Academic Progress Rule 2019


I, Professor Brian P. Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor, make the following rule.

Dated 5 December 2019

Professor Brian P. Schmidt AC FAA FRS





Part 1— Preliminary

1 Name

2 Commencement

3 Authority

4 Definitions

5 Application of instrument

6 Equivalent courses

7 Joint, double or dual programs with other institutions etc.

8 Consistent and fair application of instrument

Part 2— Academic progress rules: programs other than medical programs

Division 2.1— Application

9 Application of Part 2

Division 2.2— Failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress

10 Failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress: undergraduate coursework

11 Restoration of good standing: undergraduate coursework

12 Failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress: postgraduate coursework

13 Restoration of good standing: postgraduate coursework

Division 2.3— Repeated failures in same course

14 Repeated failures in same course: undergraduate coursework

15 Repeated failures in same course: postgraduate coursework

Division 2.4— Failure to achieve results at required level

16 Failure to achieve results at required level: undergraduate coursework

17 Failure to achieve results at required level: postgraduate coursework

Division 2.5— Contravention of Academic Progress Committee conditions

18 Contravention of committee conditions: undergraduate coursework

19 Contravention of committee conditions: postgraduate coursework

Part 3— Academic progress rules: medical programs

20 Application of Part 3

21 Academic progress required for medical programs

Part 4— Academic progress appeals and reviews

Division 4.1— Exclusion decisions

22 Application of Division 4.1

23 Establishment of Academic Progress Committee etc.

24 Exclusion decision: appeal to Academic Progress Committee

25 Exclusion appeal: hearing and decision

26 Exclusion appeal decision: procedural appeal to Deputy Vice-Chancellor

27 Exclusion appeal decision: procedural appeal: hearing and decision

28 Review of exclusion decisions

Division 4.2— Transfer decisions

29 Transfer decision: application for review by Associate Dean

30 Transfer decision: review by Associate Dean

31 Transfer decision: application for procedural review by Deputy Vice-Chancellor

32 Transfer decision: procedural review by Deputy Vice-Chancellor

Part 5— Miscellaneous

33 Effect of exclusion

34 Appointment of Delegated Authorities

35 Delegated Authorities: double degree programs

36 Associate Deans: double degree programs

37 Approved forms

38 Delegation by Vice-Chancellor

39 Delegation by Registrar

40 Service of notices etc.

Part 6— Repeals and transitional

41 Repeals

42 Transitional: application of instrument to existing programs etc.

43 Transitional modifications on student application

44 Transitional orders

45 Transitional provisions additional etc.


Part 1—Preliminary

Academic Progress Committee means the committee established under section 23 (Establishment of Academic Progress Committee etc.) or, if 2 committees are established under that section, the relevant committee.

Associate Dean, in relation to an ANU College, means a person who is appointed as an Associate Dean of the college.

[Note: For double degree programs, see section 36 (Associate Deans: double degree programs).]

award means a degree, diploma or certificate offered by the University.

committee means the Academic Progress Committee.

course means a subject of scholarly study, whether it is taught:

coursework means the courses, and other written or oral work (if any), undertaken by a student for a coursework award program, but does not include any thesis component of the program of at least 24 units duration.

coursework award has the meaning given by the Coursework Awards Rule, section 7 (Coursework awards).

[Note: Under the Coursework Awards Rule, section 7, a ‘coursework award’ is a coursework degree, Diploma, Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate that may be conferred by the University. Coursework degree is defined in that section to cover any degree that is not a research degree to which the Research Awards Rule applies e.g. any Bachelor or Bachelor Honours degree and any Master degree (other than a Master of Philosophy).]

coursework award program means a program for a coursework award and, to remove any doubt, includes a coursework program for a double degree.

Delegated Authority, in relation to a program offered by an ANU College for a coursework award, means a person who is appointed under section 34 (Appointment of Delegated Authorities) as a Delegated Authority for the program.

[Note: For double degree programs, see section 35 (Delegated Authorities: double degree programs).]

double degree: a coursework program is a coursework program for a double degree if a student undertaking the program may qualify for 2 undergraduate coursework awards or 2 postgraduate coursework awards.

enrol includes re-enrol.

exclusion decision: see section 22 (Application of Division 4.1).

exercise a function includes perform the function.

fail a course: to remove any doubt, a student fails a course if the student is awarded any of the following grades for the course:

function includes authority, duty and power.

medical program means a program for the Medicinae ac Chirurgiae Doctoranda (Doctor of Medicine and Surgery) (MChD) degree.

medical student means a student who is or has been enrolled, at any level, in a medical program.

postgraduate coursework means coursework undertaken by a student for a postgraduate coursework award program.

postgraduate coursework award means any of the following coursework awards:

[Note: The Research Awards Rule applies to programs for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Juridical Science, Doctor of Psychology (Clinical) and Master of Philosophy.]

postgraduate coursework award program means a program for a postgraduate coursework award and, to remove any doubt, includes a program for a double degree if a student undertaking the program may qualify for 2 postgraduate coursework awards.

semester means first semester or second semester.

session means summer session, autumn session, winter session or spring session.

student means a person who is, or has been, enrolled in a coursework award program.

teaching period means a semester or session.

undergraduate coursework means coursework undertaken by a student for an undergraduate coursework award program.

undergraduate coursework award means a coursework award that is not a postgraduate coursework award.

undergraduate coursework award program means a program for an undergraduate coursework award and, to remove any doubt, includes a program for a double degree if a student undertaking the program may qualify for 2 undergraduate coursework awards.

working day means a day that is not a Saturday, a Sunday, a public holiday in the Australian Capital Territory, or a University holiday.

course code means the unique alphanumeric code used within the University to identify a particular course.

Part 2—Academic progress rules: programs other than medical programs

Division 2.1—Application

[Note: Part 3 (Academic progress rules: medical programs) applies in relation to medical programs.]

Division 2.2—Failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress

(c)    that the student may appeal to the Academic Progress Committee against the exclusion.

[Note: Division 4.1 (Exclusion decisions) applies to an appeal.]

[Note: Division 4.1 (Exclusion decisions) applies to an appeal.]

Division 2.3—Repeated failures in same course

[Note: Division 4.1 (Exclusion decisions) applies to an appeal.]

[Note: Division 4.1 (Exclusion decisions) applies to an appeal.]

Division 2.4—Failure to achieve results at required level

[Note: Division 4.2 (Transfer decisions) applies to an application for review.]

[Note: Division 4.2 (Transfer decisions) applies to an application for review.]

Division 2.5—Contravention of Academic Progress Committee conditions

[Note: Division 4.1 (Exclusion decisions) applies to an appeal.]

[Note: Division 4.1 (Exclusion decisions) applies to an appeal.]

Part 3—Academic progress rules: medical programs

[Note: Division 4.1 (Exclusion decisions) applies to an appeal.]

remediation activities may include, for example, undertaking a targeted academic revision program or satisfying a specific requirement from the ANU Medical School Professional Behaviours Committee.

Part 4—Academic progress appeals and reviews

Division 4.1—Exclusion decisions

Division 4.2—Transfer decisions

Part 5—Miscellaneous

[Note: See e.g. Acts Interpretation Act 1901, section 28A (Service of documents).]


Part 6—Repeals and transitional

cut-off means:

previous instrument means the Academic Progress Rule 2015, the Academic Progress (ANU Medical School) Order 2015, the Academic Progress Rules 2014, the ANU Medical School Academic Progress Order 2014, or any earlier rule or order applying in relation to academic progress.