National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Amendment (2019 Measures No. 4) Declaration 2019




I, Paul Fletcher, Minister for Families and Social Services, make the following Declaration.

Dated 28 March 2019

Paul Fletcher

Minister for Families and Social Services




1  Name

2  Commencement

3  Authority

4  Schedules

Schedule 1—Amendments

National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Declaration 2018 


1  Name

  This instrument is the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Amendment (2019 Measures No. 4) Declaration 2019.

2  Commencement

(1)    Each provision of this instrument specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.


Commencement information

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3




1.  The whole of this instrument

The day after this instrument is registered.


Note: This table relates only to the provisions of this instrument as originally made. It will not be amended to deal with any later amendments of this instrument.

 (2) Any information in column 3 of the table is not part of this instrument. Information may be inserted in this column, or information in it may be edited, in any published version of this instrument.

3  Authority

  This instrument is made under the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Act 2018.

4  Schedules

  Each instrument that is specified in a Schedule to this instrument is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this instrument has effect according to its terms.

Schedule 1Amendments

National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Declaration 2018

1  Section 11 (table)

After Item 10, insert:


The Uniting Church in Australia institutions included in a class of participating non-government institutions, as at paragraphs (c) and (d) of Item 24 of the table in Schedule 1 to this instrument

UCA Redress Limited


The Sisters of Mercy Parramatta institution at paragraph (g) of Item 25 of the table in Schedule 1 to this instrument

The Trustees of the Sisters of Mercy Parramatta


All Baptist Care (SA) institutions as at paragraphs (b) – (d) of Item 27 of the table in Schedule 1 to this instrument

Baptist Care (SA) Incorporated


All Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT institutions as at paragraphs (jt) – (nd) of Item 28 of the table in Schedule 1 to this instrument

Baptist Union of New South Wales


All Baptist Churches of Victoria institutions as at paragraphs (fa) – (hi) of Item 30 of the table in Schedule 1 to this instrument.

Baptist Union of Victoria



2  Section 15 (table)

Repeal Items 9 to 12, insert:


All Christian Brothers institutions as at Item 20 of the table in Schedule 1 to this instrument

Trustees of the Christian Brothers


All Baptist Church Western Australia institutions as at Item 21 of the table in Schedule 1 to this instrument

The Baptist Union of Western Australia Incorporated


All Baptist Church Tasmania institutions as at Item 22 of the table in Schedule 1 to this instrument

Baptist Union of Tasmania


All Marist Brothers institutions as at Item 23 of the table in Schedule 1 to this instrument

Trustees of the Marist Brothers


All Uniting Church in Australia institutions as at Item 24 of the table in Schedule 1 to this instrument except any defunct institution declared a participating institution under this instrument in paragraphs (c) and (d) of Item 24 of the table in Schedule 1

UCA Redress Limited


All Sisters of Mercy Parramatta institutions as at paragraphs (a) to (f) of Item 25 of the table in Schedule 1 to this instrument

The Trustees of the Sisters of Mercy Parramatta


All Baptist Churches of NSW and ACT institutions as at paragraphs (a) to (js) of Item 28 of the table in Schedule 1 to this instrument

Baptist Union of New South Wales


All Baptist Churches of Victoria institutions as at paragraphs (a) to (ez) of Item 30 of the table in Schedule 1 of this instrument

Baptist Union of Victoria


2  Schedule 1 (table)

After paragraph (e) of Item 3 to the table, insert:

(f) The Scout Association of Australia Queensland Branch Inc.

