Banking (BEAR) determination No. 1 of 2020

Banking Act 1959


I, Sean Carmody, delegate of APRA, under subsection 37F(3) of the Banking Act 1959 (the Act) DETERMINE that, for the purposes of paragraph 37F(2)(b):


(a)     the period within which APRA must be notified in accordance with paragraph 37F(1)(a) of a change to an accountability statement; and

(b)    the period within which APRA must be notified in accordance with paragraph 37F(1)(b) of a change to an accountability map,


is 30 days.


This instrument commences on the day it is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation.


Dated: 26 March 2020





Sean Carmody

Executive Director

Cross-Industry Insights and Data Division





In this Determination:

APRA means the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.