Research Awards Rule 2018


I, Professor Brian P. Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor, make the following rule.

Dated 13 December 2018

Professor Brian P. Schmidt AC FAA FRS




Part 1— Preliminary

Division 1.1— General

1 Name

2 Commencement

3 Authority

4 Definitions

5 Application of instrument to programs

Division 1.2— Important concepts

6 Research awards

7 Programs for research awards generally

8 What is credit

9 What is a unit

Part 2— Research degrees

10 Research degrees conferred by University

11 Joint or dual programs with other institutions etc.

Part 3— Program admissions, enrolments and transfers

Division 3.1— Admission requirements and limitations: research awards

12 Minimum qualification requirement: doctoral programs

13 Minimum qualification requirement: Master of Philosophy

14 English language and other program requirements

15 Limits on places in programs

Division 3.2— Admission process: research awards

16 Application for admission

17 Decision on application for admission

18 Admission having regard to minimum admission requirements

19 Admission for certain staff members of University

20 False or misleading statements in applications for admission etc.

Division 3.3— Pre-enrolment process: research awards

21 Pre-enrolment action by Delegated Authority

Division 3.4— Program commencement: research awards

22 Program commences on enrolment

Division 3.5— Program transfers: research awards

23 Transfer between programs

Part 4— Program requirements

Division 4.1— Credit

24 Granting credit

25 Limits on granting credit

Division 4.2— Program content

26 Program components

27 Research component

28 Coursework component

29 Program standard requirements

Division 4.3— Undertaking the program

30 Program progress

31 Standard program enrolment

32 Standard program duration: doctoral programs

33 Standard program duration: Master of Philosophy

34 Place where program must be undertaken

35 Revocation of approval to undertake program outside University

36 Total minimum period of attendance at University campus during program

37 Minimum period of attendance at University campus during a year

38 Program leave of absence

39 Program extension

Division 4.4— Other program requirements

40 Language of instruction

41 Other studies

42 Employment

Division 4.5— Ending of program

43 Withdrawal from program

44 Maximum period for completion: basic maximum period

45 Maximum period for completion of program: reduction of maximum period

46 Maximum period for completion of program: extension of maximum period

47 Ending of program at end of maximum period for completion

48 Termination of program

Part 5— Supervision

49 Purpose of Part 5

50 Supervisory panel and supervisors

51 Appointment of supervisors

52 Particular responsibilities of primary supervisor and chair

53 General responsibilities of members of supervisory panel etc.

54 Temporary supervisory arrangements

Part 6— Assessment

Division 6.1— Reviews

55 Reviews of progress

56 Action after review

Division 6.2— Thesis

57 Purpose of Division 6.2

58 General thesis requirements

59 Form of thesis for examination

60 Submission of thesis

61 Request for non-disclosure of thesis

Division 6.3— Examination methods

62 Purpose of Division 6.3

63 Examination of research

64 Application of Assessment Rule

65 Assessment of clinical or professional practice

66 Examination of program with research and coursework components

67 Examinations must be in English

Division 6.4— Thesis examiners

68 Purpose of Division 6.4

69 Appointment of thesis examiners

70 Qualifications for appointment as thesis examiner

71 Conflicts of interests by examiners

72 Non-disclosure of identity of examiners

73 Prohibited communications during thesis examination

74 Nomination of person to provide further information to examiner

Division 6.5— Examination reports

75 Examiners’ reports on thesis examination

Division 6.6— Further examination of thesis

76 Application of Division 6.6

77 Student to be given opportunity of further examination

78 Oral examination

79 Assessor for oral examination

80 Written examination

Division 6.7— Outcome of thesis examination

81 Application of Division 6.7

82 Recommendation by Delegated Authority following thesis examination

83 Decision of Associate Dean following thesis examination

84 Corrections or revisions to thesis

85 Re-examination by resubmission of thesis

86 Re-examination of coursework

87 Recommendation by Delegated Authority following re-examination

88 Decision of Associate Dean following re-examination

89 Examination of Doctor of Philosophy thesis for Master of Philosophy

Division 6.8— Retention and availability of thesis

90 Student must provide thesis for deposit in University Library

91 Thesis of student not granted research award

Part 7— Reviews and appeals

Division 7.1— Reviews of reviewable decisions

92 What is a reviewable decision?

93 Who is the person affected by a reviewable decision?

94 Application for review of reviewable decision

95 Review by Associate Dean

96 Application for procedural review by Deputy Vice-Chancellor

97 Procedural review by Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Division 7.2— Appeals against appealable decisions

