Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia

Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services - COVID-19 Telehealth and Telephone Attendances) Determination 2020

made under subsection 3C(1) of the

Health Insurance Act 1973

Compilation No. 14

Compilation date: 1 April 2021

Includes amendments up to: F2021L00408

Registered: 23 April 2021

This compilation includes retrospective amendments made by F2021L00408

About this compilation

This compilation

This is a compilation of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services - COVID-19 Telehealth and Telephone Attendances) Determination 2020 that shows the text of the law as amended and in force on 1 April 2021 (the compilation date).

The notes at the end of this compilation (the endnotes) include information about amending laws and the amendment history of provisions of the compiled law.

Uncommenced amendments

The effect of uncommenced amendments is not shown in the text of the compiled law. Any uncommenced amendments affecting the law are accessible on the Legislation Register ( The details of amendments made up to, but not commenced at, the compilation date are underlined in the endnotes. For more information on any uncommenced amendments, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Application, saving and transitional provisions for provisions and amendments

If the operation of a provision or amendment of the compiled law is affected by an application, saving or transitional provision that is not included in this compilation, details are included in the endnotes.

Editorial changes

For more information about any editorial changes made in this compilation, see the endnotes.


If the compiled law is modified by another law, the compiled law operates as modified but the modification does not amend the text of the law. Accordingly, this compilation does not show the text of the compiled law as modified. For more information on any modifications, see the series page on the Legislation Register for the compiled law.

Self-repealing provisions

If a provision of the compiled law has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law, details are included in the endnotes.





Part 1—Preliminary

1 Name

3 Authority

4 Cessation

5 Definitions

7 Treatment of relevant services

8 Application of items - general

Schedule 1 – GP and medical practitioners services

Schedule 2   Specialist, consultant physician and consultant psychiatrist services

Schedule 3 –  Allied health services

Schedule 4 – Nurse practitioner, midwife Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner and dental practitioner services


Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Part 1—Preliminary

1  Name

 This instrument is the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services - COVID-19 Telehealth and Telephone Attendances) Determination 2020.

3  Authority

This instrument is made under subsection 3C(1) of the Health Insurance Act 1973.

4  Cessation

Unless earlier revoked this instrument ceases as if revoked on 30 June 2021.

5  Definitions

Note:     The following terms are defined in subsection 3(1) of the Act:

 clinically relevant service

 consultant physician

 general medical services table

 hospital treatment

 hospital-substitute treatment


 dental practitioner

 participating midwife

 participating nurse practitioner

 professional service

(1) In this instrument:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner has the meaning given by Part 7 of the general medical services table.

Act means the Health Insurance Act 1973.

admitted patient means a patient who is receiving a service that is provided:

(a) as part of an episode of hospital treatment; or

(b) as part of an episode of hospital-substitute treatment in respect of which the person to whom the treatment is provided chooses to receive a benefit from a private health insurer.

Allied Health Determination means the Health Insurance (Allied Health Services) Determination 2014.

concessional beneficiary has the same meaning as in section 84(1) of the National Health Act 1953.

consultant psychiatrist means a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry.

contribute to a multidisciplinary care plan has the meaning given by clause 2.16.3 of the general medical services table.

coordinating a review of team care arrangements has the meaning given by clause 2.16.5 of the general medical services table.

coordinating the development of team care arrangements has the meaning given by clause 2.16.4 of the general medical services table.

eating disorder examination questionnaire has the meaning given by section 4 of the Eating Disorder Services Determination.

eating disorder psychological treatment service has the same meaning as in the Eating Disorders Services Determination.

Eating Disorders Services Determination means the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services – Eating Disorders Treatment Plan and Psychological Treatment Services) Determination 2019.

eating disorder treatment and management plan has the same meaning as in the Eating Disorders Services Determination.

eligible Aboriginal health worker has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible allied health practitioner means:

(a) an eligible Aboriginal health worker;

(b) an eligible Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner;

(c) an eligible diabetes educator;

(d) an eligible audiologist;

(e) an eligible dietitian;

(f) an eligible mental health worker;

(g) an eligible occupational therapist;

(h) an eligible exercise physiologist;

(i) an eligible physiotherapist;

(j) an eligible podiatrist;

(k) an eligible chiropractor;

(l) an eligible osteopath;

(m) an eligible psychologist; or

(n) an eligible speech pathologist.

eligible audiologist has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible chiropractor has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible clinical psychologist has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligibility criteria has the meaning given by section 4 of the Eating Disorders Services Determination.

eligible diabetes educator has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible dietitian has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible exercise physiologist has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible mental health worker has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible occupational therapist has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible orthoptist has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible osteopath has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible patient has the same meaning as in the Eating Disorders Services Determination.

eligible physiotherapist has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible psychologist has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible podiatrist has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible social worker has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

eligible speech pathologist has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

focussed psychological strategies has the meaning given by clause 2.20.1 of the general medical services table.

GP mental health treatment plan has the meaning given by section 4 of the Allied Health Determination.

multidisciplinary care plan:

(a) for items 92026, 92027, 92070, 92071, 92057, 92058, 92101 and 92102—has the meaning given by clause 2.16.6 of the general medical services table; and

(b) for items 93201 and 93203—has the meaning given by clause 4.1.1.

non-directive pregnancy support counselling means counselling provided to a person, who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant in the preceding 12 months, by a health professional in which:

(a) information and issues relating to pregnancy are discussed; but

(b) the health professional does not impose his or her views or values about what the person should or should not do in relation to the pregnancy.

Other Medical Practitioner Determination means the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services - Other Medical Practitioner) Determination 2018.

patient at risk of COVID-19 virus means a person who:

(a) is required to self-isolate or self-quarantine in accordance with guidance issued by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee in relation to COVID-19; or

(b) is at least 70 years old; or

(c) if the person identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent—is at least 50 years old; or

(d) is pregnant; or

(e) is the parent of a child aged under 12 months; or

(f) is being treated for a chronic health condition; or

(g) is immune compromised; or

(h) meets the current national triage protocol criteria for suspected
COVID-19 infection.

patient review has the same meaning as in the Eating Disorders Services Determination.

person who is experiencing homelessness means when a person does not have suitable accommodation alternatives they are considered homeless if their current living arrangement:

(a)  is in a dwelling that is inadequate; or

(b) has no tenure, or if their initial tenure is short and not extendable; or

(c) does not allow them to have control of, and access to space for social relations.

person who is in a COVID-19 impacted area means a patient who, at the time of accessing the telehealth service, has their movement restricted within the State or Territory, by a State or Territory public health requirement applying to the patient’s location.

person who is in a flood affected area means a patient who, at the time of accessing the telehealth or telephone service, is located within a State or Territory local government area which is declared as a natural disaster area due to flood by a State or Territory Government.

phone attendance means a professional attendance by telephone where the health practitioner:

(a) has the capacity to provide the full service through this means safely and in accordance with professional standards; and

(b) is satisfied that it is clinically appropriate to provide the service to the patient; and

(c) maintains an audio link with the patient.

preparing a GP management plan, for items 92024 and 92068,  has the meaning given by clause 2.16.7 of the general medical services table.

psychiatrist assessment and management plan means a psychiatrist assessment and management plan made under item 92435 or 92475 in this instrument or item 291 of the general medical services table.

referring practitioner, in relation to a referral, means the person making the referral.

relevant provisions means all provisions of the Act and regulations made under the Act, and the National Health Act 1953 and regulations made under the National Health Act 1953, relating to medical services, professional services or items.

relevant service means a health service, as defined in subsection 3C(8) of the Act, that is specified in a Schedule.

residential aged care facility has the meaning given in Part 7 of the general medical services table.

reviewing a GP management plan, for items 92028 and 92072, has the meaning given by clause 2.16.8 of the general medical services table.

Schedule means a Schedule to this instrument.

shared care plan has the meaning given by section 9B of the Allied Health Determination.

single course of treatment has the meaning given by clause 1.1.6 of the general medical services table.

telehealth attendance means a professional attendance by video conference where the rendering health practitioner:

(a) has the capacity to provide the full service through this means safely and in accordance with relevant professional standards; and

(b) is satisfied that it is clinically appropriate to provide the service to the patient; and

(c) maintains a visual and audio link with the patient; and

(d) is satisfied that the software and hardware used to deliver the service meets the applicable laws for security and privacy.


(2) Unless the contrary intention appears, a reference in this instrument to a provision of the Act or the National Health Act 1953 or a legislative instrument made under the Act or under the National Health Act 1953 as applied, adopted or incorporated in relation to specifying a matter is a reference to those provisions as in force from time to time and any other reference to provisions of an Act or instrument is a reference to those provisions as in force from time to time.

(3) In this instrument, a general practitioner includes a kind of medical practitioner specified in clause 1.1.3 of the general medical services table.


7  Treatment of relevant services

A health service provided in accordance with this Determination is to be treated, for the relevant provisions, as if:

 (a) it were both a professional service and a medical service; and

 (b)  there were an item in the general medical services table that:

(i)  related to the service; and

 (ii)  specified for the service a fee in relation to each State, being the fee                              specified in the item in Schedule 2 relating to the service.

Note: For this Determination, an internal Territory is deemed to form part of the State of New South Wales—see subsection 3C(7) of the Act.


8  Application of items - general

(1) An item in a Schedule does not apply to a service mentioned in the item if the patient is an admitted patient.

(2) Clause 1.2.2 of the general medical services table shall have effect as if all items in Schedule 2 of this determination, other than items 91850, 91853, 91855 and 91857, were specified in the clause.

(3) An item in Subgroup 3 or 10 of Group A40, Subgroups 1 to 4 of Group M18 or Subgroups 6 to 9 of Group M18 of the Schedules does not apply to a service provided to a patient who has already been provided, in the calendar year, with 10 services to which any of those items or the following items apply:

(a) an item in Subgroup 2 of Group A20 of the general medical services table;

(b) items 283, 285, 286, 287, 371 and 372 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination; or

(c) items 80000 to 80015, 80100 to 80115, 80125 to 80140 or 80150 to 80165 of the Allied Health Determination; or

(d) items 941, 942, 2733, 2735, 93375, 93376, 93381, 93382, 93383, 93374, 93385 and 93386 apply.

(5) Subject to subsection (6), an item in a Schedule only applies to a service that is an attendance by a single health professional on a single patient.

Note: Health professionals who can provide services under this instrument include general  practitioners, medical practitioners, specialists and consultant physicians, allied health               professionals and participating nurses and midwives.

(6) Subsection (5) does not apply to items 92455 to 92457 and 92495 to 92497.

(7) The following items do not apply if the person providing the service specified in the item and the patient have the capacity to undertake an attendance by telehealth:

(a) an item in any of Subgroups 2, 7 to 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 and 38 of Group A40;

(b) an item in Subgroup 2 of Group T4;

(c) an item in any of Subgroups 6 to 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 22, 24 and 26 of Group M18;

(d) an item in Subgroup 2 of Group M19; or

(e) an item in Subgroup 2 of Group O1.

(8) An item in Schedule 1 applies to a service performed by the patient’s usual medical practitioner.

(9) Subsection 8(8) does not apply to a service provided to:

(a) a person who is under the age of 12 months; or

(b) a person who is experiencing homelessness; or

(c) a person who is in a COVID-19 impacted area; or

(d) a person who receives the service from a medical practitioner located at an Aboriginal Medical Service or an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service; or

(e) a person who is in a flood affected area.

(10) Subsection 8(8) does not apply to an item listed in subgroup 29 or 30.

(11) For the purpose of subsection 8(8):

 patient’s usual medical practitioner means a medical practitioner (other than a specialist or consultant physician) who:

(a)    has provided at least one service to the patient in the past 12 months; or

(b)    is located at a medical practice at which at least one service to the patient was provided, or arranged by, in the past 12 months; or

(c)    is a participant in the Approved Medical Deputising Service program if:

(i)    the Approved Medical Deputising Service provider has a formal agreement in place with a medical practice to provide after-hours services to its patients; and

(ii)  the medical practice has provided, or arranged, at least one service to the patient in the past 12 months; or

(d)    is a general practitioner employed by an Approved Medical Deputising Service provider, if:

(i)    the Approved Medical Deputising Service provider has a formal agreement in place with a medical practice to provide after-hours services to its patients; and

(ii)  the medical practice has provided, or arranged, at least one service to the patient in the past 12 months; or

(e)    is a medical practitioner employed by an accredited Medical Deputising Service, if:

(i)    the accredited Medical Deputising Service has a formal agreement in place with a medical practice to provide after-hours services to its patients; and

(ii)  the medical practice has provided, or arranged, at least one service to the patient in the past 12 months.

For the purpose of this subsection, service means a personal attendance on the patient and excludes telehealth and phone attendances.

Schedule 1 – GP and medical practitioners services

Division 1.1 – Services and fees – COVID-19 medical practitioner attendances via telehealth and phone

1.1.1  Application of COVID-19 medical practitioner telehealth and phone services - general

(1) For items 91794, 91799, 91806, 91807, 91808, 91815, 91816 and 91817, eligible area has the meaning given by section 4 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination.

(2) Clause 2.20.7(2)(a) of the general medical services table shall have effect as if items 91818, 91819, 91842 and 91843 were also specified in subparagraph 2.20.7(2)(a)(i).

1.1.2  Application of items in Subgroups 3 and 10 of Group A40 - COVID-19 Focussed Psychological Strategies services

(1) An item in Subgroup 3 or 10 of Group A40 only applies to a service which:

(a) is clinically indicated under a GP mental health treatment plan or a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; and

(b)  is provided by a medical practitioner who meets any training and skills requirements, as determined by the General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration, for providing services to which Subgroup 2 of Group A20 of the general medical services table or items 283, 285, 286, 287, 371 and 372 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination applies .

1.1.3  Application of items in Subgroup 11 and 12 of Group A40

(1) A health assessment (the current assessment) may be performed under an item in Subgroup 11 or 12 of Group A40 for a patient who:

 (a) has not been provided a health assessment under item 715 of the general medical services table or item 228 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination within 9 months of the current assessment; and

 (b) has not been provided a health assessment under an item in Subgroup 11 or 12 of Group A40 within 9 months of the current assessment; and

 (c) identifies as being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.

(2) A health assessment mentioned in an item in Subgroup 11 or 12 of Group A40 must not include a health screening service.

(3) A separate consultation must not be performed in conjunction with a health assessment, unless clinically necessary.

(4) A health assessment must be performed by the patient’s usual practitioner, if reasonably practicable.

(5) Practice nurses, Aboriginal health workers and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioners may assist practitioners in performing a health assessment, in accordance with accepted medical practice, and under the supervision of the practitioner.

(6) For the purposes of subclause (5), assistance may include activities associated with:

 (a) information collection; and

 (b) at the direction of the practitioner—provision to patients of information on recommended interventions.

(7) In this clause:

health screening service has the same meaning as in subsection 19(5) of the Act.

practitioner means a general practitioner or a medical practitioner.

1.1.3A  Application of items 92026, 92027, 92057, 92058, 92070, 92071, 92101 and 92102

(1) Items 92026, 92027, 92057, 92058, 92070, 92071, 92101 and 92102 only apply if:

(a) the practitioner has the capacity to provide the full service by telephone or video conference, as appropriate, safely and in accordance with professional standards;

(b) is satisfied that it is clinically appropriate to provide the service;

(c) for items 92070, 92071, 92101 and 92102 - maintains an audio link with the person to whom advice is being given; and

(d) for items 92026, 92027, 92057 and 92058 - maintains a video and audio link with the person to whom advice is being given and is satisfied that the software and hardware used to deliver the service meets the applicable laws for security and privacy. 

1.1.4  Application of items 92024 to 92028 and 92068 to 92072

(1) Items 92024 and 92068 apply only to a service for a patient who suffers from at least one medical condition that has been (or is likely to be) present for at least 6 months or is terminal.

(2) Items 92025 to 92028 and 92069 to 92072 apply only to a service for a patient who suffers from at least one medical condition that:

 (a) has been (or is likely to be) present for at least 6 months or is terminal; and

 (b) requires ongoing care from at least 3 persons who provide treatment or a service to the patient but who are not family carers of the patient, each of whom provides a different kind of treatment or service to the patient, and at least one of whom is a medical practitioner.

1.1.5  Application of items in relation to items 92024, 92025, 92028, 92068, 92069 and 92072

(1) The following items do not apply to a service mentioned in the item that is provided by a general practitioner or medical practitioner, if the service is provided on the same day for the same patient for whom the practitioner provides a service mentioned in item 92024, 92025, 92028, 92068, 92069 and 92072:

 (a) any items specified in paragraphs 2.16.11(a), (b), (c), and (d) of the general medical services table;

 (b) any items in Division 1.2 or Division 1.10 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination; and

 (c) items 91790, 91800, 91801, 91802, 91795, 91809, 91810, 91811, 91792, 91803, 91804, 91805, 91797, 91812, 91813, 91814, 91794, 91806, 91807, 91808, 91799, 91815, 91816, 91817, 92210, 92216, 92211 and 92217.

1.1.6  Limitation on items 92024 to 92028 and 92068 to 92072

(1) This clause applies to the performances of services for a patient for whom exceptional circumstances do not exist.

(2) Items 92024 to 92028 and 92068 to 92072 apply in the circumstances mentioned in table below.


Limitation on items 92024 to 92028 and 92068 to 92072


Column 1

Item of

the table

Column 2



92024 and 92068

(a) In the 3 months before performance of the service, being a service to which item 729, 731, 732, 231, 731, 233, 92026, 92027, 92028, 92070, 92071, 92072, or item 93469 or 93475 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 applies (for reviewing a GP management plan) applies but had not been performed for the patient; and

(b) the service is not performed more than once in a 12 month period; and

(c) the service is not performed by a general practitioner:

(i) who is a recognised specialist in palliative medicine; and

(ii) who is treating a palliative patient that has been referred to the general practitioner; and

(iii) to which an item in Subgroup 3 or 4 of Group A24 applies because of the treatment of the palliative patient by the general practitioner


92025 and 92069

(a) In the 3 months before performance of the service, being a service to which item 732, 233, 92028, 92072, or item 93469 or 93475 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 applies(for coordinating a review of team care arrangements, a multidisciplinary community care plan or a multidisciplinary discharge care plan) applies but had not been performed for the patient; and

(b) the service is performed not more than once in a 12 month period; and

(c) the service is not performed by a general practitioner:

(i) who is a recognised specialist in palliative medicine; and

(ii) who is treating a palliative patient that has been referred to the general practitioner; and

(iii) to which an item in Subgroup 3 or 4 of Group A24 applies because of the treatment of the palliative patient by the general practitioner


92026 and 92070

(a) either:

(i) in the 3 months before performance of the service, being a service to which item 731, 732, 232, 233, 92027, 92028, 92071, 92072, or item 93469 or 93475 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 applies but had not been performed for the patient; or

(ii) in the 12 months before performance of the service, being a service that has not been performed for the patient:

(A) by the general practitioner who performs the service to which item 729, 92026 or 92070 would, but for this item, apply; and

(B) for which a payment has been made under item 721 or 723 of the general medical services table or 92024, 92025, 92068, 92069; and

(b) the service is performed not more than once in a 3 month period


92027 and 92071

(a) In the 3 months before performance of the service, being a service to which item 721, 723, 729, 732, 229, 230, 231, 233, 92024, 92025, 92026, 92028, 92068, 92069, 92070, 92070, or item 93469 or 93475 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 applies but had not been performed for the patient; and

(b) the service is performed not more than once in a 3 month period


92028 and 92072

(a) In the 3 months before performance of the service, being a service to which item 93469 or 93475 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 applies but had not been performed for the patient; and

 (b) once in a 3 month period; and

(c) on the same day; but

(d) may not be performed by a general practitioner:

(i) who is a recognised specialist in palliative medicine; and

(ii) who is treating a palliative patient that has been referred to the general practitioner; and

(iii) to which an item in Subgroup 3 or 4 of Group A24 applies because of the treatment of the palliative patient by the general practitioner


(3) In this clause exceptional circumstances, for a patient, means there has been a significant change in the patient’s clinical condition or care circumstances that necessitates the performance of the service for the patient.

