Australian Prudential Regulation Authority

(confidentiality) determination No. 2 of 2022


Information provided by life insurers and friendly societies under relevant reporting documents

Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998


I, Alison Bliss, delegate of APRA:


(a)           under section 57 of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Act 1998 (the Act) and subsection 33(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, revoke the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (confidentiality) determination No. 12 of 2015; and


(b)           under paragraph 57(2)(b) of the Act, determine all or a specified part of the reporting documents of a kind specified in Part 1 or Part 2 of the Schedule do not contain confidential information.


This determination commences upon registration on the Federal Register of Legislation.


Note: The effect of this instrument is that the non-confidential information may be published under subsection 56(5C) of the Act.



Dated:  18 January 2022






Alison Bliss

General Manager

Data Analytics & Insights




In this determination:

APRA means the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.

reporting document means a reporting document within the meaning of section 13 of the Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001.



Part 1 (reporting documents covered by this determination)

Part 1 of the Schedule of this determination applies to all of the information in reporting forms given to APRA by a life insurer or friendly society under the following reporting standards, where a period of at least 14 days has elapsed from the date the life insurer or friendly society was required to provide the information required under the reporting standards in accordance with paragraph 5 of Reporting Standard LRS 001 Reporting Requirements:


  1. Current Reporting Standards


  1. Reporting Standard LRS 112.0 Determination of Capital Base;
  2. Reporting Standard LRS 114.2 Derivatives Activity;
  3. Reporting Standard LRS 114.3 Off-balance Sheet Business;
  4. Reporting Standard LRS 200.0 Capital Adequacy Supplementary Information;
  5. Reporting Standard LRS 300.0 Statement of Financial Position;
  6. Reporting Standard LRS 310.0 Income Statement;
  7. Reporting Standard LRS 330.0 Summary of Revenue and Expenses;
  8. Reporting Standard LRS 340.0 Retained Profits;
  9. Reporting Standard LRS 400.0 Statement of Policy Liabilities;
  10. Reporting Standard LRS 420.0 Assets Backing Policy Liabilities; and
  11. Reporting Standard LRS 430.0 Sources of Profit.


This determination also applies to reporting forms given to APRA by a life insurer or friendly society under the following superseded reporting standards:


2.      Superseded Reporting Standards effective from 1 January 2008 to 30 September 2009:


  1. Reporting Standard LRS 100.0 Solvency;
  2. Reporting Standard LRS 120.0 Management Capital;
  3. Reporting Standard LRS 210.0 Derivatives, Commitments and Off-balance Sheet Items;
  4. Reporting Standard LRS 300.0 Statement of Financial Position;
  5. Reporting Standard LRS 310.0 Statement of Financial Performance;
  6. Reporting Standard LRS 330.0 Summary of Revenue and Expenses;
  7. Reporting Standard LRS 340.0 Retained Profits;
  8. Reporting Standard LRS 400.0 Statement of Policy Liabilities;
  9. Reporting Standard LRS 420.0 Assets Backing Policy Liabilities; and
  10. Reporting Standard LRS 430.0 Sources of Profit.


3.      Superseded Reporting Standards effective from 1 October 2009 to 31 December 2012:


  1. Reporting Standard LRS 100.0 Solvency;
  2. Reporting Standard LRS 120.0 Management Capital;
  3. Reporting Standard LRS 210.0 Derivatives, Commitments and Off-balance Sheet Items;
  4. Reporting Standard LRS 300.0 Statement of Financial Position;
  5. Reporting Standard LRS 310.0 Statement of Financial Performance;
  6. Reporting Standard LRS 330.0 Summary of Revenue and Expenses;
  7. Reporting Standard LRS 340.0 Retained Profits;
  8. Reporting Standard LRS 400.0 Statement of Policy Liabilities;
  9. Reporting Standard LRS 420.0 Assets Backing Policy Liabilities; and
  10. Reporting Standard LRS 430.0 Sources of Profit.


