Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2021
I, Michaelia Cash, Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, make these Standards under subsection 188(1) of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.
Dated 11 / 03 / 2021
Michaelia Cash
Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business
1 Name
2 Commencement
3 Authority
4 Repeals
5 Transitional and application provisions
6 Definitions
Part 2 Introduction and purpose
7 Introduction
8 Purpose of the Standards
Part 3 Course standards
9 Duplication
10 Course standards
Appendix 1 Template for course documentation for accreditation
This instrument is the Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2021.
This instrument commences on the day after it is registered.
This instrument is made under subsection 188(1) of the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.
The Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2012 are repealed.
5 Transitional and application provisions
(1) To avoid doubt, notwithstanding the repeal of the Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2012, a course that had been accredited under section 44 of the Act, including as a result of a renewal under section 50 of the Act, prior to Commencement Day, still meets the Standards for VET Accredited Courses on the Commencement Day.
(2) This instrument applies to an application for accreditation of a course under section 43 of the Act, an application for the renewal of accreditation under section 50 of the Act, or a decision to cancel accreditation under section 52 of the Act on and from the Commencement Day.
(3) The Standards for VET Accredited Courses 2012 continue to apply to applications for accreditation of a course under section 43 of the Act, or an application for the renewal of accreditation under section 50 of the Act where the application was made prior to the Commencement Day.
Note: Paragraph 13(1)(b) of the Legislation Act 2003 provides that, unless the contrary intention appears, expressions used in any instrument so made have the same meaning as in the enabling legislation as in force from time to time. This principle applies to the following expressions which are defined in the Act:
(a) Australian Qualifications Framework;
(b) National VET Regulator;
(c) non-referring State;
(d) registered training organisation;
(e) VET accredited course;
(f) VET statement of attainment; and
(g) VET qualification.
In this instrument:
Act means the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011.
accreditation means the accreditation of a course under Part 3 of the Act.
articulation means the arrangements that facilitate the movement or progression of learners from one qualification or course to another, or from one education and training sector to another.
assessment means the process of collecting evidence and making judgements on whether competency has been achieved, to confirm that an individual can perform to the standard required in the workplace, education or community place as specified in a Training Package or VET accredited course.
assessment requirements means the endorsed component of a Training Package, or a component of a VET accredited course. Assessment requirements set out the approach to valid, reliable, flexible and fair assessment.
AQF qualification has the same meaning as in the Australian Qualifications Framework.
AVETMISS has the same meaning as in the National VET Data Policy.
Commencement Day means the day after these Standards are registered.
competency means the consistent application of knowledge and skill to the standard of performance required in the workplace. It embodies the ability to transfer and apply skills and knowledge to new situations and environments.
credit arrangements means the arrangements that facilitate the movement or progression of learners from one qualification or course to another through a formal process.
foundation skills has the same meaning as in the National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults.
industry means the bodies that have a stake in the development of courses and the training and assessment services provided by Registered Training Organisations. These can include, but are not limited to:
(a) enterprise or industry clients, such as employers;
(b) group training organisations;
(c) industry organisations;
(d) industry regulators;
(e) professional associations;
(f) Skills Service Organisations, or their successor;
(g) Industry Reference Committees or their successors;
(h) industry training advisory bodies; and
(i) unions.
industry regulator means a body or organisation responsible for the regulation of, or licensing arrangements within, a specific industry or occupation.
module relates to a specific area of learning at a given level of knowledge or skills performance, and is made up of a number of learning outcomes and assessment criteria. It directly aligns to the stated educational, community or legislative outcomes of its course. Modules do not have direct industry, occupational or vocational outcomes as these are reflected in units of competency.
National Foundation Skills Strategy for Adults means the document of that name, endorsed by the former Standing Council for Tertiary Education Skills and Employment, as amended from time to time.
National Register means the national register on vocational education and training in Australia. It is the authoritative source of nationally recognised training and registered training organisations who have the approved scope to deliver nationally recognised training.
National VET Data Policy means the document by that name, endorsed by the Council of Australian Governments Skills Council, or their successor.
pathways allow students to move between qualification levels with full or partial recognition for the qualifications and/or learning outcomes they have attained.
RTO means registered training organisation.
RTO Standards means the applicable standards applied by the VET Regulator and, in relation to the National VET Regulator, means the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations referred to in subsection 185(2) of the Act.
Skills Service Organisation means an organisation by that title funded by the Commonwealth to support Industry Reference Committees in their role, or its successor.
Training Package specifies the knowledge and skills required by individuals to perform effectively in the workplace, which are expressed in units of competency. Training packages detail how units of competency are packaged into nationally recognised and portable qualifications that comply with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF).
units of competency means the specification of the standards of performance required in the workplace as defined in a VET accredited course or Training Package.
VET Regulator means:
(a) the National VET Regulator; and
(b) a body of a non-referring State that is responsible for the kinds of matters dealt with under the VET legislation for that State.
vocational competency means industry knowledge and experience, at least at the level being delivered and assessed. A person who has vocational competency will be familiar with the content of the vocation and will have current direct relevant experience in the industry.
VET accredited courses are designed to address skill requirements for industry, education, legislative, enterprise or community needs, where these are not covered in nationally endorsed Training Packages. VET accredited courses also have the capacity to address changes in skill needs, and the needs of emerging industries, in a responsive manner. A collaborative approach between national bodies with responsibility for the development and endorsement of Training Packages and VET Regulators provides an effective and timely response to the changing needs of industry.
Under section 44 of the Act, the National VET Regulator, when deciding whether to grant an application for the accreditation of a course, must consider whether the course meets the Standards for VET Accredited Courses and the Australian Qualifications Framework. The National VET Regulator must also consider the Standards for VET Accredited Courses when making a decision to cancel the accreditation of a course under section 52 of the Act, or to renew accreditation under section 50 of the Act.
The purpose of these Standards is to ensure that, when making decisions to accredit a course, or cancel or renew accreditation of a course, the National VET Regulator must consider whether the course:
A national template for course accreditation is at Appendix 1 to these Standards. The template provides the basis for the development of strategies for training and assessment by each RTO and describes essential course information including the packaging rules, outcomes to be achieved, standards for assessment and required resources.
In deciding to grant an application for the accreditation of a course, the National VET Regulator must consider whether the course meets the following standards.
Note: Under section 43 of the Act, an application for accreditation must be accompanied by any information or documents that the National VET Regulator requires.
The National VET Regulator may cancel the accreditation of a VET accredited course under section 52 of the Act if the course ceases to meet these standards.
A course must not duplicate, by title or coverage, the outcomes of an endorsed Training Package qualification or skill set or accredited course.
(1) A course must be based on an established industry, education, legislative, enterprise or community need.
(2) A course must be based on nationally endorsed units of competency where these are available and where these are not available the course is based on:
(a) units of competency developed as part of the course in accordance with the unit of competency template; or
(b) where subsection 10(4) applies, modules.
Note: Units of competency or modules are developed in consultation with, and validated by industry, enterprise, community and/or professional groups and documented in accordance with these standards.
(3) A course must include skills and knowledge components, expressed as:
(a) units of competency; or
(b) where subsection 10(4) applies, modules.
(4) A course may only include modules in exceptional circumstances where the applicant can demonstrate the need for the module and why it is not possible to develop a unit of competency prior to commencing course development.
(5) A course either leads to a:
(a) VET qualification and have course outcomes that are consistent with the AQF qualification descriptor identified for the course; or
(b) VET statement of attainment when course outcomes meet an identified industry, education, legislative, enterprise or community need but do not have the breadth and depth required for a VET qualification as stated in the Australian Qualifications Framework.
(6) A course identifies foundation skills relevant to the course outcomes.
(7) A course confirms recognition to be given to the course by licensing, regulatory, professional or industry bodies where applicable.
(8) A course must specify rules for the structure of the course.
