Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 10 of 2022
Reporting Standard ARS 743.0 ABS/RBA Housing Finance
Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001
I, Alison Bliss, delegate of APRA, under paragraph 13(1)(a) of the Financial Sector (Collection of Data) Act 2001 (the Act) and subsection 33(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901:
(a) revoke Financial Sector (Collection of Data) (reporting standard) determination No. 36 of 2021, including Reporting Standard ARS 743.0 ABS/RBA Housing Finance made under that Determination; and
(b) determine Reporting Standard ARS 743.0 ABS/RBA Housing Finance, in the form set out in the Schedule, which applies to the financial sector entities to the extent provided in paragraph 4 of the reporting standard.
Under section 15 of the Act, I declare that the reporting standard shall begin to apply to those financial sector entities, and the revoked reporting standard shall cease to apply, on the day it is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation.
This instrument commences upon registration on the Federal Register of Legislation.
Dated: 23 February 2022
Alison Bliss
General Manager
Data Analytics & Insights Division
In this Determination:
APRA means the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority.
financial sector entity has the meaning given by section 5 of the Act.
Reporting Standard ARS 743.0 ABS/RBA Housing Finance comprises the document commencing on the following page.
Reporting Standard ARS 743.0
Objective of this Reporting Standard
This Reporting Standard outlines the requirements for the provision of information to APRA relating to an authorised deposit-taking institution’s or registered financial corporation’s provision of housing finance to households.
It includes Reporting Form ARF 743.0 ABS/RBA Housing Finance and the associated specific instructions.
2. Information collected by Reporting Form ARF 743.0 ABS/RBA Housing Finance (ARF 743.0) is used by the ABS and RBA for various purposes, including statistical publications. This information may also be used by APRA for prudential and publication purposes.
3. This Reporting Standard is an Economic and Financial Statistics (EFS) Reporting Standard for the purposes of Reporting Standard ARS 701.0 ABS/RBA Definitions for the EFS Collection (ARS 701.0).
Application and commencement
4. This Reporting Standard applies to an authorised deposit-taking institution (ADI) or registered financial corporation (RFC) as set out in the table below, where ‘housing credit’ is measured by the values reported in item (column 1) and item 2.1 (column 3) on Reporting Form ARF 720.1A/B ABS/RBA Loans and Finance Leases (Standard)/(Reduced) (ARF 720.1A/B).
Class of financial institution | Applicable |
ADIs | Yes if total housing credit ≥ $3 billion. |
RFCs | Yes if total housing credit ≥ $3 billion. |
5. APRA may from time to time determine that a higher threshold will apply to a particular ADI or RFC than that specified in paragraph 4 of this Reporting Standard and if APRA does so it will notify the ADI or RFC concerned in writing.
6. This Reporting Standard applies for reporting periods ending on or after 31 March 2022.
Information required
7. An ADI or RFC to which this Reporting Standard applies must provide APRA with the information required by this Reporting Standard for each reporting period on a domestic books consolidation.
Method of submission
8. The information required by this Reporting Standard must be given to APRA in electronic format using an electronic method available on APRA’s website or by a method notified by APRA prior to submission.
Reporting periods and due dates
9. The information required by this Reporting Standard must be provided in respect of each calendar month by an ADI or RFC to which this Reporting Standard applies under paragraphs 4 or 5.
10. The information required by this Reporting Standard must be provided to APRA within 10 business days after the end of the reporting period to which the information relates.
11. APRA may, by notice in writing, change the reporting periods, or specified reporting periods, for a particular ADI or RFC, to require it to provide the information required by this Reporting Standard more frequently, or less frequently, having regard to:
(a) the particular circumstances of the ADI or RFC; and
(b) the extent to which the information is required for the purposes of the ABS or RBA.
12. APRA may grant an ADI or RFC an extension of a due date, in writing, in which case the new due date for the provision of the information will be the date on the notice of extension.
