

National Land Transport Act 2014




Instrument No. 2018/2

I, SARAH LEEMING, General Manager, South East Infrastructure Investment, Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities, under section 88(2A) of the National Land Transport Act 2014, vary the Roads to Recovery List 2014 which was made by the Minister on 12 September 2014, and amended by Instrument No. 2015/1 made on 24 March 2015, Instrument No. 2015/2 made on 2 April 2015, Instrument No. 2015/3 made on 12 August 2015, Instrument No. 2016/1 made on 12 July 2016, Instrument No. 2016/2 made on 31 August 2016, Instrument No. 2016/3 made on 14 October 2016, Instrument No. 2017/1 made on 20 March 2017, Instrument No. 2017/2 made on 31 May 2017, Instrument No. 2017/3 made on 1 September 2017, and Instrument No. 2018/1 made on 6 July 2018, as follows:


  1. Name of variation

This variation instrument is the Roads to Recovery List 2014 Variation Instrument No. 2018/2.


2.      Variation

(a)              In Schedule 1 of the List, in the part relating to Western Australia:

omit the name specified in Column 1 of Schedule 1 for the funding recipient name ‘Shire of Kalamunda’ and replace the omitted name with ‘City of Kalamunda’.


3.      Commencement

This instrument commences on 17 September 2018.


Dated:         24 August 2018



Signed 24 August 2018




General Manager

South East Infrastructure Investment

Infrastructure Investment Division

Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities