Commonwealth Coat of Arms



Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999


List of Specimens taken to be Suitable for Live Import Amendment
(Names of Twenty-four Species of Freshwater Fish) Instrument 2023


I, Dwaine McMaugh, Delegate of the Minister for the Environment and Water, pursuant to paragraph 303EC(1)(b) of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, amend the List of specimens taken to be suitable for live import (29/11/2001), established under section 303EB of the Act:


Under Part 1 of the Live Import List under the heading Vertebrate Animals, Bony fishes (Osteichthyes), delete:



Common name

Blue acara

Epalzeorhynchos kalopterus

Flying Fox

Laubuca laubuca

Indian Hatchet Fish

Neolamprologus meeli of minimum length 3 cm SL

African cichlid

Puntius arulius

Longfin Barb, Arulius Barb

Puntius asoka

Asoka Barb

Puntius conchonius

Rosy Barb

Puntius cumingii

Cummings Barb, Two Spot Barb

Puntius everetti

Clown Barb

Puntius fasciatus

Striped Barb

Puntius filamentosus

Black Spot Barb

Puntius hexazona

Tiger Barb

Puntius lateristriga

Spanner Barb

Puntius lineatus

Striped Barb

Puntius nigrofasciatus

Ruby Barb

Puntius oligolepis

Checkered Barb

Puntius partipentazona

Tiger barb

Puntius pentazona

Five-banded Barb

Puntius semifasciolatus of minimum length 3 cm SL

Golden Barb, Chinese Barb

Puntius tetrazona

Tiger Barb, Sumatra Barb

Puntius ticto

Ticto Barb

Secutor ruconius

Deep pugnose ponyfish

Sturisoma panamense of minimum length 10 cm SL

Armoured catfish

Trichogaster trichopterus

Golden Gourami, Three Spot Gourami

Under Part 1 of the Live Import List under the heading Vertebrate Animals, Bony fishes (Osteichthyes), add in the appropriate alphabet position:



Common name

Andinoacara pulcher of minimum length 3 cm SL

blue acara

Barbodes everetti

clown barb

Barbodes lateristriga

spanner barb

Barbodes semifasciolatus minimum length 3 cm SL

golden barb, Chinese barb

Dawkinsia arulius

longfin barb, Arulius barb

Dawkinsia filamentosa

blackspot barb

Desmopuntius hexazona

tiger barb

Desmopuntius pentazona

five-banded barb

Epalzeorhynchos kalopterum

flying fox

Haludaria fasciata

melon barb

Laubuka laubuca

Indian hatchet fish

Leiognathus ruconius

deep pugnose ponyfish

Lepidiolamprologus meeli of minimum length 3 cm SL

African cichlid

Oliotius oligolepis

checkered barb

Pethia conchonius

rosy barb

Pethia cumingii

Cummings barb, two spot barb

Pethia nigrofasciata

ruby barb

Pethia ticto

Ticto barb

Puntigrus partipentazona

tiger barb

Puntigrus tetrazona

tiger barb, Sumatra barb

Striuntius lineatus

striped barb

Sturisomatichthys panamense of minimum length 10 cm SL

armoured catfish

Systomus asoka

Asoka barb

Trichopodus trichopterus

golden gourami, three spot gourami


This instrument commences the day after registration.


Dated:  27 January 2023



Signature of Dwaine McMaugh 


Dwaine McMaugh

Delegate of the Minister for the Environment and Water