Quality control
13. All information provided by an ADI or RFC under this Reporting Standard must be the product of systems, processes and controls that have been reviewed and tested by the external auditor of the ADI or RFC as set out in Prudential Standard APS 310 Audit and Related Matters for ADIs or Reporting Standard RRS 710.0 ABS/RBA Audit Requirements for Registered Financial Corporations for RFCs. Relevant standards and guidance statements issued by the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board provide information on the scope and nature of the review and testing required from external auditors. This review and testing must be done on an annual basis or more frequently if required by the external auditor to enable the external auditor to form an opinion on the accuracy and reliability of the information provided by an ADI or RFC under this Reporting Standard.
14. All information provided by an ADI or RFC under this Reporting Standard must be subject to systems, processes and controls developed by the ADI or RFC for the internal review and authorisation of that information. These systems, processes and controls are to assure the completeness and reliability of the information provided.
15. When an officer or agent of an ADI or RFC submits information under this Reporting Standard and uses a method notified by APRA, it will be necessary for the officer or agent to digitally sign the relevant information using a digital certificate or other digital identity credential acceptable to APRA.
16. Terms that are defined in ARS 701.0 appear in bold and italics in this Reporting Standard.
17. In this Reporting Standard:
due date means the last day of the 10 business days provided for in paragraph 10 or, if applicable, the date on a notice of extension given under paragraph 12.
reporting period means a month of a year as provided for in paragraph 9 or, if applicable, the date on a notice given under paragraph 11.
18. Unless the contrary intention appears, any reference to an Act, Prudential Standard, Reporting Standard, Australian Accounting or Auditing Standard is a reference to the instrument as in force or existing from time to time.
ARF_743_0: ABS/RBA Housing Finance |
Australian Business Number | Institution Name |
Reporting Period | Scale Factor |
Monthly |
Reporting Consolidation |
Domestic |
| Number of facilities | Value |
| (1) | (2) |
1.0. Applications received for housing loans by residents |
1.0.0. Owner-occupied |
| Fixed interest rate |
| Variable interest rate |
1.0.1. Investment |
| Fixed interest rate |
| Variable interest rate |
1.1. Applications received for housing loans by non-residents |
2. New borrower-accepted commitments for housing loans - by location and purpose |
Location of property | Resident loan purpose sub-class | Property purpose | Number of facilities | Value |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
New South Wales | Finance for the purchase of residential land | Owner-occupied |
Victoria | Finance for the construction of new dwellings | Investment |
Queensland | Finance for the purchase of newly erected dwellings |
South Australia | Finance for the purchase of existing dwellings |
Western Australia | Finance for alterations, additions and repairs |
Tasmania | External refinance |
Northern Territory | Internal refinance |
Australian Capital Territory |
Other Australian territories & overseas |
2.0. Total new borrower-accepted commitments for housing loans to residents |
| ||
2.0.0. Owner-occupied |
| || of which: Serviced by foreign-sourced income |
| ||
2.0.1. Investment |
| || of which: Serviced by foreign-sourced income |
| ||
2.1. Total new borrower-accepted commitments for housing loans to non-residents |
| ||
2.1.0. of which: Serviced by foreign-sourced income |
3. New borrower-accepted commitments for housing loans to resident first-home buyers - by location |
Location of property | Property purpose | Number of facilities | Value |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) |
New South Wales | Owner-occupied |
Victoria | Investment |
Queensland |
South Australia |
Western Australia |
Tasmania |
Northern Territory |
Australian Capital Territory |
Other Australian territories & overseas |
3.0. Total new borrower-accepted commitments for housing loans to resident first home buyers |
| |
3.0.0. Owner-occupied |
| | of which: Serviced by foreign-sourced income |
| |
3.0.1. Investment |
| | of which: Serviced by foreign-sourced income |
4. Revolving housing loans to residents |
| Owner-occupied | Investment |
| (1) | (2) |
4.0. New borrower-accepted commitments during the month |
4.1. Cancellations of and reductions in previously committed (and accepted) credit limits during the month |
4.2. Total credit limits available (including credit outstanding) as at the end of the month |
5. Fixed-term housing loans to residents - stocks and flows reconciliation |
| Owner-occupied | Investment |
| (1) | (2) |
5.0. Fixed-term housing loan credit outstanding at the end of the previous month |
