Industry Research and Development (clinical trials, phase 0, I, II, III, pre-market pilot stage, pre-market pivotal stage, for an unapproved therapeutic good) Determination 2022
I, Andrew Stevens, Acting Chairperson, Industry Innovation and Science (the Board), in accordance with subsection 31D of the Industry Research and Development Act 1986, make the following determination.
Dated: 30 March 2022
Andrew Stevens
Acting Chair
Industry Innovation and Science Australia
This instrument is the Industry Research and Development (clinical trials, phase 0, I, II, III, pre-market pilot stage, pre-market pivotal stage, for an unapproved therapeutic good) Determination 2022.
This instrument is taken to have commenced on the day after it is registered on the Federal Register of Legislation.
This instrument is made under subsection 31D(1) of the Industry Research and Development Act 1986.
Note: A number of expressions used in this instrument are defined in Division 355 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, including the following:
(a) core R&D activities; and
(b) R&D entity.
In this instrument:
biosimilar medicine means a version of an already-registered biological medicine. These medicines may be referred to as similar biological medicinal products, similar biotherapeutic products, subsequent entry products, bioequivalents, or follow-on products. Both the biosimilar and its reference medicine will have the following similar characteristics (demonstrated using comprehensive comparability studies): physicochemical, biological, immunological, efficacy and safety.
generic product means a medicine that, in comparison to a registered medicine or a medicine that has been registered but is no longer a registered medicine (the comparison medicine):
(a) has the same quantitative composition of therapeutically active substances, being substances of similar quality to those used in the comparison medicine; and
(b) has the same pharmaceutical form; and
(c) is bioequivalent; and
(d) has the same safety and efficacy properties.
phase 0 clinical trial (human pharmacology (micro-dosing)) means a clinical trial that involves dosing a limited number of humans with a limited range of doses of a medicine or biological for a limited period of time with the objective of:
(a) assessing pharmacokinetics; and
(b) gathering preliminary data on pharmacokinetics and bioavailability to determine if the drug behaves as expected from preclinical studies ‘micro-dosing’ studies.
phase I clinical trial (human pharmacology) means a clinical trial that involves the first administration to humans of a medicine or biological with the objective of assessing its safety and tolerance. In includes defining or describing pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics; determining dosing; exploring drug metabolism and drug interactions; and identifying preferred routes of administration.
(a) Phase Ia: a clinical trial that involves a single ascending dose.
(b) Phase Ib: a clinical trails that involves a multiple ascending dose.
phase II clinical trial (therapeutic exploratory) means a clinical trial undertaken in a larger group of human patients with the objective of evaluating the efficacy and safety of a medicine or biological.
(c) Phase IIa: a clinical trialtrials to demonstrate clinical efficacy or biological activity through pilot studies and to explore therapeutic dose range.
(d) Phase IIb: a clinical trial to determine optimum therapeutic dose and regimen (with efficacy as primary endpoint); and to resolve uncertainties regarding the design and conduct of subsequent trials.
phase III clinical trial (therapeutic confirmatory) means a clinical trial that involves a large group of patients and aims to evaluate the safety, efficacy or effectiveness of a medicine or biological.
(a) Phase IIIa: a clinical trial to determine the therapeutic effect in patient populations for which the drug is eventually intended. It provides a definitive assessment of risk-benefit balance (to support drug registration or change in clinical practice).
(b) Phase IIIb: a clinical trial to increase patient exposure and support marketing claims or publication.
phase IV clinical trial (therapeutic use) means a clinical trial of a medicine or biological that includes: post-marketing surveillance or resolution of treatment uncertainties; monitoring safety in real-world populations; refining knowledge of the risk-benefit balance, detecting rare or long-term adverse effects, and drug interactions; pharmacoeconomics to gather data in support of the use; comparative effectiveness and community-based research (sometimes described as Phase V trials); and trial combinations with existing products.
post-market stage clinical trial means a confirmatory investigation of a medical device to establish performance and safety; or observational investigations or surveillance to gain a better understanding of device safety, long-term outcomes, and health economics.
pre-market pilot stage clinical trial means a clinical trial of a medical device that involves a small group of human patients with the objective of being an exploratory investigation to determine preliminary safety and performance information to plan design modifications or provide support for a future pivotal study. It includes first in human and feasibility studies or proof of concept.
pre-market pivotal stage clinical trial means a clinical trial of a medical device that involves a confirmatory investigation to evaluate performance and safety for a specified intended use to satisfy pre-market regulatory requirements.
Register means the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods maintained under section 9A of the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989.
unapproved therapeutic good means a therapeutic good yet to be entered on the Register.
Subject to section 6 of this instrument, for the purpose of Industry Innovation and Science Australia (the Board) exercising its power or performing its duty to make a finding pursuant to sections 27B, 27J or 28A of the Industry Research and Development Act 1986, phase 0 clinical trials, phase I clinical trials, phase II clinical trials, phase III clinical trials, pre-market pilot stage clinical trials, and pre-market pivotal stage clinical trials for an unapproved therapeutic good that are:
None of the following will be core R&D activities for the purposes of section 5 of this instrument:
Note: For the avoidance of doubt, the inclusion of activities in section 6 of this instrument does not mean these activities are not core R&D activities. Activities listed in subsubsections 6(a), (b) (c), (d) (e), (f) and (g) of this instrument may meet the definition of core R&D activities, but they do not come within the scope of section 5 of this instrument and so an R&D entity will need to demonstrate such activities meet the definition of core R&D activities independently, without the support of this instrument.
Sections 5 and 6 of this instrument can apply to part of an activity for the purpose of the Board exercising its power or performing its duty to make a finding pursuant to sections 27B, 27J or 28A of the Industry Research and Development Act 1986.