I, SHANE PATRICK CARMODY, Director of Aviation Safety, on behalf of CASA, make this instrument under subregulations 5 (1) and 235 (1) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.

[Signed S. Carmody]

Shane Carmody
Director of Aviation Safety

26 June 2018

Civil Aviation Order 100.7 Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 1)

1 Name of instrument

 This instrument is Civil Aviation Order 100.7 Amendment Instrument 2018 (No. 1).

2 Commencement

 This instrument commences on 1 July 2018.

3 Amendment of Civil Aviation Order 100.7

 Schedule 1 amends Civil Aviation Order 100.7 Instrument 2015.

Schedule 1 Amendments

[1] Subsection 1


 This Order does not apply to the following:

(a) a balloon;

(b) an airship;

(c) an aircraft that:

 (i) is registered by a sport aviation body; and

 (ii) has been weighed in accordance with the sport aviation body’s procedures, as the procedures have been accepted or approved by CASA at the time the aircraft is weighed.

[2] Subsection 2, definitions of CAR 1988 and CASR 1998


[3] Amendments of listed provisions  CAR

The following provisions are amended by omittingCAR 1988” and inserting CAR:

(a) subsection 2 (definition of weight control);

(b) subsection 2 (definition of weight control officer);

(c) subparagraph 4.1A (d);

(d) paragraph 5.1;

(e) paragraph 7.1.

[4] Paragraph 4.1A

Omit each mention of

CASR 1998



[5] Paragraph 4.3


 4.3 A scale mentioned in paragraph 4.2 may be used to weigh an aircraft only if it was calibrated, within the 12 month period ending on the date the scale is used to weigh the aircraft, by:

(a) the manufacturer of the scales; or

(b) an organisation that is approved by the National Measurement Institute for a purpose that covers the purpose of calibrating the scales; or

(c) an organisation using a reference standard in respect of which there is:

 (i) a valid certificate of calibration (however described) issued by an accredited organisation; or

 (ii) a valid certificate of verification issued under regulation 13 of the National Measurement Regulations 1999.

 4.3A For subparagraph 4.3 (c):

(a) a certificate of calibration or verification for a reference standard is valid:

 (i) during any period of effect stated on the certificate; or

 (ii) until any date stated on the certificate by which the reference standard must be recalibrated or reverified;

(b) accredited organisation, in relation to a certificate of calibration for a reference standard, means an organisation holding an accreditation to calibrate the reference standard issued by:

 (i) the National Association of Testing Authorities Australia; or

 (ii) an entity that is a full member of the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation.

[6] Paragraph 5.2 (3) (including the note)


 (3)Loading data prepared in accordance with the provisions of this subsection may be approved by a weight control officer whose appointment covers the activity.

[7] Sub-subparagraph 6.3 (b) (ii)





[8] Paragraph 7.1, after the paragraph


Note   CASA publication Weight Control of Aircraft provides guidance on acceptable weight control methods.