5.1. Drawdowns for new loans |
5.2. Other drawdowns |
5.3. Credit sold |
5.3.0. of which: Off-balance sheet securitised |
5.4. Credit purchased |
5.5. Interest charged |
5.6. Scheduled repayments |
5.7. Excess repayments due to discharge of loan |
5.8. Other excess repayments |
5.9. Repayment deficiencies |
5.10. Net write-offs |
5.11. Net change in opening balances due to switching between investment and owner-occupied |
5.12. Other changes to the balance of loan credit outstanding between reporting periods |
5.13. Fixed-term housing loan credit outstanding as at the end of the month |
6. Fixed-term housing loans outstanding to residents - offset accounts, redraw facilities and excess repayments |
| Owner-occupied | Investment |
| (1) | (2) |
6.0. Closing balance of offset accounts |
6.1. Number of facilities with offset accounts |
6.2. Available redraw balances |
6.3. Number of facilities with redraw accounts |
6.4. Stock of other excess repayments that can be used to meet future scheduled payments |
6.5. Value of offset balances, available redraw balances and other excess repayments |
7. Fixed-term housing loans outstanding to residents - future scheduled repayments |
Funds available to meet future repayments | Property purpose | Repayment type | Number of facilities | Average facility credit limit |
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
>=0 to <=1 month | Owner-occupied | Amortising |
>1 to <=3 months | Investment | Interest-only |
>3 to <=6 months |
>6 to <= 9 months |
>9 to <= 12 months |
>12 to <= 24 months |
>24 months |
7.0. Average number of monthly repayments for amortising loans |
| |||
7.1. Average number of monthly repayments for interest-only loans |
Reporting Form ARF 743.0
ABS/RBA Housing Finance
These instructions assist completion of ARF 743.0. ARF 743.0 collects information relating to the provision of finance to households for housing purposes by ADIs and RFCs.
Information reported in ARF 743.0 is required primarily for purposes of the ABS and the RBA. This information is required for various purposes, including policy and statistical purposes. Published aggregate statistics from this collection are used for research and policy formulation by a range of interested parties, including economists, State and Federal Governments, and the private sector. Information reported in ARF 743.0 may also be used by APRA for prudential and publication purposes.
Reporting level
ARF 743.0 must be completed by each ADI and RFC to which this Reporting Standard applies under paragraphs 4 or 5.
Reporting basis and unit of measurement
These instructions specify the reporting basis and unit of measurement that applies to each item.
For reporting purposes, unless specified otherwise, enter data as a positive number.
When reporting by location, report according to the location of the residential property that the finance will be used for, not the location of the collateral (where this differs) or the location where the commitment was made.
For the purposes of this form, report only finance to households for housing purposes.
For the purposes of this form, households may exist in either the resident or non-resident sectors.
Positions with resident and non-resident households are collected separately.
Types of finance
For the purposes of this form, finance includes loans.
When reporting applications and borrower-accepter commitments, report only that finance where the legal lender on the contract is an entity included in the domestic books consolidation of the ADI or RFC.
When reporting information on the stock of outstanding finance (e.g. credit outstanding), only include finance that is held on-balance sheet, unless otherwise directed.
Reporting by purpose
Classify finance at the lowest level at which it is able to be identified; the purpose that the funds will be used for determines whether (and where) it is reported on this form. Where finance (identified at the lowest available level) is to be used for more than one purpose, classify that finance to its predominant purpose (based on the purpose for which the largest share of the funds will be used).
Credit outstanding
Report outstanding finance under the category in which it sits as at the reporting date. For example, if a loan was originally classified as having a fixed interest rate but now has a variable interest rate then it must be reported as variable interest rate for the current reporting period.
Treatment of facilities
Where there is a finance facility with a mix of interest rate or repayment types, follow the instructions below, unless otherwise directed.
When reporting on the number of facilities, report each facility once. Where interest rate types or repayment types are separately identified, report the number of facilities according to the predominant interest rate type or repayment type by value.
When reporting the value of finance, apportion across the relevant interest rate type and/or repayment type dimensions.
