Commonwealth of Australia coat of arms

Commonwealth of Australia

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999

Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (Recovery PlanPolytelis swainsonii) Instrument 2022


I, Sussan Ley, Minister for the Environment, under subsection 269A(2) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth), hereby make a recovery plan for the listed threatened species Polytelis swainsonii, entitled National Recovery Plan for the Superb Parrot (Polytelis swainsonii).

The recovery plan will commence on the day after it is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation.


Dated this                 8th              day of              April 2022                


Sussan Ley


Sussan Ley

Minister for the Environment (Commonwealth)

Title page for the National Recovery Plan for the Superb Parrot Polytelis swainsonii

Publication and intellectual property information

Table of Contents

A picture of the Superb Parrot with a dedication to Rick Webster, who contributed significantly to the ecological knowledge and conservation of the Superb Parrot for over 30 years.

























































































































































Recovery Plan Objective




























































   Chapter 1








































































































































































Table 1 National and state conservation status of superb parrot. The Superb Parrot is considered Vulnerable under the Commonwealth, ACT and NSW. The Superb Parrot is considered Endangered in VIC.



















































































































































































































































































































Figure 1 Map indicating Modelled distribution of the Superb Parrot (Polytelis swainsonii)























































































































Chapter 2

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Table 2 indicating the Risk prioritisation by likelihood of occurrence and consequences.
















































































































































































































































































































































































Table 3 indicating the Superb Parrot risk matrix by likelihood of occurrence and consequences









































































































Chapter 3

Populations Under  

Particular Pressure




An image of two Superb Parrots embracing on a tree branch.






















































 Chapter 4

Recovery Plan Vision, Objectives and Strategies


































































Chapter 5

Actions to Achieve the

 Specific Objectives















































Table of Strategy 1 which seeks to identify, protect, manage and strategically restore Superb Parrot breeding, foraging and movement habitats at the local, regional and landscape scales


Table of Strategy 1 which seeks to identify, protect, manage and strategically restore Superb Parrot breeding, foraging and movement habitats at the local, regional and landscape scales (continued)

Table for Strategy 2 which seeks to define, monitor, reduce and manage threats to the Superb Parrot at the local, regional and landscape scales

Table for Strategy 2 to define, monitor, reduce and manage threats to the Superb Parrot at the local, regional and landscape scales (continued)

Table for Strategy 2 to define, monitor, reduce and manage threats to the Superb Parrot at the local, regional and landscape scales (continued)


Table for Strategy 3 which seeks to Expand and sustain ecologically meaningful monitoring to track changes in Superb Parrot distribution, habitat use and population size, including developing and applying techniques to measure the success of recovery actions

Table for Strategy 4 which seeks to improve understanding of Superb Parrot movement ecology across multiple scales to better target protection and restoration measures


Table for Strategy 5 which seeks to engage local communities and stakeholders in Superb Parrot conservation


Table for Strategy 5 which seeks to engage local communities and stakeholders in Superb Parrot conservation (continued)

Table for Strategy 6 which seeks to coordinate, review and report on Superb Parrot recovery progress






Chapter 6

Duration and cost of the

recovery process















Table 4 Summary of recovery actions and estimated costs in for the first five years of implementation (these estimated costs do not take into account inflation over time)

Description automatically generated




Chapter 7

Effects on other native species and biodiversity benefits



















An image containing baby Superb Parrots nestled in the hands of an individual.




















































 Chapter 8

Social and economic

























































































































   Chapter 9

Affected interests




























































Table 5 Affected interests and their contribution to the Recovery Plan


Table 5 detailing Affected interests and their contribution to the Recovery Plan (continued)










































































 Chapter 10





























































   Chapter 11

Organisations/persons involved

in evaluating the performance of the plan



















































An image of a Superb Parrot perched on a branch














































































