LIN 21/056
Migration (arrangements for Visitor (Class FA) visa applications) Instrument (LIN 21/056) 2021
I, Sandra Jeffery, delegate of the Minister, make this instrument under subregulation 2.07(5) and item 1236 of Schedule 1 to the Migration Regulations 1994 (the Regulations).
Dated 28 September 2021
Sandra Jeffery
Assistant Secretary
Immigration Programs Division
Department of Home Affairs
Part 1 Preliminary 3
1 Name 3
2 Commencement 3
3 Definitions 3
4 Repeal 3
Part 2 Making a Visitor (Class FA) visa application 4
5 Making an application in the Tourist stream 4
6 Making an application in the Sponsored Family stream 4
7 Making an application in the Business Visitor stream 4
8 Making an application in the Approved Destination Status stream 4
9 Making an application in the Frequent Traveller stream 5
Schedule 1 Travel agents for Approved Destination Status Stream 6
This instrument is the Migration (arrangements for Visitor (Class FA) visa applications) Instrument (LIN 21/056) 2021.
This instrument commences on the day after registration on the Federal Register of Legislation.
In this instrument:
Approved Destination Status stream visa means a Subclass 600 (Visitor) visa in the Approved Destination Status stream within the meaning given by the Regulations.
Business Visitor stream visa means a Subclass 600 (Visitor) visa in the Business Visitor stream within the meaning given by the Regulations.
Frequent Traveller stream visa means a Subclass 600 (Visitor) visa in the Frequent Traveller stream within the meaning given by the Regulations.
ImmiAccount means the interactive portal for online services available through the Department’s website at
PRC means the People’s Republic of China.
Sponsored Family stream visa means a Subclass 600 (Visitor) visa in the Sponsored Family stream within the meaning given by the Regulations.
Tourist stream visa means a Subclass 600 (Visitor) visa in the Tourist stream within the meaning given by the Regulations.
written notice means an email from the Department inviting a person to make an application using a form and in a manner other than an internet form through ImmiAccount and includes instructions for how to return the form to the Department.
Note: Section 46 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 applies to this instrument, meaning that terms defined in the Migration Act 1958 and the Regulations have the same meaning in this instrument, including substantive visa and internet application.
Migration (LIN 20/046: Arrangements for Visitor (Class FA) Visa Applications) Instrument 2020 is repealed.
Part 2 Making a Visitor (Class FA) visa application
5 Making an application in the Tourist stream
(1)For subitem 1236(1) and item 1 of the table in subitem 1236(3) of Schedule 1 to the Regulations this section specifies requirements for making an application for a Tourist stream visa:
(a) if the applicant is outside Australia—in subsections (2) and (3); and
(b) if the applicant is in Australia—in subsections (4) and (5).
Applicant outside Australia
(2) The application must be made using form 1419 (Internet) through ImmiAccount, indicating the application is for a Tourist stream visa only.
(3) However, if a person has received written notice, an application may be made using form 1419 in accordance with the instructions in the written notice.
Applicant in Australia
(4) If the applicant holds a substantive visa, the application must be made:
(a) using form 1419 (Internet) through ImmiAccount, indicating the application is for a Tourist stream visa only; or
(b) using form 1419 and by posting the application with sufficient prepaid postage to:
Department of Home Affairs
Onshore Visitor Visa Processing
GPO Box 9984
Sydney NSW 2001.
(5) In any other case, the application must be made using form 1419 and by posting the application with sufficient prepaid postage to the address mentioned in paragraph (4)(b).
6 Making an application in the Sponsored Family stream
For subitem 1236(1) and item 1 of the table in subitem 1236(4) of Schedule 1 to the Regulations an application for a Sponsored Family stream visa must be made:
(a) using form 1419 (Internet) through ImmiAccount, indicating the application is for a Sponsored Family stream visa only; and
(b) by attaching form 1149 to the application in ImmiAccount.
7 Making an application in the Business Visitor stream
(1) For subitem 1236(1) and item 1 of the table in subitem 1236(5) of Schedule 1 to the Regulations an application for a Business Visitor stream visa must be made using form 1419 (Internet) through ImmiAccount, indicating the application is for a Business Visitor stream visa only.
