Instrument number CASA EX33/19

I, CHRISTOPHER PAUL MONAHAN, Executive Manager, National Operations & Standards, a delegate of CASA, make this instrument under regulation 11.160 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998.

[Signed Christopher P. Monahan]

Christopher P. Monahan
Executive Manager, National Operations & Standards

8 April 2019

CASA EX33/19  Flight Test Prerequisites (Certain Applicants for Air Transport Pilot Licence) Exemption 2019

1 Name

 This instrument is CASA EX33/19  Flight Test Prerequisites (Certain Applicants for Air Transport Pilot Licence) Exemption 2019.

2 Duration

 This instrument:

(a) commences on the day after it is registered; and

(b) is repealed at the end of 31 March 2022.

3 Definitions

 Note   In this instrument, certain terms and expressions have the same meaning as they have in the Act and the Regulations. These include: aeronautical knowledge examination, flight test, overseas flight crew licence and Part 61 Manual of Standards.

 In this instrument:

air transport pilot licence, or ATPL, has the same meaning as in Part 61 of CASR.

overseas ATPL applicant means an applicant for an ATPL who is the holder of an overseas flight crew licence that is equivalent to an ATPL.

4 Exemption ATPL applicant’s knowledge deficiency report

 An applicant for an ATPL who has passed the aeronautical knowledge examination with a score of less than 100% is exempt from:

(a) paragraph 61.235 (2) (b) of CASR; and

(b) regulation 61.240 of CASR to the extent that, at the time the applicant takes the ATPL flight test, the eligibility requirements under paragraph 61.235 (2) (b) of CASR have not been met.

Note   Subparagraphs 61.235 (2) (b) (i) and (ii) of CASR relate to knowledge deficiency reports.

5 Exemption — overseas ATPL applicant’s competency certification

 An overseas ATPL applicant is exempt from subparagraph 61.275 (1) (e) (i) of CASR.

Note   Subparagraph 61.275 (1) (e) (i) of CASR requires, for an overseas ATPL applicant, a certification of competence by a person mentioned in subregulation 61.275 (5) of CASR.