3  Schedule 1 (table)

After paragraph (s) of Item 7 to the table, insert:

(t) Anglican Bunbury Diocesan Trustees;

(u) Anglican Diocese of Grafton;

(v) Anglican Diocese of Newcastle;

(w) Anglican Church Diocese of Sydney;

(x) Anglican Diocese of Tasmania;

(y) Anglicare SA Ltd.;

(z) Anglicare N.T. Ltd.;

(aa) Mentone Grammar School;

(ab) The Council of Tara Anglican School for Girls;

(ac) Anglican Schools Corporation;

(ad) Church Missionary Society – Australia Limited;

(ae) Church Missionary Society Victoria Incorporated;

(af) Church Missionary Society – NSW and ACT Limited;

(ag) St Columba Anglican School Council;

(ah) The Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia in the Diocese of Willochra Inc;

(ai) The Council of Macarthur Anglican School ATF Macarthur Anglican School;

(aj) The Hutchins School;

(ak) St Michael’s Collegiate School;

(al) Brotherhood of St Laurence;

(am) Anglican Diocese of Gippsland Administration Ltd;

(an) Corporation of the Diocesan Synod of North Queensland;

(ao) Melbourne Anglican Diocesan Corporation.

4  Schedule 1 (table)

After Item 23, insert:


The Uniting Church in Australia

(a) The Uniting Church in Australia (being an unincorporated religious and charitable institution);

(b) The Uniting Church in Australia Assembly referred to in clause 15(e) of the Uniting Church in Australia Basis of Union (1992 Edition) and its Ministries;

(c) All Uniting Church in Australia Synods, Presbyteries and Congregations which joined or formed part of the Uniting Church in Australia on or in accordance with the 1977 Basis of Union, whether incorporated or unincorporated and whether still existing or now defunct;

(d) Any Institution, as defined at regulation of the Uniting Church in Australia Regulations made by the Assembly of the Uniting Church in Australia, which joined or formed part of the Uniting Church in Australia on or in accordance with the 1977 Basis of Union, whether incorporated or unincorporated and whether still existing or now defunct;

(e) The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (South Australia) established as a body corporate by the Uniting Church in Australia Act 1977 (SA);

(f) The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (N.S.W.) established as a body corporate by the Uniting Church in Australia Act 1977 (NSW);

(g) The Uniting Church in Australia (Australian Capital Territory) Property Trust established as a body corporate by the Uniting Church in Australia Act 1977 (ACT);

(h) The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Victoria) established as a body corporate by the Uniting Church in Australia Act 1977 (Vic);

(i) The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Q.) established as a body corporate by the Uniting Church in Australia Act 1977 (Qld);

(j) The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (WA) established as a body corporate by the Uniting Church in Australia Act 1976 (WA);

(k) The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (Tas.) established as a body corporate by the Uniting Church in Australia Act 1977 (Tas);

(l) The Uniting Church in Australia Property Trust (N.T.) established as a body corporate by the Uniting Church in Australia Act 1977 (NT).


Sisters of Mercy Parramatta

(a) The Trustees of the Sisters of Mercy Parramatta;

(b) Sisters of Mercy Parramatta (being the unincorporated religious and charitable association);

(c) Stella Maris Aged Care Facility Limited;

(d) Our Lady of Mercy College Parramatta;

(e) Marymount Mercy Centre;

(f) Mamre Plains Limited (as in existence from January 1986 to 4 December 2014);

(g) St Michael’s Family Centre Limited.


BaptistCare NSW & ACT

(a) BaptistCare NSW & ACT


Baptist Care (SA)

(a) Baptist Care (SA) Incorporated;

(b) SA Baptist Homes for Aged Incorporated;

(c) Baptist Community Services (SA) Incorporated, formerly known as West End Baptist Mission Incorporated;

(d) Mylor Baptist Camp Incorporated.


Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT

(a) Baptist Union of New South Wales

(b) Alstonville Baptist Church

(c) Ankura Church Plant (Mayfield)