Unless otherwise specifically stated, information reported on this form must comply with Australian Accounting Standards.
Report monetary amounts on ARF 743.0 in Australian dollars or the Australian dollar equivalent of the foreign currency. Amounts denominated in foreign currency are to be converted to AUD in accordance with AASB 121 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates (AASB 121).
Report values on ARF 743.0 as whole dollars.
Report numbers on ARF 743.0 unscaled, as whole numbers for ADIs and RFCs.
Report averages on ARF 743.0 unscaled, as numbers to two decimal places.
Standard Business Reporting (SBR)
The accounting type (i.e. credit or debit) is stated for all monetary items and represents the natural accounting balance of the item collected.
Specific instructions
Terms highlighted in bold italics are defined in Reporting Standard ARS 701.0 ABS/RBA Definitions for the EFS Collection (ARS 701.0).
All derived fields in the form are shaded in grey and are explained in words as a mathematical expression in these instructions.
Examples included under ‘Include’ and ‘Exclude’ must not be taken as an exhaustive list of items to be included or excluded.
Item 1 collects information on the number and value of applications for housing loans by households for housing purposes during the reporting period, by property purpose and interest rate type.
Reporting basis: report item 1 as during the reporting period.
Data for resident and non-resident households are collected separately.
Include all genuine applications for finance. Exclude applications for pre-approval of finance.
Include applications for internal refinancing and external refinancing. Record an application as received in the reporting period the application was able to be assessed.
Column 1 | Report the total number of applications for loan facilities. |
Column 2 | Report the value of applications. SBR: submit column 2 with accounting type debit (assets). |
Item 1.1 | Report applications received from resident households for finance for the purpose of housing. Item 1.1 is a derived item. Report applications received from resident households for finance for the purpose of housing in item 1.1 as the sum of item 1.1.1 and item 1.1.2. |
Item 1.1.1 | Report applications received from resident households for finance for the purpose of owner-occupied housing. Item 1.1.1 is a derived item. Report applications received from resident households for finance for the purpose of owner-occupied housing in item 1.1.1 as the sum of item and item |
Item | Report applications received from resident households for finance for the purpose of owner-occupied housing with a fixed interest rate. |
Item | Report applications received from resident households for finance for the purpose of owner-occupied housing with a variable interest rate. |
Item 1.1.2 | Report applications received from resident households for finance for the purpose of investment housing. Item 1.1.2 is a derived item. Report applications received from resident households for finance for the purpose of investment housing in item 1.1.2 as the sum of item and item |
Item | Report applications received from resident households for finance for the purpose of investment housing with a fixed interest rate. |
Item | Report applications received from resident households for finance for the purpose of investment housing with a variable interest rate. |
Item 1.2 | Report applications received from non-resident households for finance for the purpose of housing (both owner-occupied and investment). |
2. New borrower accepted-commitments for housing loans – by location and purpose
Item 2 collects information on the number and value of new borrower-accepted commitments for housing finance made to households during the reporting period, by the location of the residential property that the finance is used for, the purpose sub‑class of the commitment and the property purpose.
Borrower-accepted commitments include agreements to increase the credit limit of an existing loan contract (for example, as part of an internal refinance). For a borrower-accepted commitment, the credit limit is the maximum amount of funds that will be made available to the borrower without additional authorisation or approval. This includes outstanding balances (including capitalised interest or fees) and any other funds that can be drawn without additional approval by the lender in this amount.
Reporting basis: report item 2 as during the reporting period.
SBR: submit item 2 with accounting type of debit (assets).
Data for resident and non-resident households are collected separately.
