Variation to Licence Area Plan – Mandurah Radio – 2018 (No.1)


The Australian Communications and Media Authority makes this instrument under subsection 26(2) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992.

Dated: 22 March 2018 


Nerida O’Loughlin





James Cameron


Member/General Manager


Australian Communications and Media Authority




1  Name

  This is the Variation to Licence Area PlanMandurah Radio – 2018 (No.1).

2  Commencement

  This instrument commences at the start of the day after it is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation.

Note: The Federal Register of Legislation may be accessed at

3  Authority

  This instrument is made under subsection 26(2) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992.

4  Variation

The Licence Area Plan - Mandurah (Radio) - July 1996 (F2005B01235) is varied as follows:

(a)   on the title page:

(i)               omit “Australian Broadcasting Authority” and the logo;

(ii)             repeal the heading “LICENCE AREA PLAN MANDURAH (RADIO)”, substituteLicence Area Plan – Mandurah Radio;

(iii)           omit “July 1996”;

(b)   on the second page:

(i)               repeal the heading “LICENCE AREA PLAN - MANDURAH (RADIO)”, substituteLICENCE AREA PLAN – MANDURAH RADIO;

(ii)             repeal the subheading “DETERMINATION”;

(c)   on the second page:

(i)               number the first paragraph as (1);

(ii)             number the second paragraph as (2);

(iii)           number the third paragraph as (3);

(d)   on the second page, omit paragraph (1), substitute:

This plan for broadcasting services in the Mandurah area of Western Australia is made under subsection 26(1) of the Broadcasting Services Act 1992.”;

(e)   on the second page, in paragraph (2), omit “Determination” (wherever occurring), substitute “plan”;

(f)    on the second page, omit paragraph (3), substitute:

One community radio service is to be available in the area described at Attachment 2.1 to this plan with the use of the broadcasting services bands. The characteristics, including technical specifications, of the service that is to be available in the area described at Attachment 2.1, are set out in Schedule Two and Attachment 2.2 to this plan.”;


(g)   on the second page, after paragraph (3), insert:

(4) In this plan, unless the contrary intention appears:

(a) a reference in this plan to a schedule or an attachment is a reference to a schedule or an attachment to this plan; and

(b) a reference to the Broadcasting Services (Technical Planning) Guidelines 2017 is a reference to that instrument as in force from time to time; and

(c) a reference to any other legislative instrument is a reference to that other instrument as in force from time to time; and

(d) a reference to any other kind of instrument or writing is a reference to that other kind of instrument or writing as in force or in existence at the time the reference was included in this plan.

Note 1: For references to Commonwealth Acts, see section 10 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901; and see also subsection 13(1) of the Legislation Act 2003 for the application of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 to legislative instruments.

Note 2: All Commonwealth Acts and legislative instruments are registered on the Federal Register of Legislation.;

(h)   on the second page, omit “(Determined by the Australian Broadcasting Authority on 19 July 1996.)”;

(i)     on the third page, repeal the heading “SCHEDULES” and all the text on the page;

(j)     repeal Schedule One, substitute Schedule One in Schedule 1 to this instrument;

(k)   repeal Schedule Two, substitute Schedule Two in Schedule 1 to this instrument;

(l)     repeal Attachment 1.1, substitute Attachment 1.1 in Schedule 2 to this instrument;

(m) in Attachments 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 2.2:

(i)            repeal the heading “LICENCE AREA PLAN : Mandurah WA”, substitute “LICENCE AREA PLAN : Mandurah Radio”;

(ii)         omit “Nominal location :”, substitute “Nominal Location :”;

(iii)       after “Site Tolerance :”, omit “Refer to Technical Planning Guidelines”, substitute “Refer to Broadcasting Services (Technical Planning) Guidelines 2017”;

(iv)        omit “Frequency Band & Mode”, substitute “Frequency Band & Mode :”;

(n)   in Attachments 1.2, 1.4 and 2.2:

(i)            omit the heading “Notes:-, substitute “Special Condition :-”;

(ii)         after the heading Special Condition :-, omit “1.”;

(o)    in each Attachment mentioned in Column 1 in Schedule 3 to this instrument, for the Nominal Location in the Attachment, omit the text in Column 2, substitute the text in Column 3;

(p)    in each Attachment mentioned in Column 1 in Schedule 4 to this instrument, for the Australian Map Grid Reference in the Attachment, omit the text in Column 2, substitute the text in Column 3;



(q)    in Attachment 1.2:

(i)            after Service Licence Number :”, omit “SL010360”, substitute “SL10360”;

(ii)         after Specification Number :”, omit “TS002338”, substitute “TS10002338”;

(iii)       before the heading Special Condition :-, insert:

Availability of TS10002338 :-

TS10002338 ceases to be available for SL10360 28 days after the first day on which the service provided under SL10360 is transmitted by transmitter TS12000183.”;

(r)    after Attachment 1.2, insert Attachment 1.2A in Schedule 5 to this instrument;

(s)    in Attachment 1.3:

(i)            after Service Licence Number :”, omit “SL010077”, substitute “SL10077”;