1.1.7 Meaning of item descriptors for items 92055 to 92059 and 92099 to 92103


(1) For items 92055 to 92059 and 92099 to 92103, the following terms have the same meaning as in Division 2.16 of the general medical services table as if the reference to a general practitioner were a reference to a medical practitioner:

(a) preparation of a GP management plan;

(b) coordinate the development of team care arrangements;

(c) multidisciplinary care plan;

(d) contribute to a multidisciplinary care plan;

(e) coordinating a review of team care arrangements; and

(f) reviewing a GP management plan.


(2) For items 92059 and 92103 associated medical practitioner means a medical practitioner who, if not engaged in the same general practice as the medical practitioner mentioned in the item, performs the service mentioned in the item at the request of the patient (or the patient’s guardian).

1.1.8 Application of items 92055 to 92059 and 92099 to 92103


(1)  Items 92055, 92056, 92059, 92099, 92100 and 92103 do not apply to a service mentioned in those items that is provided by a medical practitioner, if the service is provided on the same day for the same patient for whom the practitioner provides a service mentioned in the following items:

(a) any items specified in paragraphs 2.16.11(a), (b), (c), and (d) of the general medical services table;

(b) any items in Division 1.2 or Division 1.10 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination; and

(c) items 91790, 91800, 91801, 91802, 91795, 91809, 91810, 91811, 91792, 91803, 91804, 91805, 91797, 91812, 91813, 91814, 91794, 91806, 91807, 91808, 91799, 91815, 91816, 91817, 92210, 92216, 92211 and 92217.

(2) Items 92055 and 92099 apply only to a service for a patient who suffers from at least one medical condition that has been (or is likely to be) present for at least 6 months or is terminal.

(3) Items 92056 to 92059 and 92100 to 92103 apply only to a service for a patient who suffers from at least one medical condition that:

(a) has been (or is likely to be) present for at least 6 months or is terminal; and

(b) requires ongoing care from at least 3 persons who provide treatment or a service to the patient but who are not family carers of the patient, each of whom provides a different kind of treatment or service to the patient, and at least one of whom is a medical practitioner.             

1.1.9 Limitation on 92055 to 92059 and 92099 to 92103

(1) This clause applies to the performances of services for a patient for whom exceptional circumstances do not exist.

(2) Items 92055 to 92059 and 92099 to 92103 apply in the circumstances mentioned in table below.

(3) In this clause, exceptional circumstances, for a patient, means there has been a significant change in the patient’s clinical condition or care circumstances that necessitates the performance of the service for the patient.


Limitation on items 92055 to 92059 and 92099 to 92103


Column 1

Item of

the table

Column 2



92055 and 92099

(a)     In the 3 months before performance of the service, being a service to which item 729, 731 or 732 of the general medical services table, item  231, 232 or 233 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, item 93469 or 93475 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 or item 92026, 92027, 92028, 92057, 92058, 92059, 92070, 92071, 92072, 92101, 92102 or 92103 applies (for reviewing a GP management plan) but had not been performed for the patient; and

(b) a service to which item 721 of the general medical services table or 229 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination or items 92024, 92055, 92068 or 92099 applies has not been performed in the past 12 months; and

(c) the service is not performed more than once in a 12 month period; and

(d) the service is not performed by a person:

(i) who is a recognised specialist in palliative medicine; and

(ii) who is treating a palliative patient that has been referred to the medical practitioner; and

(iii) to which an item in Subgroup 3 or 4 of Group A24 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination applies because of the treatment of the palliative patient by the medical practitioner


92056 and 92100

(a) In the 3 months before performance of the service, being a service to which item 732 of the general medical services table or item 233 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, item 93469 or 93475 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 or item 92028, 92059, 92072 or 92103 applies (for coordinating a review of team care arrangements, a multidisciplinary community care plan or a multidisciplinary discharge care plan)  but had not been performed for the patient; and

(b) a service to which item 723 of the general medical services table or 230 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination or items 92025, 92026, 92069 or 92100 applies is performed not more than once in a 12 months; and

(c) the service is performed not more than once in a 12 month period; and

(d) the service is not performed by a person:

(i) who is a recognised specialist in palliative medicine; and

(ii) who is treating a palliative patient that has been referred to the medical practitioner; and

(iii) to which an item in Subgroup 3 or 4 of Group A24 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination applies because of the treatment of the palliative patient by the general practitioner


92057 and 92101

(a) either:

(i) in the 3 months before performance of the service, being a service to which item 731 or 732 of the general medical services table or item 232 or 233 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, item 93469 or 93475 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 or item 92027, 92028, 92058, 92059, 92071, 92072, 92102 or 92103 applies but had not been performed for the patient; or

(ii) in the 12 months before performance of the service, being a service that has not been performed for the patient:

(A) by the medical practitioner who performs the service to which item 729 of the general medical services table or item 231 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination or item 92026, 92057, 92070 or 92101 would, but for this item, apply; and

(B) for which a payment has been made under item 721 or 723 of the general medical services table or item 229 or 230 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination or item 92024, 92025, 92055, 92066, 92068, 92069, 92099 or 92100; and

(b) a service to which item 729 of the general medical services table or 231 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination or item 92026, 92057, 92070 or 92101 applies is performed not more than once in a 3 month period; and

(c) the service is performed not more than once in a 3 month period.


92058 and 92102

(a) In the 3 months before performance of the service, being a service to which item 721, 723, 729 or 732 of the general medical services table or item 229, 230, 231 or 233 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, item 93469 or 93475 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 or item 92024, 92025, 92026, 92028, 92055, 92056, 92057, 92059, 92068, 92069, 92070, 92072, 92099, 92100, 92101, 92103 applies but had not been performed for the patient; and

(b) a service to which item 731 of the general medical services table or item 92027 or 92071 applies is performed not more than once in a 3 month period; and

(c) the service is performed not more than once in a 3 month period.


92059 and 92103

Each service may be performed if a service to which item 732 of the general medical services table, item 93469 or 93475 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 or item 92028 or 92072 has not been claimed in the past three months;

(a) once in a 3 month period; and

(b) on the same day; but

(c) may not be performed by a person:

(i) who is a recognised specialist in palliative medicine; and

(ii) who is treating a palliative patient that has been referred to the general practitioner; and

(iii) to which an item in Subgroup 3 or 4 of Group A24 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination applies because of the treatment of the palliative patient by the general practitioner

1.1.9A Application of items in subgroups 15 and 16 of Group A40

(1) A service to which an item in subgroups 15 or 16 of Group A40 applies:

(a) must not be provided by a general practitioner or medical practitioner who has a direct pecuniary interest in a health service that has as its primary purpose the provision of services for pregnancy termination; and

(b) may be used to address any pregnancy related issue.

(2) An item in Subgroup 15 or 16 does not apply if a patient has already been provided, for the same pregnancy, with 3 services to which any of the following items apply:

(a) an item in Subgroup 15 or 16; or

(b) item 792 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, item 4001 of the general medical services table, item 81000, 81005 or 81010 of the Allied Health Determination or item 93026 or 93029.

1.1.10  Application of items in subgroups 17 and 18 of Group A40

(1) In an item in Subgroup 17 or 18 of Group A40:

eligible allied health provider has the meaning given in Part 7 of the general medical service table.

risk assessment has the meaning given in clause 2.6.2 of the general medical service table.

eligible disability has the meaning given in clause 2.6.1 of the general medical services table.

(2) A service for an item in Subgroup 17 or 18 of Group A40 must not be provided to a patient if a service under any of the following items has previously been provided to the patient:

(a) an item in Subgroup 17 or 18 of Group A40; or

(b) item 92434 or 92474; or

(c) item 135, 137, 139 or 289 of the general medical services table.

1.1.11 Application of items in Subgroup 19 and 20 of Group A40

(1) Subject to subclause (2), for an item in Subgroup 19 or 20 of Group A40:  

associated focussed psychological strategies has the meaning given in clause 2.20.1 of the general medical services table.

associated general practitioner has the meaning given in clause 2.20.5 of the general medical services table.

mental disorder has the meaning given in clause 2.20.1 of the general medical services table.

preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan has the meaning given in clause 2.20.3 of the general medical services table.  

(2) In items 92118 to 92135:

associated medical practitioner means a medical practitioner (not including a specialist or consultant physician) who, if not engaged in the same general practice as the medical practitioner mentioned in items 92118 to 92135, performs the service mentioned in the item at the request of the patient (or the patient’s guardian).

preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan has the meaning given in clause 2.20.3 of the general medical services table, as if the reference to the term “general practitioner” were a reference to the term “medical practitioner”.

review of a GP mental health treatment plan has the meaning given in clause 2.20.4 of the general medical services table, as if the reference to the term “general practitioner” were a reference to the term “medical practitioner”.

(3) For the purpose of Subgroups 19 and 20 in Group A40, the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan includes the preparation of a written plan by a general practitioner for the patient that includes referral and treatment options, including, subject to the applicable limitations:

 (a) psychological therapies provided to the patient by a clinical psychologist (items 91166, 91167, 91181 and 91182 and items in Group M6 of the Allied Health Determination); and

 (b) focussed psychological strategies services provided to the patient by a general practitioner mentioned in paragraph 2.20.7(1)(b) of the general medical services table to provide those services (items 2721 to 2727); and

 (c) focussed psychological strategies services provided to the patient by an allied mental health professional (items 91169 to 91176 and 91183 to 91188 and items 80100 to 80171 of the Allied Health Determination; and

(d) items 91818, 91819, 91842 and 91843.  

(4) Items in Subgroup 19 and 20 of Group A40 apply only to a patient with a mental disorder.  

(5) Items 92112, 92113, 92114, 92116, 92117, 92118, 92119, 92120, 92122, 92123, 92124, 92125, 92126, 92128, 92129, 92130, 92131, 92132, 92134, 92135 apply only to a patient in the community.              

(6) Unless exceptional circumstances exist, items 92112, 92113, 92116, 92117, 92118, 92119, 92122, 92123, 92124, 92125, 92128, 92129, 92130, 92131, 92134 and 92135 cannot be claimed:

 (a) with a service to which the following items apply:

 (i) items 735 to 758 or 2713 of the general medical services table; or

 (ii) items 92115, 92121, 92127 or 92133; or

 (iii) items 235 to 240 or 279 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination; or

 (b) more than once in a 12 month period from the provision of any of the items for a particular patient.

(7) Items 92114, 92126, 92120 and 92132 apply only if one of the following services has been provided to the patient:

 (a) the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan under:

 (i) items 2700, 2701, 2715 or 2717 of the general medical services table; or

 (ii) items 272, 276, 281, 282 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination; or

 (iii) items 92112, 92113, 92116, 92117, 92124, 92125, 92128, 92129, 92118, 92119, 92122, 92123, 92130, 92131, 92134 or 92135; or

 (b) a psychiatrist assessment and management plan.

(8) Items 92114, 92126, 92120 and 92132 do not apply:

 (a) to a service to which the following items apply:

 (i) items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table; or

 (ii) items 92133 or 92121; or

 (iii) items 92115, 92127, 92121 and 92133; or

(iv) items 235 to 240 or 279 of the Other Medical Practitioners Determination.

 (b) unless exceptional circumstances exist for the provision of the service:

 (i) more than once in a 3 month period; or

 (ii) within 4 weeks following the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan under:

   (A) items 2700, 2701, 2715 or 2717 of the general medical  services table; or

   (B) items 272, 276, 281 or 282 of the Other Medical Practitioner               Determination; or

   (C) items 92112, 92113, 92116, 92117, 92124, 92125, 92128,               92129, 92118, 92119, 92122, 92123, 92130, 92131, 92134 or 92135; or

 (iii) within 3 months following the provision of a service under item 2712 of the general medical services table, item 277 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination or items 92114, 92126, 92120 or 92132.

(9) Items 92115, 92127, 92121 and 92133 do not apply in association with a service to which the following items apply:

 (a) items 2700, 2701, 2712, 2715, 2717 of the general medical service table; or

 (b) items 272, 276, 277, 281, 282 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination; or

 (c) items 92112, 92113, 92114, 92116, 92117, 92124, 92125, 92126, 92128, 92129, 92130, 92131, 92132, 92134, 92135, 92118, 92119, 92120, 92122 or 92123.

(10)Items 92116, 92117, 92128, 92129, 92122, 92123, 92134, 92135, 92148, 92149, 92152, 92153, 92156, 92157, 92160 and 92161 apply only if the general practitioner or medical practitioner providing the service has successfully completed mental health skills training accredited by the General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration.

Note: The General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration operates under the auspices of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners.

(11)In this clause:

exceptional circumstances means a significant change in:

 (a) the patient’s clinical condition; or

 (b) the patient’s care circumstances.

1.1.12 Application of items in Subgroups 29 and 30 of Group A40

(1) In an item in Subgroups 29 and 30 of Group A40:

  patient’s medical condition requires urgent assessment has the meaning given in subclause 2.14.1(1) of the general medical services table.

  responsible person, for a patient:

(a) includes a spouse, parent, carer or guardian of the patient; but

(b) does not include:

(i) the attending medical practitioner; or

(ii) an employee of the attending medical practitioner; or

(iii) a person contracted by, or an employee or member of, the general practice of which the attending medical practitioner is a contractor, employee or member; or

(iv) a call centre; or

(v) a reception service.

(2) Items in Subgroups 29 and 30 apply to a service only if the practitioner keeps a record of the assessment of the patient.

1.1.13 Limitations on eating disorder services

(1) Items in Subgroups 21, 22, 25 and 26 of Group A40 do not apply if performed in association with a service to which items 279 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, 2713 of the general medical services table or items 92115, 92121, 92127 or 92133 applies.

(2) For any particular patient, items in Subgroup 1 and 2 of Schedule 1 to the Eating Disorder Services Determination and items in Subgroup 21 to 24 of Group A40 are applicable not more than once (in total for all items) in a 12 month period from the provision of any of the items.

1.1.14 Application of items in Subgroups 21 and 22 of Group A40

(1) For any particular patient:

 (a) items in Subgroups 21 and 22 of Group A40 do not apply in association with a service to which items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table apply; and

 (b) items in Subgroups 21 and 22 of Group A40 do not apply in association with a service to which items 235 to 244 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply.

1.1.15 Application of items in Subgroups 23 and 24 of Group A40

(1) Items 92163 and 92167 do not apply if performed in association with a service to which items 110, 116, 119, 132 or 133 of the general medical services table or items 91824, 91825, 91826, 91834, 91835, 91836, 92422, 92423, 92431 or 92432 applies.

1.1.16 Application of items in Subgroups 25 and 26 of Group A40

(1) In items 92170, 92171, 92176 and 92177:

 associated medical practitioner working in general practice means a medical practitioner (not including a specialist or consultant physician) who, if not engaged in the same general practice as the medical practitioner mentioned in that item, performs the service mentioned in the item at the request of the patient (or the patient’s guardian).

1.1.17 Application of items in Subgroups 27 and 28 of Group A40

(1) For an item in Subgroup 27 or 28 of Group A40, an eating disorder psychological treatment service must involve the provision of any of the following mental health care management strategies:

 (a) family based treatment (including whole family, parent based therapy, parent only or separated therapy)

 (b) adolescent focused therapy;

 (c) cognitive behavioural therapy;

 (d) cognitive behavioural therapyanorexia nervosa;

 (e) cognitive behavioural therapy for bulimia nervosa and bingeeating disorder;

 (f) specialist supportive clinical management;

 (g) maudsley model of anorexia treatment in adults;

 (h) interpersonal therapy for bulimia nervosa and bingeeating disorder;

 (i) dialectical behavioural therapy for bulimia nervosa and bingeeating disorder;

 (j) focal psychodynamic therapy.

(2) An item in Subgroup 27 or 28 of Group A40 applies to a service which is provided by a medical practitioner:

 (a) whose name is entered in the register maintained by the Chief Executive Medicare under section 33 of the Human Services (Medicare) Regulations 2017; and

 (b) who is identified in the register as a medical practitioner who can provide services to which Subgroup 2 of Group A20 of the general medical services table applies, items 283, 285, 286, 287, 371 and 372 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination or items 91820, 91821, 91844 and 91845 applies; and

 (c) who meets any training and skills requirements, as determined by the General Practice Mental Health Standards Collaboration for providing services to which Subgroup 2 of Group A20 of the general medical services table applies or items 283, 285, 286, 287, 371 and 372 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination or items 91820, 91821, 91844 and 91845 applies.

(3) An item in Subgroup 27 or 28 of Group A40 does not apply to:

 (a) a service which:

 (i) is provided to a patient who, in a 12 month period from the provision of an eating disorder treatment and management plan, has already been provided with 10 eating disorder psychological treatment services; and

 (ii) is provided before a medical practitioner has conducted a patient review (the first review) of the eating disorder treatment and management plan and recorded in the patient’s records the medical practitioner’s recommendation that the patient have additional eating disorder psychological treatment services in the same 12 month period; and

 (b) a service which:

 (i) is provided to a patient who, in a 12 month period from the provision of an eating disorder treatment and management plan, has already been provided with 20 eating disorder psychological treatment services; and

 (ii) is provided before a medical practitioner in general practice (not including a specialist or consultant physician) has conducted a patient review (the second review) of the eating disorder treatment and management plan and recorded in the patient’s records the medical practitioner in general practice’s recommendation that the patient have additional eating disorder psychological treatment services in the same 12 month period; and

 (iii) is provided before a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics has conducted a patient review (the third review) of the eating disorder treatment and management plan and recorded in the patient’s records the consultant physician’s recommendation that the patient have additional eating disorder psychological treatment services in the same 12 month period; and

 (c) a service which:

 (i) is provided to a patient who, in a 12 month period from the provision of an eating disorder treatment and management plan, has already been provided with 30 eating disorder psychological treatment services; and

 (ii) is provided before a medical practitioner has conducted a patient review (the fourth review) of the eating disorder treatment and management plan and recorded in the patient’s records the medical practitioner’s recommendation that the patient have additional eating disorder psychological treatment services in the same 12 month period.

(4) For any particular patient, items in Subgroups 27 and 28 of Group A40 do not apply if the patient has had 40 eating disorder psychological treatment services in a 12 month period commencing from the provision of an eating disorder treatment and management plan.

(5) Items in Subgroups 27 and 28 of Group A40 do not apply to a service if the patient’s eating disorder treatment and management plan has expired under subsection 7(3) of the Eating Disorders Services Determination.