(d) Arabic Christian Church

(e) Ariah Park Baptist Church

(f) Armidale Chapel St Baptist Church

(g) Armidale District Baptist Church

(h) Ashfield Baptist Church

(i) Auburn Baptist Church

(j) Australia Kachin Baptist Church

(k) Avalon Peace Memorial Baptist Church

(l) Ballina Baptist Church

(m) Baptist Community Church Burwood

(n) Bargo and District Baptist Church

(o) Batemans Bay Baptist Church

(p) Bathurst Baptist Church

(q) Baulkham Hills Baptist Church

(r) Bayside Community Church

(s) Bega Baptist Church

(t) Belair Baptist Church

(u) Belmont Baptist Church

(v) Belvoir St Baptist Church

(w) Bermagui Baptist Church

(x) Berowra Baptist Church

(y) Berry Community Baptist Church

(z) Beverly Hills Baptist Church

(aa) Bexley Baptist Church

(ab) Blackheath Baptist Church

(ac) Blacktown Baptist Church

(ad) Blakehurst Baptist Church

(ae) Blayney Community Baptist Church

(af) Boambee Community Baptist Church

(ag) Bourke Christian Church Inc

(ah) Bowral Baptist Church

(ai) Bridgewater Baptist Church

(aj) Brindabella Baptist Church

(ak) Broken Hill Baptist Church

(al) Brookside (Muswellbrook)

(am) Burmese Christian Baptist Church

(an) Cabramatta Baptist Church

(ao) Camden Baptist Church

(ap) Campbelltown Arabic Baptist Church

(aq) Campbelltown City Baptist Church

(ar) Campsie Baptist Church

(as) Canberra Baptist Church

(at) Cardiff Heights Baptist Church

(au) Caringbah Baptist Church

(av) Carlingford Baptist Church

(aw) Carlton-Kogarah Baptist Church

(ax) Casino Baptist Church

(ay) Central Baptist Church

(az) Cessnock Baptist Church

(ba) Chatswood Baptist Church

(bb) Chester Hill Baptist Church

(bc) Chinese and Australian Baptist Church, Thornleigh

(bd) Chinese and Australian Baptist Church, West Ryde

(be) Church 4 Life Ltd.

(bf) Church on the Hill (Gloucester)

(bg) City Thai Christian Fellowship, Sydney

(bh) Clemton Park Baptist Church

(bi) Cobar Baptist Church

(bj) Coffs Harbour Baptist Church

(bk) Colyton Baptist Church

(bl) Community Life Church Cherrybrook

(bm) Concord Baptist Church

(bn) Cooma Baptist Church

(bo) Cornerstone Church

(bp) Corowa Baptist Church

(bq) Corrimal Community Baptist Church

(br) Cowra Baptist Church

(bs) Crest Community Baptist Church

(bt) Crossroads Christian Church

(bu) Crows Nest Japanese Christian Church

(bv) Croydon Park Baptist Church

(bw) Culburra Baptist Church

(bx) Dapto Baptist Church

(by) Deniliquin Baptist Church

(bz) Dickson Baptist Church

(ca) Doyalson Baptist Church

(cb) Dubbo Baptist Church

(cc) Dulwich Hill Baptist Church

(cd) Dungog Baptist Church

(ce) Dural Baptist Church

(cf) Earlwood (Including Greek) Baptist Church

(cg) East Hills Baptist Church

(ch) Eastwood Baptist Church

(ci) Emmanuel Evangelical Church in Sydney

(cj) Emu Plains Baptist Church

(ck) Emu Plains Community Baptist Church

(cl) Epping Baptist Church

(cm) Erina Community Baptist Church

(cn) Ettalong Baptist Church

(co) Forbes Baptist Church

(cp) Forster District Baptist Church

(cq) Frenchs Forest Baptist Church

(cr) Georges River Life Church

(cs) Glenbrook Baptist Church

(ct) Global Family Church

(cu) Gloucester District Baptist Church

(cv) Gordon Baptist Church

(cw) Goulburn Baptist Church

(cx) Grace Community Baptist Church Wamberal

(cy) Gracepoint Christian Church

(cz) Granville Community Baptist Church

(da) Green Point Baptist Church

(db) Greenacre Baptist Church

(dc) Guildford Arabic Baptist Church

(dd) Gundagai Baptist Fellowship

(de) Gymea Baptist Church

(df) H2O (Hope to Offer Church Beresfield)