(ii)         after Specification Number :”, omit “TS004933”, substitute “TS10004933”;

(iii)       after “Polarisation”, omit “Vertical”, substitute “Mixed”;

(iv)        after the heading “Output Radiation Pattern :-, omit the table, substitute:

Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction)

Maximum ERP

0°T - 5°T

1.25 kW

5°T - 130°T

600 W

130°T - 155°T

1.25 kW

155°T - 175°T

2.5 kW

175°T - 325°T

5 kW

325°T - 345°T

2.5 kW

345°T - 360°T

1.25 kW


(t)     in Attachment 1.4:

(i)            after Specification Number :”, omit “TS005476”, substitute “TS10005476”;

(ii)         after the heading Special Condition :-, insert:

The coverage area of this transmission is defined as that area within a radius of 40 kilometres measured from a point with the following AMG co-ordinates: Zone: 50; Easting: 387600; Northing: 6387700. This point is the same as the nominal transmitter site.”;

(u)   repeal Attachment 2.1, substitute Attachment 2.1 in Schedule 6 to this instrument; and

(v)   in Attachment 2.2:

(i)            after General Area Served :”, omit “Mandurah (City) (WA)”, substitute “Mandurah (WA)”;

(ii)         after Service Licence Number :”, omit “SL010061”, substitute “SL10061”;

(iii)       after Specification Number :”, omit “TS002155”, substitute “TS10002155”.

Schedule 1

(paragraphs 4(j) and (k))


LICENCE AREA PLAN : Mandurah Radio

Licence Area : MANDURAH RA1


Service Category


Service Licence No.

Technical Specification No.

Attach No.

Area Served


1116 kHz






91.7 MHz






97.3 MHz





Open Narrowcasting

1449 kHz







LICENCE AREA PLAN : Mandurah Radio

Licence Area : MANDURAH RA2


Service Category


Service Licence No.

Technical Specification No.

Attach No.

Area Served


1350 kHz







Schedule 2

(paragraph 4(l))

Attachment 1.1

Licence Area – MANDURAH RA1


Licence Area ID 482


Commercial Radio Service Licence Numbers:  SL10360, SL10077


The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 6 August 1991, is:


Area Description

Mandurah (C)

Murray (S)

Waroona (S)

WA CD 060804

WA CD 060808

WA CD 060812

WA CD 060815



Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics: 


(C) = City

(CD)  = Collection District

(S) = Shire



Schedule 3

(paragraph 4(o))


Column 1: Attachment

Column 2: Omitted text

(Nominal Location)

Column 3: Substituted text

(Nominal Location)


West Pinjarra, Lot 334 Greenlands Rd

West Coast Radio Site Cnr Greenlands Rd and Parkhills Lane WEST PINJARRA


Pinjarra, Turner Hill

Broadcast Site off Scarp Road near Turner Hill PINJARRA


West Pinjarra, Lot 334 Greenlands Rd

Nominal Planning Site Cnr Greenlands Rd and Parkhills Lane WEST PINJARRA


West Pinjarra, Lot 334 Greenlands Rd

West Coast Radio Site Cnr Greenlands Rd and Parkhills Lane WEST PINJARRA


Schedule 4

(paragraph 4(p))


Column 1: Attachment

Column 2: Omitted text

(Australian Map Grid Reference)

Column 3: Substituted text

(Australian Map Grid Reference)


50 387600  6387700

50  387618  6387625


50 405300  6387300

50  405102  6386876


50 387600  6387700

50  387618  6387625



Schedule 5

(paragraph 4(r))

Attachment 1.2A


LICENCE AREA PLAN : Mandurah Radio


Category : Commercial


General Area Served : Mandurah (WA)


Service Licence Number : SL10360




Specification Number : TS12000183


Transmitter Site :-


Nominal Location : Broadcast Site off Scarp Road near Turner Hill  PINJARRA


Australian Map Grid  Zone Easting Northing

Reference : 50 405102 6386876


Site Tolerance : Refer to Broadcasting Services (Technical Planning) Guidelines 2017

Emission :-


Frequency Band & Mode : VHF-FM


Carrier Frequency : 91.7 MHz

Polarisation : Mixed


Maximum Antenna Height : 50 m


Output Radiation Pattern :-

Bearing or Sector (Clockwise direction)

Maximum ERP

0°T - 5°T

1.25 kW

5°T - 130°T

600 W

130°T - 155°T

1.25 kW

155°T - 175°T

2.5 kW

175°T - 325°T

5 kW

325°T - 345°T

2.5 kW

345°T - 360°T

1.25 kW


Special Condition :-

The provision of a service under SL10360 by transmitter TS12000183 affects the availability of transmitter TS10004933. Refer to Attachment 1.2 for further information.



Schedule 6

(paragraph 4(u))

Attachment 2.1

Licence Area – MANDURAH RA2


Licence Area ID – 529


Community Radio Service Licence Number: SL10061


The licence area, in terms of areas defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics at the Census of 6 August 1991, is:


Area Description

Mandurah (C)

Murray (S)

Waroona (S)




Standard terminology used by the Australian Bureau of Statistics: 


(C) = City

(S) = Shire