PB 35 of 2018


National Health (Growth Hormone Program) Special Arrangement Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 2)


National Health Act 1953



I, JULIANNE QUAINE, Assistant Secretary, Private Health Insurance and Pharmacy Branch, Technology Assessment and Access Division, Department of Health, delegate of the Minister for Health, make this Amendment Instrument under subsection 100(2) of the National Health Act 1953.

Dated 27 April 2018



















Assistant Secretary

Private Health Insurance and Pharmacy Branch

Technology Assessment and Access Division

Department of Health



1               Name of Instrument

(1)          This instrument is the National Health (Growth Hormone Program) Special Arrangement Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 2).

(2)          This instrument may also be cited as PB 35 of 2018.

2               Commencement

This instrument commences on 1 May 2018.

3               Amendment of National Health (Growth Hormone Program) Special Arrangement 2015 (PB 85 of 2015)

Schedule 1 amends the National Health (Growth Hormone Program) Special Arrangement 2015 (PB 85 of 2015).


Schedule 1  Amendments

[1]           Schedule 1, entry for Somatropin in the form Solution for injection 10 mg (30 i.u.) in 1.5 mL cartridge (with preservative)

insert in the columns in the order indicated, and in alphabetical order for the column headed “Brand”:




SciTropin A