(dg) H3O Church Dee Why

(dh) Haberfield Baptist Church

(di) Hamilton Baptist Church

(dj) Harbourside Church

(dk) Hawkesbury Valley Baptist Church

(dl) Heathcote-Engadine Baptist Church

(dm) Helensburgh Baptist Church

(dn) Hinton Baptist Church

(do) Hornsby Baptist Church

(dp) Hosanna Christian Community Church

(dq) Hosanna City Church Sydney

(dr) Hosanna Life Harvest Church

(ds) Hughes Baptist Church

(dt) Hurstville Chinese Baptist Church

(du) Ingleburn Baptist Church

(dv) Inverell Baptist Church

(dw) Islington Baptist Church

(dx) Jervis Bay Baptist Church

(dy) Junee Baptist Church

(dz) Karen Baptist Church

(ea) Kariong Community Baptist Church

(eb) Katoomba Baptist Church

(ec) Kempsey Baptist Church

(ed) Kiama Baptist Church

(ee) Kurrajong Baptist Church

(ef) Kurri Kurri Baptist Church

(eg) Lake Cargelligo Baptist Church

(eh) Lakemba Baptist Church

(ei) Lakes Baptist Church

(ej) Lawson Baptist Church

(ek) Leichhardt Baptist Church

(el) Leura Wentworth Falls Baptist Church

(em) Lidcombe-Berala Baptist Church

(en) Lifechurch Panania

(eo) Light of Life Family Church

(ep) Lismore Baptist Church

(eq) Lithgow Baptist Church

(er) Liverpool Baptist Church

(es) Lower Clarence Baptist Church

(et) Macquarie Baptist Church

(eu) Macquarie Korean Baptist Church

(ev) Maitland Baptist Church

(ew) Manly Baptist Fellowship

(ex) Manly Life Church

(ey) Maroubra Baptist Church

(ez) Marrickville Baptist Church

(fa) Matraville Baptist Church

(fb) Mayfield Baptist Church

(fc) Meanwhile Simple Church

(fd) Menai Baptist Church

(fe) Merrylands Baptist Church

(ff) Metford Community Baptist Church

(fg) Milton Ulladulla Baptist Church

(fh) Molong District Baptist Church

(fi) Moree Baptist Church

(fj) Morisset Baptist Church

(fk) Mortdale-Oatley Baptist Church

(fl) Mosaic Baptist Church

(fm) Mudgee Baptist Church

(fn) Narara Valley Baptist Church

(fo) Narrabeen Baptist Church

(fp) Narraweena Baptist Church

(fq) Narromine Baptist Church

(fr) Narwee Baptist Church

(fs) New City Baptist Church

(ft) New Lambton Baptist Church

(fu) New Life Baptist Church

(fv) New Life Baptist Church, Jewells

(fw) New Vine Church Inc.