Column 1 | Report according to the location of the residential property that the finance is used for (see item 2 for further details). |
Column 2 | Report according to the loan purpose sub-class of the housing finance (see item 2 for further details). |
Column 3 | Report according to the property purpose (see item 2 for further details). |
Column 4 | Report the total number of new facilities for the purpose of housing. |
Column 5 | Report the total value of new borrower-accepted commitments for finance for the purpose housing. |
Item 2 | Report new housing borrower-accepted commitments to residents for each combination of location, loan purpose sub-class, and property purpose. The location categories are:
The loan purpose sub-classes of borrower-accepted commitments for housing are:
The property purposes are:
Item 2.1 | Report total new borrower-accepted commitments for finance for the purposes of housing to resident households. Item 2.1 is a derived item. Report total borrower-accepted commitments to resident households for the purpose of housing in item 2.1 as the sum of item 2.1.1 and item 2.1.2. |
Item 2.1.1 | Report total new borrower-accepted commitments for finance for the purpose of owner-occupied housing to resident households. Item 2.1.1 is a derived item. Report total new borrower-accepted commitments to resident households for the purpose of owner-occupied housing for each column in item 2.1.1 as the sum of all combinations of residential property location categories and loan purpose sub-classes reported for owner-occupied housing finance in the corresponding column in item 2. |
Item | Of the amount reported in item 2.1.1, report total new borrower-accepted commitments to residents for the purpose of owner-occupied housing where foreign-sourced income was used in the ADI’s or RFC’s serviceability assessment of the application. |
Item 2.1.2 | Report total new borrower-accepted commitments for finance for the purpose of investment housing to resident households. Item 2.1.2 is a derived item. Report total new borrower-accepted commitments to resident households for the purpose of investment housing for each column in item 2.1.2 as the sum of all combinations of residential property location categories and loan purpose sub-classes reported for investment housing finance in the corresponding column in item 2. |
Item | Of the amount reported in item 2.1.2, report total new borrower-accepted commitments to residents for investment housing loans where foreign-sourced income was used in the ADI’s or RFC’s serviceability assessment of the application. |
Item 2.2 | Report total new borrower-accepted commitments to non-residents for the purpose of housing. Do not report borrower-accepted commitments to non-residents by location and/or purpose. |
Item 2.2.1 | Of the amount reported in item 2.2, report total new borrower-accepted commitments to non-residents for the purpose of housing where foreign-sourced income was used in the ADI’s or RFC’s serviceability assessment of the application. |
3. New borrower-accepted commitments for housing loans to resident first-home buyers – by location
Item 3 collects information on the number and value of new borrower-accepted commitments for housing finance made to resident first-home buyers during the reporting period, by the location of the residential property that the finance is used for and property purpose (owner-occupied or investment).
Reporting basis: report item 3 as during the reporting period.
SBR: submit item 3 with accounting type of debit (assets).
Include resident households. Exclude non-resident households.
Exclude internal refinancing and external refinancing of loans that were initially extended to first-home buyers. These must be reported in item 2.
Column 1 | Report according to the location of the residential property that the finance is used for (see item 3 for further details). |
Column 2 | Report according to the property purpose (see item 3 for further details). |
Column 3 | Report the total number of new facilities for finance for the purpose of housing. |
Column 4 | Report the total value of new borrower-accepted commitments for the purpose of housing. |
Item 3 | Report new borrower-accepted commitments to resident first‑home buyers for each combination of location and property purpose. The location categories are:
The property purposes are:
Item 3.1 | Report total new borrower-accepted commitments for finance for the purposes of housing to resident first-home buyers. Item 3.1 is a derived item. Report total borrower-accepted commitments to resident first‑home buyers for the purpose of housing in item 3.1 as the sum of item 3.1.1 and item 3.1.2. |
Item 3.1.1 | Report total new borrower-accepted commitments for finance for the purpose of owner-occupied housing to resident first-home buyers. Item 3.1.1 is a derived item. Report total new borrower-accepted commitments to resident first-home buyers for the purpose of owner-occupied housing for each column in item 3.1.1 as the sum of all combinations of residential property location categories reported for owner-occupied housing finance in item 3. |
Item | Of the amount reported in item 3.1.1, report total new borrower-accepted commitments to resident first-home buyers for the purpose of owner-occupied housing where foreign-sourced income was used in the ADI’s or RFC’s serviceability assessment of the application. |
Item 3.1.2 | Report total new borrower-accepted commitments for finance for the purpose of investment housing to resident first-home buyers. Item 3.1.2 is a derived item. Report total new borrower-accepted commitments to resident first-home buyers for the purpose of investment housing for each column in item 3.1.2 as the sum of all combinations of residential property location categories reported for investment housing finance in the corresponding column in item 3. |
Item | Of the amount reported in item 3.1.2, report total new borrower-accepted commitments to resident first-home buyers for investment housing loans where foreign-sourced income was used in the ADI’s or RFC’s serviceability assessment of the application. |
4. Revolving housing loans to residents
Item 4 collects information on the credit limits for revolving credit facilities for housing finance made available to resident households from reporting period to reporting period.
