Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia


Crimes (Currency) (Counterfeit Foreign Money and Securities Examiners) Appointments 2021

I, Michael Sukkar, Assistant Treasurer, Minister for Housing and Minister for Homelessness, Social and Community Housing, under subsections 27(2) and (3) of the Crimes (Currency) Act 1981 (the Act), being satisfied each person is appropriately qualified, make the following appointments for the purposes of the Act:

 (1) Wing Suet (Sabrina) So as an examiner of counterfeit foreign paper money and an examiner of counterfeit foreign prescribed securities; and

 (2) Bianca McKechnie as an examiner of counterfeit foreign paper money and an examiner of counterfeit foreign prescribed securities; and

 (3) Kathryn Miegel as an examiner of counterfeit foreign paper money and an examiner of counterfeit foreign prescribed securities.

Each appointment is for a period of five years from the day after this instrument is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation.

Under subsections 27(2) and (3) of the Act, I also revoke, with effect from the day after this instrument is registered, the appointments of all previous examiners of counterfeit foreign paper money and counterfeit foreign prescribed securities.

Dated   30 September 2021


Michael Sukkar

Assistant Treasurer
Minister for Housing
Minister for Homelessness, Social and Community Housing