(fx) New Vine Lakes Baptist Church

(fy) New Vine Vineyards

(fz) New Way Church

(ga) Newcastle Baptist Tabernacle

(gb) Newhope Baptist Church

(gc) North Belconnen Baptist Church

(gd) North Canberra Baptist Church

(ge) North Haven Baptist Church

(gf) North Nowra Baptist Fellowship

(gg) Northpointe Baptist Church

(gh) Northside Baptist Church

(gi) Northwest Community Baptist Church

(gj) Nowra Baptist Church

(gk) Nyngan Baptist Fellowship

(gl) Orana Baptist Church

(gm) Orange Baptist Church

(gn) Overflow Church Medowie

(go) Padstow Baptist Community Church

(gp) Pambula Baptist Church

(gq) Parkes Baptist Church

(gr) Parkes Community Church

(gs) Parkside Baptist Church

(gt) Parramatta Baptist Church

(gu) Parramatta City Church

(gv) Pendle Hill Baptist Church

(gw) Pennant Hills Baptist Church

(gx) Penrith Baptist Church

(gy) Petersham Baptist Church

(gz) Port Kembla Baptist Church

(ha) Port Macquarie Baptist Church

(hb) Punchbowl Baptist Church

(hc) Queanbeyan Baptist Church

(hd) Raymond Terrace Baptist Church

(he) Revive Cronulla

(hf) Riverside Church Ermington

(hg) Riverstone Baptist Church

(hh) Rouse Hill Community Baptist Church

(hi) Ryde Baptist Church

(hj) Sandy Beach Community Baptist Church

(hk) Sans Souci Baptist Church

(hl) Scone Baptist Church

(hm) Seaforth Baptist Church

(hn) Shellharbour City Baptist Church

(ho) Shift Simple Church

(hp) Singleton Baptist Church

(hq) Small Boat, Big Sea

(hr) Southwestern Community Baptist Church

(hs) Springwood Baptist Church

(ht) St Clair Baptist Church

(hu) St Georges Basin Baptist Church

(hv) St Ives Baptist Church

(hw) St Marys District Baptist Church

(hx) Stroud Baptist Church

(hy) Swansea District Baptist Church

(hz) Sydney Grace Community Church

(ia) Tahmoor Baptist Church

(ib) Tanilba Bay Baptist Church

(ic) Taree Baptist Church

(id) Tarro-Beresfield Baptist Church

(ie) Tea Gardens Baptist Church

(if) Temora Baptist Church

(ig) Thalaba Baptist Church

(ih) The Entrance District Baptist Church

(ij) The Refuge Oran Park Baptist Church

(ik) The Rock Hosanna Miller Baptist Church Inc.

(il) Thornleigh Community Baptist Church

(im) Thrive Church

(in) Toongabbie Baptist Church

(io) Toronto Baptist Church

(ip) Tuggeranong Baptist Church Inc.

(iq) Tumut Baptist Church

(ir) Turramurra Community Baptist Church

(is) Tweed Coast Community Baptist Church

(it) Vivid Life Church

(iu) Wagga Wagga Baptist Church

(iv) Wagga-Ashmont Baptist Church

(iw) Walla Walla and District Baptist Church

(ix) Wallsend Baptist Church

(iy) Warners Bay Baptist Church

(iz) Warragamba Baptist Church

(ja) Warrimoo Baptist Church

(jb) Water of Life Christian Church

(jc) Wauchope Baptist Church

(jd) Wellington Baptist Church

(je) Wentworthville Baptist Church

(jf) West Ryde Community Church

(jg) West Wallsend Baptist Church

(jh) Westview Baptist Church

(ji) Windsor District Baptist Church

(jj) Wingham Baptist Church

(jk) Wollongong Baptist Church

(jl) Woolloomooloo Baptist Church

(jm) Woonona Baptist Church

(jn) Wyong Baptist Church

(jo) Yagoona Baptist Church

(jp) Yass Community Baptist Church

(jq) Yeoval District Baptist Church

(jr) Young Baptist Church

(js) Zoe Baptist Church

(jt) Ambarvale Church

(ju) Arncliffe Baptist Church

(jv) Balmain Baptist Church

(jw) Banksia Baptist Church

(jx) Bomaderry Baptist Church

(jy) Bondi Baptist Fellowship

(jz) Boolaroo Baptist Church

(ka) Breathe Simple Church Enmore

(kb) Bulgarian Macedonian Baptist Fellowship

(kc) Burton St Baptist Church

(kd) Cardiff Baptist Church

(ke) Cardiff South Baptist Church

(kf) Chullora Baptist Church

(kg) Cootamundra Baptist Church

(kh) Coraki Baptist Church

(ki) Dorrigo Baptist Church

(kj) Earthgrace Fellowship

(kk) East Lindfield Baptist Church

(kl) Epping Chinese and Japanese Church

(km) Estonian Baptist Church Thirlmere

(kn) Estonian Mission

(ko) Evans Head Baptist Church

(kp) Fijian Indian Baptist Church

(kq) Forest Reefs Baptist Church

(kr) Glebe Community Baptist Church

(ks) Global Mission Korean Fellowship

(kt) Granville Ukrainian Baptist Church

(ku) Holbrook Baptist Church

(kv) Hurstville Baptist Church

(kw) Imagine Surry Hills

(kx) Iranian Evangelical Baptist Fellowship

(kz) Jerilderie Baptist Fellowship

(la) Karuah Baptist Church

(lb) Kelso Baptist Church

(lc) Kingsgrove Korean Baptist Church

(ld) Kurnell Baptist Church

(le) Lake Munmorah Christian Fellowship

(lf) Lakes Community Fellowship

(lg) Lakeside Community Baptist Church (AKA Llandilo)