Group A40 – COVID-19 services




Fee ($)

Subgroup 1 – COVID-19 general practice telehealth services



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner for an obvious problem characterised by the straightforward nature of the task that requires a short patient history and, if required, limited management.




Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner lasting less than 20 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a short patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner lasting at least 20 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a detailed patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner lasting at least 40 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking an extensive patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner) of not more than 5  minutes.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner) of more than 5 minutes in duration but not more than 25 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a short patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner) of more than 25 minutes in duration but not more than 45 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a detailed patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner) of at least 45 minutes in duration if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking an extensive patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), in an eligible area, of not more than 5 minutes.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), in an eligible area, of more than 5 minutes in duration but not more than 25 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a short patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), in an eligible area, of more than 25 minutes in duration but not more than 45 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a detailed patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), in an eligible area, of at least 45 minutes in duration if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking an extensive patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.


Subgroup 2 – COVID-19 general practice phone services


Phone attendance by a general practitioner for an obvious problem characterised by the straightforward nature of the task that requires a short patient history and, if required, limited management.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner lasting less than 20 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a short patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner lasting at least 20 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a detailed patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner lasting at least 40 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking an extensive patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner) of not more than 5 minutes.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner) of more than 5 minutes in duration but not more than 25 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a short patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner) of at least 25 minutes in duration but not more than 45 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a detailed patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner) of at least 45 minutes in duration if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking an extensive patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), in an eligible area, of not more than 5 minutes.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), in an eligible area, of more than 5 minutes in duration but not more than 25 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a short patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), in an eligible area, of more than 25 minutes in duration but not more than 45 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a detailed patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), in an eligible area, of more than 45 minutes in duration if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking an extensive patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventative health care.


Subgroup 3 – COVID-19 Focussed Psychological Strategies telehealth services


Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner, for the purpose of providing focussed psychological strategies for assessed mental disorders if:

(a) the practitioner is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service; and

(b) the service lasts at least 30 minutes, but less than 40 minutes.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner, for the purpose of providing focussed psychological strategies for assessed mental disorders if:

(a) the practitioner is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service; and

(b) the service lasts at least 40 minutes.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), for the purpose of providing focussed psychological strategies for assessed mental disorders if:

(a) the practitioner is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service; and

(b) the service lasts at least 30 minutes, but less than 40 minutes.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), for the purpose of providing focussed psychological strategies for assessed mental disorders if:

(a) the practitioner is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service; and

(b) the service lasts at least 40 minutes.


Subgroup  10 – COVID-19 Focussed Psychological Strategies phone services


Phone attendance by a general practitioner, for the purpose of providing focussed psychological strategies for assessed mental disorders if:

(a) the practitioner is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service; and

(b) the service lasts at least 30 minutes, but less than 40 minutes.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner, for the purpose of providing focussed psychological strategies for assessed mental disorders if:

(a) the practitioner is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service; and

(b) the service lasts at least 40 minutes.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), for the purpose of providing focussed psychological strategies for assessed mental disorders if:

(a) the practitioner is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service; and

(b) the service lasts at least 30 minutes, but less than 40 minutes.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), for the purpose of providing focussed psychological strategies for assessed mental disorders if:

(a) the practitioner is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service; and

(b) the service lasts at least 40 minutes.


Subgroup 11— Health Assessments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People - Telehealth Service


Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner for a health assessment of a patient. Only if items 93470 or 93479 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 is also not applicable within that same 9 month period.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) for a health assessment. Only if items 93470 or 93479 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 is also not applicable within that same 9 month period.


Subgroup 12 —Health Assessments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People - Phone Service


Phone attendance by a general practitioner for a health assessment of a patient. Only if items 93470 or 93479 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 is also not applicable within that same 9 month period.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) for a health assessment of a patient. Only if items 93470 or 93479 of the Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical – Expansion of GP and Allied Health Chronic Disease Management Services for Care Recipients of a Residential Aged Care Facility) Determination 2020 is also not applicable within that same 9 month period.


Subgroup 13 —GP management plans, team care arrangements and multidisciplinary care plans via telehealth attendance 


Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner, for preparation of a GP management plan for a patient (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner, to coordinate the development of team care arrangements for a patient (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Contribution by a general practitioner by telehealth, to a multidisciplinary care plan prepared by another provider or a review of a multidisciplinary care plan prepared by another provider (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Contribution by a general practitioner by telehealth to:

(a) a multidisciplinary care plan for a patient in a residential aged care facility, prepared by that facility, or to a review of such a plan prepared by such a facility; or

(b) a multidisciplinary care plan prepared for a patient by another provider before the patient is discharged from a hospital, or to a review of such a plan prepared by another provider.

(other than a service associated with a service to which items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner to review or coordinate a review of:

(a) a GP management plan prepared by a general practitioner (or an associated general practitioner) to which items 721 of the general medical services table, item 229 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, or item 92024, 92055, 92068 or 92099 applies;

(b) team care arrangements which have been coordinated by the general practitioner (or an associated general practitioner) to which item 723 of the general medical services table, item 230 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, or item 92025 or 92069 applies



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), for preparation of a GP management plan for a patient (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 in the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), to coordinate the development of team care arrangements for a patient (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Contribution by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) by telehealth to a multidisciplinary care plan prepared by another provider or a review of a multidisciplinary care plan prepared by another provider (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Contribution by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) by telehealth to:

(a) a multidisciplinary care plan for a patient in a residential aged care facility, prepared by that facility, or to a review of such a plan prepared by such a facility; or

(b) a multidisciplinary care plan prepared for a patient by another provider before the patient is discharged from a hospital, or to a review of such a plan prepared by another provider

(other than a service associated with a service to which items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) to review or coordinate a review of:

(a) a GP management plan prepared by a medical practitioner (or an associated medical practitioner) to which item 721 or item 229 of the general medical services table or item 92024, 92055, 92068 or 92099 applies; or

(b) team care arrangements which have been coordinated by the medical practitioner (or an associated medical practitioner) to which item 723 of the general medical services table or item 230 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination or item 92025, 92056, 92069 or 92100 applies


Subgroup 14 —GP management plans, team care arrangements and multidisciplinary care plans via phone attendance


Phone attendance by a general practitioner, for preparation of a GP management plan for a patient (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Phone attendance by a general practitioner, to coordinate the development of team care arrangements for a patient (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Contribution by a general practitioner by phone to a multidisciplinary care plan prepared by another provider or a review of a multidisciplinary care plan prepared by another provider (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Contribution by a general practitioner by phone, to:

(a) a multidisciplinary care plan for a patient in a residential aged care facility, prepared by that facility, or to a review of such a plan prepared by such a facility; or

(b) a multidisciplinary care plan prepared for a patient by another provider before the patient is discharged from a hospital, or to a review of such a plan prepared by another provider

(other than a service associated with a service to which items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Phone attendance by a general practitioner to review or coordinate a review of:

(a) a GP management plan prepared by a general practitioner (or an associated general practitioner) to which items 721 of the general medical services table, item 229 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, or item 92024, 92055, 92068 or 92099 applies;

(b) team care arrangements which have been coordinated by the general practitioner (or an associated general practitioner) to which item 723 of the general medical services table, item 230 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, or item 92025, 92056, 92069 or 92100 applies



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), for preparation of a GP management plan for a patient (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 in the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) by phone to coordinate the development of team care arrangements for a patient (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 in the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Contribution by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) by phone, to a multidisciplinary care plan prepared by another provider or a review of a multidisciplinary care plan prepared by another provider (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 in the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Contribution by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) by phone to:

(a) a multidisciplinary care plan for a patient in a residential aged care facility, prepared by that facility, or to a review of such a plan prepared by such a facility; or

(b) a multidisciplinary care plan prepared for a patient by another provider before the patient is discharged from a hospital, or to a review of such a plan prepared by another provider.

(other than a service associated with a service to which items 735 to 758 of the general medical services table or items 235 to 240 in the Other Medical Practitioner Determination apply).



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) to review or coordinate a review of:

(a) a GP management plan prepared by a medical practitioner (or an associated medical practitioner) to which item 721 or item 229 of the general medical services table or item 92024, 92055, 92068 or 92099 applies; or

(b) team care arrangements which have been coordinated by the medical practitioner (or an associated medical practitioner) to which item 723 of the general medical services table or item 230 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination or item 92025, 92056, 92069 or 92100 applies


Subgroup 15 - GP Pregnancy Support Counselling - Telehealth Service


Telehealth attendance of at least 20 minutes in duration by a general practitioner who is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service for the purpose of providing nondirective pregnancy support counselling to a person who:

(a) is currently pregnant; or

(b) has been pregnant in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service to which this item or item 4001 of the general medical services table, or item 792 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, or item 81000, 81005 or 81010 of the Allied Health Determination, or item 92137, 92138, 92139, 93026 or 93029 applies in relation to that pregnancy



Telehealth attendance of at least 20 minutes in duration by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) who is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service for the purpose of providing nondirective pregnancy support counselling to a person who:

(a) is currently pregnant; or

(b) has been pregnant in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service to which this item or item 4001 of the general medical services table, or item 792 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, or item 81000, 81005 or 81010 of the Allied Health Determination, or item 92136, 92138, 92139, 93026 or 93029 applies in relation to that pregnancy


Subgroup 16 - GP Pregnancy Support Counselling - Phone Service


Phone attendance of at least 20 minutes in duration by a general practitioner who is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service for the purpose of providing nondirective pregnancy support counselling to a person who:

(a) is currently pregnant; or

(b) has been pregnant in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service to which this item or item 4001 of the general medical services table, or item 792 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, or item 81000, 81005 or 81010 of the Allied Health Determination, or item 92136, 92137, 92139, 93026 or 93029 applies in relation to that pregnancy



Phone attendance of at least 20 minutes in duration by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) who is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service for the purpose of providing nondirective pregnancy support counselling to a person who:

(a) is currently pregnant; or

(b) has been pregnant in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service to which this item or item 4001 of the general medical services table, or item 792 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination, or item 81000, 81005 or 81010 of the Allied Health Determination or item 92136, 92137, 92138, 93026 or 93029 applies in relation to that pregnancy


Subgroup 17 - GP, Specialist and Consultant Physician Autism Service - Telehealth Service


Telehealth attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration by a general practitioner for assessment, diagnosis and preparation of a treatment and management plan for a patient under 13 years with an eligible disability if the general practitioner does all of the following:

(a) undertakes a comprehensive assessment and makes a diagnosis (if appropriate, using information provided by an eligible allied health provider);

(b) develops a treatment and management plan, which must include the following:

(i) an assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s condition;

(ii) a risk assessment;

(iii) treatment options and decisions;

(iv) if necessary—medication recommendations;

(c) provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to one or more allied health providers, if appropriate, for the treatment of the patient.


Subgroup 18 - GP, Specialist and Consultant Physician Autism Service - Phone Service


Phone attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration by a general practitioner for assessment, diagnosis and preparation of a treatment and management plan for a patient under 13 years with an eligible disability if the general practitioner does all of the following:

(a) undertakes a comprehensive assessment and makes a diagnosis (if appropriate, using information provided by an eligible allied health provider);

(b) develops a treatment and management plan, which must include the following:

(i) an assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s condition;

(ii) a risk assessment;

(iii) treatment options and decisions;

(iv) if necessary—medication recommendations;

(c) provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to one or more allied health providers, if appropriate, for the treatment of the patient.


Subgroup 19— GP Mental Health Treatment Plan - Telehealth Service


Telehealth attendance, by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training (and not including a specialist or consultant physician), of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Telehealth attendance, by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training (and not including a specialist or consultant physician), of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner to review a GP mental health treatment plan which the general practitioner, or an associated general practitioner has prepared, or to review a psychiatrist assessment and management plan.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner in relation to a mental disorder and of at least 20 minutes in duration, involving taking relevant history and identifying the presenting problem (to the extent not previously recorded), providing treatment and advice and, if appropriate, referral for other services or treatments, and documenting the outcomes of the consultation.



Telehealth attendance, by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Telehealth attendance, by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician),  who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) to review a GP mental health treatment plan which he or she, or an associated medical practitioner has prepared, or to review a psychiatrist assessment and management plan.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) in relation to a mental disorder and of at least 20 minutes in duration, involving taking relevant history and identifying the presenting problem (to the extent not previously recorded), providing treatment and advice and, if appropriate, referral for other services or treatments, and documenting the outcomes of the consultation.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.


Subgroup 20 — GP Mental Health Treatment Plan - Phone Service


Phone attendance, by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Phone attendance, by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner to review a GP mental health treatment plan which the general practitioner, or an associated general practitioner has prepared, or to review a psychiatrist assessment and management plan.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner in relation to a mental disorder and of at least 20 minutes in duration, involving taking relevant history and identifying the presenting problem (to the extent not previously recorded), providing treatment and advice and, if appropriate, referral for other services or treatments, and documenting the outcomes of the consultation.



Phone attendance, by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Phone attendance, by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) to review a GP mental health treatment plan which he or she, or an associated medical practitioner has prepared, or to review a psychiatrist assessment and management plan.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) in relation to a mental disorder and of at least 20 minutes in duration, involving taking relevant history and identifying the presenting problem (to the extent not previously recorded), providing treatment and advice and, if appropriate, referral for other services or treatments, and documenting the outcomes of the consultation.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.


Subgroup 21 GP Eating Disorder Treatment and Management Plan – Telehealth Service


Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.




Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the medical practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the medical practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the medical practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the medical practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.


Subgroup 22—GP Eating Disorder Treatment and Management Plans - Phone Service


Phone attendance by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.




Phone attendance by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder



Phone attendance by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the medical practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the medical practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the medical practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and

(b) the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and

(c) the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and

(d) the medical practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.


Subgroup 25 Review of an Eating Disorder Plan - Telehealth Service


Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner to review an eligible patient’s eating disorder treatment and management plan prepared by the general practitioner, an associated medical practitioner working in general practice, or a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics, if:

(a) the general practitioner reviews the treatment efficacy of services provided under the eating disorder treatment and management plan, including a discussion with the patient regarding whether the eating disorders psychological treatment and dietetic services are meeting the patient’s needs; and

(b) modifications are made to the eating disorder treatment and management plan, recorded in writing, including:

(i) recommendations to continue with treatment options detailed in the plan; or

(ii) recommendations to alter the treatment options detailed in the plan, with the new arrangements documented in the plan; and

(c)  initiates referrals for a review by a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics, where appropriate; and

(d) the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) to review an eligible patient’s eating disorder treatment and management plan prepared by the medical practitioner, an associated medical practitioner working in general practice, or a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics, if:

(a) the medical practitioner reviews the treatment efficacy of services provided under the eating disorder treatment and management plan, including a discussion with the patient regarding whether the eating disorders psychological treatment and dietetic services are meeting the patient’s needs; and

(b) modifications are made to the eating disorder treatment and management plan, recorded in writing, including:

(i) recommendations to continue with treatment options detailed in the plan; or

(ii) recommendations to alter the treatment options detailed in the plan, with the new arrangements documented in the plan; and

(c)  initiates referrals for a review by a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics, where appropriate; and

(d) the medical practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.


Subgroup 26—Review of an Eating Disorder Plan – Phone Service


Phone attendance by a general practitioner to review an eligible patient’s eating disorder treatment and management plan prepared by the general practitioner, an associated medical practitioner working in general practice, or a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics, if:

(a) the general practitioner reviews the treatment efficacy of services provided under the eating disorder treatment and management plan, including a discussion with the patient regarding whether the eating disorders psychological treatment and dietetic services are meeting the patient’s needs; and

(b) modifications are made to the eating disorder treatment and management plan, recorded in writing, including:

(i) recommendations to continue with treatment options detailed in the plan; or

(ii) recommendations to alter the treatment options detailed in the plan, with the new arrangements documented in the plan; and

(c)  initiates referrals for a review by a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics, where appropriate; and

(e) the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician) to review an eligible patient’s eating disorder treatment and management plan prepared by the medical practitioner, an associated medical practitioner working in general practice, or a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics, if:

(a) the medical practitioner reviews the treatment efficacy of services provided under the eating disorder treatment and management plan, including a discussion with the patient regarding whether the eating disorders psychological treatment and dietetic services are meeting the patient’s needs; and

(b) modifications are made to the eating disorder treatment and management plan, recorded in writing, including:

(i) recommendations to continue with treatment options detailed in the plan; or

(ii) recommendations to alter the treatment options detailed in the plan, with the new arrangements documented in the plan; and

(c)  initiates referrals for a review by a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics, where appropriate; and

(e) the medical practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):

(i) a copy of the plan; and

(ii) suitable education about the eating disorder.


Subgroup 27 GP - Eating Disorder Focussed Psychological Strategies – Telehealth Service


Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner, for providing eating disorder psychological treatment services by a general practitioner registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialling requirements for provision of this service, and lasting at least 30 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration, for an eligible patient if treatment is clinically indicated under an eating disorder treatment and management plan.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner, for providing eating disorder psychological treatment services by a general practitioner registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialling requirements for provision of this service, and lasting at least 40 minutes in duration, for an eligible patient if treatment is clinically indicated under an eating disorder treatment and management plan.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), for providing eating disorder psychological treatment services by a medical practitioner registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialling requirements for provision of this service, and lasting at least 30 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration, for an eligible patient if treatment is clinically indicated under an eating disorder treatment and management plan.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), for providing eating disorder psychological treatment services by a medical practitioner registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialling requirements for provision of this service, and lasting at least 40 minutes in duration, for an eligible patient if treatment is clinically indicated under an eating disorder treatment and management plan.


Subgroup 28 GP - Eating Disorder Focussed Psychological Strategies – Phone Service


Phone attendance by a general practitioner, for providing eating disorder psychological treatment services by a general practitioner registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialling requirements for provision of this service, and lasting at least 30 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration, for an eligible patient if treatment is clinically indicated under an eating disorder treatment and management plan.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner, for providing eating disorder psychological treatment services by a general practitioner registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialling requirements for provision of this service, and lasting at least 40 minutes in duration, for an eligible patient if treatment is clinically indicated under an eating disorder treatment and management plan.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), for providing eating disorder psychological treatment services by a medical practitioner registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialling requirements for provision of this service, and lasting at least 30 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration, for an eligible patient if treatment is clinically indicated under an eating disorder treatment and management plan.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (not including a general practitioner, specialist or consultant physician), for providing eating disorder psychological treatment services by a medical practitioner registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialling requirements for provision of this service, and lasting at least 40 minutes in duration, for an eligible patient if treatment is clinically indicated under an eating disorder treatment and management plan.


Subgroup 29 - GP and Other Medical Practitioner - Urgent After Hours Service in Unsociable Hours - Telehealth Service


Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner on not more than one patient on one occasion—each attendance in unsociable hours if:

(a) the attendance is requested by the patient or a responsible person in the same unbroken afterhours period; and

(b) the patient’s medical condition requires urgent assessment.



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner (other than a general practitioner) on not more than one patient on one occasion—each attendance in unsociable hours if:

(a) the attendance is requested by the patient or a responsible person in the same unbroken afterhours period; and

(b) the patient’s medical condition requires urgent assessment.