Borrower-accepted commitments include agreements to increase the credit limit of an existing loan contract (for example, as part of an internal refinance). For a borrower-accepted commitment, the credit limit is the maximum amount of funds that will be made available to the borrower without additional authorisation or approval. This includes outstanding balances (including capitalised interest or fees) and any other funds that can be drawn without additional approval by the lender in this amount.
Reporting basis: report item 4 as at the end of the reporting period or during the reporting period as directed.
Include resident households. Exclude non-resident households.
Include revolving credit facilities. Exclude fixed-term finance.
Report credit limits and credit outstanding in the category in which they sit as at the reporting date.
Column 1 | Report the value for owner-occupied housing loans. |
Column 2 | Report the value for investment housing loans. |
Item 4.1 | Report new credit limits committed to and accepted by resident households for revolving credit facilities during the reporting period. Include the value of credit limits for new borrower-accepted commitments for the purpose of internal refinance and external refinance. SBR: submit item 4.1 with accounting type of debit (assets). |
Item 4.2 | Report cancellations of and reductions in resident households’ previously committed revolving credit limits during the reporting period. Include the value of credit limits cancelled during the reporting period due to an internal refinance or external refinance. Exclude repayments that reduce the used portion of the revolving credit facility, but not the total credit available. SBR: submit item 4.2 with accounting type of credit (negative assets). |
Item 4.3 | Report total credit limits available to resident households (including credit outstanding) as at the end of the reporting period. SBR: submit item 4.3 with accounting type of debit (assets). |
5. Fixed-term housing loans to residents – stocks and flows reconciliation
Item 5 provides a reconciliation of changes in the outstanding balance of fixed-term housing loans to resident households that are held on-balance sheet over the reporting period. It does this by beginning with the previous reporting period’s closing balance for loans, and then accounting for the movement over the reporting period by identifying the components due to new drawdowns, interest, repayments and other adjustments.
Reporting basis: report item 5 as at the end of the reporting period or during the reporting period as directed.
Include resident households. Exclude non-resident households.
Include fixed-term loans. Exclude revolving credit.
Report credit limits and credit outstanding in the category in which they sit as at the reporting date.
For any changes between owner-occupied and investment loans:
Column 1 | Report the value for owner-occupied housing loans. |
Column 2 | Report the value for investment housing loans. |
Item 5.1 | Report credit outstanding for the stock of fixed-term housing loans to resident households as at the end of the previous reporting period. This item equals item 5.14 as reported in the previous reporting period. SBR: submit item 5.1 with accounting type of debit (assets). |
Item 5.2 | Report all amounts drawn down on fixed-term housing loans to resident households newly funded during the reporting period. Where the loan is disbursed over a period of time (as for a loan for construction purposes), include only the portion newly drawn in each reporting period. Include drawdowns where:
Exclude drawdowns from redraw facilities on existing fixed-term loans during the reporting period. Report these in item 5.3. SBR: submit item 5.2 with accounting type of debit (assets). |
Item 5.3 | Report all other loan amounts drawn down during the reporting period that are not recorded in item 5.2. Include drawdowns from redraw facilities on existing fixed-term loans during the reporting period. SBR: submit item 5.3 with accounting type of debit (assets). |
Item 5.4 | Report the credit sold during the reporting period (excluding any premium or discount). Only include loans that are no longer recorded as being on-balance sheet as a result of this sale. SBR: submit item 5.4.1 with accounting type of credit (negative assets). |
Item 5.4.1 | Of the amount reported at item 5.4, report loans that are no longer recorded on-balance sheet because they were classified as off-balance sheet securitised during the reporting period. SBR: submit item 5.4.1 with accounting type of credit (negative assets). |
