Legislative Instrument


Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets) Amendment Determination 2020


I, Lousie Clarke, Deputy Commissioner, Law Design & Practice, make this determination under subsection 40-100(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (ITAA 1997).




Louise Clarke

Deputy Commissioner, Policy Analysis & Legislation | Law Design & Practice

Dated: 17 January 2020



  1. Name of instrument

This determination is the Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets) Amendment Determination 2020.


2.                  Commencement

This instrument commences on 1 July 2019.


3.                  Amendment of Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets) Determination 2015

Schedule 1 amends the Income Tax (Effective Life of Depreciating Assets) Determination 2015 - F2015L00798 registered on 11 June 2015.


4.                  Definitions – meaning of symbols used in Tables A and B

An asterisk (*) in the third column of Tables A and B indicates the corresponding assets have been reviewed to date as part of the ongoing review of the Commissioner’s effective life determinations.

A hash (#) in the third column of Table A or B indicates a capped life is available for the depreciating assets under section 40-102 of the ITAA 1997.

A plus (+) in the third column of Table A indicates an immediate deduction is available to primary producers for the depreciating assets under Subdivision 40-F of the ITAA 1997, subject to satisfaction of the required conditions.






Schedule 1 Amendments

(section 3)




[1] Table A, industry category MINING (06000 to 10900), sub-category Oil and gas extraction (07000), Gas production assets



 Self-propelled floating production storage and  offloading (FPSO) ships (incorporating mooring               systems)



1 Jul 2002

 Self-propelled floating storage and offloading (FSO)  ships (incorporating mooring systems)



1 Jul 2002




 Electricity generation assets – see Table A  Electricity supply (26110 to 26400)






 Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO)  vessels (incorporating mooring systems)



1 Jul 2002

 Floating storage and offloading (FSO) vessels  (incorporating mooring systems)



1 Jul 2002



[2] Table A, industry category MINING (06000 to 10900), sub-category Oil and gas extraction (07000), Oil production assets



 Self-propelled floating production storage and  offloading (FPSO) ships (incorporating mooring               systems)



1 Jul 2002

 Self-propelled floating storage and offloading (FSO)  ships (incorporating mooring systems)



1 Jul 2002



 Electricity generation assets – see Table A  Electricity supply (26110 to 26400)






 Floating production storage and offloading (FPSO)  vessels (incorporating mooring system)



1 Jul 2002

 Floating storage and offloading (FSO) vessels  (incorporating mooring system)



1 Jul 2002