Subgroup 30 - GP and Other Medical Practitioner - Urgent After Hours Service in Unsociable Hours - Phone Service


Phone attendance by a general practitioner on not more than one patient on one occasion—each attendance in unsociable hours if:

(a) the attendance is requested by the patient or a responsible person in the same unbroken afterhours period; and

(b) the patient’s medical condition requires urgent assessment.



Phone attendance by a medical practitioner (other than a general practitioner) on not more than one patient on one occasion—each attendance in unsociable hours if:

(a) the attendance is requested by the patient or a responsible person in the same unbroken afterhours period; and

(b) the patient’s medical condition requires urgent assessment.



Schedule 2   Specialist, consultant physician and consultant psychiatrist services


Division 2.1 – Services and fees – specialist attendances via telehealth and phone

2.1.1 Application of COVID-19 specialist, consultant physician and consultant psychiatrist telehealth and phone services

(1) In items 92434 and 92474:

eligible allied health provider has the meaning given in Part 7 of the general medical services table.

risk assessment has the meaning given in clause 2.11.4 of the general medical services table.

2.1.2  Application of item 92513 to 92516 and 92521 to 92524

(1) Clause 2.13.1 of the general medical services table shall have effect as if items 92513 to 92516 and 92521 to 92524 were specified in the clause.


Group A40 – COVID-19 services

Subgroup 4 – COVID-19 – specialist attendances telehealth services



Fee ($)



Telehealth attendance for a person by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty if:

(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the specialist; and

(b) the attendance was of more than 5 minutes in duration.


Where the attendance was other than a second or subsequent attendance as part of a single course of treatment.





Telehealth attendance for a person by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty if:

(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the specialist; and

(b) the attendance was of more than 5 minutes in duration.


Where the attendance is after the first attendance as part of a single course of treatment.


Subgroup 5 – COVID-19 – consultant physician telehealth services




Telehealth attendance for a person by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty (other than psychiatry) if:

(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the specialist; and

(b) the attendance was of more than 5 minutes in duration;

Where the attendance was other than a second or subsequent attendance as part of a single course of treatment.





Telehealth attendance for a person by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty (other than psychiatry) if:

(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the specialist; and

(b) the attendance was of more than 5 minutes in duration;

Where the attendance is not a minor attendance after the first as part of a single course of treatment.





Telehealth attendance for a person by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty (other than psychiatry) if:

(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the specialist; and

(b) the attendance was of more than 5 minutes in duration;

Where the attendance is a minor attendance after the first as part of a single course of treatment.




Telehealth attendance by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty (other than psychiatry) of at least 45 minutes in duration for an initial assessment of a patient with at least 2 morbidities (which may include complex congenital, developmental and behavioural disorders) following referral of the patient to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner, if:

(a) an assessment is undertaken that covers:

(i) a comprehensive history, including psychosocial history and medication review; and

(ii) comprehensive multi or detailed single organ system assessment; and

(iii) the formulation of differential diagnoses; and

(b) a consultant physician treatment and management plan of significant complexity is prepared and provided to the referring practitioner, which involves:

(i) an opinion on diagnosis and risk assessment; and

(ii) treatment options and decisions; and

(iii) medication recommendations; and

(c) an attendance on the patient to which item 110, 116 or 119 of the general medical services table or item 91824, 91834, 91825, 91835, 91826 or 91836 applies did not take place on the same day by the same consultant physician; and

(d) this item, item 92431, or item 132 of the general medical services table, has not applied to an attendance on the patient in the preceding 12 months by the same consultant physician




Telehealth attendance by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty (other than psychiatry) of at least 20 minutes in duration after the first attendance in a single course of treatment for a review of a patient with at least 2 morbidities (which may include complex congenital, developmental and behavioural disorders) if:

(a) a review is undertaken that covers:

(i) review of initial presenting problems and results of diagnostic investigations; and

(ii) review of responses to treatment and medication plans initiated at time of initial consultation; and

(iii) comprehensive multi or detailed single organ system assessment; and

(iv) review of original and differential diagnoses; and

(b) the modified consultant physician treatment and management plan is provided to the referring practitioner, which involves, if appropriate:

(i) a revised opinion on the diagnosis and risk assessment; and

(ii) treatment options and decisions; and

(iii) revised medication recommendations; and

(c) an attendance on the patient to which item 110, 116 or 119 of the general medical services table or item 91824, 91834, 91825, 91835, 91826 or 91836 applies did not take place on the same day by the same consultant physician; and

(d) item 132 of the general medical services table or item 92422 or 92431 applied to an attendance claimed in the preceding 12 months; and

(e) the attendance under this item is claimed by the same consultant physician who claimed item 132 of the general medical services table or item 92422 or 92431; and

(f) this item, item 92432, or item 133 of the general medical services table has not applied more than twice in any 12 month period


Subgroup 6 – COVID-19 – consultant psychiatrist telehealth services




Telehealth attendance for a person by a consultant psychiatrist; if:

(a) the attendance follows a referral of the patient to the consultant psychiatrist by a referring practitioner; and

(b) the attendance was not more than 15 minutes duration.





Telehealth attendance for a person by a consultant psychiatrist; if:

(a) the attendance follows a referral of the patient to the consultant psychiatrist by a referring practitioner; and

(b) the attendance was at least 15 minutes, but not more than 30 minutes in duration.





Telehealth attendance for a person by a consultant psychiatrist; if:

(a) the attendance follows a referral of the patient to the consultant psychiatrist by a referring practitioner; and

(b) the attendance was at least 30 minutes, but not more than 45 minutes in duration.





Telehealth attendance for a person by a consultant psychiatrist; if:

(a) the attendance follows a referral of the patient to the consultant psychiatrist by a referring practitioner; and

(b) the attendance was at least 45 minutes, but not more than 75 minutes in duration.





Telehealth attendance for a person by a consultant psychiatrist; if:

(a) the attendance follows a referral of the patient to the consultant psychiatrist by a referring practitioner; and

(b) the attendance was at least 75 minutes in duration.




Telehealth attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration, by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry, following referral of the patient to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner, for assessment, diagnosis and preparation of a treatment and management plan for a patient under 13 years with autism or another pervasive developmental disorder, if the consultant physician does all of the following:

(a) undertakes a comprehensive assessment and makes a diagnosis (if appropriate, using information provided by an eligible allied health provider);

(b) develops a treatment and management plan which must include the following:

(i) an assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s condition;

(ii) a risk assessment;

(iii) treatment options and decisions;

(iv) if necessary—medication recommendations;

(c) provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to the referring practitioner;

(d) provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to one or more allied health providers, if appropriate, for the treatment of the patient;

(other than attendance on a patient for whom payment has previously been made under this item, or item 135, 137, 139 or 289 of the general medical services table, or item 92140, 92143, 92141, 92144, 92142, 92145 or 92474)




Telehealth attendance of more than 45 minutes in by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry, if:

(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the consultant for an assessment or management by a medical practitioner in general practice (not including a specialist or consultant physician) or a participating nurse practitioner; and

(b) during the attendance, the consultant:

(i) uses an outcome tool (if clinically appropriate); and

(ii) carries out a mental state examination; and

(iii) makes a psychiatric diagnosis; and

(c) the consultant decides that it is clinically appropriate for the patient to be managed by the referring practitioner without ongoing treatment by the consultant; and

(d) within 2 weeks after the attendance, the consultant:

(i) prepares a written diagnosis of the patient; and

(ii) prepares a written management plan for the patient that:

(A) covers the next 12 months; and

(B) is appropriate to the patient’s diagnosis; and

(C) comprehensively evaluates the patient’s biological, psychological and social issues; and

(D) addresses the patient’s diagnostic psychiatric issues; and

(E) makes management recommendations addressing the patient’s biological, psychological and social issues; and

(iii) gives the referring practitioner a copy of the diagnosis and the management plan; and

(iv) if clinically appropriate, explains the diagnosis and management plan, and a gives a copy, to:

(A) the patient; and

(B) the patient’s carer (if any), if the patient agrees; and

(e) in the preceding 12 months, a service to which this item or item 291 of the general medical services table or item 92475 applies has not been provided.




Telehealth attendance of more than 30 minutes but not more than 45 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry, if:

(a) the patient is being managed by a medical practitioner or a participating nurse practitioner in accordance with a management plan prepared by the consultant in accordance with item 291, 92435, 92475; and

(b) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the consultant for review of the management plan by the medical practitioner or a participating nurse practitioner managing the patient; and

(c) during the attendance, the consultant:

(i) uses an outcome tool (if clinically appropriate); and

(ii) carries out a mental state examination; and

(iii) makes a psychiatric diagnosis; and

(iv) reviews the management plan; and

(d) within 2 weeks after the attendance, the consultant:

(i) prepares a written diagnosis of the patient; and

(ii) revises the management plan; and

(iii) gives the referring practitioner a copy of the diagnosis and the revised management plan; and

(iv) if clinically appropriate, explains the diagnosis and the revised management plan, and gives a copy, to:

(A) the patient; and

(B) the patient’s carer (if any), if the patient agrees; and

(e) in the preceding 12 months, a service to which item 291 of the general medical services table or item 92435 or 92475 applies has been provided; and

(f) in the preceding 12 months, a service to which this item, item 92476, or item 293 of the general medical services table or item 92476 applies has not been provided




Telehealth attendance of more than 45 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s speciality of psychiatry following referral of the patient to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner:

(a) if the patient:

(i) is a new patient for this consultant physician; or

(ii) has not received an attendance from this consultant physician in the preceding 24 months; and

(b) the patient has not received an attendance under this item, or item 91827 to 91831, 91837 to 91841, 92455 to 92457, 92495 to 92495 or 92477, or item 296, 297, 299, 300 to 346, 353 to 358 or 361 to 370 of the general medical services table, in the preceding 24 months




Telehealth attendance for group psychotherapy (including any associated consultations with a patient taking place on the same occasion and relating to the condition for which group therapy is conducted):

(a) of not less than 1 hour in duration; and

(b) given under the continuous direct supervision of a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry; and

(c) involving a group of 2 to 9 unrelated patients or a family group of more than 3 patients, each of whom is referred to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner;

—each patient




Telehealth attendance for group psychotherapy (including any associated consultations with a patient taking place on the same occasion and relating to the condition for which group therapy is conducted):

(a) of not less than 1 hour in duration; and

(b) given under the continuous direct supervision of a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry; and

(c) involving a family group of 3 patients, each of whom is referred to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner;

—each patient




Telehealth attendance for group psychotherapy (including any associated consultations with a patient taking place on the same occasion and relating to the condition for which group therapy is conducted):

(a) of not less than 1 hour in duration; and

(b) given under the continuous direct supervision of a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry; and

(c) involving a family group of 2 patients, each of whom is referred to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner;

—each patient




Telehealth attendance by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry, following referral of the patient to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner, involving an interview of a person other than the patient of not less than 20 minutes, but less than 45 minutes, in duration, in the course of initial diagnostic evaluation of a patient




Telehealth attendance by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry, following referral of the patient to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner, involving an interview of a person other than the patient of not less than 45 minutes in duration, in the course of initial diagnostic evaluation of a patient




Telehealth attendance by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry, following referral of the patient to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner, involving an interview of a person other than the patient of not less than 20 minutes in duration, in the course of continuing management of a patient—if that attendance and another attendance to which this item or item 352 of the general medical services table or 92500 applies have not exceeded 4 in a calendar year for the patient


Subgroup 7 – COVID-19 – specialist attendances phone services



Phone attendance for a person by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty if:

(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the specialist; and

(b) the attendance was of more than 5 minutes in duration;


Where the attendance was other than a second or subsequent attendance as part of a single course of treatment.





Phone attendance for a person by a specialist in the practice of the specialist’s specialty if:

(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the specialist; and

(b) the attendance was of more than 5 minutes in duration;

Where the attendance is after the first attendance as part of a single course of treatment.


Subgroup 8 – COVID-19 – consultant physician phone services




Phone attendance for a person by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty (other than psychiatry) if:

(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the specialist; and

(b) the attendance was of more than 5 minutes in duration; Where the attendance was other than a second or subsequent attendance as part of a single course of treatment.





Phone attendance for a person by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty (other than psychiatry) if:

(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the specialist; and

(b) the attendance was of more than 5 minutes in duration;

Where the attendance is not a minor attendance after the first as part of a single course of treatment.





Phone attendance for a person by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty (other than psychiatry) if:

(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the specialist; and

(b) the attendance was of more than 5 minutes in duration;

Where the attendance is a minor attendance after the first as part of a single course of treatment.




Phone attendance by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty (other than psychiatry) of at least 45 minutes in duration for an initial assessment of a patient with at least 2 morbidities (which may include complex congenital, developmental and behavioural disorders) following referral of the patient to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner, if:

(a) an assessment is undertaken that covers:

(i) a comprehensive history, including psychosocial history and medication review; and

(ii) comprehensive multi or detailed single organ system assessment; and

(iii) the formulation of differential diagnoses; and

(b) a consultant physician treatment and management plan of significant complexity is prepared and provided to the referring practitioner, which involves:

(i) an opinion on diagnosis and risk assessment; and

(ii) treatment options and decisions; and

(iii) medication recommendations; and

(c) an attendance on the patient to which item 110, 116 or 119 of the general medical services table or item 91824, 91834, 91825, 91835, 91826 or 91836 applies did not take place on the same day by the same consultant physician; and

(d) this item, or item 92422, or item 132 of the general medical services table has not applied to an attendance on the patient in the preceding 12 months by the same consultant physician




Phone attendance by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty (other than psychiatry) of at least 20 minutes in duration after the first attendance in a single course of treatment for a review of a patient with at least 2 morbidities (which may include complex congenital, developmental and behavioural disorders) if:

(a) a review is undertaken that covers:

(i) review of initial presenting problems and results of diagnostic investigations; and

(ii) review of responses to treatment and medication plans initiated at time of initial consultation; and

(iii) comprehensive multi or detailed single organ system assessment; and

(iv) review of original and differential diagnoses; and

(b) the modified consultant physician treatment and management plan is provided to the referring practitioner, which involves, if appropriate:

(i) a revised opinion on the diagnosis and risk assessment; and

(ii) treatment options and decisions; and

(iii) revised medication recommendations; and

(c) an attendance on the patient to which item 110, 116 or 119 of the general medical services table or item 91824, 91834, 91825, 91835, 91826 or 91836 applies did not take place on the same day by the same consultant physician; and

(d) item 132 of the general medical services table or item 92422 or 92431 applied to an attendance claimed in the preceding 12 months; and

(e) the attendance under this item is claimed by the same consultant physician who claimed item 132 of the general medical services table or item 92422 or 92431; and

(f) this item, or item 92423, or item 133 of the general medical services table has not applied more than twice in any 12 month period


Subgroup 9 – COVID-19 – consultant psychiatrist phone services




Phone attendance for a person by a consultant psychiatrist; if:

(a) the attendance follows a referral of the patient to the consultant psychiatrist by a referring practitioner; and

(b) the attendance was not more than 15 minutes duration;





Phone attendance for a person by a consultant psychiatrist; if:

(a) the attendance follows a referral of the patient to the consultant psychiatrist by a referring practitioner and

(b) the attendance was at least 15 minutes, but not more than 30 minutes in duration.






Phone attendance for a person by a consultant psychiatrist; if:

(a) the attendance follows a referral of the patient to the consultant psychiatrist by a referring practitioner; and

(b) the attendance was at least 30 minutes, but not more than 45 minutes in duration.





Phone attendance for a person by a consultant psychiatrist; if:

(a) the attendance follows a referral of the patient to the consultant psychiatrist by a referring practitioner; and

(b) the attendance was at least 45 minutes, but not more than 75 minutes in duration.





Phone attendance for a person by a consultant psychiatrist; if:

(a) the attendance follows a referral of the patient to the consultant psychiatrist by a referring practitioner; and

(b) the attendance was at least 75 minutes in duration.



Phone attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration , by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry, following referral of the patient to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner, for assessment, diagnosis and preparation of a treatment and management plan for a patient under 13 years with autism or another pervasive developmental disorder, if the consultant physician does all of the following:

(a) undertakes a comprehensive assessment and makes a diagnosis (if appropriate, using information provided by an eligible allied health provider);

(b) develops a treatment and management plan which must include the following:

(i) an assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s condition;

(ii) a risk assessment;

(iii) treatment options and decisions;

(iv) if necessary—medication recommendations;

(c) provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to the referring practitioner;

(d) provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to one or more allied health providers, if appropriate, for the treatment of the patient;

(other than attendance on a patient for whom payment has previously been made under this item, or item 92140, 92143, 92141, 92144, 92142, 92145 or 92434, or item 135, 137, 139 or 289 of the general medical services table)




Phone attendance of more than 45 minutes in duration  by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry, if:

(a) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the consultant for an assessment or management by a medical practitioner in general practice (not including a specialist or consultant physician) or a participating nurse practitioner; and

(b) during the attendance, the consultant:

(i) uses an outcome tool (if clinically appropriate); and

(ii) carries out a mental state examination; and

(iii) makes a psychiatric diagnosis; and

(c) the consultant decides that it is clinically appropriate for the patient to be managed by the referring practitioner without ongoing treatment by the consultant; and

(d) within 2 weeks after the attendance, the consultant:

(i) prepares a written diagnosis of the patient; and

(ii) prepares a written management plan for the patient that:

(A) covers the next 12 months; and

(B) is appropriate to the patient’s diagnosis; and

(C) comprehensively evaluates the patient’s biological, psychological and social issues; and

(D) addresses the patient’s diagnostic psychiatric issues; and

(E) makes management recommendations addressing the patient’s biological, psychological and social issues; and

(iii) gives the referring practitioner a copy of the diagnosis and the management plan; and

(iv) if clinically appropriate, explains the diagnosis and management plan, and a gives a copy, to:

(A) the patient; and

(B) the patient’s carer (if any), if the patient agrees; and

(e) in the preceding 12 months, a service to which this item or item 291 of the general medical services table or item 92435 applies has not been provided.




Phone attendance of more than 30 minutes but not more than 45 minutes in duration  by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry, if:

(a) the patient is being managed by a medical practitioner or a participating nurse practitioner in accordance with a management plan prepared by the consultant in accordance with item 291, 92435, 92475; and

(b) the attendance follows referral of the patient to the consultant for review of the management plan by the medical practitioner or a participating nurse practitioner managing the patient; and

(c) during the attendance, the consultant:

(i) uses an outcome tool (if clinically appropriate); and

(ii) carries out a mental state examination; and

(iii) makes a psychiatric diagnosis; and

(iv) reviews the management plan; and

(d) within 2 weeks after the attendance, the consultant:

(i) prepares a written diagnosis of the patient; and

(ii) revises the management plan; and

(iii) gives the referring practitioner a copy of the diagnosis and the revised management plan; and

(iv) if clinically appropriate, explains the diagnosis and the revised management plan, and gives a copy, to:

(A) the patient; and

(B) the patient’s carer (if any), if the patient agrees; and

(e) in the preceding 12 months, a service to which item 291 of the general medical services table or item 92435 or 92475 applies has been provided; and

(f) in the preceding 12 months, a service to which this item, item 92436 or item 293 of the general medical services table has not been provided




Phone attendance of more than 45 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s speciality of psychiatry following referral of the patient to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner:

(a) if the patient:

(i) is a new patient for this consultant physician; or

(ii) has not received an attendance from this consultant physician in the preceding 24 months; and

(b) the patient has not received an attendance under this item, item 91827 to 91831, 91837 to 91841, 92455 to 92457, 92495 to 92495 or 92437, or item 296, 297, 299, 300 to 346, 353 to 358, or 361 to 370 of the general medical services table, in the preceding 24 months




Phone attendance for group psychotherapy (including any associated consultations with a patient taking place on the same occasion and relating to the condition for which group therapy is conducted):

(a) of not less than 1 hour in duration; and

(b) given under the continuous direct supervision of a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry; and

(c) involving a group of 2 to 9 unrelated patients or a family group of more than 3 patients, each of whom is referred to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner;

—each patient




Phone attendance for group psychotherapy (including any associated consultations with a patient taking place on the same occasion and relating to the condition for which group therapy is conducted):

(a) of not less than 1 hour in duration; and

(b) given under the continuous direct supervision of a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry; and

(c) involving a family group of 3 patients, each of whom is referred to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner;

—each patient




Phone attendance for group psychotherapy (including any associated consultations with a patient taking place on the same occasion and relating to the condition for which group therapy is conducted):

(a) of not less than 1 hour in duration; and

(b) given under the continuous direct supervision of a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry; and

(c) involving a family group of 2 patients, each of whom is referred to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner;

—each patient




Phone attendance by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry, following referral of the patient to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner, involving an interview of a person other than the patient of not less than 20 minutes, but less than 45 minutes, in duration, in the course of initial diagnostic evaluation of a patient




Phone attendance by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry, following referral of the patient to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner, involving an interview of a person other than the patient of not less than 45 minutes in duration, in the course of initial diagnostic evaluation of a patient




Phone attendance by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry, following referral of the patient to the consultant physician by a referring practitioner, involving an interview of a person other than the patient of not less than 20 minutes in duration, in the course of continuing management of a patient—if that attendance and another attendance to which this item or item 352 of the general medical services table or 92460 applies have not exceeded 4 in a calendar year for the patient


Subgroup 17 - GP, Specialist and Consultant Physician Autism Service - Telehealth Service


Telehealth attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of paediatrics, following referral of the patient to the consultant by a referring practitioner, for assessment, diagnosis and preparation of a treatment and management plan for a patient aged under 13 years with autism or another pervasive developmental disorder, if the consultant paediatrician does all of the following:

(a) undertakes a comprehensive assessment and makes a diagnosis (if appropriate, using information provided by an eligible allied health provider);

(b) develops a treatment and management plan, which must include the following:

(i) an assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s condition;

(ii) a risk assessment;

(iii) treatment options and decisions;

(iv) if necessary—medical recommendations;

(c) provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to the referring practitioner and one or more allied health providers, if appropriate, for the treatment of the patient.



Telehealth attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration by a specialist or consultant physician  following referral of the patient to the specialist or consultant physician by a referring practitioner, for assessment, diagnosis and preparation of a treatment and management plan for a patient under 13 years with an eligible disability if the specialist or consultant physician does all of the following:

(a) undertakes a comprehensive assessment and makes a diagnosis (if appropriate, using information provided by an eligible allied health provider);

(b) develops a treatment and management plan, which must include the following:

(i) an assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s condition;

(ii) a risk assessment;

(iii) treatment options and decisions;

(iv) if necessary—medication recommendations;

(c) provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to one or more allied health providers, if appropriate, for the treatment of the patient.


Subgroup 18 - GP, Specialist and Consultant Physician Autism Service - Phone Service


Phone attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of paediatrics, following referral of the patient to the consultant by a referring practitioner, for assessment, diagnosis and preparation of a treatment and management plan for a patient aged under 13 years with autism or another pervasive developmental disorder, if the consultant paediatrician does all of the following:

(a) undertakes a comprehensive assessment and makes a diagnosis (if appropriate, using information provided by an eligible allied health provider);

(b) develops a treatment and management plan, which must include the following:

(i) an assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s condition;

(ii) a risk assessment;

(iii) treatment options and decisions;

(iv) if necessary—medical recommendations;

(c) provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to:

(i) the referring practitioner; and

(ii) one or more allied health providers, if appropriate, for the treatment of the patient.



Phone attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration by a specialist or consultant physician following referral of the patient to the specialist or consultant physician by a referring practitioner, for assessment, diagnosis and preparation of a treatment and management plan for a patient under 13 years with an eligible disability if the specialist or consultant physician does all of the following:

(a) undertakes a comprehensive assessment and makes a diagnosis (if appropriate, using information provided by an eligible allied health provider);

(b) develops a treatment and management plan, which must include the following:

(i) an assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s condition;

(ii) a risk assessment;

(iii) treatment options and decisions;

(iv) if necessary—medication recommendations;

(c) provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to one or more allied health providers, if appropriate, for the treatment of the patient.


Subgroup 23 Consultant Physician and Psychiatrist - Eating Disorder Treatment and Management Plan – Telehealth Service


Telehealth attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry for the preparation of an eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a)  the patient has been referred by a referring practitioner; and

(b)  during the attendance, the consultant psychiatrist:

(i) uses an outcome tool (if clinically appropriate); and

(ii) carries out a mental state examination; and

(iii) makes a psychiatric diagnosis; and

(c)  within 2 weeks after the attendance, the consultant psychiatrist:

(i)  prepares a written diagnosis of the patient; and

(ii) prepares a written management plan for the patient that:

(A) covers the next 12 months; and

(B) is appropriate to the patient’s diagnosis; and

(C) comprehensively evaluates the patient’s biological, psychological and social issues; and

(D) addresses the patient’s diagnostic psychiatric issues; and

(E) makes management recommendations addressing the patient’s biological, psychological and social issues; and

(iii) gives the referring practitioner a copy of the diagnosis and the management plan; and

(iv) if clinically appropriate, explains the diagnosis and  management plan, and a gives a copy, to:

(A) the patient; and

(B) the patient’s carer (if any), if the patient agrees



Telehealth attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of paediatrics for the preparation of an eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the patient has been referred by a referring practitioner; and

(b) during the attendance, the consultant paediatrician undertakes an assessment that covers:

(i) a comprehensive history, including psychosocial history and medication review; and

(ii) comprehensive multi or detailed single organ system assessment; and

(iii) the formulation of diagnoses; and

(c)  within 2 weeks after the attendance, the consultant paediatrician:

(i)  prepares a written diagnosis of the patient; and

(ii) prepares a written management plan for the patient that involves:

(A) an opinion on diagnosis and risk assessment; and

(B) treatment options and decisions; and

(C) medication recommendations; and

(iii) gives the referring practitioner a copy of the diagnosis and the management plan; and

(iv) if clinically appropriate, explains the diagnosis and  management plan, and a gives a copy, to:

(A) the patient; and

(B) the patient’s carer (if any), if the patient agrees.


Subgroup 24 Consultant Physician and Psychiatrist - Eating Disorder Treatment and Management Plan – Phone Service


Phone attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry for the preparation of an eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a)  the patient has been referred by a referring practitioner; and

(b)  during the attendance, the consultant psychiatrist:

(i) uses an outcome tool (if clinically appropriate); and

(ii) carries out a mental state examination; and

(iii) makes a psychiatric diagnosis; and

(c)  within 2 weeks after the attendance, the consultant psychiatrist:

(i)  prepares a written diagnosis of the patient; and

(ii) prepares a written management plan for the patient that:

(A) covers the next 12 months; and

(B) is appropriate to the patient’s diagnosis; and

(C) comprehensively evaluates the patient’s biological, psychological and social issues; and

(D) addresses the patient’s diagnostic psychiatric issues; and

(E) makes management recommendations addressing the patient’s biological, psychological and social issues; and

(iii) gives the referring practitioner a copy of the diagnosis and the management plan; and

(iv) if clinically appropriate, explains the diagnosis and  management plan, and a gives a copy, to:

(A) the patient; and

(B) the patient’s carer (if any), if the patient agrees.



Phone attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of paediatrics for the preparation of an eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

(a) the patient has been referred by a referring practitioner; and

(b) during the attendance, the consultant paediatrician undertakes an assessment that covers:

(i) a comprehensive history, including psychosocial history and medication review; and

(ii) comprehensive multi or detailed single organ system assessment; and

(iii) the formulation of diagnoses; and

(c)  within 2 weeks after the attendance, the consultant paediatrician:

(i)  prepares a written diagnosis of the patient; and

(ii) prepares a written management plan for the patient that involves:

(A) an opinion on diagnosis and risk assessment; and

(B) treatment options and decisions; and

(C) medication recommendations; and

(iii) gives the referring practitioner a copy of the diagnosis and the management plan; and

(iv) if clinically appropriate, explains the diagnosis and  management plan, and a gives a copy, to:

(A) the patient; and

(B) the patient’s carer (if any), if the patient agrees.


Subgroup 25 Review of an Eating Disorder Plan - Telehealth Service


Telehealth attendance of at least 30 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry for an eligible patient, if:

(a)  the consultant psychiatrist reviews the treatment efficacy of services provided under the eating disorder treatment and management plan, including a discussion with the patient regarding whether the eating disorders psychological treatment and dietetic services are meeting the patient’s needs; and

(b)  the patient has been referred by a referring practitioner; and

(c)  during the attendance, the consultant psychiatrist:

(i) uses an outcome tool (if clinically appropriate); and

(ii) carries out a mental state examination; and

(iii) makes a psychiatric diagnosis; and

(iv) reviews the eating disorder treatment and management plan; and

(d)  within 2 weeks after the attendance, the consultant psychiatrist:

(i)  prepares a written diagnosis of the patient; and

(ii)  revises the eating disorder treatment and management; and

(iii) gives the referring practitioner a copy of the diagnosis and the revised management plan; and

(iv) if clinically appropriate, explains the diagnosis and the revised management plan, and gives a copy, to:

(A) the patient; and

(B) the patient’s carer (if any), if the patient agrees.



Telehealth attendance of at least 30 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of paediatrics for an eligible patient, if:

(a)  the consultant paediatrician reviews the treatment efficacy of services provided under the eating disorder treatment and management plan, including a discussion with the patient regarding whether the eating disorders psychological treatment and dietetic services are meeting the patient’s needs; and

(b)  the patient has been referred by a referring practitioner; and

(c)  during the attendance, the consultant paediatrician:

(i) uses an outcome tool (if clinically appropriate); and

(ii) carries out a mental state examination; and

(iii) makes a psychiatric diagnosis; and

(iv) reviews the eating disorder treatment and management plan; and

(d)  within 2 weeks after the attendance, the consultant paediatrician:

(i)  prepares a written diagnosis of the patient; and

(ii)  revises the eating disorder treatment and management; and

(iii) gives the referring practitioner a copy of the diagnosis and the revised management plan; and

(iv) if clinically appropriate, explains the diagnosis and the revised management plan, and gives a copy, to:

(A) the patient; and

(B) the patient’s carer (if any), if the patient agrees.


Subgroup 26—Review of an Eating Disorder Plan – Phone Service


Phone attendance of at least 30 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of psychiatry for an eligible patient, if:

(a)  the consultant psychiatrist reviews the treatment efficacy of services provided under the eating disorder treatment and management plan, including a discussion with the patient regarding whether the eating disorders psychological treatment and dietetic services are meeting the patient’s needs; and

(b)  the patient has been referred by a referring practitioner; and

(c)  during the attendance, the consultant psychiatrist:

(i) uses an outcome tool (if clinically appropriate); and

(ii) carries out a mental state examination; and

(iii) makes a psychiatric diagnosis; and

(iv) reviews the eating disorder treatment and management plan; and

(d)  within 2 weeks after the attendance, the consultant psychiatrist:

(i)  prepares a written diagnosis of the patient; and

(ii)  revises the eating disorder treatment and management; and

(iii) gives the referring practitioner a copy of the diagnosis and the revised management plan; and

(iv) if clinically appropriate, explains the diagnosis and the revised management plan, and gives a copy, to:

(A) the patient; and

(B) the patient’s carer (if any), if the patient agrees.



Phone attendance of at least 20 minutes in duration by a consultant physician in the practice of the consultant physician’s specialty of paediatrics for an eligible patient, if:

(a)  the consultant paediatrician reviews the treatment efficacy of services provided under the eating disorder treatment and management plan, including a discussion with the patient regarding whether the eating disorders psychological treatment and dietetic services are meeting the patient’s needs; and

(b)  the patient has been referred by a referring practitioner; and

(c) during the attendance, the consultant paediatrician reviews the eating disorder treatment and management plan, including a:

(i) review of initial presenting problems and results of diagnostic investigations; and

(ii) review of responses to treatment and medication plans initiated at time of initial consultation; and

(iii) comprehensive multi or detailed single organ system assessment; and

(iv) review of original and differential diagnoses; and

(d)  within 2 weeks after the attendance, the consultant paediatrician:

(i)  prepares a written diagnosis of the patient; and

(ii)  revises the eating disorder treatment and management; and

(iii) gives the referring practitioner a copy of the diagnosis and the revised management plan; and

(iv) if clinically appropriate, explains the diagnosis and the revised management plan, and gives a copy, to:

(A) the patient; and

(B) the patient’s carer (if any), if the patient agrees.



Division 2.2– Services and Fees – obstetric attendances

2.2.1  Application of COVID-19 obstetrics telehealth and phone services

 (1) For an item in Subgroups 1 or 2 of Group T4:

 (a) practice midwife has the same meaning as in clause 5.5.2 of the general medical services table;

 (b) nurse has the same meaning as in clause 5.5.1 of the general medical services table.

 (2) For items 91850 and 91855:

 (a) the items apply to an antenatal service provided to a patient by a practice midwife, nurse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner only if:

 (i) the practice midwife, nurse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner has the appropriate training and skills to perform an antenatal service; and

 (ii) the medical practitioner under whose supervision the antenatal service is provided retains responsibility for clinical outcomes and for the health and safety of the patient; and

 (iii) the practice midwife, nurse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner complies with relevant legislative or regulatory requirements regarding the provision of the antenatal service in the State or Territory where the service is provided;

 (b) the items do not apply in conjunction with another antenatal attendance item for the same patient, on the same day by the same practitioner;

 (c) the items do not apply in conjunction with items 10981, 10982, 10990, 10991 or 10992; and

 (d) for any particular patient, item 91850 and 91855 and item 16400 in the general medical services table apply not more than 10 times in a 9 month period.


Group T4—Obstetrics



Fee ($)

Subgroup 1 – COVID-19 obstetric telehealth services


Antenatal telehealth service provided by a practice midwife, nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner, to a maximum of 10 services per pregnancy, if:

(a) the service is provided on behalf of, and under the supervision of, a medical practitioner; and

(b) the service is not performed in conjunction with another antenatal attendance item in Group T4 for the same patient on the same day by the same practitioner.



Postnatal telehealth attendance by an obstetrician or general practitioner (other than a service to which any other item applies) if:

(a) is between 4 and 8 weeks after the birth; and

(b) lasts at least 20 minutes in duration; and

(c) includes a mental health assessment (including screening for drug and alcohol use and domestic violence) of the patient; and

(d) is for a pregnancy in relation to which a service to which item 82140 applies is not provided. 

Applicable once for a pregnancy.



Postnatal telehealth attendance (other than a service to which any other item applies) if:

(a) the attendance is rendered by:

(i) a practice midwife (on behalf of and under the supervision of the medical practitioner who attended the birth); or

(ii) an obstetrician; or

(iii) a general practitioner; and

(b) is between 1 week and 4 weeks after the birth; and

(c) lasts at least 20 minutes; and

(d) is for a patient who was privately admitted for the birth; and

(e) is for a pregnancy in relation to which a service to which item 82130, 82135 or 82140 of the Health Insurance (Midwife and Nurse Practitioner) Determination 2015 or item 91214, 91215, 91221 or 91222 is not provided.

Applicable once for a pregnancy.



Antenatal telehealth attendance.


Subgroup 2 – COVID-19 obstetric phone services


Antenatal phone service provided by a practice midwife, nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner, to a maximum of 10 services per pregnancy, if:

(a) the service is provided on behalf of, and under the supervision of, a medical practitioner; and

(b) the service is not performed in conjunction with another antenatal attendance item in Group T4 for the same patient on the same day by the same practitioner.



Postnatal phone attendance by an obstetrician or general practitioner (other than a service to which any other item applies) if:

(a) is between 4 and 8 weeks after the birth; and

(b) lasts at least 20 minutes in duration; and

(c) includes a mental health assessment (including screening for drug and alcohol use and domestic violence) of the patient; and

(d) is for a pregnancy in relation to which a service to which item 82140 applies is not provided.

Applicable once for a pregnancy.



Postnatal phone attendance (other than a service to which any other item applies) if:

(a) the attendance is rendered by:

(i) a practice midwife (on behalf of and under the supervision of the medical practitioner who attended the birth); or

(ii) an obstetrician; or

(iii) a general practitioner; and

(b) is between 1 week and 4 weeks after the birth; and

(c) lasts at least 20 minutes; and

(d) is for a patient who was privately admitted for the birth; and

(e) is for a pregnancy in relation to which a service to which item 82130, 82135 or 82140 of the Health Insurance (Midwife and Nurse Practitioner) Determination 2015 or item 91214, 91215, 91221 or 91222 is not provided.

Applicable once for a pregnancy.



Antenatal phone attendance.