(lh) Lalor Park Baptist Church

(li) Lambton Baptist Church

(lj) Leeton Baptist Church

(lk) Lighthouse South West Rocks

(ll) Limetree (AKA Narellan)

(lm) Macquarie Fields Baptist Church

(ln) Maroota Baptist Church

(lo) Miller Baptist Church

(lp) Minto Baptist Church

(lq) Mona Vale Baptist Church

(lr) Mosman Baptist Church

(ls) Moss Vale Baptist Church

(lt) Narellan Baptist Church (AKA Limetree)

(lu) Narooma Baptist Church

(lv) Narrabri Baptist Church

(lw) Narrandera Baptist Church

(lx) New Day Baptist Church

(ly) North Auburn Baptist Church

(lz) Oyster Bay Baptist Church

(ma) Parklands Community Baptist Church

(mb) Penrith South Baptist Church

(mc) Ramsgate Baptist Church

(md) Ropes Crossing Community Baptist Church

(me) Salt and Light Community Church (AKA Oyster Bay)

(mf) Sandgate Baptist Church

(mg) Snowy Mountains Baptist Church

(mh) SOS Wyong Inc.

(mi) South Windsor Baptist Church

(mj) Spanish Evangelical Jerusalem Baptist Church,

(mk) Spanish Speaking Evangelical Baptist Church

(ml) Sussex Inlet Baptist Church

(mm) Sydney Korean Baptist Church

(mn) The Door

(mo) The Other City

(mp) Thirlmere Baptist Fellowship

(mq) Trundle Baptist Church

(mr) Tumbarumba Baptist Church

(ms) Ukrainian Baptist Church

(mt) Ulmarra Baptist Church

(mu) Undercliffe (AKA Wanstead) Baptist Church

(mv) Upper Hunter District Mission

(mw) Wamberal Baptist Church (AKA Erina Heights)

(mx) Warilla Baptist Church (AKA Albion Park)

(my) Warilla North Baptist Church

(mz) West Dapto Baptist Church

(na) West Wyalong Baptist Church

(nb) Wollongong Spanish Baptist Church (AKA Hispanic Baptist)

(nc) Woodberry Hope Community Church

(nd) Woodberry New Day Baptist Church


BaptistCare WA

(a) Baptistcare Inc


Baptist Churches of Victoria

(a) Baptist Union of Victoria

(b) Aberdeen Street Baptist Church

(c) Aberfeldie Baptist Church

(d) Albert Park Baptist Church

(e) Albury Baptist Church

(f) Altona Baptist Church

(g) Anglesea Baptist Church

(h) Armadale Baptist Church

(i) Ashburton Baptist Church

(j) Auburn Baptist Church

(k) Australia Zophei Church Inc

(l) Bacchus Marsh Baptist Church

(m) Bairnsdale Baptist Church

(n) Balwyn Baptist Church

(o) Beaconsfield Baptist Church

(p) Barraport Boort Baptist Church

(q) Beaumaris Baptist Church

(r) Belgrave South Baptist Church

(s) Belmont Highton Baptist Church

(t) Bendigo Baptist Church

(u) Box Hill Baptist Church

(v) Brimbank New Life Baptist Church

(w) Brunswick Baptist Church

(x) Buninyong Baptist Church Fellowship

(y) Camberwell Baptist Church

(z) Canterbury Baptist Church

(aa) Central Baptist Church Clifton Springs

(ab) Central Chinese Baptist Church

(ac) Chin Baptist Church Inc

(ad) Church by the Bay

(ae) Clarinda Baptist Church

(af) Cloverdale Baptist Community Church

(ag) Coburg Baptist Church

(ah) Cohuna Baptist Church

(ai) Colac Baptist Church

(aj) Collins Street Baptist Church

(ak) Community Church of St Mark

(al) The Community of the Transfiguration Inc.

