Commonwealth Coat of Arms of Australia


Defence (Individual benefits) Determination 2023 (No. 2)

I, FIONA LOUISE McSPEERIN, Assistant Secretary, People Policy and Employment Conditions, make the following Determination under section 58B of the Defence Act 1903.

Dated 8 March 2023

Fiona Louise McSpeerin

Assistant Secretary
People Policy and Employment Conditions
Defence People Group



1  Name

2  Commencement

3  Authority

4  Purpose

5  Application

6  Definitions

7  Recreation leave

8  Repeal


1  Name

This instrument is the Defence (Individual benefits) Determination 2023 (No. 2).

2  Commencement

 This instrument commences on the day after registration.

3  Authority

This instrument is made under section 58B of the Defence Act 1903.

4  Purpose

This Determination provides a payment in lieu of recreation leave for a member due to exceptional circumstances.

5  Application

This Determination applies to the member holding the employee identification number 8564568.

6  Definitions

In this Determination:

Defence Determination means Defence Determination 2016/19, Conditions of service, as in force from time to time.

Recreation leave credits means any recreation leave credits accrued or purchased under Chapter 5 Part 4 of the Defence Determination.

7  Recreation leave

  1. The member is to be paid an amount for their recreation leave credits that they have accrued up to, and including, the date of commencement of this Determination.
  2. The amount payable under subsection 1 is calculated in accordance with section 5.4.44 of the Defence Determination.
  3. The member’s recreation leave credits are reduced by the number of credits for which the member received a payment under subsection 1.

8  Repeal

This Determination repeals on 30 April 2023.