Subgroup 31—Geriatric Medicine – Telehealth Services

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Fee ($)



Telehealth attendance of more than 60 minutes in duration by a consultant physician or specialist in the practice of the consultant physician’s or specialist’s specialty of geriatric medicine, if:

(a) the patient is at least 65 years old and referred by a medical practitioner practising in general practice (not including a specialist or consultant physician) or a participating nurse practitioner; and

(b) the attendance is initiated by the referring practitioner for the provision of a comprehensive assessment and management plan; and

(c) during the attendance:

(i) all relevant aspects of the patient’s health are evaluated in detail using appropriately validated assessment tools if indicated (the assessment); and

(ii) the patient’s various health problems and care needs are identified and prioritised (the formulation); and

(iii) a detailed management plan is prepared (the management plan) setting out:

(A) the prioritised list of health problems and care needs; and

(B) short and longer term management goals; and

(C) recommended actions or intervention strategies to be undertaken by the patient’s general practitioner or another relevant health care provider that are likely to improve or maintain health status and are readily available and acceptable to the patient and the patient’s family and carers; and

(iv) the management plan is explained and discussed with the patient and, if appropriate, the patient’s family and any carers; and

(v) the management plan is communicated in writing to the referring practitioner; and

(d) an attendance to which item 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 116 or 119 of the general medical services table or item 91822, 91832, 91823, 91833, 91824, 91834, 91825, 91835, 91826 or 91836 applies has not been provided to the patient on the same day by the same practitioner; and

(e) an attendance to which this item, item 92628, or item 145 of the general medical services table applies has not been provided to the patient by the same practitioner in the preceding 12 months




Telehealth attendance of more than 30 minutes in duration by a consultant physician or specialist in the practice of the consultant physician’s or specialist’s specialty of geriatric medicine to review a management plan previously prepared by that consultant physician or specialist under item 141, 92623, 92628 or 145, if:

(a) the review is initiated by the referring medical practitioner practising in general practice or a participating nurse practitioner; and

(b) during the attendance:

(i) the patient’s health status is reassessed; and

(ii) a management plan prepared under item 141, 92623, 92628 or 145 is reviewed and revised; and

(iii) the revised management plan is explained to the patient and (if appropriate) the patient’s family and any carers and communicated in writing to the referring practitioner; and

(c) an attendance to which item 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 116 or 119 of the general medical services table or item 91822, 91832, 91823, 91833, 91824, 91834, 91825, 91835, 91826 or 91836 applies was not provided to the patient on the same day by the same practitioner; and

(d) an attendance to which item 141 or 145 of the general medical services table, or item 92623 or 92628 applies has been provided to the patient by the same practitioner in the preceding 12 months; and

(e) an attendance to which this item, item 92629, or item 147 of the general medical services table applies has not been provided to the patient in the preceding 12 months, unless there has been a significant change in the patient’s clinical condition or care circumstances that requires a further review


Subgroup 32—Geriatric Medicine—Phone Services



Phone attendance of more than 60 minutes in duration by a consultant physician or specialist in the practice of the consultant physician’s or specialist’s specialty of geriatric medicine, if:

(a) the patient is at least 65 years old and referred by a medical practitioner practising in general practice (not including a specialist or consultant physician) or a participating nurse practitioner; and

(b) the attendance is initiated by the referring practitioner for the provision of a comprehensive assessment and management plan; and

(c) during the attendance:

(i) all relevant aspects of the patient’s health are evaluated in detail using appropriately validated assessment tools if indicated (the assessment); and

(ii) the patient’s various health problems and care needs are identified and prioritised (the formulation); and

(iii) a detailed management plan is prepared (the management plan) setting out:

(A) the prioritised list of health problems and care needs; and

(B) short and longer term management goals; and

(C) recommended actions or intervention strategies to be undertaken by the patient’s general practitioner or another relevant health care provider that are likely to improve or maintain health status and are readily available and acceptable to the patient and the patient’s family and carers; and

(iv) the management plan is explained and discussed with the patient and, if appropriate, the patient’s family and any carers; and

(v) the management plan is communicated in writing to the referring practitioner; and

(d) an attendance to which item 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 116 or 119 of the general medical services table or item 91822, 91832, 91823, 91833, 91824, 91834, 91825, 91835, 91826 or 91836 applies has not been provided to the patient on the same day by the same practitioner; and

(e) an attendance to which this item or item 92623 or item 145 of the general medical services table applies has not been provided to the patient by the same practitioner in the preceding 12 months




Phone attendance of more than 30 minutes in duration by a consultant physician or specialist in the practice of the consultant physician’s or specialist’s specialty of geriatric medicine to review a management plan previously prepared by that consultant physician or specialist under item 141, 92623, 92628 or 145, if:

(a) the review is initiated by the referring medical practitioner practising in general practice or a participating nurse practitioner; and

(b) during the attendance:

(i) the patient’s health status is reassessed; and

(ii) a management plan prepared under item 141, 92623, 92628 or 145 is reviewed and revised; and

(iii) the revised management plan is explained to the patient and (if appropriate) the patient’s family and any carers and communicated in writing to the referring practitioner; and

(c) an attendance to which item 104, 105, 107, 108, 110, 116 or 119 of the general medical services table or item 91822, 91832, 91823, 91833, 91824, 91834, 91825, 91835, 91826 or 91836 applies was not provided to the patient on the same day by the same practitioner; and

(d) an attendance to which item 141 or 145 of the general medical services table, or item 92623 or 92628 applies has been provided to the patient by the same practitioner in the preceding 12 months; and

(e) an attendance to which this item, item 92624 or item 147 of the general medical services table applies has not been provided to the patient in the preceding 12 months, unless there has been a significant change in the patient’s clinical condition or care circumstances that requires a further review


Subgroup 33— Public health physician – Telehealth Services 



Telehealth attendance by a public health physician in the practice of the public health physician’s specialty of public health medicine—attendance for an obvious problem characterised by the straightforward nature of the task that requires a short patient history and, if required, limited management




Telehealth attendance by a public health physician in the practice of the public health physician’s specialty of public health medicine, lasting less than 20 minutes and including any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventive health care;

for one or more healthrelated issues, with appropriate documentation




Telehealth attendance by a public health physician in the practice of the public health physician’s specialty of public health medicine, lasting at least 20 minutes and including any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a detailed patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventive health care;

for one or more healthrelated issues, with appropriate documentation



Telehealth attendance by a public health physician in the practice of the public health physician’s specialty of public health medicine, lasting at least 40 minutes and including any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking an extensive patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventive health care;

for one or more healthrelated issues, with appropriate documentation


Subgroup 34— Public health physician – Phone Services 



Phone attendance by a public health physician in the practice of the public health physician’s specialty of public health medicine—attendance for an obvious problem characterised by the straightforward nature of the task that requires a short patient history and, if required, limited management




Phone attendance by a public health physician in the practice of the public health physician’s specialty of public health medicine, lasting less than 20 minutes and including any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventive health care;

for one or more healthrelated issues, with appropriate documentation




Phone attendance by a public health physician in the practice of the public health physician’s specialty of public health medicine, lasting at least 20 minutes and including any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a detailed patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventive health care;

for one or more healthrelated issues, with appropriate documentation




Phone attendance by a public health physician in the practice of the public health physician’s specialty of public health medicine, lasting at least 40 minutes and including any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking an extensive patient history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventive health care;

for one or more healthrelated issues, with appropriate documentation


Subgroup 35— Neurosurgery attendances – Telehealth Services 



Telehealth attendance by a specialist in the practice of neurosurgery following referral of the patient to the specialist (other than a second or subsequent attendance in a single course of treatment)




Telehealth attendance by a specialist in the practice of neurosurgery following referral of the patient to the specialist—a minor attendance after the first in a single course of treatment




Telehealth attendance by a specialist in the practice of neurosurgery following referral of the patient to the specialist—an attendance after the first in a single course of treatment, involving arranging any necessary investigations in relation to one or more complex problems and of more than 15 minutes in duration but not more than 30 minutes in duration




Telehealth attendance by a specialist in the practice of neurosurgery following referral of the patient to the specialist—an attendance after the first in a single course of treatment, involving arranging any necessary investigations in relation to one or more complex problems and of more than 30 minutes in duration but not more than 45 minutes in duration




Telehealth attendance by a specialist in the practice of neurosurgery following referral of the patient to the specialist—an attendance after the first in a single course of treatment, involving arranging any necessary investigations in relation to one or more complex problems and of more than 45 minutes in duration


Subgroup 36—Neurosurgery attendances – Phone Services



Phone attendance by a specialist in the practice of neurosurgery following referral of the patient to the specialist (other than a second or subsequent attendance in a single course of treatment)




Phone attendance by a specialist in the practice of neurosurgery following referral of the patient to the specialist—a minor attendance after the first in a single course of treatment




Phone attendance by a specialist in the practice of neurosurgery following referral of the patient to the specialist—an attendance after the first in a single course of treatment, involving arranging any necessary investigations in relation to one or more complex problems and of more than 15 minutes in duration but not more than 30 minutes in duration




Phone attendance by a specialist in the practice of neurosurgery following referral of the patient to the specialist—an attendance after the first in a single course of treatment, involving arranging any necessary investigations in relation to one or more complex problems and of more than 30 minutes in duration but not more than 45 minutes in duration




Phone attendance by a specialist in the practice of neurosurgery following referral of the patient to the specialist—an attendance after the first in a single course of treatment, involving arranging any necessary investigations in relation to one or more complex problems and of more than 45 minutes in duration


Subgroup 37 Specialist, anaesthesia telehealth services



Telehealth attendance by a medical practitioner in the practice of anaesthesia for a consultation on a patient undergoing advanced surgery or who has complex medical problems, involving a selective history and the formulation of a written patient management plan documented in the patient notes, and lasting more than 15 minutes (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 2801 to 3000 of the general medical services table apply)


Subgroup 38 Specialist, anaesthesia phone services


Phone attendance by a medical practitioner in the practice of anaesthesia for a consultation on a patient undergoing advanced surgery or who has complex medical problems, involving a selective history and the formulation of a written patient management plan documented in the patient notes, and lasting more than 15 minutes (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 2801 to 3000 of the general medical services table apply)



Schedule 3 –  Allied health services


Division 3.1 – Services and fees – COVID-19 allied health telehealth and phone services

3.1.1 Application of COVID-19 allied health attendances via telehealth and phone - general

(1) An item in Schedule 3 applies only if a private health insurance benefit has not been claimed for the service.

3.1.2  Referrals by psychiatrists and paediatricians for pervasive developmental disorder services

(1) This section applies to items in Subgroups 15 and 16 of Group M18.

(2) For items 93032, 93033, 93040 and 93041 the referral by a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry must be a referral for a service to which any of items 296 to 370 (except item 359) of the general medical services or to which any of items 91827, 91828, 91829, 91830, 91831, 91837, 91838, 91839, 91840, 91841, 92437, 92455, 92456, 92457, 92458, 92459, 92460, 92477, 92495, 92496, 92497, 92498, 92499 or 92500 table applies.

(3) For items 93032, 93033, 93040 and 93041 the referral by a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics must be a referral for a service to which any of items 110 to 131 of the general medical services table or to which any of items 91824, 91825, 91826, 91834, 91835 or 91836 applies.

(4) For items 93035, 93036, 93043 and 93044 the referral by a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry must be a referral for a service to which item 289 of the general medical services table or to which any of items 92434 or 92474 applies.

(5) If a child has previously been provided with a service mentioned in item 289 of the general medical services table or item 92434 or 92474, a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry may only refer the child for a service to which any of items 296 to 370 (excepting item 359) of the general medical services table or to which any of items 91827, 91828, 91829, 91830, 91831, 91837, 91838, 91839, 91840, 91841, 92437, 92455, 92456, 92457, 92458, 92459, 92460, 92477, 92495, 92496, 92497, 92498, 92499 or 92500 applies.

(6) For items 93035, 93036, 93043 and 93044 the referral by a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics must be a referral for a service to which item 135 of the general medical services table or to which item 92140 or 92143 applies.

(7) If a child has previously been provided with a service mentioned in item 135 of the general medical services table or item 92140 or 92143, a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics may only refer the child for a service to which any of items 110 to 131 of the general medical services table or to which any of items 91824, 91825, 91826, 91834, 91835 or 91836 applies.

(8) If a child has previously been provided with a service mentioned in item 137 or 139 of the general medical services table or item 92141, 92142, 92144 or 92145, the medical practitioner cannot refer the child for a service to which item 135 or 289 of the general medical services table or to which item 92140, 92143, 92434 or 92474 applies.

3.1.3 Referrals by specialists, consultant physicians and general practitioners for disability services

(1) This section applies to items in Subgroups 15 and 16 of Group M18.

(2) For items 93032, 93033, 93040 and 93041 the referral by a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of speciality must be a referral for a service to which any of items 104 to 131 or 296 to 370 (except item 359) of the general medical services table or items 91822 to 91841, 92437, 92455, 92456, 92457 92458, 92459, 92460, 92477, 92495, 92496, 92497, 92498, 92499 and 92500 apply.

(3) For items 93032, 93033, 93040 and 93041 the referral by a general practitioner must be a referral for a service to which any of items 3 to 51 of the general medical services table or to which any of items 91790, 91800, 91801, 91802, 91795, 91809, 91810 or 91811 applies.

(4) For items 93035, 93036, 93043 and 93044 the referral by a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of speciality must be a referral for a service to which item 137 of the general medical services table or to which item 92141 or 92144 applies.

(5) For items 93035, 93036, 93043 and 93044 the referral by a general practitioner must be a referral for a service to which item 139 of the general medical services table or item 92142 or 92145 applies.

(6) If a child has previously been provided with a service mentioned in item 135 or 289 of the general medical services table or item 92140, 92143, 92434 or 92474, the medical practitioner cannot refer the child for a service to which item 137 or 139 of the general medical services table or item 92141, 92142, 92144 or 92145 applies.

3.1.4  Pervasive developmental disorder and disability services course of assessment—reporting requirements

(1) This section applies to items 93032, 93033, 93040 and 93041.

(2) At the completion of a course of assessment, the allied health professional must provide a written report to the referring medical practitioner.

3.1.5  Referrals by specialists, consultant physicians and general practitioners for psychological therapy and focussed psychological strategies therapy health services

(1) For items 91166 to 91176 and 91181 to 91188:

(a) the referral by a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry must be a referral for a service to which any of items 91827, 91828, 91829, 91830, 91831, 91837, 91838, 91839, 91840, 91841, 92436, 92437, 92458, 92459, 92460, 92476, 92477, 92498, 92499 or 92500, or items 293 to 370 of the general medical services table applies;

(b) the referral by a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics must be a referral for a service to which any of items 110 to 133 of the general medical services table or to which any of items 91824, 91825, 91826, 91834, 91835, 91836, 92422, 92423, 92431 or 92432 applies;

(c) the referral by a specialist in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry or paediatrics must be a referral for a service to which any of items 104 to 109 of the general medical services table or items 91822, 91823, 91832 or 91833 applies; and

(d) where the referral is by a medical practitioner as part of a shared care plan, the shared care plan must include, in addition to any matters required by section 9B:

(i) a record of the patient’s agreement to mental health services;

(ii) an outline of assessment of the patient’s mental disorder, including the mental health formulation and diagnosis or provisional diagnosis; and

(iii) if appropriate, a plan for one or more of:

A. crisis intervention;

B. relapse prevention.     

3.1.6  Limitations on allied health eating disorders items

(1) For an item in Subgroups 20 and 22 of Group M18, an eating disorder psychological treatment service must involve the provision of any of the following mental health care management strategies:

(a) family based treatment (including whole family, parent based therapy, parent only or separated therapy);

(b) adolescent focused therapy;

(c) cognitive behavioural therapy;

(d) cognitive behavioural therapy-anorexia nervosa;

(e) cognitive behavioural therapy for bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder;

(f) specialist supportive clinical management;

(g) maudsley model of anorexia treatment in adults;

(h) interpersonal therapy for bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder;

(i) dialectical behavioural therapy for bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder;

(j) focal psychodynamic therapy.

(2) An item in Subgroups 20 and 22 of Group M18 does not apply to:

(a) a service which:

 (i) is provided to a patient who, in 12 month period from the provision of an eating disorder treatment and management plan, has already been provided with 10 eating disorder psychological treatment services; and

 (ii) is provided before a medical practitioner has conducted a patient review (the first review) of the eating disorder treatment and management plan and recorded in the patient’s records the medical practitioner’s recommendation that the patient have additional eating disorder psychological treatment services in the same 12 month period; and

 (b) a service which:

 (i) is provided to a patient who, in 12 month period from the provision of an eating disorder treatment and management plan, has already been provided with 20 eating disorder psychological treatment services; and

 (ii) is provided before a medical practitioner in general practice (not including a specialist or consultant physician) has conducted a patient review (the second review) of the eating disorder treatment and management plan and recorded in the patient’s records the medical practitioner in general practice’s recommendation that the patient have additional eating disorder psychological treatment services in the same 12 month period; and

 (iii) is provided before a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics has conducted a patient review (the third review) of the eating disorder treatment and management plan and recorded in the patient’s records the consultant physician’s recommendation that the patient have additional eating disorder psychological treatment services in the same 12 month period; and

 (c) a service which:

 (i) is provided to a patient who, in 12 month period from the provision of an eating disorder treatment and management plan, has already been provided with 30 eating disorder psychological treatment services; and

 (ii) is provided before a medical practitioner has conducted a patient review (the fourth review) of the eating disorder treatment and management plan and recorded in the patient’s records the medical practitioner’s recommendation that the patient have additional eating disorder psychological treatment services in the same 12 month period.

(3) For any particular patient, items in Subgroups 20 and 22 of Group M18 do not apply to a service if the patient has had 40 eating disorder psychological treatment services in a 12 month period commencing from the provision of an eating disorder treatment and management plan.

(4) For any particular patient, items in Subgroups 19 and 21 of Group M18 do not apply to a service if the patient has had 20 eating disorder dietetic treatment services in a 12 month period commencing from the provision of an eating disorder treatment and management plan.

(5) Items in Subgroups 19 to 22 of Group M18 do not apply to a service if the patient’s eating disorder treatment and management plan has expired under subsection 7(3) of the Eating Disorders Services Determination.

(6) For any particular patient, items in Subgroups 19 to 22 of Group M18 do not apply unless the patient has been referred by:

(a)  a general practitioner or medical practitioner who issued the referral as part of a service to which an item in Subgroup 1 of the Eating Disorders Services Determination or item 92146, 92147, 92148, 92149, 92150, 92151, 92152. 92153, 92154, 92155, 92156, 92157, 92158, 92159, 92160 or 92161 applies; or

(b)  a consultant physician in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics who issued the referral as part of a service to which an item in Subgroup 2 of the Eating Disorders Services Determination or item 92162, 92163, 92166 or 92167 applies; or

(c)  a medical practitioner who issued the referral as part of a service to which an item in Subgroup 3 of the Eating Disorders Services Determination or item 92170 to 92173 or 92176 to 92179 applies.

3.1.7  Reporting requirements for allied health eating disorder items

(1) For an item in Subgroups 19 to 22 of Group M18, the relevant allied health professional must provide the referring medical practitioner with a written report on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations for future management of the patient’s condition at required intervals.

(2)  A report under subsection (1) is to be provided:

 (a)  after the first service;

 (b)  as clinically required following subsequent services; and

 (c)  after the final service.


Group M18 - COVID-19 allied health telehealth services



Fee ($)

Subgroup 1 – COVID-19 psychological therapies telehealth services



Psychological therapy health service provided by telehealth attendance by an eligible clinical psychologist if:

(a) the person is referred by:

(i) a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii)a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii)   a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c) at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible clinical psychologist gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e) the service is at least 30 minutes but less than 50 minutes duration.



Psychological therapy health service provided by telehealth attendance by an eligible clinical psychologist if:

(a) the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii)   a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii)  a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c) at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible clinical psychologist gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e) the service is at least 50 minutes duration.


Subgroup 2 – COVID-19 psychologist focussed psychological strategies telehealth services


Focussed psychological strategies health service provided by telehealth attendance by an eligible psychologist if:

(a)  the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b)  the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c)  at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d)  on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible psychologist gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e)  the service is at least 20 minutes but less than 50 minutes duration.



Focussed psychological strategies health service provided by telehealth attendance by an eligible psychologist if:

(a)  the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b)  the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c)  at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d)  on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible psychologist gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e)  the service is at least 50 minutes duration.


Subgroup 3 – COVID-19 occupational therapist focussed psychological strategies telehealth services


Focussed psychological strategies health service provided by telehealth attendance by an eligible occupational therapist if:

(a) the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b)  the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c)  at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d)  on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible occupational therapist gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e)  the service is at least 20 minutes but less than 50 minutes duration.



Focussed psychological strategies health service provided by telehealth attendance by an eligible occupational therapist if:

(a) the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b)  the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c)  at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d)  on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible occupational therapist gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e)  the service is at least 50 minutes in duration.


