Inspector-General of Taxation (Acting Arrangements) Appointment (No. 1) 2022
I, Stephen Jones, Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services, acting under section 29 of the Inspector-General of Taxation Act 2003 and subsection 33A(1) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901, appoint David Pengilley to act as the Inspector-General of Taxation:
(a) for the period 10 October 2022 until 15 October 2022; and
(b) for the period 22 November 2022 until 2 December 2022;
and determine that the following terms and conditions apply:
(c) the appointment is on a full-time basis;
(d) the appointee is to receive additional remuneration during the periods of appointment referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) so that their total base salary (within the meaning of the Australian Public Service Remuneration Report 2021 published by the Australian Public Service Commission), including any salary received for the appointee’s role as General Manager for the Inspector-General of Taxation, is $290,180 per annum (pro-rated for those periods); and
(e) the appointee is to continue to receive the other entitlements (including superannuation), during those periods of appointment, that the appointee usually receives in their substantive role as General Manager for the Inspector-General of Taxation determined by reference to the base salary specified in paragraph (d).
Dated 10 October 2022
Stephen Jones
Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services