(am) Cranbourne Baptist Community Church

(an) Crossway Baptist Church Inc.

(ao) Croydon Hills Baptist Church

(ap) Dandenong Baptist Church

(aq) Diamond Valley Baptist Church

(ar) Doveton Baptist Church

(as) Drouin Baptist Church

(at) Eastern Chinese Baptist Church

(au) Emmanuel Baptist Church (Indonesian Congregation)

(av) Encounter Baptist Church Inc.

(aw) Essendon Baptist Community Church

(ax) Euroa Baptist Church

(ay) Ferntree Gully Baptist

(az) Footscray Baptist Church

(ba) Frankston Baptist Church Inc.

(bb) Frankston Forest Baptist Church

(bc) Freeway Baptist Church

(bd) Glen Eira Christian Community Church

(be) Glenroy Oak Park Baptist Church

(bf) Grace Baptist Community Church

(bg) GraceTree Baptist Community

(bh) Granite Community Church

(bi) Grovedale Baptist Church

(bj) Hamilton Baptist Church

(bk) Hawthorn West Baptist Church

(bl) Heathmont Baptist Church

(bm) Jigsaw

(bn) Kangaroo Flat Baptist Church

(bo) Katalyst Church

(bp) Kerang Baptist Church

(bq) Kew Baptist Church

(br) Kilsyth South Baptist Church

(bs) Kingsville Baptist Church

(bt) Kingsville Zotung Baptist Church

(bu) Knox Community Baptist Church

(bv) Koondrook-Barham Baptist Church

(bw) Korumburra Baptist Church

(bx) Kyabram Baptist Church

(bz) Kyneton Baptist Church

(ca) Lakes Entrance Baptist Church

(cb) Lifeway Christian Church Lara

(cc) Light Community Baptist Church

(cd) Lilydale Baptist Church

(ce) Longwarry Baptist Church

(cf) Lutuv Baptist Church

(cg) Maldon Baptist Church

(ch) Manifold Heights Baptist Church

(ci) Mara Christian Church of Victoria

(cj) Melbourne Matu Baptist Church

(ck) Melbourne Siyin Burmese Mission Church

(cl) Mentone Baptist Church

(cm) Mildura Baptist Church Inc.

(cn) Mill Park Baptist Church

(co) Millgrove Baptist Church

(cp) Mitcham Baptist Church

(cq) Moe Baptist Church

(cr) Mooroolbark Baptist Church

(cs) Murrumbeena Baptist Church

(ct) Naringal Baptist Church

(cu) New Community Ringwood

(cv) New Peninsula Baptist Church Inc.

(cw) New Hope Baptist Church

(cx) Newport Baptist Church

(cy) Northcote Baptist Church

(cz) Now and Not Yet Community

(da) Nyora and District Baptist Church

(db) Oakleigh Baptist Church

(dc) Ocean Grove Baptist Church

(dd) One Hope Baptist Church

(de) Pakenham Baptist Church

(df) Pathway Baptist Church

(dg) Phillip Island Baptist Church

(dh) Pleasant St Baptist Church

(di) Port Campbell Baptist Church

(dj) Portland Baptist Church

(dk) Regent Baptist Church

(dl) Reservoir Baptist Church

(dm) Reservoir Vietnamese Baptist Church

(dn) Rise@Carlton

(do) Rokeby Baptist Church

(dp) Rosanna Baptist Church

(dq) Rowville Baptist Church

(dr) Sale Baptist Church

(ds) Samoan Baptist Church Dandenong

(dt) Sandringham Baptist Church

(du) Seymour Baptist Church

(dv) Shepparton Baptist Church

(dx) South Yarra Community Baptist Church

(dy) St Kilda Elsternwick Baptist Church

(dz) St Lukes Baptist Community

(ea) Stawell Baptist Church

(eb) Sunbury Baptist Church

(ec) Sydenham Baptist Church

(ed) Syndal Baptist Church

(ee) Templestowe Baptist Church Inc.