(2) However, if a person has received written notice, an application may be made using form 1415 in accordance with the instructions in the written notice.
8 Making an application in the Approved Destination Status stream
(1) For subitem 1236(1) and item 4 of the table in subitem 1236(6) of Schedule 1 to the Regulations an application for an Approved Destination Status stream visa must be made using form 48G (Internet) through ImmiAccount, indicating the application is for an Approved Destination Status stream visa only.
(2) For item 3 of the table in subitem 1236(6) of Schedule 1 to the Regulations, each travel agent mentioned in Schedule 1 is specified.
9 Making an application in the Frequent Traveller stream
(1) For subitem 1236(1) and item 1 of the table in subitem 1236(6A) of Schedule 1 to the Regulations an application for the Frequent Traveller stream visa must be made using form 1419 (Internet) through ImmiAccount, indicating the application is for a Frequent Traveller stream visa only.
(2) For paragraph (b) of item 2 in the table in subitem 1236(6A) of Schedule 1 to the Regulations, the PRC is specified.
(3) For item 3 of the table in the subitem 1236(6A) of Schedule 1 to the Regulations, the applicant must hold a passport of the PRC indicating that the applicant is a national of the PRC.
Schedule 1 Travel agents for Approved Destination Status Stream
Item | Travel agent | Code | Province/ municipality |
1 | Beijing ANZ International Travel Service Co, Ltd | BANZ | Beijing |
2 | Beijing CAISSA International Travel Service Co | BCAISSA | Beijing |
3 | Beijing China International Travel Service Co, Ltd | BCITS | Beijing |
4 | Beijing China Youth Travel Service Co, Ltd | BCYTS | Beijing |
5 | Beijing Global Tour International Travel Service Co, Ltd | BGTI | Beijing |
6 | Beijing Hua Yuan International Travel Co, Ltd | BHUAYUAN | Beijing |
7 | Beijing North Star International Travel Service Ltd | BNSITS | Beijing |
8 | Beijing U Tour International Travel Service Co, Ltd | BUTI | Beijing |
9 | Beijing Xinhua International Tours Co, Ltd | BXINHUA | Beijing |
10 | BTG International Travel & Tours Co, Ltd | BBTG | Beijing |
11 | China Comfort Travel Service Head Office | CHINA COMFORT | National |
12 | China Golden Bridge Travel Service Co, Ltd Head Office | CGBTHO | National |
13 | China International Travel Service Ltd Head Office | CITSHO | National |
14 | China International Travel Service of Zhongshan Co, Ltd | CITSZS | Guangdong |
15 | China International Travel Service Shanghai | SCITS | Shanghai |
16 | China International Travel Service Shenzhen Co Ltd | CITSSZ | Guangdong |
17 | China Merchants Group Shanghai International Travel Service | SCMG | Shanghai |
18 | China Merchants International Travel Service Shenzhen Co Ltd | CMITSZ | Guangdong |
19 | China Peace International Travel Corporation | BCPI | Beijing |
20 | China Post and Telecom Tours | BPOST | Beijing |
21 | China Travel International (Guangdong) Ltd | CMITGZ | Guangdong |
22 | China Travel Service Co, Ltd, Beijing | BCTS | Beijing |
23 | China Travel Service Co, Ltd, Head Office | CTSHO | National |
24 | China Travel Service Head Office Beijing Co, Ltd | BCTI | Beijing |
25 | China Travel Service Shunde | CTSSD | Guangdong |
26 | China Women Travel Service Head Office | CWTSHO | National |
27 | China Youth Travel Service Dalian | DLCYTS | Liaoning |
28 | China Youth Travel Service Guangdong | CYTSGD | Guangdong |
29 | China Youth Travel Service Head Office | CYTSHO | National |
