps maintain blood sugar health

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Pachana/increases assimilation of nutrients

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Pacifies Kapha

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Pacifies Pitta

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Pacifies Vata

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Pandu hara/helps improve dietary iron deficiency

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Pathyam/body nourishment

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Peenasa hara/relieve symptoms of cold

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Pushti Ruchi prada/enhances taste and nourishment

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Rasayan/rejuvenative tonic

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.



Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Relieve aggravated Vata

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Ruchya/increases taste perception and digestion

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Ruchyam/enhances taste

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Santarpanam/Nourishes the body

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Shleshma praseki/liquefies Kapha/soothes sinusitis symptoms

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Shotha hara/anti-inflammatory properties

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Shukrala/aphrodisiac/enhance sexual vitality

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Shula hara/relieve pain

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Shwasa hara/support lung health

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Stanya/lactagogue/supports breast milk production

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Sthaulya hara/assists excess weight reduction

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Trishna hara/relieves thirst from common cold

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Twachya/enhances skin quality

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Twak dosha hara/relieves skin ailments

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Twak roga hara/supports skin health

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Varnya/improves skin

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Vipachini/aids digestion

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Visha hara/Reduces toxins

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Vrana/vulnerary/promotes wound healing

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Vrishya/aphrodisiac/Increase in virility

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.


Yakrit uttejana/promote healthy liver  function

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine

Label statement: Please seek the advice of a traditional Ayurvedic medicine practitioner if you are unsure if this medicine is right for you.