National Capital Plan – Amendment 93 City and Gateway Urban Design Provisions Technical Changes1

Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act 1988

I, NOLA MARINO, Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories, approve this amendment of the National Capital Plan under section 19(1)(a) of the Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act 1988.

Dated 10 September 2019


Assistant Minister for Regional Development and Territories



1 Name of instrument

  This instrument is the National Capital Plan – Amendment 93 – City and Gateway Urban Design Provisions Technical Changes.

2 Commencement

  This instrument commences on the date of its registration.

3 Amendment of National Capital Plan

  Schedule 1 amends the National Capital Plan.




Schedule 1 Amendment

(section 3)


The National Capital Plan is amended by the following:

  1. Following the section titled ‘Land use’, insert the following section:

Development applications submitted to the Territory planning authority prior to 4 April 2019 are not subject to the provisions of section 4.28 of the National Capital Plan. Development applications lodged prior to this date are subject to the provisions of the National Capital Plan and the Territory Plan as in force at the time of the application being made.

2.      Delete the first two paragraphs under the section titled ‘Building separation’ and replace with:

Minimum separation distances for buildings on blocks with a frontage to Northbourne Avenue or Federal Highway greater than 35m wide are:

Building height

Between windows in habitable rooms/unscreened balconies

Between windows in habitable and non-habitable rooms

Between non-habitable rooms

Up to 4 storeys




5 to 8 storeys




9 storeys and above





Where blocks have a front boundary to Northbourne Avenue or the Federal Highway and are less than 35 metres wide, building separation distances may be reduced provided all of the following are achieved:


3.      Delete the fifth paragraph under the section titled ‘Building design and architecture; Private open space’ and replace with:

Balconies must be designed to allow views and passive surveillance of the street while maintaining visual privacy and allowing for a range of uses on the balcony. Balconies must be designed in accordance with the following:

4.      Delete the section titled ‘Length of buildings’ and replace with:

Long buildings that limit permeability, block views, and disrupt a pedestrian-scaled neighbourhood system should be avoided.

Buildings are limited to a maximum length of 55 metres. For the purpose of this clause, ‘building’ refers to an element or elements of a building above datum ground level. The application of the maximum length does not apply to basements.

Longer buildings may be permitted at lower building levels where strong design justifications is provided, such as provision of continuous, active street frontages. Where this is the case, pedestrian mid-block links between 5 and 10 metres wide must be provided at least once every 55 metres through the built form. Longer buildings may also be permitted at the intersection of Northbourne Avenue with Macarthur/Wakefield Avenues, where the buildings run perpendicular to the Northbourne Avenue.






1. All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislation kept under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. See