Information Infrastructure and Services Rule 2020


I, Professor Brian P. Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor, make the following rule.

Dated 22 December 2020

Professor Brian P. Schmidt AC FAA FRS





Part 1— Preliminary

1 Name

2 Commencement

3 Authority

4 Definitions

5 References to information infrastructure

Part 2— Information infrastructure

Division 2.1— Information infrastructure: access and use

6 Authorised access to information infrastructure

7 Unauthorised use of information infrastructure etc.

8 Proof of user’s identity

9 Priority users

10 System security

11 Material to be presented professionally

12 Limits on use of equipment and software

13 Development of software

14 Access to remote services

15 Application of further conditions

Division 2.2— Information infrastructure: particular prohibited conduct

16 Unethical use of information infrastructure etc.

17 Using information infrastructure for personal gain etc.

18 Copying etc.

19 Subverting security of information infrastructure etc.

20 Using information infrastructure to bring University into disrepute etc.

21 Misleading or false representations

22 Damaging information infrastructure etc.

23 Causing disturbance or nuisance etc.

Division 2.3— Information infrastructure: miscellaneous

24 Direction to leave premises

25 Examination of information

Part 3— Library and Library collections

26 Application of Part 3

27 Return or recall of borrowed items

28 Loss or destruction of borrowed items

29 Damage to library items etc.

30 Conduct of persons in Library premises

Part 4— Contraventions of this instrument

Division 4.1— Dealing with contraventions

31 How contraventions may be dealt with

Division 4.2— Penalties under this instrument

32 Liability to penalties

33 Penalties that may be imposed etc.

34 Amount of compensation

35 Imposition of penalties

36 Suspension from information infrastructure

Part 5— Appeals

37 Information Infrastructure and Services Appeals Committee

38 Appeal by person against whom finding is made

39 Appeal by responsible executive

40 Conduct of appeal by Appeals Committee

41 Representation at Appeals Committee hearings

42 Decision of Appeals Committee

Part 6— Miscellaneous

43 Appointment of responsible officers etc.

Part 7— Transitional provisions

44 General application and savings

45 Transitional orders

46 Application of Legislation Statute, section 26

47 Transitional provisions additional


Part 1—Preliminary

account means an account assigned to a user under section 6(2) (Authorised access to information infrastructure).

Appeals Committee means the Information Infrastructure and Services Appeals Committee.

information includes data stored in print, digitally or in any other format.

information infrastructure includes the buildings, permanent installations, information services, fixtures, cabling and capital equipment that comprise the underlying system within or by which the University:

Examples of things that may form part of information infrastructure

1 A laboratory, library, or theatre.

2 A computer, another hardware or software application, a VCR, a DVD, another sound or recording system, or an image projector.

information services includes all library, archive, records, computer (hardware and software), network, and analogue and digital information, services of the University.

item includes a book, periodical, newspaper, thesis, pamphlet, manuscript, musical score, map, plan, chart or table, photograph, sound recording, cinematograph film, audiovisual material, electronic material, digital material, and microform material.

Library includes:

Library collection includes a collection of Library items.

password means a password, passphrase, PIN or other form of authentication, mentioned in section 6(3) (Authorised access to information infrastructure), supplied to a user by a responsible officer.

responsible executive means the holder of the executive position within the University with responsibility for information technology facilities and services for the University.

responsible officer means a person who is appointed as a responsible officer under section 43 (Appointment of responsible officers etc.).

user means a person (wherever located) who accesses the information infrastructure.

[Note: For definitions applying to University legislation generally, see the dictionary in the Legislation Statute. That dictionary defines terms relevant to this instrument, including the following:

Part 2—Information infrastructure

[Note: Information services at another site may also be covered by other legislation or policies administered by the other site.]

Part 3—Library and Library collections

Part 4—Contraventions of this instrument

Part 5—Appeals

[Note: For the parties to an appeal by the responsible executive, see section 39(4) (Appeal by responsible executive).]

[Note: For the parties to an appeal by the responsible executive, see section 39(4) (Appeal by responsible executive).]

relevant person means a person (other than a person acting as a practising lawyer) who is:

Part 6—Miscellaneous

Part 7—Transitional provisions