Instrument number CASA ADCX 007/21

I, DAVID PUNSHON, Manager, Continued Operational Safety, a delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, make this instrument under subregulation 39.001 (1) of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998.


Description automatically generated

David Punshon
Acting Manager, Continued Operational Safety

13 September 2021

CASA ADCX 007/21 - Repeal of Airworthiness Directive AD/BAL/9 Amdt 1

1.                  Name of Instrument

 This instrument is CASA ADCX 007/21 - Repeal of Airworthiness Directive AD/BAL/9 Amdt 1.

2.                  Commencement

 This instrument commences on 24 September 2021.

3.                  Repeal

 The Airworthiness Directive (AD) mentioned in Schedule 1 is repealed on the date specified for it in the Schedule.


Repeal date

AD/BAL/9 Amdt 1Instruments in Thermal Airships

24 September 2021