Woomera Prohibited Area Rule 2014 Determination of Exclusion Periods for the Green Zone for 1 September 2019 – 5 October 2019 Amendment No.2
Woomera Prohibited Area Rule 2014
I, John Anderson, Director Woomera Prohibited Area Coordination Office, as a delegate of the Minister for Defence, amend Woomera Prohibited Area Rule 2014 Determination of Exclusion Periods for the Green Zone for 1 September 2019 – 5 October 2019 as set out in the Schedule.
Dated 20 August 2019
John Anderson
Director Woomera Prohibited Area Coordination
2. Repeal the following exclusion periods in Part 4 of the Schedule.
15 September 2019 – 21 September 2019 |
22 September 2019 – 28 September 2019 |
29 September 2019 – 5 October 2019 |
3. Insert the table below as Part 7 of the Schedule.
Exclusion Periods |
10 September 2019 – 16 September 2019 |
17 September 2019 – 23 September 2019 |
24 September 2019 – 30 September 2019 |
1 October 2019 – 5 October 2019 |
4. Insert the following words as Part 8 of the Schedule:
“That part of the Woomera Prohibited Area contained within and bounded by a line commencing at 30.957233 S, 136.534942 E (Point 1), and then to a point 30.988942 S, 136.014739 E (Point 2), and then to a point 30.921239 S, 135.704502 E (Point 3), and then to a point 30.844548 S, 135.313724 E (Point 4), and then to a point 30.524520 S, 134.634994 E (Point 5), and then to a point 30.165933 S, 134.705232 E (Point 6), and then to a point 29.892043 S, 134.678284 E (Point 7), and then to a point 29.628877 S, 134.799503 E (Point 8), and then to a point 29.417713 S, 135.011078 E (Point 9), and then to a point 29.140179 S, 135.457510 E (Point 10), and then to a point 29.260910 S, 136.428450 E (Point 11), and then to a point 30.072234 S, 136.731197 E (Point 12) and then to a point 30.633285 S, 136.741481 E (Point 13) and then to the point of commencement and identified in the map in Part 9 of the Schedule.
4. Insert the map below as Part 9 of the Schedule: