I, SHANE PATRICK CARMODY, Director of Aviation Safety, on behalf of CASA, make this instrument under paragraph 28BA (1) (b) and subsection 98 (4A) of the Civil Aviation Act 1988.

[Signed S. Carmody]

Shane Carmody
Director of Aviation Safety

12 August 2019

Civil Aviation Order 82.7 Amendment Instrument 2019 (No. 1)

1 Name of instrument

  This instrument is the Civil Aviation Order 82.7 Amendment Instrument 2019 (No. 1).

2 Commencement

  This instrument commences on 1 September 2019.

3 Amendment of Civil Aviation Order 82.7

  Schedule 1 amends Civil Aviation Order 82.7 Air Operators’ Certificates authorising aerial work operations and charter operations in balloons.

Schedule 1 Amendment

[1] Appendix 2, after paragraph 3.2 (b)


(ba) ensuring that all flight crew members are competent to fly the class and type of balloon that they are rostered to fly under the AOC, whether as pilot in command (PIC) or as pilot in command under supervision (PICUS);

[2] Appendix 2, subclause 5.2, including the Table


 5.2 Subject to clause 6, a Chief Pilot must, unless CASA approves otherwise in writing, meet the requirements set out in subclause 5.4 and Table 5.2, Chief Pilot requirements.

 5.3 In Table 5.2:

full-time, for employment, means employed for at least 38 hours per week.

part-time, for employment, means employed for at least 20 hours per week.

 5.4 In Table 5.2, for the type and number of balloons mentioned in the same row of columns 1 and 2, the Chief Pilot must meet the minimum total flight time requirements, the aerial work and charter experience requirements and the other requirements mentioned in columns 3, 4 and 5, respectively, of the same row.

6 Transitional application of subclauses 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4

 6.1 A person who on or after the commencement of this clause (the commencement) is the subject of an application to CASA by an operator, for approval of the person as a Chief Pilot, must comply with the requirements in subclauses 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 (the transitional clauses).

 6.2 A person (a grandfathered person), who immediately before the commencement is a Chief Pilot, is deemed to have complied with the transitional clauses and, to that extent, to have been approved accordingly, until the later of:

(a) the expiry of the Chief Pilot approval; or

(b) the day that is 3 months after the commencement.

Table 5.2 Chief Pilot requirements

Type of balloon

Number of balloons operated at the same time

Minimum total flight time requirements

Required experience in aerial work and charter

Other requirements

Class 1 balloon used for balloon AOC operations


250 hours as pilot in command (PIC) of a balloon

A minimum of 24 months’ experience as a balloon pilot

The Chief Pilot:

(a) must hold the balloon class endorsement for the balloon type used by the AOC holder; and

(b) must be employed by the AOC holder on at least a part-time basis; and

(c) must not be the Chief Pilot for another AOC holder.

Class 1 balloon used for balloon AOC operations

2 or 3

250 hours as PIC, including 100 hours as PIC in balloon AOC operations

A minimum of 12 months’ experience as a balloon pilot for a balloon AOC holder

The Chief Pilot:

(a) must hold the balloon class endorsements for all of the balloon types used in the AOC holder’s fleet; and

(b) must be employed by the AOC holder on a full-time basis; and

(c) must not be the Chief Pilot for another AOC holder.

Class 1 balloons used for balloon AOC operations

4 or more

350 hours as PIC, including 300 hours as PIC in balloon AOC operations

A minimum of 24 months’ experience as pilot for a balloon AOC holder

The Chief Pilot:

(a) must hold the balloon class endorsements for all of the balloon types used in the AOC holder’s fleet; and

(b) must be employed by the AOC holder on a full-time basis; and

(c) must not be the Chief Pilot for another AOC holder.

Class 1 balloons and Class 2 balloons used for balloon AOC operations

1 or more Class 1 balloons and 1 or more Class 2 balloons

350 hours as PIC, including 300 hours as PIC in balloon AOC operations

A minimum of 24 months’ experience as pilot for a balloon AOC holder

The Chief Pilot:

(a) must hold the balloon class endorsements for all of the balloon types used in the AOC holder’s fleet; and

(b) must be employed by the AOC holder on a full-time basis; and

(c) must not be the Chief Pilot for another AOC holder.

Class 2 balloons used for balloon AOC operations

1 or more

350 hours as PIC, including 300 hours as PIC in balloon AOC operations

A minimum of 24 months’ experience as pilot for a balloon AOC holder

The Chief Pilot:

(a) must hold the balloon class endorsements for all of the balloon types used in the AOC holder’s fleet; and

(b) must be employed by the AOC holder on a full-time basis; and

(c) must not be the Chief Pilot for another AOC holder.