(9) A course must identify exit points from the course which provide for vocational or educational outcomes where applicable.
(10) A course must provide information on educational pathways and articulation where applicable.
(11) A course must specify any entry requirements to the course and justify any explicit limitations to access.
(12) A course must specify course assessment strategies, which:
(a) are valid, reliable, flexible and fair;
(b) provide for the collection of evidence of competency that is sufficient, valid, authentic and current;
(c) are consistent with the assessment requirements in the relevant Training Package(s) where nationally endorsed units of competency are used;
(d) are consistent with the assessment requirement in the relevant VET accredited course where units from an accredited course are used;
(e) ensure that workplace and regulatory requirements, where relevant, are met; and
(f) identify and justify any requirements for workplace and/or simulated assessment.
(13) A course must provide guidance on appropriate delivery modes, together with advice on limitations on course delivery modes and any requirements for work placements or on-the-job training.
(14) A course must specify facilities and resources and the vocational competency requirements of trainers and assessors essential for the delivery of the course. Vocational competency must be considered on an industry-by-industry basis and with reference to the assessment requirements of the VET accredited course and assessment conditions of units of competency.
(15) A course must incorporate and identify course monitoring and evaluation processes which ensure that:
(a) the course content and outcomes are reviewed and remain current and relevant throughout the period of accreditation;
(b) the National VET regulator is informed of any proposed changes to the course (for example, changes to entry requirements, course structure, inclusion of training package units, or changes to core and elective units) and, if required, any relevant material is provided to the National VET Regulator to enable it to determine whether the course remains current and continues to comply with these standards throughout the period of accreditation; and
(c) if the course is changed as a result of course monitoring and evaluation, any RTO that has been licensed or franchised to deliver the course is advised of the changes by the copyright owner.
Appendix 1 Template for course documentation for accreditation
The national template is mandatory and is designed to assist in development of courses for accreditation and renewal of accreditation under the Act that lead to an Australian Qualifications Framework qualification or to a VET statement of attainment. The template is divided into three sections (A, B and C) which together form the course document.
The course document (Sections A, B and C) is the specification for the VET accredited course. It provides the basis for the development of strategies for training and assessment by each RTO and describes essential course information.
Section A: Applicant and course classification information
1. Person in respect of whom the course is being accredited | Provide the name of the legal entity or individual who is applying for accreditation of a course as a VET accredited course. Provide both the ongoing organisation contact details and the day to day contact details where these are different. | ||||||
2. Address | Provide the street, postal and email address of the legal entity or individual in respect of whom the course is being accredited. | ||||||
3. Type of submission | State whether the submission is for accreditation or re-accreditation. If the submission is for renewal of accreditation please provide the code and title of the existing course. | ||||||
4. Copyright acknowledgement | Provide evidence that the applicant for accreditation either owns, or is licensed to exploit the copyright in any units of competency or modules. Include the name of the legal entity or individuals who own the copyright. | ||||||
5. Licensing and franchise | Indicate if this course may be used under licence or franchise and if there are relevant state requirements for use by other providers. Provide contact details for these arrangements. | ||||||
6. Course accrediting body | Provide the name of the VET Regulator. | ||||||
7. AVETMISS information | Provide AVETMISS classification codes that describe the industry, occupational group and field of education for which the course is intended.