98 What is an appealable decision?

99 Who is the person affected by an appealable decision?

100 Appeal against appealable decision

101 Appeal: hearing and decision

102 Application for procedural appeal to Deputy Vice-Chancellor

103 Procedural appeal to Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Part 8— Miscellaneous

104 Approved forms

105 Service of notices etc.

106 Appointment etc. of Delegated Authorities

107 College Dean exercising Associate Dean’s functions

108 Delegation by Deputy Vice-Chancellor

109 Delegation by Associate Dean

Part 9— Repeal and transitional

110 Repeal etc.

111 Commencement of existing programs

112 Maximum period for completion: transitional

113 Transitional modifications on student application

Part 1—Preliminary

This is the Research Awards Rule 2018.

This instrument commences on 30 December 2018.

This instrument is made under the Vice-Chancellorship Statute 2013, section.9.5.

In this instrument:

appealable decision: see section 98.

approved form means a form approved under section 104 (Approved forms).

Associate Dean, in relation to an ANU College, means a person who is appointed as an Associate Dean for the college.

course means a subject of scholarly study, whether it is taught:

coursework means the courses, and other written or oral work (if any), undertaken by a student for the coursework component (if any) of a program for a research award.

[Note: The content of the coursework component of a program for a research award is approved by the Delegated Authority under section 28 (Coursework component).]

credit: see section 8.

Delegated Authority, in relation to a program offered by an ANU College for a research award, means a person who is appointed under section 106 (Appointment etc. of Delegated Authorities) as a Delegated Authority for the program.

exercise a function includes perform the function.

function includes duty and power.

in alternative format: a thesis is in alternative format if it includes video recordings, film or other works of visual or sonic arts, computer software, digital material or other non-written material.

person affected:

professional doctorate means a Doctor of Juridical Science or a Doctor of Psychology (Clinical).

research award: see section 6.

reviewable decision: see section 92.

unit: see section 9.

working day means a day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday, a public holiday in the Australian Capital Territory, or a University holiday.

[Note: The Australian National University (Interpretation) Statute defines the following terms that are relevant to this instrument:

This instrument applies to programs for research awards and other programs:

A research award is a degree that, under section 10 (Research degrees conferred by University), may be conferred by the University.

For a person admitted to be enrolled, or enrolled, in a program for a research award, credit is the recognition, towards completion of the program, of:

and includes advanced standing and recognition of prior learning.

Part 2—Research degrees

research degree means:

Part 3—Program admissions, enrolments and transfers

The minimum qualification requirement for admission to a program for a Doctor of Philosophy or professional doctorate is:

The minimum qualification requirement for admission to a program for a Master of Philosophy is:

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor may, in writing, determine English language and other requirements (including higher qualification requirements) for admission to a program for a research award.

The College Dean for an ANU College may, in writing, determine the maximum number of students that may be admitted in any period to a program offered by the college for a research award.

[Note 1: If a form is approved under section 104 (Approved forms) for this provision, the form must be used.]

[Note 2: Giving false or misleading information, or producing a false or misleading document, may be a criminal offence against the Criminal Code.]

[Note: A decision not to admit the applicant to the program is reviewable under Division 7.1 (Reviews of reviewable decisions).]

[Note: The Discipline Rule includes provisions for dealing with misconduct, including knowingly making false or misleading statements to the University or to an officer or employee of the University.]

If a person is admitted to a program for a research award, the program commences on the day the person is enrolled in the program.

[Note: If a form is approved under section 104 (Approved forms) for this provision, the form must be used.]

Part 4—Program requirements

[Note: A decision not to grant credit is reviewable under Division 7.1 (Reviews of reviewable decisions).]

The program of a student for a research award must include a research component and may include a coursework component.

The coursework component (if any) of a student’s program for a research award must:

A student enrolled in a program for a research award must make progress in the program to the Delegated Authority’s satisfaction.

[Note: A decision not to approve the student undertaking all or part of the program outside the University is reviewable under Division 7.1 (Reviews of reviewable decisions).]

[Note: A decision to revoke the approval is reviewable under Division 7.1 (Reviews of reviewable decisions).]

[Note: A decision to refuse to reduce the period is reviewable under Division 7.1 (Reviews of reviewable decisions).]

[Note: A decision not to vary the period the student must attend a campus of the University is reviewable under Division 7.1 (Reviews of reviewable decisions).]

[Note: A decision not to grant a period of leave of absence is reviewable under Division 7.1 (Reviews of reviewable decisions).]