Subgroup 4 – COVID-19 social worker focussed psychological strategies telehealth services


Focussed psychological strategies health service provided by telehealth attendance by an eligible social worker if:

(a)  the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii)   a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii)   a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b)  the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c)  at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d)  on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible social worker gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e)  the service is at least 20 minutes but less than 50 minutes duration.



Focussed psychological strategies health service provided by telehealth attendance by an eligible social worker if:

(a)  the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii)   a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii)   a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b)  the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c)  at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d)  on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible social worker gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e)  the service is at least 50 minutes duration.


Subgroup 6 – COVID-19 psychological therapies phone services


Psychological therapy health service provided by phone attendance by an eligible clinical psychologist if:

(a) the person is referred by:

(i) a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii)a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii)   a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c) at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible clinical psychologist gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e) the service is at least 30 minutes but less than 50 minutes duration.



Psychological therapy health service provided by phone attendance by an eligible clinical psychologist if:

(a) the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii)   a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii)  a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c) at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible clinical psychologist gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e) the service is at least 50 minutes duration.


Subgroup 7 - COVID-19 psychologist focussed psychological strategies phone service


Focussed psychological strategies health service provided by phone attendance by an eligible psychologist if:

(a) the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c) at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible psychologist gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e) the service is at least 20 minutes but less than 50 minutes duration. 



Focussed psychological strategies health service provided by phone attendance by an eligible psychologist if:

(a) the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c) at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible psychologist gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e) the service is at least 50 minutes duration.


Subgroup 8 – COVID-19 occupational therapist focussed psychological strategies phone services


Focussed psychological strategies health service provided by phone attendance by an eligible occupational therapist if:

(a) the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c) at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible occupational therapist gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e) the service is at least 20 minutes but less than 50 minutes duration.



Focussed psychological strategies health service provided by phone attendance by an eligible occupational therapist if:

(a) the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c) at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible occupational therapist gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e) the service is at least 50 minutes in duration.


Subgroup 9 – COVID-19 social worker focussed psychological strategies phone services


Focussed psychological strategies health service provided by phone attendance by an eligible social worker if:

(a) the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii)   a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii)   a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c) at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible social worker gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e) the service is at least 20 minutes but less than 50 minutes duration.



Focussed psychological strategies health service provided by phone attendance by an eligible social worker if:

(a) the person is referred by:

(i)  a medical practitioner, either as part of a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan, or as part of a shared care plan or as part of a psychiatrist assessment and management plan; or

(ii)  a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry; or

(iii) a specialist or consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of paediatrics; and

(b) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(c) at the completion of a course of treatment, the referring medical practitioner reviews the need for a further course of treatment; and

(d) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible social worker gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the person’s condition; and

(e) the service is at least 50 minutes duration.


Subgroup 11 - general allied health telehealth services


Telehealth attendance by an eligible allied health practitioner if:

 (a) the service is provided to a person who has:

(i) a chronic condition; and

(ii) complex care needs being managed by a medical practitioner (including a general practitioner, but not a specialist or consultant physician) under a shared care plan or under both a GP Management Plan and Team Care Arrangements or, if the person is a resident of an aged care facility, the person’s medical practitioner has contributed to a multidisciplinary care plan; and

  (b) the service is recommended in the person’s Team Care Arrangements, multidisciplinary care plan or shared care plan as part of the management of the person’s chronic condition and complex care needs; and

  (c) the person is referred to the eligible allied health practitioner by the medical practitioner using a referral form that has been issued by the Department or a referral form that contains all the components of the form issued by the Department; and

 (d) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(e) the service is of at least 20 minutes duration; and

(f) after the service, the eligible allied health practitioner gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner mentioned in paragraph (c):

(i) if the service is the only service under the referral—in relation to that service; or

 (ii) if the service is the first or last service under the referral—in relation to that service; or

 (iii) if neither subparagraph (i) nor (ii) applies but the service involves matters that the referring medical practitioner would reasonably expect to be informed of —in relation to those matters;

to a maximum of 5 services (including any services to which this item, item 93013 or any item in Part 1 of the Schedule to the Allied Health Determination applies) in a calendar year.


Subgroup 12 - general allied health phone services


Phone attendance by an eligible allied health practitioner if:

 (a) the service is provided to a person who has:

(i) a chronic condition; and

(ii) complex care needs being managed by a medical practitioner (including a general practitioner, but not a specialist or consultant physician) under a shared care plan or under both a GP Management Plan and Team Care Arrangements or, if the person is a resident of an aged care facility, the person’s medical practitioner has contributed to a multidisciplinary care plan; and

  (b) the service is recommended in the person’s Team Care Arrangements, multidisciplinary care plan or shared care plan as part of the management of the person’s chronic condition and complex care needs; and

  (c) the person is referred to the eligible allied health practitioner by the medical practitioner using a referral form that has been issued by the Department or a referral form that contains all the components of the form issued by the Department; and

 (d) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(e) the service is of at least 20 minutes duration; and

(f) after the service, the eligible allied health practitioner gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner mentioned in paragraph (c):

(i) if the service is the only service under the referral—in relation to that service; or

 (ii) if the service is the first or last service under the referral—in relation to that service; or

 (iii) if neither subparagraph (i) nor (ii) applies but the service involves matters that the referring medical practitioner would reasonably expect to be informed of —in relation to those matters;

to a maximum of 5 services (including any services to which this item, item 93000 or any item in Part 1 of the Schedule to the Allied Health Determination applies) in a calendar year.


Subgroup 13 - pregnancy support counselling telehealth services


Non directive pregnancy support counselling health service provided to a person who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant in the preceding 12 months by an eligible psychologist, eligible social worker or eligible mental health nurse as a telehealth attendance if:

(a) the person is concerned about a current pregnancy or a pregnancy that occurred in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service; and

(b) the person is referred by a medical practitioner who is not a specialist or consultant physician; and

(c) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(d) the eligible psychologist, eligible social worker or eligible mental health nurse does not have a direct pecuniary interest in a health service that has as its primary purpose the provision of services for pregnancy termination; and

(e) the service is at least 30 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 3 services (including services to which items 81000, 81005, 81010 in the Allied Health Determination, item 4001 of the general medical services table and item 93029, 92136 and 92138 apply) for each pregnancy.

The service may be used to address any pregnancy related issues for which non directive counselling is appropriate


Subgroup 14 - pregnancy support counselling phone services


Non directive pregnancy support counselling health service provided to a person, who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant in the preceding 12 months by an eligible psychologist, eligible social worker or eligible mental health nurse as a phone attendance if:

(a) the person is concerned about a current pregnancy or a pregnancy that occurred in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service; and

(b) the person is referred by a medical practitioner who is not a specialist or consultant physician; and

(c) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(d) the eligible psychologist, eligible social worker or eligible mental health nurse does not have a direct pecuniary interest in a health service that has as its primary purpose the provision of services for pregnancy termination; and

(e) the service is at least 30 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 3 services (including services to which items 81000, 81005, 81010 in the Allied Health Determination, item 4001 of the general medical services table and item 93026, 92136 and 92138 apply) for each pregnancy.

The service may be used to address any pregnancy related issues for which non directive counselling is appropriate


Subgroup 15 - autism, pervasive developmental disorder and disability telehealth services


Psychology health service provided by telehealth attendance to a child aged under 13 years by an eligible psychologist if:

(a) the child was referred to the eligible psychologist by an eligible practitioner:

 (i) to assist with the diagnosis of the child by the practitioner; or

 (ii) to contribute to the child’s PDD or disability treatment and management plan, developed by the practitioner; and

 (b) the eligible practitioner is:

(i) for a child with PDD, a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry or paediatrics; or

(ii) for a child with disability, a specialist or consultant physician practising in his or her specialty, or a general practitioner; and

 (c) the eligible psychologist attending the child is registered with the Department of Human Services as meeting the credentialing requirements for the provision of that service; and

 (d) the service is provided to the child individually; and

 (e) the service is at least 50 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 4 services (including services to which this item, items 93033, 93040 and 93041 or items 82000, 82005, 82010 and 82030 in the Allied Health Determination apply).

Up to 4 services may be provided to the same child on the same day.

This item is subject to clauses 3.1.2, 3.1.3 and 3.1.4.



Speech pathology, occupational therapy, audiology, optometry, orthoptic or physiotherapy health service provided by telehealth attendance to a child aged under 13 years by an eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist if:

(a) the child was referred to the eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist by an eligible practitioner:

 (i) to assist with the diagnosis of the child by the practitioner; or

 (ii) to contribute to the child’s PDD or disability treatment and management plan, developed by the practitioner; and

 (b) the eligible practitioner is:

(i) for a child with PDD, a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry or paediatrics; or

(ii) for a child with disability, a specialist or consultant physician practising in his or her specialty, or a general practitioner; and

 (c) the eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist attending the child is registered with the Department of Human Services as meeting the credentialing requirements for the provision of that service; and

 (d) the service is provided to the child individually; and

 (e) the service is at least 50 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 4 services (including services to which this item, items 93032, 93040 or 93041, or items 82000, 82005, 82010 and 82030 in the Allied Health Determination apply).

Up to 4 services may be provided to the same child on the same day.

This item is subject to clauses 3.1.2, 3.1.3 and 3.1.4.



Psychology health service provided by telehealth attendance to a child aged under 15 years for treatment of a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) or eligible disability by an eligible psychologist, if:

 (a) the child has been diagnosed with a PDD or an eligible disability; and

 (b) the child, while aged under 13 years, received a PDD or disability treatment and management plan as prepared by the eligible practitioner; and

 (c) the child was referred by an eligible practitioner for services consistent with the child’s PDD or disability treatment and management plan; and

 (d) the eligible practitioner is:

(i) for a child with PDD, a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry or paediatrics;

(ii) for a child with disability, a specialist or consultant physician practising in his or her field of specialty, or a general practitioner; and

 (e) the eligible psychologist attending the child is registered with the Department of Human Services as meeting the credentialing requirements for the provision of those services; and

   (f)   on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible psychologist gives a written report to the referring eligible practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the child’s condition; and

 (g) the eligible practitioner is:

(i) for a child with PDD, a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry or paediatrics;

(ii) for a child with disability, a specialist or consultant physician practising in his or her specialty, or a general practitioner; and

 (h) the service is provided to the child individually; and

 (i) the service is at least 30 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 20 services (including services to which this item, items 93036, 93043 and 93044, or items 82015, 82020, 82025 and 82035 in the Allied Health Determination apply).

Up to 4 services may be provided to the same child on the same day.

This item is subject to clauses 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.



Speech pathology, occupational therapy, audiology, optometry, orthoptic or physiotherapy health service provided by telehealth attendance to a child aged under 15 years for treatment of a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) or eligible disability by an eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist if:

 (a) the child has been diagnosed with a PDD or an eligible disability; and

 (b) the child, while aged under 13 years, received a PDD or disability treatment and management plan as prepared by the eligible practitioner; and

 (c) the child was referred by an eligible practitioner for services consistent with the child’s PDD or disability treatment and management plan; and

 (d) the eligible practitioner is:

(i) for a child with PDD, a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry or paediatrics;

(ii) for a child with disability, a specialist or consultant physician practising in his or her specialty, or a general practitioner; and

 (e) the eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist attending the child is registered with the Department of Human Services as meeting the credentialing requirements for the provision of those services; and

 (f) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible speech pathologist gives a written report to the referring eligible practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the child’s condition; and

 (g) the service is provided to the child individually; and

 (i) the service is at least 30 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 20 services (including services to which this item, item 93035, 93043 and 93044, or items 82015, 82020 82025 and 82035 in the Allied Health Determination apply).

This item is subject to clauses 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.


Subgroup 16 - autism, pervasive developmental disorder and disability phone services


Psychology health service provided by phone attendance to a child aged under 13 years by an eligible psychologist if:

(a) the child was referred to the eligible psychologist by an eligible practitioner:

 (i) to assist with the diagnosis of the child by the practitioner; or

 (ii) to contribute to the child’s PDD or disability treatment and management plan, developed by the practitioner; and

 (b) the eligible practitioner is:

(i) for a child with PDD, a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry or paediatrics; or

(ii) for a child with disability, a specialist or consultant physician practising in his or her specialty, or a general practitioner; and

 (c) the eligible psychologist attending the child is registered with the Department of Human Services as meeting the credentialing requirements for the provision of that service; and

 (d) the service is provided to the child individually; and

 (e) the service is at least 50 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 4 services (including services to which this item, items 93032, 93033 and 93041, or items 82005, 82010 and 82030 in the Allied Health Determination apply).

Up to 4 services may be provided to the same child on the same day.

This item is subject to clauses 3.1.2. 3.1.3 and 3.1.4.



Speech pathology, occupational therapy, audiology, optometry, orthoptic or physiotherapy health service provided by phone attendance to a child aged under 13 years by an eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist if:

(a) the child was referred to the eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist by an eligible practitioner:

 (i) to assist with the diagnosis of the child by the practitioner; or

 (ii) to contribute to the child’s PDD or disability treatment and management plan, developed by the practitioner; and

 (b) the eligible practitioner is:

(i) for a child with PDD, a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry or paediatrics; or

(ii) for a child with disability, a specialist or consultant physician practising in his or her specialty, or a general practitioner; and

 (c) the eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist attending the child is registered with the Department of Human Services as meeting the credentialing requirements for the provision of that service; and

 (d) the service is provided to the child individually; and

 (e) the service is at least 50 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 4 services (including services to which this item, items 93932, 93033 and 93040 or items 82005, 82010 and 82030 in the Allied Health Determination apply).

Up to 4 services may be provided to the same child on the same day.

This item is subject to clauses 3.1.2. 3.1.3 and 3.1.4.



Psychology health service provided by phone attendance to a child aged under 15 years for treatment of a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) or eligible disability by an eligible psychologist, if:

 (a) the child has been diagnosed with a PDD or an eligible disability; and

 (b) the child, while aged under 13 years, received a PDD or disability treatment and management plan as prepared by the eligible practitioner; and

 (c) the child was referred by an eligible practitioner for services consistent with the child’s PDD or disability treatment and management plan; and

 (d) the eligible practitioner is:

(i) for a child with PDD, a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry or paediatrics;

(ii) for a child with disability, a specialist or consultant physician practising in his or her field of specialty, or a general practitioner; and

 (e) the eligible psychologist attending the child is registered with the Department of Human Services as meeting the credentialing requirements for the provision of those services; and

   (f)   on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible psychologist gives a written report to the referring eligible practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the child’s condition; and

 (g) the eligible practitioner is:

(i) for a child with PDD, a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry or paediatrics;

(ii) for a child with disability, a specialist or consultant physician practising in his or her specialty, or a general practitioner; and

 (h) the service is provided to the child individually; and

 (i) the service is at least 30 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 20 services (including services to which this item, items 93044, 93036, 93035 and 93932 or items 82020, 82025 and 82035 in the Allied Health Determination apply)

This item is subject to clauses 3.1.2 and 3.1.3



Speech pathology, occupational therapy, audiology, optometry, orthoptic or physiotherapy health service provided by phone attendance to a child aged under 15 years for treatment of a pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) or eligible disability by an eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist if:

 (a) the child has been diagnosed with a PDD or an eligible disability; and

 (b) the child, while aged under 13 years, received a PDD or disability treatment and management plan as prepared by the eligible practitioner; and

 (c) the child was referred by an eligible practitioner for services consistent with the child’s PDD or disability treatment and management plan; and

 (d) the eligible practitioner is:

(i) for a child with PDD, a consultant physician specialising in the practice of his or her field of psychiatry or paediatrics;

(ii) for a child with disability, a specialist or consultant physician practising in his or her specialty, or a general practitioner; and

 (e) the eligible speech pathologist, occupational therapist, audiologist, optometrist, orthoptist or physiotherapist attending the child is registered with the Department of Human Services as meeting the credentialing requirements for the provision of those services; and

 (f) on the completion of the course of treatment, the eligible speech pathologist gives a written report to the referring eligible practitioner on assessments carried out, treatment provided and recommendations on future management of the child’s condition; and

 (g) the service is provided to the child individually; and

 (i) the service is at least 30 minutes duration;

to a maximum of 20 services (including services to which this item, items 93935, 93036 and 93043 or items 82015, 82025 and 82035 in the Allied Health Determination apply).

This item is subject to clauses 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.


Subgroup 17 - telehealth attendance to person of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent


Telehealth attendance provided to a person who is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent by an eligible allied health practitioner if:

 (a) either:

(i) a medical practitioner has undertaken a health assessment and identified a need for follow-up allied health services; or

(ii) the person’s shared care plan identifies the need for follow-up allied health services; and

 (b) the person is referred to the eligible allied health practitioner by a medical practitioner using a referral form issued by the Department or a referral form that contains all the components of the form issued by the Department; and

 (c) the service is provided to the person individually; and

 (d) the service is of at least 20 minutes duration; and

 (e) after the service, the eligible allied health practitioner gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner mentioned in paragraph (b):

(i) if the service is the only service under the referral—in relation to that service; or

(ii) if the service is the first or the last service under the referral—in relation to that service; or

(iii) if neither subparagraph (i) nor (ii) applies but the service involves matters that the referring medical practitioner would reasonably expect to be informed of—in relation to those matters;

to a maximum of 5 services (including any services to which this item or 93061 or any item in Part 6 of Schedule 2 to the Allied Health Determination applies) in a calendar year.

This item is subject to clauses 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.


Subgroup 18 - phone attendance to person of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent


Phone attendance provided to a person who is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent by an eligible allied health practitioner if:

 (a) either:

(i) a medical practitioner has undertaken a health assessment and identified a need for follow-up allied health services; or

(ii) the person’s shared care plan identifies the need for follow-up allied health services; and

 (b) the person is referred to the eligible allied health practitioner by a medical practitioner using a referral form issued by the Department or a referral form that contains all the components of the form issued by the Department; and

 (c) the service is provided to the person individually; and

 (d) the service is of at least 20 minutes duration; and

 (e) after the service, the eligible allied health practitioner gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner mentioned in paragraph (b):

(i) if the service is the only service under the referral—in relation to that service; or

(ii) if the service is the first or the last service under the referral—in relation to that service; or

(iii) if neither subparagraph (i) nor (ii) applies but the service involves matters that the referring medical practitioner would reasonably expect to be informed of—in relation to those matters;

to a maximum of 5 services (including any services to which this item or item 93060 or any item in Part 6 of Schedule 2 to the Allied Health Determination applies) in a calendar year.

This item is subject to clauses 3.1.2 and 3.1.3.


Subgroup 19 – eating disorder dietetics telehealth services


Dietetics health service provided by telehealth attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible dietitian:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is of at least 20 minutes in duration.    


Subgroup 20 - eating disorder psychological treatment services telehealth services


Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by telehealth attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible clinical psychologist if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 30 minutes but less than 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by telehealth attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible clinical psychologist if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

  (b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

 (c) the service is at least 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by telehealth attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible psychologist if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 20 minutes but less than 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by telehealth attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible psychologist if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by telehealth attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible occupational therapist if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually person; and

(c) the service is at least 20 minutes but less than 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by telehealth attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible occupational therapist if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by telehealth attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible social worker if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 20 minutes but less than 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by telehealth attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible social worker if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 50 minutes in duration.