[Classification codes for AVETMISS data may be found on the NCVER website at] | ||||||
8. Period of accreditation
| Accreditation dates will be confirmed by the National VET Regulator once the course is accredited. |
Section B: Course information
1. Nomenclature | |
1.1 Name of the qualification | Standard 9 for VET Accredited Courses State the name of the qualification or Course in. The name of the qualification or Course in must not duplicate the name of a Training Package qualification or skill set. It must comply with the length specified in AVETMISS (no more than 100 characters, including spaces). |
1.2 Nominal duration of the course | Standard 10.8 for VET Accredited Courses State the nominal duration of the course in hours. |
2. Vocational or educational outcomes of the course | |
2.1 Outcome(s) of the course | Standard 10.1 for VET Accredited Courses State the intended outcome(s) of the course |
2.2 Course description | Standard 10.1 for VET Accredited Courses Provide a short description outlining the course. This description will be published on the National Register of VET ( |
3. Development of the course | |
3.1 Industry, education, legislative, enterprise or community needs | Standards 9, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3 and 10.4 for VET Accredited Courses Describe the consultation and validation process. Identify the major client and/or industry groups. Confirm the proposed course does not duplicate a qualification or skill set. |
3.2 Review for renewal of accreditation | Standards 10.1, 10.15 for VET Accredited Courses If applying for renewal of accreditation, provide details of how monitoring and evaluation have been taken into account in the revised course. Include a table that clearly maps the existing course structure against the new course structure. Include a statement that clearly states whether the course submitted is equivalent or not equivalent to the existing course. |
4. Course outcomes | |
4.1 Qualification level | Standard 10.5 for VET Accredited Courses Describe how the intended course outcomes are consistent with the AQF level in the context of the proposed level for the course. |
4.2 Foundation skills | Standard 10.6 for VET Accredited Courses Provide a summary of the foundation skills to be achieved in the course. If the course leads to a VET statement of attainment (e.g. Course in), this is optional. |
4.3 Recognition given to the course (if applicable) | Standard 10.7 for VET Accredited Courses State the recognition given to the course by professional or industry bodies, if applicable, for example by granting membership. |
4.4 Licensing or regulatory requirements | Standard 10.7 for VET Accredited Courses State the extent to which the course satisfies licensing or regulatory requirements, if applicable. |
5. Course rules | |
5.1 Course structure | Standards 10.8 and 10.9 for VET Accredited Courses Course structure must be presented in table format or as a combination of text and table, including information on pre-requisites and nominal hours. 1. Outline the structure of the course and the rules for completion. Course structure will reflect the intended skill and knowledge outcomes of the course and may be:
2. Any exit points from the course that provide for vocational or educational outcomes should be identified. 3. Include a statement that a VET statement of attainment will be issued for any unit of competency or module completed if the full VET qualification is not completed. The structure is accredited in its own right and assigned a National Register course code. |
5.2 Entry requirements | Standard 10.11 for VET Accredited Courses 1. Describe entry requirements essential to the course. Wherever possible, these should be expressed in terms of competencies. Limitations to entry must be justified. 2. Guidance on foundation skills, such as language, literacy and/or numeracy skills to support participants to achieve competence in the course outcomes may be included here. |
6. Assessment | |
6.1 Assessment strategy | Standard 10.12 for VET Accredited Courses 1. Describe the course assessment strategy in terms of how it effectively judges participants’ achievement of outcomes. The strategy should outline the approach to assessment and evidence gathering to be followed by the RTO, including any mandated and/or recommended modes of assessment. 2. Describe how assessment of the course will be consistent with the RTO Standards or their successor, and identify course assessment strategies which:
6.2 Assessor competencies | Standard 10.14 for VET Accredited Courses 1. Confirm compliance with the requirements for the competence of staff involved in assessment in the RTO Standards or their successor, and provide guidance on the vocational competency requirements for assessors. 2. Justify any specialist vocational competency requirements for assessors in addition to the requirements in the RTO Standards or their successor, for the competencies of assessors. 3. Units of competency that have been imported from Training Packages or accredited courses must reflect the requirements for trainers specified in that Training Package or VET accredited course. |
7. Delivery | |
7.1 Delivery modes | Standards 10.13 for VET Accredited Courses 1. Identify and justify any delivery modes essential to this course, particularly work placements or on-the-job training. 2. Identify and justify any limitations to the delivery modes that may be chosen for this course. 3. Identify any educational support mechanisms for maximising participants’ completion of the course. 4. Indicate how the course may be varied to reflect the needs of learner groups, through the contextualisation of unit content or delivery. |
7.2 Resources | Standard 10.14 for VET Accredited Courses 1. Provide details of any specialised facilities and equipment essential for the delivery of the course. 2. Provide advice on the vocational competency requirements for trainers. Any requirements above the requirements of the RTO Standards 2015 or their successor, must be justified. 3. Units of competency that have been imported from Training Packages or VET accredited courses must reflect the requirements for trainers specified in that Training Package or VET accredited course.