[Note: A decision not to grant the extension applied for is reviewable under Division 7.1 (Reviews of reviewable decisions).]

standard period means:

A program for a research award must be undertaken in English unless, and to the extent that, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor decides otherwise in writing.

[Note: A decision not to approve a student to undertake other studies is reviewable under Division 7.1 (Reviews of reviewable decisions).]

AQF means the Australian Qualifications Framework as in force at the commencement of this section.

[Note: At the commencement of this section, the framework was accessible at]

[Note 1: Under section 22 (Program commences on enrolment), the program commences on the day the student is enrolled in the program.]

[Note 2: A decision determining a particular period under subsection (1)(c) or (2)(c) is reviewable under Division 7.1 (Reviews of reviewable decisions).]

[Note: A decision to reduce the maximum period for completion of a student’s program is reviewable under Division 7.1 (Reviews of reviewable decisions).]

[Note: A student may appeal against a decision not to grant an extension of the maximum period for completion of the student’s program (see section 98).]

[Note: Section 105 (Service of notices etc.) sets out how the notice may be given.]

[Note: A student may appeal against a decision to terminate the student’s enrolment (see section 98).]

[Note: Section 105 (Service of notices etc.) sets out how the notice may be given.]

[Note: The student’s enrolment could, for example, be terminated under the Academic Misconduct Rule or the Discipline Rule.]

Part 5—Supervision

This Part sets out the supervisory arrangements applying to a student enrolled in a program for a research award.

Part 6—Assessment

This Division sets out provisions applying to the thesis of a student enrolled in a program for a research award.

The Deputy Vice-Chancellor may, in writing, determine the form a thesis is to take for examination.

This Division sets out how a student undertaking a program for a research award must be examined on the program.

Research undertaken by the student during the program must be examined by submission and examination of a thesis based on that research, together with any oral or written examination that may be required.

If the program has research and coursework components, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor may, in writing, determine that a student undertaking the program:

Any examination must be conducted in English, except so far as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, on the Delegated Authority’s written recommendation, determines otherwise in writing.

This Division set out provisions about the examiners of the thesis of a student undertaking a program for a research award.

[Note: Material interest is defined in subsection (8). The definition of indirect interest in that subsection applies to the definition of material interest.]

associate, of a person, includes:

executive officer, of a corporation, means a person (however described) who is concerned with, or takes part in, the corporation’s management, whether or not the person is a director of the corporation.

indirect interest: without limiting the kinds of indirect interests a person may have, a person has an indirect interest in relation to the examination of the thesis if any of the following has an interest in relation to the examination of the thesis:

material interest: a person has a material interest in relation the examination of the thesis if the person has:

The Delegated Authority may, at the written request of an examiner, nominate a person (other than a person who is, or has been, a supervisor of the student during the program), in writing, to provide information to the examiner about the thesis or, if the research on which the thesis is based was undertaken jointly with someone else, the nature and extent of the student’s contribution to the research.

[Note: If a form is approved under section 104 (Approved forms) for this provision, the form must be used.]

This Division applies to a student enrolled in a program for a research award if:

[Note: If a single examiner is specified, an assessor must be appointed under section 79 (Assessor for oral examination).]

[Note: If a form is approved under section 104 (Approved forms) for this provision, the form must be used.]

[Note: If a form is approved under section 104 (Approved forms) for this provision, the form must be used.]

This Division applies after:

[Note: A student may appeal against a decision to fail the student (see section 98).]

[Note: Section 105 (Service of notices etc.) sets out how the notice may be given.]

[Note: If a form is approved under section 104 (Approved forms) for this provision, the form must be used.]

[Note: The student may appeal against a decision to fail the student (see section 98).]

[Note: Section 105 (Service of notices etc.) sets out how the notice may be given.]

Part 7—Reviews and appeals

Each of the following decisions is a reviewable decision:

The person affected by a reviewable decision is:

the person is entitled to be enrolled in the program until the review is finally decided.

Each of the following decisions is an appealable decision:

The person affected by an appealable decision is the student affected by the decision.

the person is entitled to be enrolled in the program until the appeal is finally decided.

Part 8—Miscellaneous

[Note: See e.g. the Acts Interpretation Act, section 28A (Service of documents).]

A Deputy Vice-Chancellor may, in writing, delegate all or any of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor’s functions under this instrument to a member of the academic staff of the University.

Part 9—Repeal and transitional

earlier repealed instrument means the Research Awards Rules (No. 2) 2013.

previous instrument means the Research Awards Rule 2015.