On the commencement date specified below, and for the reasons set out in the background section, the CASA delegate whose signature appears below repeals Airworthiness Directive (AD) AD/BEECH 55/79 Amdt 4 and issues the following AD under subregulation 39.001 (1) of CASR and subsection 33 (3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901. The AD requires that the action set out in the requirement section (being action that the delegate considers necessary to correct an unsafe condition) be taken in relation to the aircraft or aeronautical product mentioned in the applicability section: (a) in the circumstances mentioned in the requirement section; and (b) in accordance with the instructions set out in the requirement section; and (c) at the time mentioned in the compliance section.

Textron Aviation (Beechcraft) 55, 58 and 95-55 (Baron) Series Aeroplanes



All models of Textron Aviation (Beechcraft) 55, 58 and 95-55 series aircraft.


1. Remove inspection covers from wing attach fitting recesses and inspect for corrosion or loss of inhibitor. Also inspect drain holes for any blockage that would cause water or debris to accumulate.

Note 1:  It may be necessary to use a bright light and mirror/magnifying glass to see hard to view areas of the bolt or fittings for signs of corrosion on accessible areas of the bolt. Non accessible areas like the bolt thread encapsulated by the nut will be inhibited, so it is highly unlikely they will experience corrosion unless the general surrounding area is corroded.

2. Remove and inspect the wing bolts, washers, nuts and fittings in accordance with Beechcraft Baron Shop Manual 55-590000-13G Revision G12, Section 57-10-00, for model 55 and 58 series; or Baron Maintenance Manual 102-590000-5 Revision A25, Section 57-00-00, for model 58P and TC series, both as in force on the date of commencement of this AD.

Note 2:  The bolt torque should be checked before removal for inspection or replacement to confirm the bolt has been torqued to correct value. If the torque value is incorrect, other maintenance action may be required.

3. Retire wing bolts, washers and nuts from service and replace with new hardware in accordance with Beechcraft Baron Shop Manual 55-590000-13G Revision G12 Section 57-10-00 or Baron Maintenance Manual 102-590000-5 Revision A25 Section 57-00-00 as applicable, both as in force on the date of commencement of this AD. Render unserviceable all hardware retired.


For Requirement 1:

Every 12 calendar months for all aircraft. If visible corrosion is found within the recess or on visible portion of the bolt or nuts, washers or fittings, then Requirement 2 must be accomplished before further flight.






For Requirement 2:

a. For aircraft operating only in private operations:


i. unless the inspection has already been accomplished in accordance with either of the requirement documents within 10 years from the installation of the wing bolts, inspect within 100 hours’ time in service (TIS) or 12 months from the commencement date of this AD, whichever occurs first.

Note 3: Installation of the wing bolts includes where they are removed for inspection purposes and re-installed.

ii. re-inspect at intervals not to exceed 10 years from the previous inspection.

b. For all other operational categories,

i. unless the inspection has already been accomplished in accordance with either of the requirement documents within 5 years from the installation of the wing bolts, inspect within 100 hours’ time in service (TIS) or 12 months from the commencement date of this AD, whichever occurs first.

Note 4: Installation of the wing bolts includes where they are removed for inspection purposes and re-installed.

ii. re-inspect at intervals not to exceed 5 years from the previous inspection.

For Requirement 3:

Before 15 years TIS after the first installation of new zero time wing bolts.

Mandatory reporting requirements:

Both NIL findings of defects and confirmed defects for Requirement 2 inspection must be reported to CASA.


This AD commences on 19 July 2022.


The initial issue of this Airworthiness Directive became effective on 1 February 1996 and made mandatory the inspection and replacement periods for the wing attachment hardware as detailed in the requirement document.

Amendment 1 of this AD updated the revision status of the Beech 55 Shop Manual.

Amendment 2 of this AD added the Note to Requirement 2 and added the fittings as an item to be inspected when the wing bolts, washers and nuts are removed and inspected.

Amendment 3 removed the alternative means of compliance that had been issued to allow in-situ inspection of the wing attachment bolts and nuts rather than conduct the manufacturer’s required MPI.

Amendment 4 of this AD was issued to extend the compliance time for Requirement 1 by two months whilst the proposed airworthiness directive process was conducted for AD/BEECH 55/79 Amdt 5.




Amendment 5 of this AD allows for aircraft used in private operations to be visually inspected for corrosion in the exposed areas of the wing attach bolts and wing fitting recess with the inspection interval increased from 5 to 10 years, in lieu of using the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions. For all other types of operations, the inspection requirements remain unchanged, requiring inspection of the wing attach hardware and fitting recess per the manufacturer’s maintenance data.

Delegate signature

David Punshon
Delegate of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority

15 June 2022