Part 2 (Parts of reporting documents covered by this determination)

Part 2 of the Schedule of this determination applies to the information in the following parts of reporting forms given to APRA by a life insurer or friendly society under the following reporting standards, where a period of at least 14 days has elapsed from the date the life insurer or friendly society was required to provide the information required under the reporting standards in accordance with paragraph 5 of Reporting Standard LRS 001 Reporting Requirements:


Parts of reporting form covered by this determination

Reporting standards

LRF 110.1: Prescribed Capital Amount (SF, GF)


Section 1: Summary of prescribed capital amount


(i)      1.LRF 114: Asset risk charge


(ii)    2. LRF 115: Insurance risk charge


(iii)  3. Less: Aggregation benefit


(iv)  4. LRF 200: Aggregate risk charge for variable annuities


(v)    5. LRF 117: Asset concentration risk charge


(vi)  6. LRF 118: Operational risk charge


(vii) 7. Combined stress scenario adjustment


(viii)   8. Adjustments to prescribed capital amount as approved by APRA – total amount only


(ix)  9. Prescribed capital amount


Section 2: Capital adequacy assessment – all data items


LRS 110.0 Prescribed Capital Amount

LRF 110.2: Prescribed Capital Amount (Entity) – all data items



LRS 110.0 Prescribed Capital Amount

LRF 112.3: Related Party Exposures


Section 1: Investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates and contributions to regulatory adjustments


(i)      Total assets – total amount only


(ii)    Value of investment net of goodwill and other intangibles – total amount only.


(iii)  Goodwill – total amount only.


(iv)  Other intangibles total amount only.


(v)    Adjustment for goodwill / other intangibles total amount only.


(vi)  Regulatory capital requirement total amount only.


(vii)   Adjustment for regulatory capital requirement total amount only.


Section 2: Other related party exposures


(viii)      Fair value of exposure – total amount only


LRS 112.3 Related Party Exposures

LRF 114.0: Asset Risk Charge


Section 1: Asset risk charge calculation


(i)      1. Total assets – all data items


(ii)    2. Total liabilities – all data items


(iii)  3. Liability adjustments – all data items


(iv)  4. Off-balance sheet exposures – all data items


(v)    5. Impact on capital base – all data items


(vi)  6. Risk charge components – all data items


(vii) 7. Aggregated risk charge component – all data items


(viii)   8. Adjustments to asset risk charge as approved by APRA – total amount only


(ix)  9. Asset risk charge


Section 2: Additional information Asset risk charge – all data items


LRS 114.0 Asset Risk Charge

LRF 115.0 Insurance Risk Charge (SF)


Section 1: Insurance risk charge calculation


(i)      1. Fund TOTAL: Stressed policy liabilities – all data items


(ii)    2. Fund TOTAL: Adjusted policy liabilities – all data items


(iii)  3. Fund TOTAL: Stress impact on adjusted policy liabilities


(iv)  4. Less: Tax benefits


(v)    5. Adjustments to insurance risk charge as approved by APRA – total amount only


(vi)  6. Insurance risk charge


LRS 115.0 Insurance Risk Charge

LRF 115.1 Insurance Risk Charge (GF)


(i)      1. Expected management fees (net of any assumed reduction shown in 1.1) – all data items


(ii)    2. Expected servicing expenses


(iii)  3. Expected deficiency (before prescribed multiplier)


(iv)  4. Additional deficiency from prescribed servicing expense stress


(v)    5. Expected deficiency (post prescribed multiplier)


(vi)  6. Total servicing expense reserve


(vii) 7. Less: Tax benefits


(viii)   8. Adjustments to insurance risk charge as approved by APRA – total amount only


(ix)  9. Insurance risk charge

LRS 115.0 Insurance Risk Charge

LRF 117.0: Asset Concentration Risk Charge


(i)      1.Value of assets of the fund (VAF) – all data items


(ii)    2. Capital base


(iii)  3. Large Exposures and contributions to asset concentration risk charge –Specialist reinsurer? (Y/N)


Section 3: Totals and risk charges


(iv)  4. Aggregate of excess exposures subjected to asset concentration risk charge – all data items


(v)    5. Adjustments to asset concentration risk charge as approved by APRA – total amount only.


(vi)  6. Asset concentration risk charge


LRS 117.0 Asset Concentration Risk Charge

LRF 118.0: Operational Risk Charge


Section 1: Operational risk charge calculation


(i)      Specialist reinsurer? (Y/N)


(ii)    1. Operational risk charge for risk business – all data items


(iii)  2. Operational risk charge for investment-linked business – all data items


(iv)  3. Operational risk charge for other business – all data items


(v)    4. Adjustments to operational risk charge as approved by APRA – total amount only


(vi)  5. Operational risk charge



LRS 118.0 Operational Risk Charge