Item 5.5 | Report the credit purchased during the reporting period (excluding any premium or discount). Include loans that were not previously recorded as being on-balance sheet but are now recorded as on-balance sheet as a result of the purchase of credit. SBR: submit item 5.5 with accounting type of debit (asset). |
Item 5.6 | Report the interest charged by the lender on outstanding loan balances during the reporting period, whether or not it is actually received from the borrower. Report this amount in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards. SBR: submit item 5.6 with accounting type of debit (asset). |
Item 5.7 | Report the total (interest and other charges plus principal as applicable) repayments due during the reporting period in accordance with the loan conditions, whether or not the payments were actually received from the borrower (scheduled repayments). This is the contracted, agreed or minimum repayment amount. SBR: submit item 5.7 with accounting type of credit (negative assets). |
Item 5.8 | Report the total value of loans, net of scheduled repayments that are repaid in full during the reporting period due to the discharge of the loan. Include repayments due to:
SBR: submit item 5.8 with accounting type of credit (negative assets). |
Item 5.9 | Report the value of any other excess repayments over the reporting period for each loan that made excess repayments over the reporting period. To be calculated at the loan level. Include payments into redraw facilities. Exclude:
SBR: submit item 5.9 with accounting type of credit (negative assets). |
Item 5.10 | Report the sum of the amounts by which scheduled repayments (interest and other charges plus principal as applicable) exceeded actual repayments for each loan where repayments were deficient over the reporting period. Calculate this at the loan level. Exclude loans that did not record a payment deficiency. SBR: submit item 5.10 with accounting type of debit (assets). |
Item 5.11 | Report the value of loans written off during the reporting period less the amount recovered during the reporting period from any previously written-off loans. Exclude amounts recovered through sales of collateral. SBR: submit item 5.11 with accounting type of credit (negative assets). |
Item 5.12 | Record the net value as at the end of the previous reporting period of any loans that switched between owner-occupied and investment in the current reporting period. In each column, report the net value of loans that have moved into each category. SBR: submit item 5.12 with accounting type of debit (assets). |
Item 5.13 | Report any other adjustments to the outstanding loan balance during the reporting period that are not reported in items 5.2 to 5.12. Include changes due to exchange rate valuation adjustments for foreign-currency-denominated loans, fees associated with the loan that are not paid by the borrower and which are instead capitalised against the loan balance during the current reporting period, changes in the purpose class of the loan, and changes due to write-offs or write-backs in the previous reporting period or during the reporting period etc. Exclude adjustments arising from the switching of loans between owner‑occupied and investment. Report these at item 5.12. Item 5.13 is a derived item. Report any other adjustments to the outstanding loan balance during the reporting period that are not reported in items 5.2 to 5.12 as item 5.14 less: the sum of items 5.1 to 5.3 inclusive, item 5.5, item 5.6, item 5.10 and item 5.12; plus the sum of item 5.4, item 5.7 to item 5.9 inclusive and item 5.11. Report item 5.13 as a positive or negative number as appropriate. SBR: submit item 5.13 with accounting type of debit (assets). For example, for an increase to the stock of credit outstanding report as a positive value. |
Item 5.14 | Report credit outstanding for the stock of fixed-term housing loans to resident households as at the end of the reporting period. SBR: submit item 5.14 with accounting type of debit (assets). |
6. Fixed-term housing loans outstanding to residents – offset accounts, redraw facilities and excess repayments
Item 6 provides information on the balances in offset accounts attached to housing loans, on available redraw balances and on any other accumulated excess repayments that can be used to meet future scheduled repayments on housing loans.
Reporting basis: report item 6 as at the end of the reporting period.
Include resident households. Exclude non-resident households.
Include fixed-term loans. Exclude revolving credit loans.
Report outstanding loans according to the property purpose category in which they sit as at the reporting date.
Exclude loans (and any linked offset accounts or redraw facilities) that are 90 days or more past-due or non-performing as at the end of the reporting period.
