Commonwealth Coat of Arms

Public Health (Jervis Bay Territory) Emergency Declaration 2020

Public Health Act 1997 (ACT) (Jervis Bay Territory)

I, RACHEL BACON, Deputy Secretary, Regional and Territories Group, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, exercising powers vested in me under the direction, dated 16 April 2020, made by the Governor-General under subsection 4B(2) of the Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act 1915 (Cwlth):

MAKE, under section 119 of the Public Health Act 1997 (ACT), as in force in the Jervis Bay Territory under section 4A of the Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act 1915 (Cwlth), the DECLARATION set out in this instrument.


Dated          22 April 2020 at    5pm


Rachel Bacon
Deputy Secretary
Regional and Territories Group
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications


  1. Name of instrument

This instrument is the Public Health (Jervis Bay Territory) Emergency Declaration 2020.


2.       Commencement

This instrument comes into force immediately after it is made.


3.       Nature of the emergency – subsection 119(2)(a)

The public health risk to the Jervis Bay Territory community posed by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.


4.       Area of the emergency – subsection 119(2)(b)

The area of the public health emergency is for the whole of the Jervis Bay Territory.


5.       Period of the emergency – subsection 119(2)(c)

For a period of five days beginning from the day and time this instrument commences.


6.       Declaration

I DECLARE, pursuant to section 119 of the Public Health Act 1997 (ACT), as in force in the Jervis Bay Territory under section 4A of the Jervis Bay Territory Acceptance Act 1915 (Cwlth), being satisfied that it is justified in the circumstances, that a public health emergency exists.