(ef) The Vine Alexandra

(eg) The Vine Baptist Church

(eh) Torquay Christian Fellowship

(ei) Tottenham Bilingual Baptist Church (Evangelica)

(ej) Traralgon and District Baptist Church

(ek) Upwey Baptist Community Church

(el) Wandin Baptist Church

(em) Wangaratta Baptist Church

(en) Warrnambool and District Baptist Church

(eo) Waverley Baptist Church

(ep) Wendouree Baptist Church

(eq) Werribee Baptist Church

(er) West Preston Baptist Church

(es) Western New Community Baptist Church

(et) Westgate Baptist Community

(eu) Williamstown Baptist Church

(ev) Wodonga and District Baptist Church

(ew) Wonthaggi Baptist Church

(ex) Zotung Baptist Church Inc.

(ey) Baptist Camping Victoria Inc.

(ez) Whitley College

(fa) Ballarat East Baptist Church

(fb) Bannockburn and District Baptist Church

(fc) Barraport Baptist Church

(fd) Bendigo (Marshall Street) Baptist Church

(fe) Black Hill (Ballarat) Baptist Church

(ff) Brentwood Baptist Church

(fg) Brentwood Baptist Church (Karkarooc)

(fh) Brim Baptist Church

(fi) Burwood East Baptist Church

(fj) Chadstone Baptist Church

(fk) Clifton Hill Baptist Church

(fl) Collingwood Baptist Church

(fm) Collingwood Tabernacle

(fn) Cry Melon Church

(fo) Cudgee Baptist Church

(fp) Darling Baptist Church

(fq) Daylesford Baptist Church

(fr) Eaglehawke Baptist Church

(fs) Echuca Baptist Church (Premier Street)

(ft) Echuca Baptist Church

(fu) Fairfield Baptist Church

(fv) Fenwick Street Baptist Church

(fw) Fitzroy (George Street) Baptist Church

(fx) Footscray (Gordon Street) Baptist Church

(fy) Galaquil Baptist Church

(fz) Gama East Baptist Church

(ga) Hampton Baptist Community Church

(gb) Hope Particular Baptist Church

(gc) Hopetoun Baptist Church

(gd) Hopetoun West Baptist Church

(ge) Leopold Baptist Church

(gf) Lonsdale Street Particular Baptist Church

(gg) Malvern Baptist Church

(gh) Malvern East / Darling Baptist Church

(gi) Maryborough Baptist Church

(gj) Maryborough & District Baptist Church

(gk) Melbourne East Baptist Church

(gl) Merylnston Baptist Church

(gm) Moreland Baptist Church

(gn) Morwell Baptist Church

(go) Myall Baptist Church

(gp) Newmarket Baptist Church (Brighton Street)

(gq) Newmarket Baptist Church

(gr) Newtown Baptist Chilwell (Geelong)

(gs) Noorong Baptist Church

(gt) Noorong Baptist Fellowship

(gu) Nyah Christian Fellowship

(gv) Ormond Faith Community

(gw) Peninsula Baptist Church at Mt Eliza

(gx) Peppers Plain Church

(gy) Port Campbell-Timboon

(gz) Rainbow Baptist Church

(ha) Richmond Baptist Church

(hb) South Melbourne Baptist Church

(hc) Surrey Hills Baptist Church

(hd) Thornbury Baptist Church

(he) Tresco Baptist Church

(hf) Turriff & Gamma East Baptist Church

(hg) Victoria Street Baptist Church (Ballarat East)

(hh) Western Port Baptist Church

(hi) Wilkur South Baptist Church