30 | China Youth Travel Service Jiangsu | JSCYTS | Jiangsu |
31 | Chongqing China Youth Travel Service Co, Ltd | CQCYTS | Chongqing |
32 | CITS Group Shanghai Co, Ltd | SNITS | Shanghai |
33 | CTS Holiday International Travel Co, Ltd Nanhai | CTSNH | Guangdong |
34 | CYTS Tours Guangdong Railway Co. Ltd | CYTSGR | Guangdong |
35 | Dongguan International Travel Service Co, Ltd | DITS | Guangdong |
36 | Guangdong China Travel Service Co, Ltd | CTSGD | Guangdong |
37 | Guangdong Great Scenery International Travel Service Co, Ltd | GTSCEN | Guangdong |
38 | Guangdong SZL International Travel Service Co, Ltd | SZL | Guangdong |
39 | Guangdong Yangchengzhilu International Travel Service Co, Ltd | YCZL | Guangdong |
40 | Guangzhou Comfort International Travel Service Co, Ltd | CCTGZ | Guangdong |
41 | GZL International Travel Service Ltd | GZL | Guangdong |
42 | Hangzhou China Travel Service | HZCTS | Zhejiang |
43 | Hangzhou OTC Travel International | HZOTC | Zhejiang |
44 | Hebei China Travel Service | HBCTS | Hebei |
45 | Hunan Tongcheng Enjoygoing International Travel Service Co, Ltd | HUNITS | Hunan |
46 | Liaoning Comfort International Travel Service Co, Ltd | LNCCT | Liaoning |
47 | Mingguang (Shanghai) International Travel Service Co, Ltd | MGITS | Shanghai |
48 | Nanhu International Travel Service Co., Ltd. | NHITS | Guangdong |
49 | Nanjing Zhongbei Friendship International Travel Service Co, Ltd | NJZBF | Jiangsu |
50 | Phoenix Travel Worldwide Co, Ltd | BCSTS | Beijing |
51 | Qingdao China International Travel Service | QDCITS | Shandong |
52 | Qingdao Huaqing International Travel Service | QDHUAQING | Shandong |
53 | Shandong China Youth Travel Service | SDCYTS | Shandong |
54 | Shanghai Airline Tours International Co, Ltd | SATI | Shanghai |
55 | Shanghai Ba-Shi International Travel Service Co, Ltd | SBUS | Shanghai |
56 | Shanghai China Travel International Ltd (CTIS) | SCTI | Shanghai |
57 | Shanghai China Women International Travel Service Co. Ltd | SWIT | Shanghai |
58 | Shanghai China Youth Travel Service | CYTS03 | Shanghai |
59 | Shanghai Ctrip International Travel Service Co, Ltd | SCHIT | Shanghai |
60 | Shanghai Eastern Air International Travel Service & Transport Co | SEAIT | Shanghai |
61 | Shanghai Jin Jiang Tours Co, Ltd | SJIN | Shanghai |
62 | Shanghai New Comfort International Travel Co, Ltd | SNCIT | Shanghai |
63 | Shanghai Railway International Travel Service | SRIT | Shanghai |
64 | Shanghai Spring International Travel Service | SSIT | Shanghai |
65 | Shenzhen CEPT International Travel Service | CEPT | Guangdong |
66 | Shenzhen Comfort Travel Service Co, Ltd | CCTSZ | Guangdong |
67 | Shenzhen Port China Travel Service Co, Ltd | CTSSZP | Guangdong |
68 | Shenzhen Tourism (Group) Corporation | SZTC | Guangdong |
69 | Sichuan China Youth Travel Service | SCCYTS | Sichuan |
70 | Sichuan Comfort International Travel Service Co, Ltd | SCCOMFORT | Sichuan |
71 | TUYI Group Co, Ltd | ZJTIS | Zhejiang |
72 | VTOUR Travel Service Zhejiang Co, Ltd | ZJVTS | Zhejiang |
73 | Wuxi China International Travel Service | WCITS | Jiangsu |
74 | Wuxi China Travel Service Sincerity Tour Corp | WXCTS | Jiangsu |
75 | Xiamen Airlines International Travel Service Co, Ltd | XMITS | Fujian |
76 | Xiamen C&D International Travel Service Group | XCDITS | Fujian |
77 | Zhejiang CYTS International Travel | ZJCYTS | Zhejiang |
78 | Zhejiang China Travel Service Group | ZJCTS | Zhejiang |
79 | Zhejiang Everbright International Travel Co, Ltd | ZJEIT | Zhejiang |