Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) Amendment 2019 (No. 1)


I, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, Minister for Small and Family Business, Skills and Vocational Education, make the following instrument.




Dated 25 March 2019




Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash

Minister for Small and Family Business, Skills and Vocational Education



  1. Name


This legislative instrument is the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) Amendment 2019 (No. 1).


2.      Commencement


(1)   The amendments in Schedule 1 commence the day after registration.


(2)   The amendments in Schedule 2 commence on 1 July 2019.


3.      Authority


This instrument is made under subsection 185(1) of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.


4.      Definition


In this instrument:


The Principal Standards means the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015.


5.      Amendment of the Principal Standards


The Principal Standards are amended as specified in Schedules 1 and 2.

Schedule 1—Amendments to commence the day after Registration


[1]   Standard 1.11


Replace Standard 1.11 in Part 2 of the Principal Standards with:


1.11. For the purposes of Clause 1.9, systematic validation of an RTO’s assessment practices and judgements is undertaken by one or more persons who are not directly involved in the particular instance of delivery and assessment of the training product being validated, and who collectively have:


(i)                  vocational competencies and current industry skills relevant to the assessment being validated;

(ii)                current knowledge and skills in vocational teaching and learning; and

(iii)               the training and assessment credential specified in Item 1, or Item 2, or Item 4, or Item 5 of Schedule 1.


Industry experts may be involved in validation to ensure there is the combination of expertise set out above.


[2]   Standard 1.14


Replace Standard 1.14 in Part 2 of the Principal Standards with:


1.14. The RTO’s training and assessment is delivered only by persons who have the training and assessment credential specified in Item 1 or Item 2 or Item 3 of Schedule 1.


[3]   Standard 1.15


Replace Standard 1.15 in Part 2 of the Principal Standards with:


1.15. Where a person conducts assessments only, the RTO ensures that the person has the training and assessment credential specified in Item 1, or Item 2, or Item 3, or Item 4, or Item 5 of Schedule 1.


[4]   Standard 1.24


Replace Standard 1.24 in Part 2 of the Principal Standards with:


1.24 The RTO must ensure that any person working under supervision for the purposes of Standard 1.23 b):

a)             does not determine assessment outcomes; and

b)             holds the training and assessment credential specified in Item 1 or Item 2 of Schedule 1.




Schedule 2—Amendments to commence on 1 July 2019


[1]   Standard 1.11


In subparagraph (iii) of Standard 1.11 in Part 2 of the Principal Standards delete: “Item 1, orand “Item 4, or”.


[2]   Standard 1.14


In Standard 1.14 in Part 2 of the Principal Standards delete: “Item 1, or.


[3]   Standard 1.15


In Standard 1.15 in Part 2 of the Principal Standards delete: “Item 1, orand “Item 4, or”.


[4]   Standard 1.24


In paragraph (b) of Standard 1.24 in Part 2 of the Principal Standards delete: “Item 1, or.