Column 1 | Report the number of facilities or the value of balances associated with owner-occupied housing loans as directed. |
Column 2 | Report the number of facilities or the value of balances associated with investment housing loans as directed. |
Item 6.1 | Report the gross balance in all deposit accounts that are offset against the balance of an outstanding housing loan when calculating the interest owing (value of offset accounts). SBR: submit item 6.1 with accounting type of credit (liability). |
Item 6.2 | Report the number of housing loan facilities outstanding as at the end of the reporting period with an offset account attached to them (regardless of whether there is a positive value in the offset account). In the case of loans with a mix of interest rate or repayment types, report each facility once; do not report individual facilities with more than one interest rate type or repayment type as multiple facilities. |
Item 6.3 | Report the total value of accumulated excess (advance) repayments in redraw facilities as at the end of the reporting period that are accessible to households at a later date. This item represents the maximum amount of redraw balances that could be drawn down without bringing the balance of the loan account above that specified in the loan schedule. SBR: submit item 6.3 with accounting type credit (negative asset). |
Item 6.4 | Report the number of housing loan facilities outstanding as at the end of the reporting period with a redraw facility attached to them (regardless of whether there are any available funds in the redraw facility). In the case of loans with a mix of interest rates or repayment types, report each facility once; do not report individual facilities with more than one interest rate type or repayment type as multiple facilities. |
Item 6.5 | Report the total value of accumulated excess (advance) repayments not in redraw facilities as at the end of the reporting period that are accessible to households at a later date to meet future scheduled repayments. This item represents the maximum amount that could be drawn down without bringing the balance of the loan account above that specified in the loan schedule. SBR: submit item 6.5 with accounting type credit (negative asset). |
Item 6.6 | Report the total gross balances in any offset accounts linked to housing loans and the total value of accumulated excess repayments that can be used to meet future scheduled repayments (whether in redraw facilities or not). Item 6.6 is a derived item. Report item 6.6 as the sum of item 6.1, item 6.3, and item 6.5. SBR: submit item 6.6 with accounting type credit (negative asset). |
7. Fixed-term housing loans outstanding to residents – future scheduled repayments
Item 7 collects information on the distribution of housing loans by accumulated excess repayments that can be used to meet future scheduled repayments and balances in associated redraw and offset accounts, scaled by the number of monthly scheduled repayments as at the end of the reporting period.
Reporting basis: report item 7 as at the end of the reporting period.
SBR: submit item 7 with accounting type of debit (assets).
Include resident households. Exclude non-resident households.
Include fixed-term loans. Exclude revolving credit loans.
Report outstanding loans according to the property purpose category in which they sit as at the reporting date.
Exclude loans (and any linked offset accounts or redraw facilities) that are 90 days or more past-due or non-performing as at the end of the reporting period.
Where there is finance with a mix of repayment rate types, follow the instructions below.
Column 1 | Report according to the number of monthly scheduled repayments that the stock of accumulated excess repayments and balances in associated redraw and offset accounts (as reported in item 6) would be sufficient cover at the end of the reporting period. See item 7 for further details. |
Column 2 | Report according to the property purpose (see item 7 for further details). |
Column 3 | Report according to the loan repayment type (see item 7 for further details). |
Column 4 | Report the number of fixed-term housing loan facilities. |
Column 5 | Report the average facility credit limit available. |
Item 7 | Report the number of facilities and the average facility credit limit of outstanding housing loans for each combination of number of monthly scheduled repayments categories, property purpose and repayment type. The number of monthly scheduled repayments categories are:
The property purposes are:
The repayment types are:
Where the frequency of scheduled repayments is not monthly, convert it to monthly and then calculate the equivalent number of monthly repayments. |
Item 7.1 | Report the average number of monthly scheduled repayments that the stock of accumulated excess repayments and balances in associated redraw and offset accounts (as reported in item 6) would be sufficient to cover for amortising loans reported in item 7. |
Item 7.2 | Report the average number of monthly scheduled repayments that the stock of accumulated excess repayments and balances in associated redraw and offset accounts (as reported in item 6) would be sufficient to cover for interest-only loans reported in item 7. |