8. Pathways and articulation | |
8.1 Pathways and articulation | Standard 10.10 for VET Accredited Courses 1. Provide details of potential pathways for course participants, both into the course and into other VET and higher education courses on completion, including details of any formalised articulation and/or credit arrangements. 2. If this course contains nationally endorsed units of competency, identify any connections with other Training Package qualifications that are relevant to vocational pathways for course graduates. |
9. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation | |
9.1 Ongoing monitoring and evaluation | Standard 10.15 for VET Accredited Courses
Section C: Units of competency
Section C of the course documentation consists of the units of competency making up the course (or modules, where relevant).
The following must be included:
1. A list of the codes and titles of units of competency imported from the Training Package(s) and/or VET accredited course(s);
Note: the code and title of the units must be current and the same as the code and title used in the parent Training Package(s) and/or VET accredited course(s).
2. The units of competency developed for the course, which comply with the requirements outlined in the following unit of competency and assessment requirements templates;
3. Modules for the course.
Note: Modules may only be included in exceptional circumstances where the legal entity or person in respect of whom the course is accredited establishes a case, to the satisfaction of the National VET Regulator, that explains the need for the module and why it is not possible to develop an appropriate unit of competency (see standard 10.4). Applicants should consult with the National VET Regulator prior to the development of the course.
Unit of Competency Template
UNIT CODE Mandatory field | The unit code must consist of alpha and/or numeric characters. It must comply with the length specified in the AVETMIS Standard (no more than 12 characters, including spaces). |
UNIT TITLE Mandatory field | The title accurately and concisely describes the unit outcome. It must comply with the length specified in AVETMISS (no more than 100 characters, including spaces). |
APPLICATION Mandatory field | The application section briefly describes how the unit is practically applied in the industry and in what context(s) the unit may be applied. It includes:
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of publication. |
PREREQUISITE UNIT Optional field | List any unit(s) or module(s) in which the candidate must be deemed competent prior to the determination of competency in this unit. |
COMPETENCY FIELD Optional field | Used only when the course developer wishes to categorise a set of units within a VET accredited course in relation to a type of work. |
UNIT SECTOR Optional field | Used only when the course developer wishes to categorise a set of units within a VET accredited course in relation to a particular industry sector. |
ELEMENTS Mandatory field | PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Mandatory field |
Elements describe the essential outcomes of the unit. | Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element. |
| 1.1 Performance criteria clearly relate to but do not duplicate the element. 1.2 They are expressed as a standard of performance and specify the context for application. 1.3 They specify the required level of performance in relevant tasks, roles and skills. 1.4 They reflect the applied knowledge that enables competent performance. |
RANGE OF CONDITIONS Optional field Specifies different work environments and conditions that may affect performance. Essential operating conditions that may be present (depending on work situation, needs of the candidate, accessibility of the item and local industry and regional contexts) are included. Range of conditions are advisory in nature and aimed at assisting in the delivery of the unit of competency by providing additional context. This includes essential operating conditions and any other variables essential to the work environment. | |
FOUNDATION SKILLS Mandatory field This section describes those language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential to performance. Foundation skills essential to performance in this unit, but not explicit in the performance criteria are listed here, along with a brief context statement. Where all foundation skills essential to performance in this unit are explicit in the performance criteria, insert: Foundation skills essential to performance are explicit in the performance criteria of this unit of competency | |
UNIT MAPPING INFORMATION Mandatory field | Specifies the code and title of any equivalent unit of competency. If no equivalent unit, insert: No equivalent unit. |
Assessment Requirements Template
TITLE Mandatory field | Assessment Requirements for [insert Unit of Competency Code and Title] |
KNOWLEDGE EVIDENCE Mandatory field |