Subgroup 21 – eating disorder dietetics phone services


Dietetics health service provided by phone attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible dietitian:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

 (b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is of at least 20 minutes in duration.


Subgroup 22 - eating disorder psychological treatment phone services


Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by phone attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible clinical psychologist if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 30 minutes but less than 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by phone attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible clinical psychologist if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by phone attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible psychologist if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 20 minutes but less than 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by phone attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible psychologist if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by phone attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible occupational therapist if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually person; and

(c) the service is at least 20 minutes but less than 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by phone attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible occupational therapist if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by phone attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible social worker if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

(b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 20 minutes but less than 50 minutes in duration.



Eating disorder psychological treatment service provided by phone attendance to an eligible patient by an eligible social worker if:

 (a) the service is recommended in the patient’s eating    disorder treatment and management plan; and

 (b) the service is provided to the patient individually; and

(c) the service is at least 50 minutes in duration. 


Subgroup 25 – Allied health, group dietetics telehealth services


Telehealth attendance by an eligible dietitian to provide a dietetics health service to a person for assessing the person’s suitability for group services for the management of type 2 diabetes, including taking a comprehensive patient history, identifying an appropriate group services program based on the patient’s needs and preparing the person for the group services if:

(a) the person has type 2 diabetes; and

(b) the person is being managed by a medical practitioner (including a general practitioner, but not a specialist or consultant physician) under a shared care plan or a GP management plan or, if the person is a resident of an aged care facility, the person’s medical practitioner has contributed to a multidisciplinary care plan; and

(c) the person is referred to an eligible dietitian by the medical practitioner using a referral form that has been issued by the Department, or a referral form that contains all the components of the form issued by the Department; and

(d) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(e) the service is of at least 45 minutes duration; and

(f) after the service, the eligible dietitian gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner mentioned in paragraph (c);

payable once in a calendar year for this or any other assessment for group services item (including services to which this item, item 92386, or items 81100, 81110 and 81120 of the Allied Health  Determination apply)



Telehealth attendance by an eligible dietitian to provide a dietetics health service, as a group service for the management of type 2 diabetes if:

(a) the person has been assessed as suitable for a type 2 diabetes group service under assessment items 81100, 81110 or 81120 of the Allied Health Determination or items 93284 or 93286; and

(b) the service is provided to a person who is part of a group of between 2 and 12 patients; and

(c) the service is of at least 60 minutes duration; and

(d) after the last service in the group services program provided to the person under this item or items 81105, 81115 or 81125 of the Allied Health Determination, the eligible dietitian prepares, or contributes to, a written report to be provided to the referring medical practitioner; and

(e) an attendance record for the group is maintained by the eligible dietitian;

to a maximum of 8 group services in a calendar year (including services to which this item or items 81105, 81115 and 81125 of the Allied Health Determination apply)


Subgroup 26 – Allied health, group dietetics phone services


Phone attendance by an eligible dietitian to provide a dietetics health service to a person for assessing the person’s suitability for group services for the management of type 2 diabetes, including taking a comprehensive patient history, identifying an appropriate group services program based on the patient’s needs and preparing the person for the group services if:

(a) the person has type 2 diabetes; and

(b) the person is being managed by a medical practitioner (including a general practitioner, but not a specialist or consultant physician) under a shared care plan or a GP management plan or, if the person is a resident of an aged care facility, the person’s medical practitioner has contributed to a multidisciplinary care plan; and

(c) the person is referred to an eligible dietitian by the medical practitioner using a referral form that has been issued by the Department, or a referral form that contains all the components of the form issued by the Department; and

(d) the service is provided to the person individually; and

(e) the service is of at least 45 minutes duration; and

(f) after the service, the eligible dietitian gives a written report to the referring medical practitioner mentioned in paragraph (c);

payable once in a calendar year for this or any other assessment for group services item (including services to which this item, item 92384, or in items 81100, 81110 and 81120 of the Allied Health Determination apply)


Schedule 4 – Nurse practitioner, midwife Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner and dental practitioner services


Division 4.1 - Services and fees – COVID-19 nurse practitioner telehealth and phone services

4.1.1  Application of items in Subgroups 11, 12, 25 and 26 of Group M18

(1) In items 93201, 93203, 93284, and 93286:

  GP management plan means a plan under:

 (a) item 721 or 732 of the general medical services table (for coordination of a review of a GP management plan under item 721); or

 (b) item 229 or 233 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination (for coordination of a review of a GP management plan under item 229); or

 (c) item 92024, 92028, 92055, 92059, 92068, 92072, 92099 or 92103 (for coordination of a review of a GP management plan under item 92024,  92055, 92068 or 92099);

  multidisciplinary care plan means a plan under:

 (a) item 729 or 731 of the general medical services table; or

 (b) item 231 or 232 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination; or

 (c) item 92026, 92027, 92057, 92058, 92070, 92071, 92101 or 92102;

  person with a chronic disease means a person who has a care plan under:

 (a) item 721, 723, 729, 731 or 732 of the general medical services table; or

 (b) item 229, 230, 231, 232 or 233 of the Other Medical Practitioner Determination; or

 (c) item 92024 to 92028, 92055 to 92059, 92068 to 92072 or 92099 to 92103.

(2) A person cannot receive a service under item 93200 or 93202 if, in the same calendar year, the person has received 10 services to which any of the following items apply:

 (a) item 10987 of the general medical services table; or

 (b) item 93200 or 93202.

(3) A person cannot receive a service under item 93201 or 93203 if, in the same calendar year, the person has received 5 services to which any of the following items apply:

 (a) item 10997 of the general medical services table; or

 (b) item 93201 or 93203.


Group M18 COVID-19 allied health telehealth services  



Fee ($)

Subgroup 5 – COVID-19 nurse practitioner telehealth services


Telehealth attendance by a participating nurse practitioner for an obvious problem characterised by the straightforward nature of the task that requires a short patient history and, if required, limited management.



Telehealth attendance by a participating nurse practitioner lasting less than 20 minutes if  the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a short history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventive health care.



Telehealth attendance by a participating nurse practitioner lasting at least 20 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a detailed history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventive health care.



Telehealth attendance by a participating nurse practitioner lasting at least 40 minutes if  the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking an extensive history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventive health care.


Subgroup 10 – COVID-19 nurse practitioner phone services


Phone attendance by a participating nurse practitioner for an obvious problem characterised by the straightforward nature of the task that requires a short patient history and, if required, limited management.



Phone attendance by a participating nurse practitioner lasting less than 20 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a short history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventive health care.



Phone attendance by a participating nurse practitioner lasting at least 20 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking a detailed history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventive health care.



Phone attendance by a participating nurse practitioner lasting at least 40 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

(a) taking an extensive history;

(b) arranging any necessary investigation;

(c) implementing a management plan;

(d) providing appropriate preventive health care.


Subgroup 23—Follow up service provided by a practice nurse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner – Telehealth Services



Followup telehealth attendance provided by a practice nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner, on behalf of a medical practitioner, for an Indigenous person who has received a health check if:

(a) the service is provided on behalf of and under the supervision of a medical practitioner; and

(b) the service is consistent with the needs identified through the health assessment.




Telehealth attendance provided by a practice nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner to a person with a chronic disease if:

(a) the service is provided on behalf of and under the supervision of a medical practitioner; and

(b) the person has a GP management plan, team care arrangements or multidisciplinary care plan in place and the service is consistent with the plan or arrangements.


Subgroup 24—Follow up service provided by a practice nurse or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner – Phone Services



Followup phone attendance provided by a practice nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner, on behalf of a medical practitioner, for an Indigenous person who has received a health check if:

(a) the service is provided on behalf of and under the supervision of a medical practitioner; and

(b) the service is consistent with the needs identified through the health assessment.




Phone attendance provided by a practice nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner to a person with a chronic disease if:

(a) the service is provided on behalf of and under the supervision of a medical practitioner; and

(b) the person has a GP management plan, team care arrangements or multidisciplinary care plan in place and the service is consistent with the plan or arrangements.


Division 4.2 - Services and fees – midwifery telehealth and phone services


Group M19 – COVID-19 midwifery telehealth and phone services




Fee ($)

Subgroup 1 – COVID-19 midwifery telehealth services


Short antenatal telehealth attendance by a participating midwife, lasting up to 40 minutes.



Long antenatal telehealth attendance by a participating midwife, lasting at least 40 minutes.



Short postnatal telehealth attendance by a participating midwife, lasting up to 40 minutes.



Long postnatal telehealth attendance by a participating midwife, lasting at least 40 minutes.


Subgroup 2 – COVID-19 midwifery phone services


Short antenatal phone attendance by a participating midwife, lasting up to 40 minutes.



Long antenatal phone attendance by a participating midwife, lasting at least 40 minutes.



Short postnatal phone attendance by a participating midwife, lasting up to 40 minutes.



Long postnatal phone attendance by a participating midwife, lasting at least 40 minutes .


Division 4.3 - Services and fees – dental practitioner services

4.3.1 – Application of dental practitioner services

  Items 54001 to 54004 apply only to a service provided in the course of dental practice by a dental practitioner approved by the Minister before 1 November 2004 for the definition of professional service in subsection 3(1) of the Act.

Group O1—Consultations

Subgroup 1—dental practitioner telehealth services

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Fee ($)



Telehealth attendance (other than a second or subsequent attendance in a single course of treatment) by an approved dental practitioner in the practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery, if the patient is referred to the approved dental practitioner




Telehealth attendance by an approved dental practitioner in the practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery, each attendance after the first in a single course of treatment, if the patient is referred to the approved dental practitioner


Subgroup 2—dental practitioner phone services

Column 1


Column 2


Column 3

Fee ($)



Phone attendance (other than a second or subsequent attendance in a single course of treatment) by an approved dental practitioner in the practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery, if the patient is referred to the approved dental practitioner




Phone attendance by an approved dental practitioner in the practice of oral and maxillofacial surgery, each attendance after the first in a single course of treatment, if the patient is referred to the approved dental practitioner




Endnote 1—About the endnotes

The endnotes provide information about this compilation and the compiled law.

The following endnotes are included in every compilation:

Endnote 1—About the endnotes

Endnote 2—Abbreviation key

Endnote 3—Legislation history

Endnote 4—Amendment history

Abbreviation key—Endnote 2

The abbreviation key sets out abbreviations that may be used in the endnotes.

Legislation history and amendment history—Endnotes 3 and 4

Amending laws are annotated in the legislation history and amendment history.

The legislation history in endnote 3 provides information about each law that has amended (or will amend) the compiled law. The information includes commencement details for amending laws and details of any application, saving or transitional provisions that are not included in this compilation.

The amendment history in endnote 4 provides information about amendments at the provision (generally section or equivalent) level. It also includes information about any provision of the compiled law that has been repealed in accordance with a provision of the law.

Editorial changes

The Legislation Act 2003 authorises First Parliamentary Counsel to make editorial and presentational changes to a compiled law in preparing a compilation of the law for registration. The changes must not change the effect of the law. Editorial changes take effect from the compilation registration date.

If the compilation includes editorial changes, the endnotes include a brief outline of the changes in general terms. Full details of any changes can be obtained from the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.

Misdescribed amendments

A misdescribed amendment is an amendment that does not accurately describe the amendment to be made. If, despite the misdescription, the amendment can be given effect as intended, the amendment is incorporated into the compiled law and the abbreviation “(md)” added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.

If a misdescribed amendment cannot be given effect as intended, the abbreviation “(md not incorp)” is added to the details of the amendment included in the amendment history.


Endnote 2—Abbreviation key


ad = added or inserted

o = order(s)

am = amended

Ord = Ordinance

amdt = amendment

orig = original

c = clause(s)

par = paragraph(s)/subparagraph(s)

C[x] = Compilation No. x


Ch = Chapter(s)

pres = present

def = definition(s)

prev = previous

Dict = Dictionary

(prev…) = previously

disallowed = disallowed by Parliament

Pt = Part(s)

Div = Division(s)

r = regulation(s)/rule(s)

ed = editorial change

reloc = relocated

exp = expires/expired or ceases/ceased to have

renum = renumbered


rep = repealed

F = Federal Register of Legislation

rs = repealed and substituted

gaz = gazette

s = section(s)/subsection(s)

LA = Legislation Act 2003

Sch = Schedule(s)

LIA = Legislative Instruments Act 2003

Sdiv = Subdivision(s)

(md) = misdescribed amendment can be given

SLI = Select Legislative Instrument


SR = Statutory Rules

(md not incorp) = misdescribed amendment

SubCh = SubChapter(s)

cannot be given effect

SubPt = Subpart(s)

mod = modified/modification

underlining = whole or part not

No. = Number(s)

commenced or to be commenced


Endnote 3—Legislation history





Application, saving and transitional provisions

Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services - COVID-19 Telehealth and Telephone Attendances) Determination 2020

29 Mar 2020 (F2020L00342)

30 Mar 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)


Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services – COVID-19 Telehealth and Telephone Attendances) Amendment Determination 2020

3 Apr 2020 (F2020L00403)

Sch 1: 30 Mar 2020 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2: 4 Apr 2020 (s 2(1) item 3)

Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services – COVID-19 Telehealth and Telephone Attendances) Amendment (Bulk-billing) Determination 2020

4 Apr 2020 (F2020L00404)

6 Apr 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)

Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services – COVID-19 Telehealth and Telephone Attendances) Amendment (Expansion of Specialist Services) Determination 2020

4 Apr 2020 (F2020L00405)

6 Apr 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)

Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services – COVID-19 Telehealth and Telephone Attendances) Amendment (Bulk-billing Requirement and New Remote Attendance Services) Determination 2020

17 Apr 2020 (F2020L00442)

20 Apr 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)

Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services – GP and Allied Health COVID-19 Services) Amendment (Consequential) Determination 2020

30 Apr 2020 (F2020L00530)

Sch 4: 30 Apr 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)

Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Consequential Change to Incorporated GMST Clauses and Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) Determination 2020

30 Apr 2020 (F2020L00535)

Sch 3: 1 May 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)

Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services - COVID-19 Telehealth and Telephone Attendances) Amendment (Further Expansion of Remote Attendance Items) Determination 2020

20 May 2020 (F2020L00593)

Sch 1 (items 1–11): 22 May 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)

Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Indexation) Determination 2020

17 June 2020 (F2020L00742)

Sch 1 (items 1–7) : 1 July 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)

Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Services – COVID-19 Telehealth and Telephone GP Attendances) Amendment (Patient’s Usual Medical Practitioner) Determination 2020

17 July 2020 (F202L00922)

20 July 2020 (s 2(1) item 1)

Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Extend Cessation Date of Temporary COVID-19 Items) Determination 2020

21 Sept 2020 (F2020L01190)

Sch 1 (items 1, 2): 22 Sept 2020 (s 2(1) item 2)
Sch 2: 1 Oct 2020 (s 2(1) item 3)

Health Insurance (Section 3C General Medical Expansion of GP and Allied Health Mental Health Services and Chronic Disease Management) Amendment Determination 2020

23 Dec 2020 (F2020L01704)

Sch 1 (items 23–26): 10 Dec 2020 (s 2(1) item 2)

Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Extend Cessation Date of Temporary COVID-19 Items) Determination 2021

19 Mar 2021 (F2021L00267)

Sch 1 (item 1): 19 Mar 2021 (s 2(1) item 1)

Health Insurance Legislation Amendment (Flood Affected Areas) Determination 2021

1 Apr 2021 (F2021L00408)

Sch 1: 10 Mar 2021 (s 2(1) item 2)

Endnote 4—Amendment history


Provision affected

How affected

Part 1


s 2.....................

rep LA s 48D

s 4.....................

am F2020L01190; F2021L00267

s 5.....................

am F2020L00403; F2020L00404; F2020L00405; F2020L00442; F2020L00530; F2020L00535


ed C5; C6


am F2020L00593; F2020L00922; F2020L01190; F2021L00408

s 6.....................

rep LA s 48C

s 8.....................

am F2020L00403; F2020L00404; F2020L00442; F2020L00530; F2020L00593; F2020L00922; F2020L01190; F2020L01704; F2021L00408

Schedule 1


Division 1.1


Division 1.1 heading.........

am F2020L00530

c 1.1.1...................

am F2020L00403; F2020L00530; F2020L00535

c 1.1.3...................

am F2020L00403

c 1.1.3A.................

am F2020L00403


ed C1

c 1.1.4...................

am F2020L00403

c 1.1.5...................

am F2020L00403; F2020L00535

c 1.1.6...................

am F2020L00403; F2020L00530; F2020L01704

c 1.1.7...................

am F2020L00535

c 1.1.8...................

am F2020L00403; F2020L00535

c 1.1.9...................

am F2020L00403; F2020L00530


ed C5


am F2020L01704

c 1.1.9A.................

am F2020L00530

c 1.1.10..................

am F2020L00405; F2020L00535

c 1.1.11..................

am F2020L00403; F2020L00405; F2020L00530; F2020L00535

c 1.1.12..................

am F2020L00403; F2020L00405; F2020L00535

c 1.1.13..................

ad F2020L00530

c 1.1.14..................

ad F2020L00530

c 1.1.15..................

ad F2020L00530

c 1.1.16..................

ad F2020L00530

c 1.1.17..................

ad F2020L00530

Group A40 Table...........

am F2020L00403


ed C1


am F2020L00530; F2020L00593; F2020L00742; F2020L01704

Schedule 2


Division 2.1


Division 2.1 heading.........

am F2020L00530

Division 2.1...............

am F2020L00405

c 2.1.1...................

am F2020L00403; F2020L00405


ed C3


am F2020L00442; F2020L00530; F2020L00535

c 2.1.2...................

ad F2020L00442

Group A40 Table...........

am F2020L00403; F2020L00405; F2020L00442; F2020L00530; F2020L00742


ed C8

Division 2.2


c 2.2.1...................

rs F2020L00530


ed C5


am F2020L00535


ed C6

Group T4 Table............

am F2020L00403; F2020L00442; F2020L00530; F2020L00535; F2020L00593


ed C7


am F2020L00742


ed C8

Schedule 3


Division 3.1


Division 3.1 heading.........

am F2020L00530

c 3.1.1...................

am F2020L00530

c 3.1.2...................

am F2020L00405; F2020L00530

c 3.1.3...................

am F2020L00405; F2020L00530

c 3.1.5...................

am F2020L00405; F2020L00530

c 3.1.6...................

am F2020L00530

Group M18 Table...........

am F2020L00403; F2020L00530; F2020L00593; F2020L00742

Schedule 4


Division 4.1


Schedule 4 heading..........

am F2020L00442; F2020L00593

c 4.1.1...................

am F2020L00442


rep F2020L00530

c 4.1.2...................

ad F2020L00442


ed C4


renum F2020L00530

c 4.1.1 (prev c 4.1.2).........

am F2020L00593

Group M18 Table...........

am F2020L00442; F2020L00742

Division 4.2


c 4.2.1...................

rep F2020L00530

Group M19 Table...........

am F2020L00742

Division 4.3


Division 4.3...............

ad F2020L00593

c 4.3.1...................

ad F2020L00593

Group O1 Table............

am F2020L00742

Schedule 5................

rep LA s 48C