Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia


Migration (Appropriate Regional Authority) Instrument (LIN 20/236) 2020

I, Alan Tudge, Minister for Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure, make the following instrument.



Dated 13 November 2020

The Hon. Alan Tudge MP

Minister Population, Cities and Urban Infrastructure on behalf of the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs

1  Name

(1)           This instrument is the Migration (Appropriate Regional Authority) Instrument (LIN20/236) 2020.

(2)           The instrument may be cited as LIN 20/236.

2  Commencement

This instrument commences the day after it is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation.

3  Authority

This instrument is made under the definition of appropriate regional authority in regulation 1.03 of the Regulations.

4  Definitions

In this instrument:

Regulations means the Migration Regulations 1994.

Note:  The definition of appropriate regional authority in regulation 1.03 of the Regulations states appropriate regional authority in relation to a State or Territory and applications for visas of a particular class, means a Department or authority of that State or Territory that is specified in a legislative instrument made by the Minister in relation to the grant of visas of that class.

5  Repeal

In accordance with subsection 33(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, the instrument Appropriate Regional Authority (IMMI 10/041) (F2010L01487) is repealed.

6  Appropriate Regional Authority

(1)           Each Department or authority of a State or Territory listed in the following table is specified as an appropriate regional authority in relation to a State or Territory and applications for visas for the following classes of visa:

(a)           Business Skills (Migrant) (Class AD), where an  application was made prior to 1 March 2003;

(b)           Business Skills – Established Business (Residence) (Class BH), where an application was made prior to 1 July 2013;

(c)           Business Skills (Residence) (Class DF);

(d)           Business Skills (Provisional) (Class UR);

(e)           Investor Retirement (Class UY).

Table: Departments, State or Territory Approved Regional Authorities

Item No.

Column 1

State or Territory

Column 2

Departments and Authorities


New South Wales

New South Wales Treasury



Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions



Trade and Investment Queensland (BSMQ)


Western Australia

Small Business Development Corporation


South Australia

Department for Innovation and Skills



Department of State Growth


Northern Territory

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade


Australian Capital Territory

ACT Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate